Reincarnated As a Fox With System

Chapter 128 128: Sneaking In!

Chapter 128 128: Sneaking In!

Tang Li Xue never ate any [Rare] grade demonic beast meat after all. Just imagining how much EXP she would get from eating it already enough to make her to drool over it.

But Tang Li Xue also realized if she stole the [Demonic Blood Fox] from those black-clothed men now then she would need to turn off her [Ethereal Form] for one second, took that [Demonic Blood Fox] from under those black-clothed men's eyes, throw the [Demonic Blood Fox] in her space pouch and activated her [Ethereal Form] again.

Although it sounds simple but it would certainly make those black-clothed men knew about her existence and became wary of her.

The danger she would need to face will also increase exponentially.

'Too dangerous! What a pity! Sigh... I really want to taste some [Rare] grade demonic beast meat... It should be delicious... Oh, well... Completing my quest should come first!'

Tang Li Xue decided to abandon the poor the [Demonic Blood Fox] and followed after the several black-clothed men that brought their captives.

'I am so sorry, big bully! I know you don't want to be eaten by humans and prefer to be eaten by your rival, me! Unfortunately, I can't do that or I will get caught so... Adios and good luck, my food... cough... I mean my compatriot!'

The black-clothed man raised his saber and swung it down with his full strength.


The [Demonic Blood Fox]'s head chopped by the black-clothed man and separated from its neck.

No one could guess and no one would ever believe before that the only [Rare] grade fox trial participant would die in vain here without even have a chance to set its paw on the Foxes Home.


Tang Li Xue quickened her pace, she saw the black-clothed men entered one of the camps and threw their captives into the cage containing the other captives.

Tang Li Xue started counting the captives in the cages and her topaz blue eyes shone brighter when she finding out there were more than one hundred captives inside all the cages!

'What a great haul! Is heaven sending all of these black-clothed men to help me finish my quest?! Imagine if I bring all of these prisoners back... Not only I will certainly pass the second trial but I should also get higher evaluation when completing my quest!'

Tang Li Xue greedily licked her lips as if she was staring at the delicious meal in front of her.

All the camps with the cages inside it were guarded tightly by many black-clothed men but Tang Li Xue was still in her [Ethereal Form] so she could easily pass all the guards without being found and entered one of those camps.

Tang Li Xue examined the cage more closely and found that all the cages were nailed deep down onto the ground.

Tang Li Xue clicked her tongue in disappointment. Actually, she was planning to deactivated her [Ethereal Form] for a moment and forcefully throw all the cages into her mid-rank space pouch.

It was more convenient and quicker that way rather than threw the captives one by one into her space pouch. She could also escape swifter after that without being found by the black-clothed men.

But she could not do that since all the cages were nailed down to the ground and could never be moved anywhere.

Moreover, there were many black-clothed men guarding around all the cages too. These black-clothed guards would never patiently watch Tang Li Xue took their captives one by one and shove them into her mid-rank space pouch just like that.

'Sigh... What a headache! How could I take all of these prisoners into my space pouch without being found?!'

After thinking for a while, a light bulb inside Tang Li Xue's mind flashed brightly.

'What if I ask for Yaya's help to distract them while I take these prisoners into my space pouch? Sounds like a good idea!'

Tang Li Xue's conversed with Yaya using her mind and told Yaya about her plan.

Of course, Yaya instantly agreed to help Tang Li Xue. For Yaya, she would certainly do what Tang Li Xue asked her to do as long as it makes Tang Li Xue happy.

Tang Li Xue decided to wait patiently until the skies turned dark before executing her plan.

She entered a random empty camp, canceled her [Ethereal Form], and rested there for a few hours until the skies turned dark before activated her [Ethereal Form] again and sneaked back into the camp with several cages inside it.

TTang Li Xue sighed in disappointment. She thought the guards would certainly a bit loose at night but find out the guards actually increased instead of decreasing at night.

Tang Li Xue opened Yaya's window status in her system and pressed the <> button.

Yaya sat at the top of the tree branch and her tiny head was dozing off cutely but she immediately awoke when she heard Tang Li Xue signal inside her mind.

