Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 5 Chapter 62 - Surprising behavior

Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 5 Chapter 62   Surprising behavior

“Igami-san, how did it go?”

After parting ways with Saeki and leaving the room, the four members of Miyano’s group were waiting on a bench in the corridor.

Normally, this area wasn’t for outsiders to wait, but Miyano and the others were regulars here, and considering the unique circumstances involving me, it seemed they were granted special permission.

Upon seeing me, Miyano, who had been waiting, stood up and called out to me.

“Well, not much, really. I’ll be living here for a while due to inspections and reacquiring my family registry. But so far, no issues.”

“What are your plans after this?”

“I’m going to meet Nina. Well, that’s about it.”

“So, you have time now?”


Nodding, I glanced briefly at the direction she had been looking, and there stood two people I hadn’t met yet—Abe and Kitahara. Probably, it meant that I should talk to them. I hadn’t planned on staying silent either, and it was helpful that they were creating an opportunity for me like this.

…However, while I appreciate the gesture, honestly, I’m not sure what to talk about. It was the same when I reunited with Miyano and Asada; I struggle to figure out what to say. In fact, given the finality of our previous encounter, facing them again is quite awkward.

Nevertheless, I can’t just keep avoiding the situation. I should be the one to initiate the conversation.

“Ah… well, whatever. …Abe, Kitahara, it’s been a while.”

“Yeah. Really, it’s been a while.”

“I’m glad to see you’re doing well.”

The initial words were simple like that. Their responses seemed unchanged, the same as before—no, their usual voices.

However, it didn’t continue from there.

If they had cried or shouted like Miyano or Asada, it would have been more straightforward. However, despite their usual demeanor, the circumstances being unique, their words got stuck.

“…Koosuke. Stay still for a moment.”


Struggling with what and how to talk, Abe muttered softly and then approached me…


With a lackluster shout, she thrust her fist out forcefully.

“Ugh…! What the hell are you doing…?”

It was an unexpectedly aggressive move, and the unexpected impact churned up a pain like my insides were being stirred. Trying to complain about Abe’s sudden assault, I held my stomach and looked at Abe’s face…

“I’ll forgive you for the last betrayal with this.”

“I didn’t really betray you…”

My actions back then weren’t really a betrayal to these guys. However, seeing Abe’s face distorted, on the verge of tears unlike her usual self, I couldn’t continue speaking.

“I was prepared never to forgive you if you didn’t come back.”

“…Sorry about that.”

It wasn’t like Asada who hugged me energetically. Still, Abe embraced me strongly, unwilling to let go. Without shaking off Abe, after a few seconds, seemingly satisfied, Abe, with slightly reddened eyes, let go of me and turned towards Kitahara.

“As for Yuzu, she’s up for anything now.”

And she declared something like that.

Well, even so. Kitahara probably won’t do anything…

“T-Then, just a little…”

“Ugh… where’s the ‘just a little’ in that?”

But my guard was down, and Kitahara’s punch, more powerful than Abe’s, landed on my solar plexus. …Uh-oh. I feel like throwing up.

While her expression remained as apathetic as usual, the force in her fist, incongruent with her face, vividly conveyed Kitahara’s current emotions.

“But you’re quite restrained, I must say. Kana, on the other hand, was so overwhelmed that she even pushed you down.”

That’s right. In terms of expressing emotions, Asada is probably more intense. But, wait, aren’t you the same?

“Well, that’s because… I mean, I had no choice. I really thought you were dead…”

“Ah, don’t cry, don’t cry. See, I’m not dead.”

Again, I endured the pain in my abdomen and smiled at Asada, who was starting to tear up, as she recalled the moment.

“Besides, isn’t Mizuki the same way?”

“That’s true.”

Miyano’s words, acknowledging it so plainly, left Asada surprised and speechless, but I could understand the sentiment. I felt the same way. Is Miyano really someone who would admit things so openly?

“Because, I was genuinely happy. …I’ve decided not to hide my feelings anymore.”


“That means…”

Wait a minute. Does that mean—

“Igami-san, I like you. Please go out with me.”


In front of the other three who were watching, a sudden confession.

There had been hints before. Asada, in particular, was quite obvious. However, she had never clearly expressed it in words like this. Despite that, with this straightforward declaration, my movements and thoughts came to a standstill.

“Sorry, Kana. I know you like Igami-san, but I also have feelings for him.”

I, who had come to a halt… no, facing Asada, Miyano declared it clearly. There was a sense of apology on her face, but it also conveyed her determination not to step back.

