Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 5 Chapter 7 - Battle with Sieg

Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 5 Chapter 7   Battle with Sieg

“More importantly, train seriously. In two weeks, we won’t be able to train properly during the school trip, so make sure to put in the effort while you can.”

In another two weeks, these guys will have a four-day break during the school trip, so at the very least, they won’t be able to train for five days.

Normally, a break of that length wouldn’t be a big deal, but right now, they’ve just learned something new.

It’s often said that taking one day off sets you back by three days, and that applies to them as well.

Taking a little break might make them forget the sense of success they have right now.


So while keeping that in mind, we finished our preparations and resumed training with everyone together for the first time in about two weeks. But after a while, someone I didn’t want to see entered the training room.

“Hey there! Everyone’s working hard, huh?”

As soon as the door opened, a cheerful voice with a hint of childishness could be heard.

The owner of the voice was Sieg, also known as the “Dragon Slayer Hero,” the person I didn’t want to see.

“What brings you here?”

“Well, I feel like I’m being treated pretty coldly, but I don’t mind.”

I didn’t intend to be cold, but it seems like my voice, expression, and atmosphere naturally gave off that impression. It can’t be helped.

“I’ll be leaving tomorrow. I actually thought about going back together with you guys when you head over there, but I’m being called back too. Sorry about that.”

“There’s no need to apologize. If you’re being called back, go back quickly.”

In fact, you don’t even need to inform us. You’re more than welcome to leave.

“Aww, come on~ Since I’m leaving tomorrow, let’s chat a bit!”

“Don’t come closer with that creepy voice.”

He originally came here for some business and was helping the school as a coordinator in case any issues arose during the ranking matches.

But those ranking matches are already over.

He’s saying that he came here to meet me, but it’s probably a lie.

I don’t intend to delve deeply into what the real purpose is, but well, it seems like whatever business he had is also finished.

So, since both of us have finished what we came here for, he’s probably going back to his country. He has his own position, and he can’t stay in Japan forever.

“Hahaha. Well, joking aside, I thought it’d be a waste not to have one last rematch. I lost in our previous battle, so I thought it might be necessary.”

As Sieg said that, he extended the sword he held in his hand and showed it to me.

I wondered why he was carrying a sword, but I guess that’s the reason.

But… hmm. It’s true that sparring with him would be a valuable experience, but…


While the prospect has its merits, a conflict between my rationality and emotions arises, as I don’t want to keep it close by. Miyano looked at me with hopeful eyes.

“…Sigh… Fine. Do as you wish.”

The issue lies solely in my emotional side, and for now, Sieg seems to be sincerely engaging with me, so there shouldn’t be any problems.

I understand that he’s not inherently a bad person. It’s just that our interests are completely incompatible, and I dislike his particular hobby. But it doesn’t mean I dislike him as a person.

The difference in our hobbies is an unavoidable major issue that makes me want to keep my distance.

“Well, now that permission has been granted, shall we begin?”

Sieg said that and took off his jacket, handing it over to me with a wink, giving me a slight chill. Should I just toss it away?

As I glanced at the clothing in my hand, it seems they had both finished their preparations.

It’s been a while since they moved as a team, but I hope everything will be fine.

I worried, but there don’t seem to be any issues with Miyano and the others’ movements. They’re acting as usual.

However, no one seems to be using any of the newly learned techniques.

It’s not entirely unfathomable why they’re holding back.

While they’re reuniting as a team today after a long time, they haven’t practiced coordination with the incorporation of new moves.

They’re probably hesitant to try them out suddenly since there’s a possibility of making mistakes.

That being said, it’s not often that you get to fight against someone as formidable as Sieg, so they’ll probably start testing them out somewhere to make the most of this experience.

As I pondered, Miyano unleashed a new technique.

Although it’s called a new technique, it simply means that the activation of magic has become smoother than before. Previously, Miyano could only choose between swinging her sword or using magic, but now she can use magic while engaged in swordplay.

However, even with just that slight difference, it significantly changes the dynamics of a battle at Miyano’s level. Especially since Miyano excels in swift combat, not needing to pause between movements alone becomes a significant enhancement.

Having observed Miyano’s change in fighting style, Abe also began using the same “magic that uses magic.” While limited to predetermined spells with predetermined power and angles, they can quickly unleash them, using the time during which the magic is being cast as an opportunity to prepare another spell.

Kitahara erects barriers to protect herself and Abe, while also applying enhancement and protection spells to Miyano and Asada. However, it doesn’t differ much from their usual routine.

Well, in Kitahara’s case, once she sets up her preparations, there isn’t much change to be expected.

