Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 5 Chapter 63 - Crybaby Nina

Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 5 Chapter 63   Crybaby Nina

“This is… quite a change.”

Upon entering Nina’s room, the size of the room itself hasn’t changed, but it felt considerably narrower. It seems that it’s because there are quite a few things placed here… but the issue lies in what those things are.

I can’t shake the feeling that I’ve seen those furniture items somewhere before. Not just seen, but if my memory serves me right, they were probably the ones in my own house.

They must have taken my belongings as mementos, and while I appreciate the sentiment, it feels a bit excessive. We haven’t been a parent and child for that many years—since Nina gained a parent—so she hasn’t really had the chance to become independent. Still, I think it could have been done with a bit more moderation.

But well, I suppose that can be dealt with later. If I’ve returned, there’s no need for Nina to hold onto my ‘mementos’ like this forever. Eventually, her room will become more like her own.

Leaving that aside, the crucial matter is Nina herself…

“Who are you? I didn’t have any plans today. Leave.”

While searching for Nina, a chilling voice emanates from a lump on the bed, making my spine shiver. Could this really be Nina’s voice?

I don’t want to believe it, but the voice unmistakably belongs to Nina. I understand why she has become like this and why she’s speaking in such a rejecting tone.

Her rejection of others and the unhealthy lifestyle she’s leading while cocooned in her bed—it’s probably all because I left.

If we had separated amicably or if Nina had matured and integrated into society, things might not have turned out like this. However, at that time, Nina was of a certain age, but her mentality was still very much that of a child. Yet, due to my death, she spiraled into despair. With the power she possesses, nobody could have stopped her from continuing this kind of life.

At that time, I believed that sacrificing myself was the best option, and I still think that idea wasn’t wrong. However… seeing my daughter continuing to grieve like this, I can’t help but wonder if there was another way.

But saying such things now won’t change anything. For now, I need to face this grown child who is still trapped in sorrow.

“Nina, wake up. How long do you intend to continue living like this?”

“You have no right to say such presumptuous things.”

“I do. After all, I am your father. If a child is doing something wrong, isn’t it the parent’s duty to correct it?”

“Who is a parent? You people are nothing to me… huh?”

She began to speak halfway through, but couldn’t finish her sentence. Instead, she abruptly sat up, threw the futon aside, and stared at me.

Now, what should I say? I thought about what to say, but facing each other like this, I couldn’t be sure if those words were truly right.

“Nina. Ah… I’m home.”

In the end, that was all I could say.


Looking at me, hearing my words, Nina didn’t react dramatically. She remained frozen for a while, then tilted her head and whispered softly.

Well, I have become about ten years younger than before. The atmosphere is different too, so it’s not surprising she couldn’t immediately recognize me.

“Oh. Well, my appearance has changed quite a bit, but… I’ve come back. I’m home, Nina.”

To make sure Nina, who still seemed uncertain, understands that it’s really me, I spoke to her again.

“Uh, ah…”

“Even though it’s just three years, you’ve grown quite a bit. You’re already quite a young woman. Well, the inside hasn’t changed that much, has it? —Oof.”

Finally grasping that it’s me, Nina let out a small cry and tears spilled from her eyes.

To reassure her, I slowly approached and continued talking, but right after, Nina rushed at me at a speed like a shell.

“Uweeeeeen! Da-dad… Daddy!”

And she hugged me, probably trying to be gentle, but it was a tight embrace, and she burst into tears.

“Oh, oh, you’ve become quite the crybaby.”

Even though she was probably trying to be gentle, it still felt like her emotions weren’t fully under control, making it quite a tight hug for me.

But, I’ve caused her worry and sadness all this time. If that’s the case, as a parent, I should accept this with a smile.

“Because…! Because… everyone said you were dead… even though that couldn’t be true, everyone around me said so… Mizuki, Satsuki, they never told me when Daddy would come back… So, even though I didn’t believe it, Daddy really didn’t come back…!”

“I’m sorry.”

My actions at that time weren’t wrong, but there might have been a different path after all.

Reflecting on that, I gently stroked Nina’s head as if comforting a child who continued to cry.

For a while after that, as Nina continued to pour out various unorganized words driven by her emotions, she eventually fell asleep while still clinging to me, seemingly exhausted from crying.

“Even when you cry so much, no flames are leaking. Looks like you’ve grown up properly.”

Carefully lifting Nina so as not to wake her, laying her on the bed and covering her with a blanket, I mumbled, recalling what happened earlier.

