Second World

Chapter 1584. A different group of  Reinforcements

Chapter 1584. A different group of Reinforcements

On Jack's side, there were only his clones, Therras, and Good Janus. The five of them watched the enemies with apprehension.

Jack couldn't tell for sure, but it seemed like the dragon was grinning.

Tiemezzys said to Evil Janus who was standing up, "Hehe. When I agreed to your condition, I never expected it would be to help you against the object of our deal."

Evil Janus didn't respond. He took out a potion and drank it. His HP started recovering. Jack and the others didn't dare do anything to prevent it with Tiemezzys right next to Evil Janus.

Although things looked to be in Evil Janus' favor, he didn't look happy. On the other hand, his expression showed that he was trying to hide his fury. He stared at Jack menacingly with his one blood-red eye.

"Grrrhh… You truly have made me very angry, Mister Storm Wind," Evil Janus growled. "You've forced me to let go of the chance to extract that Time Sage from you."

"Do you know what he means?" Jack asked Good Janus.

Good Janus shook his head. "Whatever deal my evil twin made with Tiemezzys, he made it after he separated from me."

"More correctly, we made the deal three days ago," Tiemezzys said with a grin.

Both Evil Janus and Tiemezzy just stood there without making any move. Young Januses were the same. They stopped attacking a while ago and just surrounded Jack and the others.

Jack's two clones were both back to human form. The beast form skill had ended. The Strength of Hope was still in effect, but with the current situation, it didn't seem like it would make any difference. Maybe that's why Evil Janus and Tiemezzys just watched them with playful stares.

"Three days ago? That's when I was captured," Jack said.

"Yes. After I found out that you suspected me and even laid a trap for me, I need to prepare for contingency," Evil Janus said. "So, I visited Tiemezzys. I have known about his grudge against you. He had gone into seclusion and never did anything because he thought you were still under the protection of Goddess Serenity. I knew that it was no longer so since the aftermath of the Hydrurond War."

"If I had known, I would have taken action then," Tiemezzys growled.

"So, after you fell in my hand, I went to meet Tiemezzys. I only need the essence from a few more faction leaders. He promised to come to my aid if I encountered any complications. In exchange, I will give you to him. This exchange is supposed to happen only after I extract your Time Sage class."

"Hehe, imagine my surprise when I see who he needs help against after coming here," Tiemezzys chuckled. He then said to Evil Janus with scorn," I can't believe you are having trouble against a weakling such as him."

"It's all because of that artifact," Evil Janus pointed at the Chalice of Blood on the floor.

"The Chalice of Blood…? Hm, whatever. Is this space secured for the outworlder's rebirth cycle?" Tiemezzys asked.

"Yes, he will revive here if he is killed," Evil Janus confirmed.

Tiemezzys stared at Jack menacingly. "Then, it is time for me to enact vengeance for Themos!"

The dragon was just about to lunge forward, but a loud boom was suddenly heard. The sound startled everyone.

Jack also felt the ground shake. A second boom was heard. Jack realized then it was not the ground that shook. It was the entire space that seemed to have shuddered.

A third boom and this time, a ray of light was seen from above. Everyone looked up and saw the void above had cracked. From this crack, that ray of light shone through. Another boom and the crack became bigger. Several figures dropped from that crack.

When they landed, everyone saw that it was a group of armored and cloaked people. Leading this group were two people. One was a draconian with an eye patch. He wore white plate armor and carried a humongous greatsword on his back. The other one was a cloaked ethereal.

Good Janus recognized the two leading figures. "Master Ragorth? Master Hashi?" He called.

Jack had never met the two but he knew their names. Ragorth was the faction leader of the League of Champions while Hashi was the top native assassin in the Assassins guild.

Ragorth and Hashi looked around the place with bewilderment. While everyone inside this space was flabbergasted by the appearance of this new group, Ragorth and Hashi's expressions showed that they were also clueless about what was going on there.

"Master Janus? King Storm Wind? What exactly happens here…?" Ragorth asked.

Before Good Janus could reply, Jack beat him to it. He spoke while pointing at Evil Janus, "Master Ragorth! Master Hashi! This creature is an evil spirit that possesses Master Janus' clones. He is the culprit in the assassination of league faction leaders!"

"He is?" Hashi asked. His eyes narrowed at Evil Janus.

Evil Janus' appearance at the moment didn't resemble a human. His body was shrouded by dark smoke and he had only one large eye on his head that emitted dark red light.

"Eyewitnesses mentioned a blurry creature as the perpetrator. That shadowy monster does look blurry," Ragorth said.

"So… That girl spoke the truth. The murderer is truly here," Hashi said. He brandished two large curved daggers. A translucent green aura coated the two daggers. "I'm going to avenge my leader's death."

Evil Janus didn't bother to explain. There was nothing to explain anyway, he was truly the faction leaders' murderer. He was curious about how these two managed to locate and even intrude into this pocket space, but finding the answer to that question would have to wait. He had to deal with the problem at hand first.

He was going to target Ragorth sooner or later, considering Ragorth was one of the strongest faction leaders. Now that Ragorth was here, might as well make use of the situation.

"Tiemezzys, deal with those two!" Evil Janus commanded.

"Deal with them yourself! My quarrel is with this outworlder," Tiemezzys replied.

"Remember our deal!" Evil Janus exclaimed. "I will capture the outworlder. He will be yours!"

Considering the payment for their deal was Jack, Tiemezzys could just take Jack now. He didn't need to obey Evil Janus. But despite his vengeance-fueled rage, he was still a true dragon. He had his dignity. A deal had been struck. He had to honor it. He grunted and headed toward Ragorth and Hashi.

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