Second World

Chapter 1630 The Arrival of an Ally

Chapter 1630 1630. The Arrival of an Ally

With the archdemon lord gone, Eurdrasill was given free rein. He cast a spell that conjured an acid rain. This rain dealt magical damage to everyone it touched and lowered the equipment's durability. The spell was placed right above the gap in the wall.

The dragon also descended. Several wood tentacles sprout from his body. As he flew at a low Altitude, these tentacles smacked the defenders away. At the same time, he cast another spell that summoned several wind saws. These saws spread and sliced through the defending soldiers.

"Stop…!!" Arther shouted. His silver wings spread and he flew toward Eurdrasill.

"Wait! You are not his opponent…!" Vanessa yelled, but Arther ignored her warning.

Arther used Aerial Charge once he came into range. This was similar to the Charge skill but usable in the air. The charge let him slip through the Eurdrasill's swinging tentacles before the dragon was aware. He slammed into the side of the dragon's face. He followed it up by using Divine Flash Strikes. He turned into multiple flashes that struck the dragon's head.

His assault did stop Eurdrasill's advance. But once his Divine Flash Strikes ended, he was snatched by one of Eurdrasill's wood tentacles. This tentacle slammed him into the ground before Eurdraill's massive claw stomped into him. Arther received massive damage despite having the divine armor skill protecting him.

When Eurdrasill was about to stomp again, a thorned whip coiled around his neck. He looked back and saw a vampire woman trying to pull at him using that tiny whip. Eurdrasill jerked his head forward. Vanessa lost the tug-of-war and was flung forward.

Vanessa utilized the force. She didn't lose her balance from the fling. She jumped and passed above Eurdrasill's head. On her way, her hand waved, spreading dark powder. This move was similar to the hidden weapon specialist's powder throw. But after hitting the target, the dark powder remained and even became solidified. Vanessa had aimed the throw at Eurdrasill's eyes. This congealed powder was now covering the dragon's eyes.

Eurdrasill roared from the loss of sight. He couldn't sense mana. He stomped wildly while having one claw trying to peel the gel on his face.

Vanessa used her whip on Arther once she landed. She pulled him out so that he wasn't hit by Eurdrasill's wild stomping. However, the wood tentacles on the Eurdrasill's body also swung around wildly following the dragon's movement. The two were smacked by one of these tentacles.

Eurdrasill finally ripped the gel off his face. Once he could see again, he opened his mouth. Mana gathered inside.

"He will use his breath attack. We have to dodge!" Vanessa exclaimed.

Arther looked back. They were directly before the gap. If they dodged, the defenders behind would suffer the breath attack.

"No, we hold our ground!!" Arther exclaimed. He used a Paladin's skill, Heaven's Shield. The illusory shield appeared before him. His Heaven's Shield was even larger and brighter than the standard one.

"You fool!" Vanessa cursed, but she didn't leave Arther. She cast two defensive spells in succession. A firewall and a wall of vines came up in front of Arther's Heaven's Shield.

Eurdrasill unleashed his divine wind breath then. The powerful torrent of swirling air slammed into the firewall, the wall of vines, and the illusory shield. The firewall was extinguished almost instantly. The wall of vines was shredded. The Heaven's Shield held for a second but was then shattered.

Arther planted his feet. With the divine armor covering him, he used his body to block the breath attack. Vanessa held him to keep him stable but they finally succumbed to the pressure. They were knocked away as the residue of the breath traveled onward.

The divine wind breath was greatly mitigated after passing through the two. It hit the defenders behind. The defenders received damage but they didn't lose their ground.

"You, crazy fool. Hurry and drink a recovery potion!" Vanessa told Arther.

Arther bore the brunt of the breath attack. He suffered tremendous damage. He was also not in the best shape since he had been battling Eurdrasill for quite some time. He had less than 5% of his HP left.

Vanessa unslung a bottle from her belt and handed it to Arther. It was a Super Healing Potion. The potion was a rare consumable item. It recovered 10,000 HP instantly and then slowly recovered 5% of the user's max HP within sixty seconds. It was not much. But then again, there were not many potions that were effective for a native.

Before Arther could receive the bottle. Six rapid gunshots were heard. These gunshots accurately hit Arther's head, resulting in critical damage. The shot took out Arther's remaining HP. He slumped beside Vanessa who was still holding the super healing potion.

Vanessa turned to the perpetrator. It was an ethereal outworlder with a cowboy getup.

Ronald grinned after the kill. He had been with the Liguritudum army that tried to storm the gap in the wall. He was always looking for low-HP native officers to kill. When he saw the battle between Eurdrasill and the two natives approaching their way, he immediately went over to hunt for a kill stealing.

"You, bastard!!" Vanessa cursed. She threw several flaming bat darts, but Ronald quickly hid behind the nearby soldiers. These flaming bat darts hit the soldiers instead and exploded.

Vanessa looked at Arther. She pitied his passing. Although they didn't communicate much, she had a fond feeling for this human knight. She wasn't aware that Arther's life was protected by a wonder building.

Eurdrasill flapped his wings and resumed his advance toward the gap in the wall. The defenders looked at this massive dragon with apprehension. They already had problems keeping the Liguritudum army out. If this dragon hit them, it would open the floodgates for the invading army.

When the defenders lost hope. A thick yellow fume shot out of the sky. This yellow fume struck Eurdrasill and forced him tens of meters back. Another massive dragon came down from the sky. It had dark yellow scales. The veterans from the Themisphere army recognized this dragon at a glance because this dragon used to be their country guardian.

Broidrireg, who was still battling suzaki and the divine earth titan, looked at Tiemezzys and uttered, "Heh… Took you long enough to fly here."

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