Second World

Chapter 1614 1614. Destroying the Throne

Chapter 1614 1614. Destroying the Throne

Once Jack used Reset, he transformed into the supreme dragon form. An instant after, a lightning explosion erupted from his body. The eight draconian guards were rushing at Jack after he was blasted by Long's flame breath. They were assailed by the lightning explosion. They fell back with paralyzed bodies. Sparks of lightning could be seen coursing through their bodies.

Jack's dragon form was also in lightning form. He then turned into a lightning bolt and smashed into Long.

Jack was surprised to see that Long only staggered back a few steps from that forceful collision. He was even more surprised to see a dark purple energy coating Long's body. He had seen the same thing before when he fought the Herald of Greed inside the ancient battleground.

"Chaos armor?" Jack uttered. "So, you still hide a trump card."

Long was indeed hiding this skill to use it at an opportune moment. He hoped this skill could give him a window to land a decisive counterattack. However, after sensing Jack's energy when Jack transformed using Lightning God Incarnation, he knew he couldn't afford to be careless.

"Doesn't matter, it will all end now." Jack cast Time Lock.

Long's movement completely stopped.

"Huh? The flames of his Nine Yang Restoration continue to burn," Jack said.

"His Chaos Armor is also still in effect even if you stop his movement," Peniel added.

Jack tested by using the sword of light on Long. The crescent light hit but the damage it caused was quickly healed by the Nine Yang Restoration. The nine-yang energy wasn't affected by the time lock.

"Never mind, let's take them out together," Jack said. He rushed to Long, grabbed him, and threw him to Gridhacker beside the throne.

Gridhacker and Guzrim had been casting offensive spells at Jack when Jack was dealing with Long, but Jack ignored those spells. The protection from his Lightning God Incarnation reduced those spells' damage to a minuscule proportion.

Long's static body slammed into Gridhacker who in turn slammed into the throne. While the two were incapacitated, Jack used Lightning God Barrage, fired his soul breath, and purposefully triggered the finishing attack of his Lightning God Incarnation.

The three explosive attacks hit at the same time at Long, Gridhacker, and the throne.

The impact was so powerful, it not only destroyed the throne. It also destroyed the floor under it. The floor crumbled and Jack fell to the royal guest meeting room underneath the throne room. This was the room with the broken glass wall where he had entered earlier.

What surprised Jack the most was the two players who received his combined divine attacks were still alive. Their HP hung at 1 point.

"What theā€¦ Sacrificial dummy?" Jack made a guess. "You people and your tools."

Jack swung his hands at the two. He only needed to hit them one more time.

Gridhacker couldn't react to Jack's speed. He was in a paralyzed state, so there was nothing he could do. The rune diagrams in the palace sent recovery lights at him, but Jack's slash was faster. Gridhacker died before his HP recovered enough. 

Jack received the notification he had successfully taken over Hydrurond. He received 500,000 merit points and 50 ruling powers for the feat. He didn't have the time to celebrate. Gridhacker was killed, but Long was not.

The time lock had ended at the time they fell through the crumbling floor, and the chaos armor protected Long from status effects, so he was not paralyzed. Long's reaction was very fast, he flipped backward when Jack's slash came. The Nine Yang Restoration also recovered Long's HP after his life was saved by the sacrificial dummy. 

Jack used Brave Slash again. Long countered using Nine Yang Scorching Blade. The martial arts collided with the game skill. Jack's power trumped Long's. Long was sent flying back with some damage. Long didn't fight the force. He used it instead.

Accelerated by the momentum, he flapped his dragon wings and shot out through the broken glass wall. He knew now that he wasn't Jack's opponent when Jack was at full strength.

"Not so fast!" Jack used Wind Slash. While doing that, he also cast Time Realm

Jack might be able to mask his melee attacks, but he was unable to do so on his ranged attacks. With his mana sense, Long was able to accurately dodge the five slashing wind energies.

After dodging those wind slashes, Long felt his speed slow down. Ahead of him, an obstructing barrier appeared and cut his escape path.

"This again? This won't stop me the last time. It won't stop me this time!" Long exclaimed. His palm moved forward, preparing to use the Penetrating Wave Palm.

Before his palm touched the Time Realm's barrier. Something suddenly appeared before him. He was surprised because he didn't sense this thing. This thing was a humanoid metallic creature with bladed limbs. Behind it were three pairs of bladed wings.

This was the first time Long saw Spark. He didn't understand why a monster suddenly appeared here right in the middle of a settlement, and why couldn't he sense it?

Spark didn't let Long ponder for long. It entered Jack's time realm boundary. It stabbed and slashed at Long using its bladed limbs and bladed wings. Long had no choice but to stop advancing and block the attacks using his iron hand technique.

While he did, the air directly in front of him shimmered.

"What?!" Long had seen this shimmering air recently, but to see it now was too unexpected. How could a monster use martial arts? A top-class ancient art to add!

His surprise and the slow effect from the time realm dulled his movement. A black light shot out of the shimmering air and pierced Long's forehead. His mind might have been strong enough to resist the mental attack from Illios stare, but getting hit by the Nine Yin Phantom Blade in his head was another matter.

His mind went blank for a second.

During this one second, which was stretched longer due to the Time Realm's effect, Jack arrived behind Long. With Spark at the front, the two used their sword arts. Countless slashes landed on Long's body. The combo multiplier produced tremendous damage. Additionally, the flames from the Nine Yang Restoration went a little dimmer after Long suffered a hit on the head.

The HP recovery was not able to keep up with the damage Long received. His HP finally dropped to zero. His still body dropped to the ground from a great height.

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