Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 5 Chapter 67 - Date/third person

Raising the Lowest-Ranked Adventurer, the Heroic Girl – Wasn’t I Just a Substitute Old Man?

Volume 5 Chapter 67   Date/third person

Once the second date ended, naturally, the next day would be the third. After finishing the date with Abe, I was heading to the meeting place for the third person.

“Hmm? Oh, you’re already here?”

Upon reaching the destination, I noticed the person who was supposed to be waiting. However, her demeanor seemed different from usual. Instead of leaning against the wall at the meeting place or sitting in a nearby spot, she was standing straight, facing forward with a visibly tense posture.

It looked like she was nervous. Well, considering her feelings and the current situation, it wasn’t entirely surprising.

I made sure to arrive twenty minutes early…

Even though it wasn’t yet the designated meeting time, I headed towards the fool who was waiting before me. However, my steps involuntarily came to a halt.

But without bothering to consider why my steps had stopped, I forced myself to move again.

“Sorry for the wait.”

As I spoke, the third date partner, Asada, turned towards me, not with joy but rather a nervous expression. Even though she had already been standing with a straight posture, it seemed even more pronounced now. The tension in the air felt like I was conducting a formal interview.

“Ah, yeah. Well, you know, it’s not good to be late.”

However, even amid such tension, the tone of her speech was either natural or conscious, whether that was the case. Either way, it was better than being treated with a distant attitude.

“I really don’t care about that kind of thing now, but you’re still as serious as ever. Even though the atmosphere isn’t that serious.”

“What do you mean by ‘not that serious’?”

“Think about how others perceive your appearance and behavior. Do you think you give off the vibe of a serious honor student?”

“Well… maybe a bit.”

“No way.”

After exchanging these words lightly, Asada’s tension seemed to slightly ease, and they let out a small exhale.

“But well, looks like I made you wait. Sorry.”

“N-No, it’s, um, fine. I came early on my own, and I was waiting because I wanted to, so, um…”

Asada fidgeted, showing a reaction different from her usual self. However, her words stopped midway without reaching a conclusion.

Judging that waiting silently wouldn’t lead to the continuation of the conversation, I decided to initiate it once again.

“Oh, and…”


“You’ve really grown. The clothes and makeup suit you well.”

In reality, Asada was quite dressed up today. Unlike her usual sporty attire, she was wearing a long skirt, and you could tell she put effort into her makeup.

Moreover, the image I had of her was still stuck in the past, about three years ago. Even though we met recently, at that time, there was some confusion on my part, and she weren’t particularly focused on makeup either. Neither of us had grown in a positive or negative direction during that period.

However, seeing her today with makeup and presenting a beautiful appearance made me sense a certain mature woman atmosphere.

“… Uh! I-Is that so? Well, I am an adult now, so this is pretty normal.”

For a moment, Asada either couldn’t comprehend what was said or showed a perplexed expression. However, she quickly understood the meaning of the words and responded with a surprised jump and a slightly trembling voice.

Despite those words, it was easy to tell from her voice, facial expressions, and attitude that she was pleased. She was quite transparent in her emotions.

While I thought her appearance had grown considerably, it seemed her personality hadn’t changed all that much. Feeling a mix of disbelief and relief at the unchanged aspects, I suggested we go somewhere.

“Alright, let’s go somewhere.”

“Yeah, sure!”

As I extended my hand while speaking, it was met with an enthusiastic response, and the date officially began.

“Hey, by the way. So, where are we going today?”

“I haven’t decided anything specific. Do you have a place you’d like to go?”

Well, it had been the same until now, but even though it was a date, we hadn’t decided on a particular destination. So, we planned to discuss it and head to a suitable place.

To be honest, for locals like Asada and the others, the charm of this local area might be non-existent, and it could lack freshness. However, at the moment, I didn’t have any identification, so I hoped she’d understand. If we were staying in one place like the amusement park from yesterday, it would be manageable, but if we were moving around, it wasn’t easy. Any trouble could become a hassle.

Even a casual drive by car wasn’t an option, as I could drive, but I currently didn’t have a license. Consequently, the inevitable choice was to stay in the local area where Saeki-san and the others could handle any issues that might arise.

“Um, well… Oh! How about visiting houses?”

…Houses? Why houses? Is that something you do on a date?

“Houses? Are you planning to buy one?”

