Second World

Chapter 1518 1518. Eternal-grade Royal Agent

Chapter 1518 Chapter 1518. Eternal-grade Royal Agent

"Is it your insane luck, or the effect from the World Game Stadium?" John asked.

"I think it's both," Peniel remarked.

"Well, whatever the case, she has to be my royal agent! I'm sending her an invite right away!" Jack exclaimed.

"Have to be? If she refuses, what will you do then? Drag her here and threaten her?" John asked.

Jack gave John an annoyed glance. He received a reply from Elayne not long after. She accepted.

"Hah! Ye of little faith," Jack laughed at John.

Now that Elayne was his royal agent, he could check her details.

She was another one who had both skill and spell traits. Her skill traits were sound, shield, move, fist, and dart. Her spell traits were restore, curse, enchant, manipulate, and boundary. Her elemental affinities were light, wind, and soul.

She had four talents! Her first talent was Perfect Pitch, which increased the stats of any musical instrument she used by 10% and doubled all the effects of the sound-based skills she performed.

Her second talent was Low-Frequency Sound, which tripled the range of all sound-based skills. Bard's standard skill, Play Music, had the AOE with a radius of one hundred meters. This meant if Elayne was the one using the skill, she could affect everyone within a radius of three hundred meters.

Her third talent was Heaven-Blessed. This talent gave her a 15% increase in the exp points she received and a 50% increase in the probability of learning skills or spells. If she was hit by skills that cause negative status effects, status effects that should have been successfully triggered had a 20% chance of failing.

Jack was surprised when he saw her fourth talent because it was the same one as what he possessed. Her fourth talent was Mana Affinity. This talent meant that she would be one of those natives who were able to learn how to manipulate mana by themselves. But if she was mentored, her mana improvement should be more rapid.

As impressive as she was, she needed to improve her level first before everything else. She was only a level 30 since she was newly recruited. Jack messaged Jeanny to arrange another team to power-level Elayne. A few guild members had returned after the Liguritudum army retreated. Jeanny told Jack she would arrange for these members to help Elayne level up.

Jack also used the kingdom funds to equip Elayne with a full set of super-rare-grade equipment. As a recruit, her standard equipment was common grades except for her musical instrument, which was a zither. That instrument was a unique grade.

Elayne didn't have many skills despite being an eternal grade. This was because of her low level. Peniel assured Jack that after she leveled up, her innate skills or spells would be top-notch. Even without her Heaven-Blessed talent, she would have a better success chance of learning skills due to her eternal grade. With enough time, she would grow to have more skills and spells compared to Jack's other royal agents.

At her current level, she only had three skills and one spell available. The skills were all from Bard's class. These skills were Play Music, Sonic Darts, and Heavenly Sound. Her one spell was Dreadful Curse.

Peniel explained the Dreadful Curse was a Witch's standard spell. Witch was a special class from the Archmage class. This spell inflicted a target with the curse effect plus three other random negative status effects.

Jack used the monarch system and installed one skill and one spell that were available from the kingdom library for Elayne. He gave her Sound Shield, which provided the user with a protective shield. If the person using the skill was playing music at the time, the sound shield would be twice as strong. For the installed spell, she chose Chained Healing, which was the same spell he installed on Laurent.

After finishing the arrangements, Jack sent an instruction to Elayne to meet with the team Jeanny had organized. If possible, Jack wanted to power-level Elayne directly, but he still had many matters to deal with. Once he had free time, he would do that.

Jack also took the chance to check the levels of his other royal agents. They had developed steadily and they all fought during the war in Palgrost.

Eyrene was now level 85. Though she killed many opponents in the war, her high level needed lots of exp points to advance and the enemies she defeated were mostly much lower levels than her. Hence, she only increased by one level.

Duke Alfredo and Robinson were the second rank in terms of level. They were both level 79, the same as Jack. Laurent was close. He was level 78. Jonathan was level 73. Lindsey improved the most due to her Fast Growth talent. She was now level 71, catching up to the veterans.

Howard, the recruit who had a higher level than Lindsey before Palgrost's war, was now at the same level as her, at level 71. For the remaining recruits, Amy was level 66 and Nerd Bungie was level 62.

He was glad of their improvements. But most of all, he was glad that they came out alive from the war. The after-war report told him that Lindsey was killed during the battle, but luckily Laurent was nearby when it happened. She was resurrected by him.

Jack knew war could be unpredictable. Anyone could fall on the battlefield. Unlike his guild members, these royal agents weren't protected by the Resurrection Chapel. The Amulet of Rebirth also didn't work on natives.

Thinking about this, he asked Peniel, "Other than the resurrection spell, are there items that can bring natives back to life? Something similar to what the Amulet of Rebirth does to players."

"Hm… There are resurrection potions, but these potions are very rare. You can buy them at the Church of Creation if you are a faction member, but they cost lots of faction points to exchange. If you have a recipe and your alchemist level is high enough, you can brew one, but the recipe is even much rarer than the potion itself. I doubt anyone has it yet."

"Does this resurrection potion function like the spell? The target cannot be dead for longer than one hour?" Jack asked.

"Yes," Peniel answered.

This meant even if he had the potions, the royal agents had to always work in pairs. This could be a solution. He knew Bowler had a rather high rank in the Church of Creation.

Jack was just about to send a message to Bowler when Peniel said, "There is also a Wonder Building that can protect the lives of some selected natives."

"Wonder buildings? Do you know how to get them?" Jack asked.

"Yeah, but I'm not sure if it is possible for you," Peniel answered. "This country needs to receive the blessing from either one of these two factions, the Church of Creation or the Healers Society."

Jack's eyes lit up upon hearing Peniel's words. He might not be familiar with the Church of Creation, but he was on good terms with the Healers Society.

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