Second World

Chapter 1491 1491. Elite Troops

Chapter 1491 1491. Elite Troops

"How?" Linda asked.

"Hehe. You forgot what you said before about knowing your enemy?" John replied. "We have the illusionist units. Your Master might not be familiar with the Monarch System and thus the special units of other countries, but players can also get a special class that is called the Illusionist. He should know what skills this class possesses."

"You mean…"

"Yeah. I had the illusionists cast Invisibility Shroud on an army before we advanced. This spell is just like the Invisibility spell but can affect others instead of the caster."

"Hmph. That small army won't make a difference," Linda said.

"Oh, they are not just any small army," John replied.

Linda saw the clash transpire from her projection map. She saw the number of casualties increase many folds when the ambush took place. Even if her hidden army was caught unaware by the ambush, such a casualty rate was unusual.

Linda couldn't watch the battle directly. If she did, she wouldn't be as baffled as she was now. The army that John had concealed using the Invisibility Shroud was comprised of the elites of the elites.

They were not only comprised of Themisphere's six special units, but they also had the highest levels for non-officers. These were because they were the ones being prioritized to train inside the war academies and also the brave academy that was recently built. Because they were trained in those academies, they also had more skills or spells compared to other units. This was because the academies also improved the chance of learning skills or spells aside from improving the leveling speed.

That was not all, they were also the ones who John arranged to be trained directly by Domon and Jet. Thus, their martial expertise was the most advanced among the natives. They were also given the best equipment available.

John had organized these elites with such details that they might as well be his golden children. They were what most of the kingdom's resources were spent on.

Each of these elite soldiers was a force to be reckoned with.

The Wonder Wizards, which were the newest addition to Themisphere's special units after they built Joy's Recreational Hub, made their debut in this battle. They were very versatile units. They could serve as the group's cannons with their elemental spells which dealt high AOE damage. They also had support spells that buffed and healed allies.

They might have very little HP compared to the other special units but they were not defenseless when targeted. They had several defensive spells and they also had the Teleportation spells, which allowed them to flee if needed. They were truly wonders among wizards.

Aside from these Wonder Wizards, their counterparts from another divine faction also shone in this battle. The Brave Champions, which originated from the Sanctuary for Courage, also had their first battle here. They might be new for everyone else, but Everlasting Heavenly Legends' members who frequented the Ancient Battleground were familiar with these units. They were the golden warriors whom the players followed when they were making their push to the place where the supply carts were.

These Brave Champions were extremely fierce and fearless. They didn't care even if they were outnumbered. The more enemies they faced, the stronger they became. They were like armored berserkers. Each of them could use Ancestral Possession that conjured a lion god spirit. Not as impressive as Mihos' spirit of the divine lion, but more powerful than Berserker's standard ancestral possession.

Either of these two special units were not combatants to be trifled with. However, the most special about these special units from the divine factions was that they were very sensitive to mana. Once the soldiers upgraded into Wonder Wizard or Brave Champion, they possessed basic mana sense. When Domon taught them about mana manipulation, they were also the most receptive compared to the other native soldiers.

Hence, their battle power was at a whole other level compared to the standard units.

But as impressive as the two special units were, there was a small group within these 100,000 elite troops that was even more impressive.

If the wonder wizards and brave champions were an imitation of the warriors of the divine faction, this small group was the genuine warriors of the divine faction. This small group was a special division comprised of the ex-members of the Council of Charites that Jack had recruited after saving their faction. This group numbered around five hundred.

Leading this group was Eyrene, who had become Jack's royal agent. For this war, he gave her free reign to fight together with her sisters.

During the siege on Giggragh Village, Eyrene couldn't showcase her power because she was not allowed to use AOE spells. In this battle, she had no such reservations.

She cast Ice Nova. An icy world descended upon a large area within the enemy's ranks. Almost all except those with very high ice resistance were covered by ice and slowed. All of them received very high ice damage. A portion was frozen which automatically spelled the death sentence, because Ice Nova had an instant death effect on all the ones it froze.

Eyrene followed by several more AOE spells, which she had an abundance of. Ice spears rain, ice storms, ice darts, and so on. Each of her spells inflicted high damage because of her high level and grade.

Some enemy officers tried forcing their way to get to her. They couldn't let her continue dishing out these highly damaging AOE spells. But they soon found that Eyrene was not less formidable in melee engagement.

Her weapons were a naginata and a small round shield. She wielded them with the expertise of a skilled martial artist. She had plenty of spear and polearm skills to give those melee officers a run for their money.

Her comrades and followers were also impressive. Each of them was a mighty warrior and almost all of them could use spells.

These ex-members of the Council of Charites served as the tip of the spear as they led the elite troops charging, slaying the enemies in droves. This left Linda baffled as to what had hit her army as she watched from her projection screen.

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