Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 5 Chapter 6 - School trip schedule

Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 5 Chapter 6   School trip schedule

Well, with that being said, it has been decided that we will train each of the four individuals individually, unlike our usual group training… but it seems impossible no matter how you look at it.

I only have one body, so it’s impossible for me to face each of the four people individually.

Even if we take turns every day, it would still be a rotation every four days, which wouldn’t allow for proper teaching.

Especially with Asada. What I’m teaching her is clear in terms of what needs to be done, but the path to completion is much longer compared to the others.

Moreover, I don’t even know where the goal is, so I have to provide assistance.

Furthermore, if the training goes wrong and their magical powers go out of control, it would be dangerous to let them do it alone.

However, it’s also necessary for the other three to take care of them, so even if we shift the schedule, we simply don’t have enough time to begin with.

So, why not just skip the normal training altogether? That’s what I’ve come to think.

Well, regular team training is definitely important, but it’s become unnecessary for them, and training Asada and Miyano together doesn’t make sense anymore.

Going into the dungeon with unresolved issues is dangerous.

For a while, we won’t be able to earn money or gain evaluations by delving into the dungeon, but we’ve already earned enough from both, so it’s not a problem.

So, as a result, we decided to eliminate the regular team training during our free periods and instead focus on individual training.

However, the fact remains that we still lack both time and physical stamina.

Therefore, I’ve decided to group Miyano, Abe, and Kitahara together.

Miyano has the least amount of tasks to do, and she can train normally even when there are people around.

Abe and Kitahara, practicing swords with Miyano, can practice with her to some extent. Also, the “magic that uses magic” that I taught Miyano is something that should be taught to both Abe and Kitahara, so it’s more efficient to group them together.

That leaves Asada alone, but there’s no helping that.

Considering safety, it might be better for Asada to be with the other three as well.

With the three of them, or more accurately Kitahara

If their magic power is on the verge of going out of control, they can put up a barrier, and if they happen to get injured, they can receive immediate assistance.

But it’s probably too early to train Asada together with Miyano in the current situation.

It would be better to have some kind of foundation before training together.

For these reasons, ultimately, we’ll start by observing Miyano and the others, checking their training progress from the previous day, giving them instructions for the day, maybe for about an hour? After that, we’ll go to Asada, who will be waiting in a separate room, to oversee her training in magic control and such.

And so, rather than calling it training, it feels more like intense training.

Well, it’s been about two weeks since we started that intense training.

Thanks to the results of that training, Miyano and the other two have mastered the way I taught them to use magic, and they have become capable of decent combat using those techniques.

Well, it hasn’t been long since they became capable, so there are still times when they make mistakes in situational judgment regarding which technique to use. But with time, they’ll figure it out.

And the same goes for Asada; she also achieved results.

It’s unclear whether it’s because Asada has a higher rank than Hiro and the others, or maybe because she smashed magic stones without being concerned about the cost, but she has become able to recognize her own magical power.

The next step is to interfere with the constantly active body-enhancing magic and strengthen it. If we can achieve that, it will be a significant milestone.

However, it’s not something that can be accomplished overnight. Currently, there are times when she can strengthen it and times when she can’t, and the success rate is only about 1 percent.

Now, even without resorting to the dangerous act of smashing magic stones, we can replenish magical power using restorative potions, so the training in manipulating self-enhancement magic has progressed relatively safely.

Still, Asada, who is not accustomed to intentionally using magical power in her daily life, looks uncomfortable from repeatedly consuming and replenishing magical power.

Although Asada herself feels like she’s at a standstill, I consider her progress to be significant. In fact, things have been going too smoothly up to this point.

Even though it’s rare, she is able to perform the manipulation itself. If we continue like this, I believes he will be able to fully control it in the not-too-distant future.


While I was training Miyano and the others, it seems that the ranking matches have concluded on the final day. When I heard that it was over, I thought to myself, “Oh, right, it was still going on.”

Well, I do think it’s too long, after all. I understand that there are various safety and adjustment considerations, but the waiting time for the losers is just too long.

By the way, it seems that the winners this year were the young lady’s team. Well, that’s to be expected. They can fight to such an extent. In fact, it would be surprising if any team other than them won the championship.

Perhaps that young lady will also earn a nickname in due time? She has that much power.

“By the way, how many nights are we staying on the school trip?”

“Three nights, four days.”

“Three nights, huh…”

The conversation is between Asada and Miyano, and today, the whole team is gathered because we’re training together for the first time in a while.

It wouldn’t be good to never train together at all.

Well, we’re usually together in class, so it’s not like we’re never together, but training outside of class is different.

Asada has made progress in her training and has become able to interact with Miyano in a more normal way.

I can’t say what’s going on in her mind, but at least there are no problems when they talk like this.

If anything, she’s overflowing with motivation right now, and her enthusiasm can be a bit overwhelming, or rather… I don’t know how to describe it…

But well, it’s much better than being down in the dumps.

“Are you coming too?”

School trip, huh…

According to Sieg, who said we’ll be going to England, it seems like someone is waiting for me there, so I really don’t want to go.

I mean, I’m the type who always ends up getting scolded.

“Do I not have to go?”

“Obviously, that’s not an option.”

“Then I guess I have no choice but to go.”

As we had our usual exchange, Miyano furrowed her brows with a hint of apology and asked,

“Um, I just wanted to make sure, but are you really okay?”

“What, are you telling me not to come?”

“N-No! It’s not like that!”

“Just kidding. Don’t take it seriously.”

I shrugged my shoulders and joked, but Miyano hurriedly denied it.

…Doesn’t it feel like her reaction or attitude has become more tense compared to before?

That’s the impression I got, but maybe I’m overthinking it.

If that’s the case, it’s fine, but I just recently failed in their emotional care, so I’ll make sure to pay attention as much as possible.

“Well, now that I think about it again, it might be better to go once before the problem becomes a problem. And if I do go, it feels like it would be easier if I went with you guys rather than alone. Sort of like, I’m supervising the students right now, something like that.”

“As a shield?”

“Yeah, something like that. Sorry, feel free to use it in a better way.”

“No, you’ve been really good to us so far, so something like that is, um, completely fine.”

It’s reassuring to hear her say that. I mean it, seriously.

“So we’ll be sightseeing together, right? You’re not going to suggest splitting up, are you?”


“Well, that could work too.”

Because if I go off on my own, I won’t be able to use the excuse of supervising the students, and in that case, I have a feeling I might end up getting involved in the troublesome situations Sieg mentioned. So, it seems like it would be easier in the end to stick together.

Well, in that case, dealing with these guys might be a bit bothersome, but it can’t be helped.

Actually, well… I don’t feel as against it as I thought.


“Is that okay?”

“Well, technically it’s recommended for instructors to stay with the students.”

The school advises instructors to be together with the students as much as possible, but it doesn’t mean we have to be joined at the hip.

Because from the students’ perspective, having a teacher as a watchdog all the time wouldn’t allow them to relax, especially if it’s a situation like ours with female students and a male instructor, or vice versa.

Well, if they get too wild and cause trouble, it can also become the responsibility of the instructor overseeing them, so there are people who make sure not to stray too far or keep an eye on them from the shadows, it seems.

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