Second World

Chapter 1598 1598. New Spells

Chapter 1598 1598. New Spells

After taking the technique book, Jack checked again the other items inside the warehouse available for exchange. He didn't have many guild contribution points left since he had used them to get a heap of robe armor to be fused for Elayne.

The loot from Janus he donated just now had granted him some contribution points. He originally wanted to exchange for gemstones again, but Jeanny hadn't copied another batch. There were however, several evolve seeds for exchange.

They were mostly the lowest standard evolve seeds like the rare-grade elemental seeds and empower seeds. One, however, was a super rare grade seed called mobile seed. Peniel told Jack that this seed was one with more restrictions compared to other seeds. It could only be used on skills or spells that produce a static effect.

Jack checked his guild contribution points. He had enough to exchange for this seed plus another lower-grade seed. He took the mobile seed and the empower seed.

Afterward, Jack returned to Thereath palace to rest in his royal chamber.

Inside his royal chamber, he laid out the goods he had exchanged and the remaining loots dropped by Evil Janus. The loots were two gemstones, one technique book, and an evolve seed.

The gemstones were a super rare diamond and a unique emerald. Jack used them both for his Runestone of Marching. The two gemstones provided 3,300 elemental energies. The runestone of Marching now had 63,200 elemental energies out of the 100,000 needed to upgrade it to the legendary grade.

The technique book contained another spell that Evil Janus had used in the battle earlier. The spell was called Hundred Mirages.

Peniel explained to Jack that the Hundred Mirages was a spell that created multiple fake copies of the caster. When Evil Janus used Illios Stare and Vision Bending, he also combined it with this spell. Hence, he created a lot of copies instead of only one.

Just like the one copy created by Vision Bending, the copies from Hundred Mirages imitated the caster's action. Moreover, each copy gave off mana that could fool even those who had mana sense.

Jack didn't know when Jeanny would return, or if she still had her divine ability to copy items when she returned. It wouldn't be wise to just keep this book waiting for her return, so Jack decided to just learn it.

He also learned all the other technique books he had gotten after the battle with Evil Janus.


Hundred Mirages, level 1/20 (Active spell)

Creates 10 copies of the caster that imitates the caster's action.

Duration: 2 minutes

Cooldown: 1 hour

MP: 250


Magic Bombs, level 1/20 (Active spell, requires magic weapon)

Shoots 10 energy balls that explode. Each ball deals 100% magical damage in a 5-meter diameter area.

Range: 50 meters

Cooldown: 2 hours

MP: 200


Black Hole, level 1/20 (Active spell, requires magic weapon)

Creates a 5-meter radius energy field with a powerful pulling force. Deals 30% magical damage every second.

When this spell ends, all affected hostiles have a 5% chance of receiving an instant-kill effect.

Range: 50 meters

Duration: 10 seconds

Cooldown: 4 hours

MP: 350


Storm Wrath (Mega spell)

Creates a sphere of intense wind and lightning energy that batters everything within the sphere.

Cooldown: 12 hours


Jack had suddenly received so many new spells that he didn't know which one to level up. He currently only had 3 free skill points for Time Sage and 6 free skill points for Beast Monarch available for use. There were also 1,600,000 souls in his Container of Souls. More than one million souls came from Evil Janus. The rest was from the slain monsters when he power-leveled Elayne and the leftover souls inside the container. Young Janus clones didn't provide any souls.

Jack asked Peniel what were the effects of leveling up these new spells except for Storm Wrath. The mega spell couldn't be leveled up. Peniel not only informed him of the effect of level-up but also the effect of star upgrades.

Each level of Hundred Mirages increased the spell's duration by 24 seconds and added another copy. At max level, the spell lasted ten minutes and produced thirty copies. When this spell obtained its first star, the copies could move and perform other actions other than imitating the caster. The more stars it had, the more varied the actions were. With thirty copies moving and acting haphazardly, it would certainly confuse the enemies.

Every level of Magic Bombs increased the spell's damage by five percent. Every two levels added another energy ball. At max level, Magic Bombs released twenty energy balls that dealt 200% magical damage. The star upgrades decreased the cooldown by 6 minutes for each star. At full ten stars, the cooldown was reduced to one hour.

Every level of Black Hole increased the energy field's radius by 0.5 meters and its duration by 1 second. At max level, Black Hole's radius was 15 meters and its duration was 30 seconds. Every star increased Black Hole's damage and instant-kill effect by 2%. At ten stars, Black Hole dealt 50% magical damage every second and its instant-kill chance was 25%.

Jack noted that the Black Hole's instant-kill chance was a far cry from the Herald's Chaos Black Hole even when this spell was upgraded to full stars. The Herald's Chaos Black Hole had a 100% chance. Peniel simply said she wasn't the one who created the spells. She told Jack to just accept the fact.

After some consideration, Jack decided to not level up any of these new spells. He spent Time Sage's 3 free skill points and all the 1,600,000 souls to max-level Time Lock. At level 20, Time Lock stopped the target for ten seconds and its range became 100 meters.

For the Beast Monarch's 6 free skill points, Jack used them to level up Beast Dominance to level 7. Each level-up increased the skill's duration by 9 seconds and its radius by 2.5 meters. At level 7, the skill's radius increased to 65 meters and all affected hostile pets and summons were under his control for 2 minutes and 54 seconds. If he max-leveled this skill, the radius would become 100 meters and enemy creatures would be under his control for five minutes.

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