Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 5 Chapter 66 - Date/Second person

Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 5 Chapter 66   Date/Second person

After finishing the date with Kitahara and the next morning. I ended up going on a date with another this time… Two days in a row, and with different girls each time. I have to admit, even for me, that’s quite a remarkable display of being a scumbag.

“Ah… here you are.”

As I was thinking this, today’s date partner appeared.

“I’m here.”

The woman spoke shortly, standing confidently as if she could be accompanied by a “thud” or “boom” sound effect. In response to Abe’s statement, I answered with a slightly incredulous expression.

“That’s not something you say at a date meeting spot.”

Isn’t that what heroes in boys’ manga say when they show up? Isn’t that an odd phrase to use on a date?

“Is it?”

“Well, whatever, let’s go then.”

Abe didn’t seem to care about my words, or rather, the current conversation itself seemed to be nothing more than playful banter, so she simply took my hand and started walking as if nothing had happened.

“Do you have a specific place in mind when you say ‘let’s go’?”

Starting to walk hand in hand before discussing it suggests that there’s somewhere she wants to go.

“Yeah, an amusement park.”

“Amusement park? Which one?”

“This one. It’s quite close.”

“Oh, this place. I’ve been there before, but is it still open?”

On the screen of the smartphone she took out and showed me, the name of the amusement park I also knew was displayed.

It’s a quite nostalgic place. I’ve been there a few times when I was a kid, and it’s quite sentimental to think that it’s still operating.

But I see. So that’s why we had a meeting at such an unusual time for a regular place.

“It was renovated a while ago.”

“Is that so? I had no idea.”

“Of course, it was while Koosuke wasn’t around.”

I see. I wouldn’t have known about that.

“But when you said amusement park, I thought you were talking about Disneyland or something.”

When someone mentions going to an amusement park on a date, most people would probably imagine that place, right? Especially those within a one or two-hour train ride to that location.

“Hmm, would you have preferred that?”

Abe stops and turns to me, asking this question. To be honest, either option is fine. If anything, I might even be happier with the non-Disneyland choice.

“Nah, that place is too crowded and going there now would just be a waste of time.”

I’ve been there before, and while the atmosphere is enjoyable, it’s not as fun as it seems. It might be just my personal opinion, and events like parades could be entertaining, but it didn’t really suit me. Maybe I’m just impatient or have a tendency to prioritize efficiency, but I find shorter wait times more enjoyable.

So, a regular amusement park instead of Disneyland is actually what I wished for.

“Alright then.”

Abe nods in satisfaction upon hearing my words. She releases the hand she had been holding and extends it towards me again.

“Huh? …Oh, sure, is this okay?”

“Yeah, I’m satisfied.”

Instead of just holding hands unilaterally, we interlock our fingers, and we start walking as if we were genuine lovers.


“We’ve arrived.”

“…Hmm. We’ve arrived.”

After approximately an hour and a half on the train, we’ve reached the amusement park we were heading to. But something seems off with Abe.

“What’s wrong? Feeling sick on the train, or did you get tired from walking this far?”

As an Awakener, she shouldn’t get tired from walking such a distance, but motion sickness or exhaustion from walking could be possible. Although it’s not Disneyland and it’s a weekday, there are still quite a few people at the amusement park.

Contrary to my thoughts, Abe shakes her head.

“No, it’s not that. I’m just a bit… nervous, maybe.”

“Nervous? What for? What’s there to be nervous about on a date?”

It’s not like she has a personality that gets nervous about dates. However, I can’t think of any other reason.

“It’s my first time at an amusement park.”

“First time…?”

Even I, who went a few times with family when I was a child, find it surprising that it’s her first time.

Of course, there could be various reasons for that. Perhaps her family wasn’t well-off, or there were issues within the family. Did Abe’s family have such difficult circumstances?

“Yeah. My family didn’t allow things like that. Games, play, many things were off-limits. Probably had a different life than an ordinary kid.”

“Your family… Abe’s family.”

“Not even a branch family, but the original Abe family, and it’s just a cheap imitation.”

Come to think of it, her family is said to be a long-standing lineage of onmyoji (yin-yang practitioners). She called herself the end of the line, but there’s no doubt she’s part of the bloodline.

However, upon hearing my words, Abe laughed self-deprecatingly.

