Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 5 Chapter 65 - Date/First person

Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 5 Chapter 65   Date/First person

“Umm, well, um, Igami-san. Nice to meet you today.”

For some reason, I ended up going on a date with Miyano and the others, but it couldn’t happen today. I had just returned from the Gate, so there were various things to do, such as examinations and questioning. Finally, a week later, I was allowed to go outside.

During that time, I don’t know what discussions took place among Miyano and the others, but it was decided that the dates would be one person at a time. On the first day of the dates, I found myself facing the first person at the station where we had arranged to meet—Kitahara.

“Oh. … By the way, Kitahara, you’re participating too?”

I can understand Miyano and Asada. Given the situation, it’s fair to say that they were at the center of it. I can also nod in agreement with Abe. However, it was unexpected for Kitahara to actually participate.

Well, if three out of four were participating and one wasn’t, there’s a possibility of being criticized for not reading the room. So, considering that, it’s normal to participate. However, knowing the closeness between Miyano and the others, I can’t imagine Kitahara participating just because of such considerations.

Then, why on earth am I on a date with her? I don’t know…

“Uh, yes. Was it… bad, after all?” Kitahara asked, her expression revealing a hint of insecurity.

“No, well, it’s not that it’s bad… but, I mean, you don’t particularly like me, right?”

“N-No, it’s not like that! I do like Igami-san properly…”

Is that so? Thanks. But is that liking in the sense of romantic feelings, or is it more of an affectionate kind of liking?

“In terms of romantic feelings?”

“Well, um…”

When she hesitates and averts her face like that, even if she didn’t articulate it clearly, I can get the idea.

“Well, it doesn’t matter. Anyway, it’s a good opportunity. I wanted to talk with each of you one-on-one at some point.”

“Is that so?”

“Yeah. …Though, for today, let’s at least stick to the pretext of it being a date. Instead of standing around talking here, let’s go somewhere and walk around.”

“Oh, okay!”

Continuing to talk in the same place for too long might attract attention. Moreover, regardless of the underlying feelings, today was arranged under the pretext of a date. So, even if it’s a bit of a lie, we should at least act in a way that resembles a date.

“So, where are we going?”

To be honest, I haven’t thought about anything… and I haven’t had the time to consider it properly. Given that I was quite busy until now, the fact that there are four individuals with separate preferences to consider, and the reality that I’m not particularly enthusiastic about this date—decided half-unilaterally by Miyano and the others—all contributed to the lack of a plan. So, I apologize, but I’ll need you to help me decide where to go.

“Uh, well… oh! Th-then, how about going to buy clothes for Igami-san?”

“My clothes?”

Going to buy clothes on a date isn’t strange, but why mine?

“Yes. Um, it’s just that, well, I kind of feel like the current clothes don’t suit you very well…”

Without stating it explicitly, with Kitahara’s words, I glance down at my body to check my appearance. Well, yeah, it might not be a perfect fit.

“Oh. You don’t have to worry too much about it. These were stored in the research facility, so using the same size and style as before with my current self might indeed not be fitting. I thought I chose something decent, but well, yeah. If it’s a special occasion, then opting for a more decent outfit would be better.”

“N-No. It’s not like Igami-san’s outfit looks strange or anything…”

“Don’t worry about it. But well, it’s a good idea. Since we’re at it, let’s go buy clothes, as Kitahara suggested.”


“Just, you know, since we’re at it, I’ll buy some for you too.”

“Eh, no way! I-I’m fine!”

“On a date, and you only want me to buy clothes? Come on, let’s go.”

It’s a bit forceful, but well, since she came under the pretext of a date, let’s allow this much.


“Uh, well, getting you to buy even for myself, I’m sorry…”

After casually checking out a few clothing stores and chatting about this and that while browsing for clothes, we had already finished that, and currently, we were taking a break in a nearby café.

However, throughout our journey so far, and even now, Kitahara seemed somewhat apologetic, as if feeling guilty for having me buy clothes for herself. Even though I forced her to, there’s really nothing to worry about.

“I’ve got the money anyway. Don’t sweat it. Well, today, I don’t have much on me, so I can’t do more than this. After all, the card is not usable.”

Ms. Saeki retrieved cash from the safe among my belongings he collected, but since it’s not in the form of bundles of bills, there’s a limit to the usable amount. If I could use a card, I could have treated them more generously.

However, considering the fact that they could easily afford what I could buy, treating them might not make much sense. Nevertheless, in these situations, atmosphere, manners, and feelings matter.

“But it feels kinda bad. I’m not really serious about this…”

“Feeling bad for me, or about. Miyano and the others? Don’t worry about it. You’re just here to hang out with a male friend. Well, it feels like the age difference is a bit too much to just call us friends—no, wait, I guess that’s not really the case anymore.”