“No, not for me. It’s for you. When I say ‘house,’ I mean a rental place, not your own house.”

“A rental place, like an apartment? But why mine?”

“Because, you know, you don’t have a place right now. Even if you’re living there for now, you’ll have to move out after a month, right? I think it’s too late to start looking for a place when that time comes.”

“Well, that’s true. I didn’t think about a house. The previous place is no longer usable.”

Now that you mention it, that’s right. I’ve been too focused on things like getting a driver’s license, inspections, and dealing with Nina, but I haven’t thought about where to go after leaving the lab.

“We were actually considering keeping that place for you, but then the discussion shifted to when you’d come back… and if you’d really come back. So after Satsuki left…”

“Oh, well, it’s fine. I understand. It’s actually a relief that you collected my belongings.”

If everything had been thrown away, it could have caused problems, and without any clothes or anything, I would have been in trouble. I can only be grateful to them for keeping my things.

“But still, a house… I don’t know where to start. It’s surprisingly difficult to search without any conditions or prior information. I can’t think of anything.”

Well, is this really something to consider on a date? It’s true that I don’t have a place to live, and it’s something I need to think about sooner rather than later, but today is still just a trial date. We’re not officially dating yet, so deciding on a house… Is she getting ahead of herself or going a bit too far?

“In that case, how about getting a place near the apartment where we live? Or even in the same building. Since we’ll continue to work together, being close would be convenient, don’t you think?”

While I was thinking, Asada suggested her recommendation. She pointed over there as she spoke, but come to think of it, these guys aren’t living in a student dorm anymore, right? I wonder where they live now?

However, more than wondering about the kind of life these guys are leading, there’s something else…

“Together from now on, huh?”

If we’re going to continue working together, that means I’ll join the hero party again. Unlike three years ago when I was a student, they must have grown to be more fitting for the title of ‘heroes’ by now. Having someone like me, who’s just scraping by with some tricks, might become a hindrance, wouldn’t it?

Even before that, do I even have the intention to go adventuring again…?

“…Koosuke, do you not want to act together with us?”

However, seeing my less-than-enthusiastic reaction, Asada’s body flinched with a start. She slightly furrowed her eyebrows and asked with a hint of worry.

“…Well, I understand that. But, to be honest, I haven’t even thought about it. Even if you ask me what I’ll do from now on, it won’t be the same as before. With the rejuvenation, there are things I need to reconsider. Also, I thought I had ended everything at that time. Whether it’s a second life or whatever, even if given the chance to start over, there’s nothing I want to do and nothing I have to do. Besides, even without me, you guys can continue acting on your own, right?”

“That’s true, but… But we want you to be with us.”

I do understand that these guys have feelings for me.

“…Well, I understand that. But, I can’t give an answer until I organize my feelings and think things through. I feel bad, but please wait a little longer.”

We are currently together like this, and I don’t dislike it. In fact, I even find the individual evaluations favorable.

However, does that mean I should date all four of them? Continuing to act together when they have feelings for me, and I haven’t given a clear response, is somewhat difficult to accept.

…I understand. It’s just that, if I accept it, then it’s settled. It’s just that I can’t quite come to terms with it.

However, in the worst-case scenario… or whatever you want to call it, if it really becomes unbearable, I might have to prepare myself in the end. Congratulations, it’s a harem… sigh.

“…Hmm. Well, fine. I don’t intend to force it upon you, and I know time is needed.”

“Not intending to force it upon me… Did you forget how, back then, when I said I wanted to resign as an instructor, you didn’t exactly accept it and gave some convoluted reasoning to push it on me?”

As Asada seemed to ponder for a moment, she showed a slightly awkward smile and nodded.

Changing the atmosphere with a light smile, I jokingly said, “That’s that, then.”

“Oh! By the way, how about being our instructor again?”

“What would I teach you guys now? If it’s been three years since then, our years of activity are pretty much the same.”

“Ah, has it really been that long? We’ve both aged… or rather, we haven’t aged at all. Well, for us, you seem to be getting younger.”

While exchanging banter like that, we started walking again.

Honestly, I don’t dislike this time together. Walking and laughing like this with someone is probably the best partner for a lover or a spouse.

However, even so, I still can’t make a clear decision.

Pushing that indecisive heart to the side, I pretended nothing was wrong and continued the date with Asada.

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