“Imitation.” I could understand the meaning behind that word.

The ‘Abe’ family, known as the ‘masters of yin-yang,’ was once extinguished. Another family took over after the Abe’s, but that family also met its end. In a normal scenario, that should have been the end of the story.

A family declared extinct had, however, found a way to survive. In an era where formidable forces were needed to combat the abnormal, they traced their bloodline back, found a powerful individual, and forcefully passed on the family name, making it appear as if the family had never perished. After all, the name ‘descendant of Abe no Seimei’ held significant importance in the initial days of this transformed world.

In reality, the blood of the onmyoji named Abe did not completely vanish. Only the main family met its demise, and not every branch family was wiped out. Families that deviated from the main line, like what could be called peripheral branches, still existed.

However, being a descendant of Abe no Seimei did not necessarily mean being the true head of the ‘Abe family.’ They were not the original leaders, considering the family had once been extinguished. That’s why even if it was a branch or a peripheral branch, they believed they had a chance. Since the head of the family itself came from a branch, there was no reason to talk about branch families. If you were tied by blood and possessed power, anyone could return to the main line. Moreover, one could even ascend to become the head or a relative of the head.

Thus, despite the renowned status of the Abe family in the world as powerful onmyoji, internally, it seemed there was still intense power struggles. I could understand why a girl like Abe Haruka might feel inclined to call herself an ‘imitation.’

“Also, because it’s my first… date.”

Her expression, previously carrying a hint of darkness, suddenly changed. She turned her expressionless face into a somewhat embarrassed smile, muttering while diverting her gaze.


It seemed I still hadn’t fully grasped her. Who wouldn’t be nervous for their first date? Seeing her like this, it was impossible to just casually brush it off.

“Princess, may I have this hand?”

Though a bit embarrassed, as I extended my hand in a grand manner, Abe blinked her eyes in surprise and peered into my face.

“Even if this isn’t Disneyland, well, it’s kind of similar. It’s your first amusement park, and our first date. That means everything is new to you. Enjoy the ‘fun’ of experiencing things for the first time to the fullest. So, don’t make such a gloomy face.”

This date probably had a spontaneous and lively atmosphere. Even though Abe had some feelings for me, I didn’t think she invited me with the serious intention of winning me over.

But since we came all the way here for a date, it would be a shame to keep a gloomy face. We’re at an amusement park, so let’s have some fun. A date is about making the other person laugh and happy.

Therefore, even if it feels embarrassing, putting on a showy display is a necessary expense. As they say, throw away the shame of the journey.

Taking my outstretched hand with hesitation, Abe looked at me somewhat bewildered. After a few seconds, she appeared happier than before—so much so that you might want to ask where her usual expressionless face went. She wore a clear smile and…

“…Koosuke. Should we get married after all?”

“What the hell. Why are you saying that now?”

Upon hearing those words, I couldn’t help but frown, contrasting with Abe’s smiling face. However, she seemed to find even my reaction amusing, as she continued to smile.

“Did you reconsider because you’ve fallen for me again?”

“Doubtful questions don’t earn trust, so it’s a no.”

“Then, I love you. Please marry me.”

“Even though I said doubtful questions get rejected, when you put it so clearly…”

Well, this date is meant for me to make my feelings clear about them, so in that sense, it might not be entirely wrong…

“…You came here to get that answer, right? Anyway, let’s go inside and have some fun. It’s your first time, right? It would be a waste to spend time aimlessly in a place like this.”

“Yeah, let’s do that. For now, that’s enough since there seemed to be some interest.”

Despite having diverted the conversation, Abe seemed satisfied as she walked, hand in hand with me.



“Thank you.”

“Don’t mention it. We came here today to have fun, right?”

However, Abe shook her head.

“It’s not just that. Thank you for helping us back then. I felt betrayed at the last moment. But probably, if it weren’t for you, we would all have died. So, thank you.”

“I did it because I wanted to. It’s not something you need to worry about. And, it’s a fact that I ignored your feelings, so being called a traitor isn’t entirely wrong either. There was no guarantee we’d make it back alive.”

“Even so, thank you. Also, welcome back. I’m glad you’re alive.”

“Yeah. I’m home.”

After exchanging these words, we passed through the entrance gate, and I decided to enjoy the “firsts” with Abe.

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