I feel a bit lonely that the phrase I’ve been using until now is no longer applicable.

Even though there’s a considerable age difference in actual years, in terms of looks, we’re already about the same.

“But, but for us, Igami-san will always be a reliable adult!”

“Well, thanks. But, saying ‘always’ might be a bit too much. You guys are already grown-up companions.”

Even if there’s some lack of experience in society, they have a substantial backing, a big organization called the “country.” Considering that, they might be more of a “reliable adult” than me.

“Well, leaving that aside… how about your current situation, or something like that? Are you managing well? Probably, dealing with the aftermath must have been tough, right?”

“I have been kept informed about the changes in the environment surrounding Miyano and the others after that incident while I was at the laboratory. However, I thought it might be different to hear the truth from your perspective, so I asked. At that time, the event concluded with me making the final move. Although it’s a bit late, I’m curious about the results of my actions and what has happened since.”

“Yes, I’ve been managing reasonably well. People like Sieg-san have helped me a lot.”

“Sieg, huh… I guess I should go say hi to him someday.”

He’s the pervert who casually mentioned that if I wished, he wouldn’t mind undergoing sex reassignment. Well, I can understand that he might agree to look after Miyano and the others after I’m gone, which is reassuring. But going to thank him for that… well, I suppose it’s fine. He’ll probably come to my place eventually. No problem at that time.

“Haha, he’s one of the people who believed that Igami-san was alive, so if you let him know you’re alive, I think he’ll be delighted.”

“Well, probably.”

Continuing in a light tone, I asked about the situation of Kitahara, and it seems there has indeed been quite a lot going on. They appeared on TV and in magazines. There were cases of stalking, and dealing with paparazzi was also tough. Well, the country went all out to handle it to prevent the ‘Hero’ from feeling uncomfortable and escaping abroad.

But aside from the country, people like Sieg and the knights from England lent a hand, and Princess Tenshi also cooperated since she was inadvertently recognized as a ‘Hero’ during that turmoil.

After hearing all this, I suddenly became curious about something, so I decided to bring it up.

“…Hey, there’s something I want to ask. Do you still speak in that way? You used to have a clearer way of speaking, didn’t you?”

Kitahara has spoken like this for a while, but I know that this timid manner is not her true nature. In fact, before the final battle, she had a more assertive attitude.

“Uh, well… it’s sort of a habit, and naturally, I’m not that precise in expressing myself…”

“But you’re quite eager for attention, right?”

That’s why she manifested the power of healing.

The ability to heal injuries is valuable in any era and any place. Just possessing such an ability makes you someone sought after by everyone. That’s why individuals with such abilities often have personalities leaning towards being overly kind or a desire to stand out.

Upon hearing my words, Kitahara seemed to ponder for a moment. After taking a deep breath, she began speaking.

“… It’s a bit different from wanting to stand out. I’m fine as long as there’s someone who needs me. I remember you called me a ‘attention seeker’ before, but I think ‘dependent’ would be more accurate. So, if everyone on the team accepts me, I don’t really care if others don’t notice me.”

“Dependent, huh…”

Well, certainly, that also fits the psychological analysis of the healing power. Healing implies that you cannot fight alone, and you need to be with someone. Moreover, those who receive healing are unlikely to give up such a power. Therefore, it can be said that having a dependency on someone is an optimal aspect of this ability.

“I’m not saying you can’t speak more assertively if you want to, but if you’re fine with that, it’s okay. Besides, Miyano and the others are generally lively. Having someone like you, who, in a way, is a bit of a drag… I mean, excuse the expression, but someone who provides stability to their movements is not a bad thing.”

Being a drag. Saying it that way might sound negative, but essentially, it’s about being a weight. Like a balloon soaring higher and higher, and having someone nearby like Kitahara, who shows their timidity so clearly, acts as the weight that keeps it within reach. With someone like this, who is easy to understand in their cowardice, Miyano and the others can contemplate whether it’s okay to proceed as they are.

“Well then, shall we walk again soon?”

Even on a date, I said something that might spoil the mood. To change the atmosphere, it would be better to leave this place and wander around for a bit. Moreover, the plate in front of me is already empty.

Thinking so, I stood up, but…


I was called by a voice that seemed to restrain my movements.


“I think it’s okay for me to depend on you.”

Depending on me, that means…

“… Hah. Cut it out with the jokes.”

“It’s not a joke.”

“It’s a joke. Isn’t it?”

“It is. At least, for now.”

That’s right. It’s a joke. It has to be. As if not allowing any other answer, I interrupted Kitahara’s words midway.

“… Yes. Well, at least, for now.”

That’s right. Moreover, not just for now, but also for the future, it will continue to be so.

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