“Adventurers are surrounded by the risk of death. That’s why I heard that many adventurers don’t get married, so that even if they die, it’s not a problem. But on the contrary, I’ve also heard that some adventurers, knowing they might die tomorrow, get married to live a happy life without regrets. I want to live my life happily, taking advantage of this precious opportunity. Even if I die today, I want to be able to smile and say I had a happy life, so I want to be with the person I love.”

“Ah… Miyano, I…”

Again, as I tried to respond to the words directed at me, what came out of my mouth was a disjointed and incoherent sound.

Seeing my reaction, Miyano, with a serious expression, suddenly smiled.

“But I won’t ask for an answer right now. Because, probably, if I ask for an answer now, I might get rejected. So, for now, it’s enough if you keep it in the corner of your heart.”

Uncertain of what to say in response, Miyano’s words, suddenly, Asada took a step forward. And…

“Ah… I, too! I like you too!”

Whether inspired by Miyano or not, Asada followed suit and expressed her feelings, her voice echoing through the corridor.

However, immediately after, Asada seemed to startle. Then, with an apologetic look, she jumped in surprise. After letting her gaze wander as if she had spoken without thinking, she then turned to face me with determination.

“Ah… I’ve liked you for a long time! So, please go out with me!”

The echoing confession repeated over and over.

Now that I’ve been confessed to in this manner, there’s no longer any anger or fury as there was before. While I haven’t completely forgotten about my previous lover, I’ve managed to accept and move on to some extent. However, it doesn’t mean I’m ready to start a new relationship with someone else.

What should my response be?

“Kana, you’re bold.”

“More like, I just ended up in a situation where I can’t back down…”

As I stood frozen in response to Asada’s words, the onlookers made comments, and Asada took the initiative, facing Miyano.

“I won’t lose!”

“I won’t lose either. I’ve always thought Kana is amazing, much more fitting to be a hero than me. I genuinely acknowledge Kana. But, in this matter, I can’t afford to lose. No matter what.”

While it’s a conversation about me and my life, it feels surreal. Perhaps I still haven’t fully grasped the reality.

“Quite popular. Are you happy?”

Ignoring the sparks flying between Miyano and Asada, Abe approached and struck up a conversation.

“…Not really. I didn’t wish for this chaotic situation.”

“Is that so? Then, what if I also volunteer for this competition?”

“I’d dismiss it as a joke.”

That’s the only option. I won’t let this situation become any more chaotic.

“That’s awful.”

“What’s awful? Making strange jokes in this situation is worse, isn’t it?”

“It’s not a joke.”


“It’s not a joke; I’m serious. I genuinely like Koosuke too.”


The direct gaze directed at me was truly sincere.

Unable to dismiss Abe’s words as lies or jokes after seeing those eyes, I struggled to find a response. Unable to figure out what to say, I glanced at Kitahara, desperately hoping for a change in the situation.

“Um, I-I’m okay with it.”

“If you say that, it feels like I got rejected. But, for now, those words bring me a sense of relief.”

I didn’t confess myself, and normally, one might feel sad about such a situation. However, for me, who didn’t want any more complications, those words provided some comfort and relief.

“But… if I were to get married, I think someone like Igami-san would be nice.”

… Is this a joke?

“Harem complete?”

“…Don’t need it.”

I really don’t need that…

“Why are you all making such a fuss here?”

After wasting time making a commotion, Saeki-san appeared, furrowing his brows in a troubled manner.

“Saeki-san? Did you need something?”

“Well, not really… It’s just that you said you were going to your daughter, and it seemed like you were taking quite a while. I thought something might be wrong, like you collapsing in the corridor, so I checked the surveillance cameras… Well, there seemed to be a rather enjoyable scene. So, I decided to join the onlookers.”

“For the head of this research facility, you seem quite free.”

“No, no, it just means that your value is extraordinary. I said it was interesting, but if this turned out to be a fight, I wouldn’t leave it to the lower-ranking staff, right? Well, it seems it wasn’t a fight but a romantic entanglement.”

Ah… judging by his tone, he didn’t just pick up visuals; he had audio too. Well, even without that, the noise echoed loudly through the corridor. Some regular staff members must have heard it. Seriously?

“Anyway, isn’t it time for you to go? If you keep your daughter waiting, she might get angry later. Oh, and you too, Miyano-chan and others. We need to discuss the future regarding his return.”

Oh, right. While it was necessary to talk to Miyano and the others, I originally was on my way to meet Nina. If I’m late because of unnecessary conversations, she’ll probably be upset.

“Well, then, Igami-san. See you later.”

“We have a lot to talk about.”

I don’t particularly like the sound of that, but well, it’ll work out somehow. Postponing the problems, I headed towards Nina’s room.

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