Now, what about Asada? It’s hard to tell with her. It’s difficult to determine if her magic is active or not. She’s constantly in a state of activation, and it’s unclear whether she’s channeling mana or not.

However… her movements seem a bit rigid, don’t they?

Upon observation, there are instances where the timing of her attacks is slightly off by just a few moments, more than I had anticipated.

Perhaps she’s trying to adjust the level of her physical enhancement, but if she’s struggling with it even during training, there’s no way she can handle it effectively in actual combat.

As a result, her movements might be different from what she had envisioned.

However, she occasionally manages to land a blow on Sieg and halt his movements, indicating that she has succeeded in enhancing himself.

Moreover, these successful strikes are not just a one-time stroke of luck but have occurred multiple times during this battle.

Even though the success rate wasn’t particularly high during training, she manages to succeed multiple times in actual combat… It seems Sieg is more of a practical, hands-on learner rather than someone who studies theory at a desk.

“Good job~. Well, the problem isn’t your strength. I suppose losing was just a coincidence or a result of the rules, right?”

Although both of them could continue fighting, they reached a stalemate, and the match ended in a draw.

There were ways for them to break the deadlock, but doing so would no longer be considered training.

“Excuse me.”

“Hm? What is it?”

As they were discussing the previous match, Miyano approached Sieg with a serious expression and asked him a question.

“Would you be willing to fight against me?”

In response to Miyano’s request, Sieg smiled and then Miyano, with determination in her eyes, continued to speak.

“Is it alright if I do it alone?”

Upon hearing that, Sieg’s smile turned into a serious expression as he responded with a question.

“Yes. Also, if possible, I’d prefer using real swords.”

“I see. So you want to fight seriously. Alright. In that case, I can’t guarantee that I’ll win.”

Normally, there would be no way for him to lose against just one person when he could easily handle four opponents at once.

Yet, if he were to lose against Miyano alone, it would mean that Miyano is even more formidable when fighting alone. In other words, Sieg is implying that Miyano’s comrades are hindering her in battle.

However, to be honest, I also believe that there’s some truth to that. At least to some extent.

Miyano would rush to protect her allies if they were attacked, even if it means compromising her own defense. And with her swift movements, she has to constantly consider the actions of others engaging in close combat, which limits her mobility and dulls her responsiveness.

However, it doesn’t mean that they are entirely unnecessary.

If Miyano finds her allies obstructing her during close combat, it simply indicates that she needs more training. She should focus on improving coordination with her teammates and mastering the combination of magic and swordplay.

Furthermore, if she finds herself worrying about her teammates behind her, it’s also Miyano’s own responsibility to overcome that obstacle.

“When it comes to your comrades, don’t worry about their well-being during battle and trust them. Just focus on what you need to do.”

I should have already taught Miyano that.

Yet, there are moments when Miyano steps in as a support for the rearguard, and it’s probably due to the title of “Hero.” The impact of her recent defeat might also be a factor. While her skills have improved, her mindset has become more hesitant than before.

She believes she must protect others because she’s a hero. She believes she can’t afford to lose.

That’s the kind of mindset she’s trapped in.

In summary, she’s putting too much pressure on herself.

Because of that, she can’t fully commit and charge ahead without worrying about her teammates behind her. She can’t make moves that might involve her comrades, and she can’t unleash powerful techniques.

“However, I’ll fight with a sheathed weapon. …Oh, but you can fight with your blade unsheathed.”

While Miyano said it’s okay to fight with blade unsheathed, Sieg using a sheathed weapon isn’t because he’s underestimating her. If anything, it’s because he wants to fight seriously.

In Sieg’s case, his strikes are too powerful. If he were to fight with an unsheathed blade, he might accidentally kill someone. While there’s still a risk of fatal injury even with a sheathed weapon, the chances of survival are higher compared to fighting with an unsheathed blade.

In response to Sieg’s overpowering style, Miyano employs a swift and agile fighting style. Even with just a sheathed weapon, it’s better to have less weight to carry.

That’s why Sieg made that decision to fight seriously.

“Oh, I want to join too!”

However, before the battle between the two could begin, Asada interrupted in a slightly flustered manner.

“You too? …Well, fine. Then let’s start with you first.”

Sieg furrowed his brows slightly upon hearing Asada’s words, but he glanced at me for a moment and agreed to Asada’s request.

However, perhaps Asada interpreted Sieg’s words as belittling herself, as she seemed displeased.

Well, depending on how you listen, it might come across that way.

Since the battle with Miyano is bound to be challenging, it seems like Sieg wants to finish off the lesser opponent first, you know, like that.

But Sieg’s expression just now… well, it’s probably just how things are. Sieg must be aware of it too.

Amongst us, it’s not Miyano but Asada who requires the most caution.

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