In the past, when she started crying, flames would scatter as if drawn to those emotions. But now, there’s no need for burning. I was wrong when I said there wasn’t much change inside; it seems both in appearance and character, Nina has grown significantly in the three years I’ve been absent.

“I think you’ve grown more than you realize on the inside too. Well, there might have been some rebelliousness, but I guess that was just because your father was gone, and you were grieving.”

“Saeki-san, is the discussion over there finished?”

Saeki, who was talking to Miyano and the others, entered the room with them. Coming in at this timing indicates that they were probably observing the situation inside the room.

“Of course. So, about our future discussions… just to confirm. Is it okay if I continue to live in this room for a while?”

“Yes. Until you can get your license and everything.”

Maybe afterward, I’ll go back to renting a room and living alone like before, but until then, I plan to stay here and take care of Nina.

“I’ve also confirmed with the higher-ups, and that’s okay. Well, the only worry is what will happen to the unruly child who hasn’t really become independent yet if you’re living here.”

“Well, it’s not like Nina will attack me or anything.”

While I was away, the laboratory might have become chaotic, and dealing with someone unrelated might be tough. However, unless it’s an accident, I shouldn’t be in danger as long as it’s me.

“You might be attacked in a different sense, you know?”

Being attacked in a different sense… that must be referring to a romantic relationship between a man and a woman?

“Even though we’re supposedly parent and child?”

“In the first place, my understanding of what is considered ‘normal parent-child’ is quite low. The common sense that it’s unacceptable because your family might not apply. Besides, aside from you, there’s no one else close to her in the sense of family, so it just naturally turned out this way, right? You’re not connected by blood, and it wouldn’t be strange if she held affection as partners rather than parent and child, I think.”


I couldn’t respond to Saeki’s words. Indeed, Nina’s understanding of common sense is different from societal norms. Knowing that, I couldn’t help but wonder if it might be possible.

Perhaps seeing my troubled expression, Saeki changed the topic.

“Well, leaving that aside… what’s concerning is how Nina will react when you leave here. If you leave, it could create a situation where she might insist on leaving too.”

“That is…”

It’s not something I can outright deny. If we’ve finally reunited and then have to part ways again, there’s a possibility she might make a fuss about having to live outside as well.

However, wouldn’t that still be challenging? She seems to have gained control over her abilities. I acknowledge that she has become much more subdued over these three years. But just because of that, does it mean she’s ready to live independently? Considering her attitude from earlier, it still seems quite difficult.

“Well, we don’t plan to kick her out for now, but if she decides to leave on her own, our opinions won’t matter. So, I thought it would be nice if you could talk to her about it when the time comes.”

“Yes, I will. I’ll bring it up again later.”

I don’t know how effective it will be, but we have a month together. During that time, if I repeatedly talk to her and try to persuade her, Nina might come to understand and agree.

“That’s good. Now, about the examination, at least for the next six months, you’ll have to come here regularly. Being someone who managed to come out of the gate is a first. Also, regarding the rejuvenation medicine, the one Miyano had was supposed to only reverse aging by about five years. Now it’s doubled to ten years. We need to investigate that too.”

“Is that so?”

Turning to Miyano and asking, she nodded in affirmation.

“It seems so. I originally wanted something that could reverse aging by about ten years, but it seemed a bit out of reach.”

Well, rejuvenation medicine is limited in quantity and quite expensive. It would cost an amount that an average person couldn’t accumulate in a lifetime.

“Even so, it must have been quite expensive.”

“Thanks to that, my savings were emptied. Well, I’ve managed to recover now.”

Well, she’s a hero, and in three years, she could probably earn a decent amount.

“Ah… Considering I ended up drinking yours without permission, should I at least repay you with money?”

“Huh? It’s fine. Originally, I was planning to let Igami-san drink it someday.”

“…Why me?”

“Igami-san always used age as an excuse to try and quit, so I thought if you became younger, you might stick around.”

…Isn’t that quite a terrifying thought?

“So, with that settled, you’ll undergo examinations for six months, and then you’re free to do as you please.”

“Is there anything else you’d like to request? I’ll try to accommodate as much as possible. After all, you’re a superstar who saved the world.”

“It’s not that grand, I think. But, in that case—”

Making a request to Saeki, the day continued with Miyano and the others discussing the events of the past three years. Once Nina woke up, she joined the conversation, and we continued sharing our stories.

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