Second World

Chapter 1590. Resolved to Die

Chapter 1590. Resolved to Die

Elayne continued shooting her sound darts to let the others track Tiemezzys' movements. Based on her tracking, Jack retreated to keep a safe distance between him and the dragon.

While others didn't understand how she achieved that feat, Jack had a rough idea. Elayne's mastery over sound granted her a sonar-like ability. By feeling the ground using her hand, she was able to detect the vibration caused by Tiemezzys' movement inside the ground.

Giant Ragorth was the next to come to the spot where Elayne indicated. He pulled his giant greatsword high before stabbing it deep into the ground. As it did, a gigantic rune symbol appeared on the ground. Massive light erupted from the symbol, blowing all the sand upward.

Following the eruption of the sand from the ground, a huge figure followed.

"If you are so eager to die, then let me fulfill your wish!!" Tiemezzys roared as he leaped out since the sand that hid him was gone.

He took Ragorth by surprise and bit into his left arm.

"Arrgghh…!!!" Ragorth screamed in pain from the bite.

Tiemezzys' massive claw then slammed Ragorth into the ground. He then had his heavy body pin the giant draconian warrior while slamming him repeatedly, causing damage with each slam.

He let go of Ragorth's arm which was wounded from the bite. He was about to bite into Ragorth's head when something sharp stung him in the side of his face.

It was Hashi who had again approached undetected. Hashi stepped on Tiemezzys' head and dropped several round things that stuck onto Tiemezzys' head before jumping away. These round things then created a chain explosion.

The repeated explosion on Tiemezzys' head forced him to stop his offensive against Ragorth. Ragorth took this chance to deactivate his Gigantify skill and returned to normal size. He slipped away from Tiemezzys as he shrunk.

Two soothing lights fell on him and he felt the wound on his left arm no longer hurt so much. His HP also went up a considerable chunk. He turned to the two who had healed him, which were Amy and Laurent. He gave them a grateful look.

Now, that Tiemezzys had come out in the open, the others resumed their offense. The League of Champions' warriors and the Assassins Guild's members swarmed the dragon while Young Januses sent their spells.

Tiemezzys spun his body in rage, his massive tail smacked all those around him. He looked at Jack again, who continued to keep a safe distance.

Jack knew that as long as he kept Tiemezzys focusing on him, the dragon wouldn't be able to do much damage to the others. Hence, he kept up this kiting technique. He only sent ranged damage if the dragon came too close.

Tiemezzys realized that the risk had become too great now. He would just have to look for another opportunity to deal with Jack. Now that he knew Goddess Serenity no longer protected Jack, such an opportunity would surely come.

He cast a spell. Six large earth cones appeared around him. This earth cone spun at high speed like giant drills. The others didn't dare to approach because they were weary of how these earth drills would attack them.

These earth drills aimed in Jack's direction and shot forward. At the same time, Tiemezzys fired his divine earth breath. Jack was prepared since he knew he was always Tiemezzys' target. He cast Wind Jet. His body shot out of harm's way as both the earth drills and breath attack shot by.

The breath attack and the drills crashed into the void wall by the edge of this space. Cracks were seen and soon after, the void wall shattered, creating a gap even bigger than when Ragorth and Hashi entered this place.

"I will get you back another time," Tiemezzys growled at Jack. He ran toward this huge gap in the void wall.

"Not so fast!" Jack cast Time Realm.

Tiemezzys found a barrier blocking his way. He also sensed his movement become sluggish. He slammed into this barrier. Before Tiemezzys' claw hit, the barrier at that spot seemed to shine brighter and become denser. When Tiemezzys' claw hit, he found this barrier resisted his strength.

Jack was using mana manipulation on his Time Realm skill. But instead of slowing the time further, he focused his mana manipulation to strengthen the exact spot in the barrier where Tiemezzys was hitting. This act gave the barrier enough strength to withstand Tiemezzys' power which was far stronger than Jack's.

"You wretched thing!" Tiemezzys cursed. He slammed the barrier again, but it remained standing. He was still unable to use mana manipulation because Elayne had again sent him a disrupting mental attack. Otherwise, this barrier would have crumbled.

While he was trapped, the others arrived and resumed their assaults. These assaults caused him to be unable to focus on breaking Jack's Time Realm. Hence, he remained trapped. The gap in the void wall he had created slowly mended.

Before the Time Realm ended, the gap had fully closed. Tiemezzys lost his chance to flee this space.

Furious, he fought recklessly. He no longer just targeted Jack. He wanted to destroy everyone here. This resulted in several more casualties. Among them were several members from the League of Champions and the Assassins Guild. Several young Januses also fell. On the royal agents' side, Robinson and Lindsey lost their lives.

Luckily, both Laurent and Amy had the resurrection spell. Jack and Duke Alfredo cast Telekinesis to pull the two's bodies out. Laurent and Amy then resurrected the two. Jack ordered everyone to fight more reservedly. They couldn't afford for more to die now that Laurent and Amy's resurrection spell was on cooldown.

Ragorth and Hashi looked at Laurent and Amy in envy when they resurrected their comrades. They wished the two resurrect their members as well, but they understood about the spell's cooldown. It was not strange for Laurent and Amy to prioritize their comrades first.

Through an arduous battle, they finally reduced Tiemezzys' HP to almost 5%. The dragon appeared to have resolved to die. He no longer tried to escape, but he was determined to take more victims before he fell.

A loud voice empowered by mana manipulation caused everyone to stop.

"Everyone, please stop!!"

Everybody stopped, even Tiemezzys. They all turned to the voice. It was Jack.

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