Yaya's tiny body vanished in an instant from the top of the tree branch when Tang Li Xue pressed the <> button.

Then Tang Li Xue pressed the <> button and make Yaya's tiny figure appeared right in front of her inside the camp guarded heavily by many black-clothed men.

Yaya swiftly waved her and twelve [Air bullets] condensed around her then shot out to twelve different targets at the same time.

Among all Yaya's skills, the [Air bullet] was the fastest one. [Air bullet] was even faster than [Wind Blade] but unfortunately, its lethality was also the lowest among all of Yaya's skill.


Tang Li Xue dropped her jaw in shock and surprise when she saw all the black-clothed men managed to block all of Yaya's[Air bullets]!

Of course, most of them did not have any time to react or pull their weapons to defend so they could only sacrifice one of their arms to defend against Yaya's [Air bullet].

One of their arms broke but they could still unsheathe their weapons with the other hands and retaliate!

'Damn! All of these black-clothed men are far stronger than I expected! In fact, they are far stronger than those noobs I am facing before!'

Tang Li Xue started to worry about Yaya's safety but she could not cancel her plan now or these black-clothed men would certainly guard this place heavier later and she would lost her chance so she could only grit her teeth for now.

Tang Li Xue panicked for a while but Yaya was still calm like still water.

Yaya waved her hand once again and activated her [Gale Prison] rapidly. Several tornados appeared to prevent the black-clothed men from approaching her with weapons in their hands.

But Tang Li Xue and Yaya were still underestimating the black-clothed men's true battle prowess!


An orange lion jumped out from inside the tornado and tore Yaya's [Gale Prison] with its sharp claws.

'MARTIAL SOUL! I almost forgot that human also has this to counter our divine ability!'

All the black-clothed men summoned out their martial souls to tore Yaya's [Gale Prison].

There were many kinds of martial souls such as an orange lion, a grey wolf, a two-headed eagle, even insect-type like a scorpion and a centipede!


All of the black-clothed men's martial souls opened their mouths and sprayed out their unique skills out toward Yaya.

[Orange Flame's Breath]!

[Poison Liquid]!

[Stone Spike]!

Yaya did not dare to be careless and immediately activated her [Wind Barrier] to protect herself and [Gale Step] to increase her movement speed greatly.

Yaya started to flying zigzag to dodge all of their attacks yet several of their martial soul's unique skills still managed to hit Yaya but all of it instantly repelled to the side by her [Wind Barrier].

Tang Li Xue gritted her fangs impatiently, she really wanted to help Yaya so badly right now but she held down the urge since she did not want to ruin her own plan.

Tap... Tap... Tap... Tap... Tap...

Tang Li Xue's sharp ears heard many people's running steps got closer and closer.

'At last! Took you all long enough huh! Yaya, you can run now! Just do your best to stall as much time as you can!'

Yaya nodded her tiny head slightly signaled she understood.

However, when Yaya still busied herself dodging and defending against many martial souls at once, some black-clothed men managed to sneak close to her. They chopped all of their sharp sabers and swords toward Yaya's tiny fragile body!


Unfortunately, it was already too late for Yaya to dodge it and several sharp weapons tore Yaya's tiny fragile body to tiny pieces!

Tang Li Xue stunned when she saw the horrifying scene in front of her and she felt her soul almost left her body but before she could cry sadly about Yaya's tragic fate...


Several black-clothed men's head flew away from their neck.

Tang Li Xue realized that this attack was Yaya's horizontal [Wind Blade]!

Tang Li Xue was shocked at first but her surprised expression quickly turned into glad and relief when she saw Yaya's tiny figure was floating silently behind those headless black-clothed men.

Yaya was still intact and unhurt just like before she fought before.

Tang Li Xue sighed in relief after she examined Yaya's current condition and say in her mind: 'Sigh... That little thing, she really knows how to make me worry! My heart is almost jumping out from my mouth before! I must teach her a lesson later so she would not make me worry like this anymore!'

'But... what is exactly that skill she used to fool me and those black-clothed men before? I never saw she used it before!'

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