Second World

Chapter 1532 1532. Legendary-grade Storm Breaker

Chapter 1532 Chapter 1532. Legendary-grade Storm Breaker

When the divine sword of valor was absorbed by Storm Breaker, the sword broke apart. Jack wasn't surprised. The weapon would become legendary grade, he expected some sort of an animation to accompany the transformation.

Storm Breaker broke into multiple parts the way it was when it was in Overlimit State. The power orb at the center of the formation thumped with rhythmic pulses. The light emitted by the orb became brighter and slowly enshrouded the entire sword. Jack could no longer see the sword.

After a few seconds, the light shrunk. Jack could already see the shape of his sword, but the light was still covering it. The black surface of Storm Breaker's blade was not visible. From the shape, he could see that the sword had become longer again, but it was also slimmer. The light enshrouding the sword continued to dim.

Jack waited. He expected the process to end any moment now and he could see the familiar black sword again. After a while, he realized that the process had ended some time ago. The light had dimmed but it remained. The light was part of the sword.

Storm Breaker was no longer the black sword with thin golden lines along its blade. It was now a golden sword with soft light constantly emitted from its blade.

Jack grabbed the still-floating sword at its hilt. As he touched the sword, he felt power coursing through his hand. He sensed rich mana throughout the sword. He knew then that even without using mana manipulation, this sword's slash would deliver damage as if someone used mana manipulation.

The sword also reacted upon Jack's touch. Dark-gold lightning sparked from the hilt and ran along the length of the blade. Jack sensed excitement. It was as if the sword was alive.

Jack looked at the sword's stats and set its abilities. He found that all the selectable passive abilities had also improved.


Storm Breaker, level 77 (legendary one-handed sword, bound weapon), embedded: Orb of Eurus (Rare-grade Weapon orb).

Physical damage: 1,482

Attack speed 5

Cannot be destroyed, Bound to Storm Wind.

All sword skills +20% damage.

All received damage is reduced by 20%.

Elemental resistances +50

Soul Mark (Active skill): Mark a struck enemy. All subsequent damage received by this enemy will add 10% soul damage. Reduce this enemy's speed, defenses, and attributes by 15%. Duration: 3 minutes. Cooldown: 10 minutes.

World Splitter (Active skill): Deals 2000% physical damage to all enemies in a line. Ignores 50% defense. 100% chance of causing Weakness and Bleed for 1 minute. Range: 50 meters. Cooldown: 30 minutes.

Overlimit: Release the weapon's hidden power that provides an additional 300% chaos damage to every attack, increases the weapon's reach by 5 feet, and decreases the defense of hit targets by 90%. Duration: 5 minutes. Cooldown: 6 hours.

Four wind energies constantly swirled around the weapon. Whenever the weapon makes contact, the wind energies will lash out and deal 50% wind damage.


All of Storm Breaker's aspects had increased. Its base physical damage was higher than the divine sword of valor it was fed. Its attack speed had increased again. He didn't feel any weight from the sword at all. He didn't even feel as if he was holding a sword, which wasn't necessarily a good thing. He had gotten used to Storm Breaker's previous weight. Now, he would have to adjust himself to this new sword.

Its Overlimit ability had again improved. It now dealt more additional chaos damage and its reach was increased. It would be like he was holding a spear during Overlimit. The duration was also one minute longer.

"Sweet sword, boss… I bet you are now even scarier than before," The Man remarked.

"Never even think that was possible until now," Bowler added.

"Nail it, man. Haha," The Man gave Bowler his palm. The two high-fived while laughing.

Jack ignored the two Jokers. He slashed this new Storm Breaker around. There had always been wind energies circling his sword due to the Orb of Eurus, but this time his slashes also generated additional winds.

He swung the sword harder. There was a clear line in the air where Storm Breaker had slashed past. That line remained for some time. It was as if the air itself was cut.

Fascinated, Jack went a step further. He focused his mana and performed the One-word Slash. A sonic boom was heard following his slash. The noise startled those around, but one person was more startled compared to the others. This was because he suddenly lost more than half of his life.

"Arrgh…!" That person was The Man. He fell backward clutching his arm as if something had hit him. "Why did you do that, boss?!" He yelled.

"What skill was that?" Bowler asked. Jack was standing more than five meters away from The Man when he slashed, but Bowler didn't see any animation that usually followed a skill.

"I didn't use any skill," Jack replied. "It is just a normal slash. Well, not exactly normal. I used a sword art with that slash, but I never expected it to hit a distant target. I'm sorry."

"Ugh. Well, luckily it hit me instead of this scrawny guy," The Man pointed at Bowler. "He would have been sent straight to the resurrection chapel."

"Um… If you no longer need us, I just remember I have something need doing," Bowler said.

"Uh… I also just remember. I think sister Jeanny gave us an errand," The Man said. "Sorry, boss. Gotta run. Congratulations on that sweet sword. See you!"

The two ran to the entrance.

Jack shook his head and ignored the two. He returned his attention to his sword. "Well, I promised before that I'm going to make you the strongest sword, didn't I? I can still increase your level. But in general, I think we can agree that I've fulfilled that promise. Now, let us see what you got in store, shall we?"

Jack used Spirit Weapon.

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