Second World

Chapter 1633 The Arrival of an Annoying Person

Chapter 1633 Chapter 1633. The Arrival of an Annoying Person

"Stay down!" Broidrireg yelled. He pressed his two forelimbs on Uddroth, pinning the fire dragon to the ground.

A huge fireball slammed into the side of his head.

"Rargghh…!" He grunted.

The fireball was Suzaki in her fireball form. She followed up the attack by using a flame burst from a close range. Broidrireg had no choice but to move away. Suzaki followed up by throwing several feather flame darts. Uddroth rose and conjured flame pellets to assault Broidrireg.

Broidrireg cast a spell that covered his body with wind armor. The swirling winds around his body redirected these flame darts and flame pellets away.

He also simultaneously cast another spell in retaliation. His spell summoned a floating blob of water with ten massive tentacles. Six of these tentacles coiled themselves over Uddroth while the other four slapped wildly at Suzaki.

Broidrireg resumed casting offensive spells that targeted Suzaki. He didn't want to fight Uddroth if he could help it.

However, Uddroth didn't let himself be incapacitated for long. The water tentacles resisted Uddroth's physical efforts, but a powerful flame burst out of his body, evaporating the water tentacles entangling his body.

When he was about to rush to Broidrireg, the water tentacles quickly regrew and caught his legs. He turned back with a claw bursting into an intense flame. He slammed this burning claw into the body mass with the water tentacles. He squished that body mass with enormous strength. The blob was destroyed as the water forming its body was vaporized by the flames.

Uddroth then rushed at Broidrireg while Suzaki continued fighting using evasive maneuvers.


Broidrireg might have pulled Uddroth's attention away, but the damage was done. The Liguritudum army continued to slip into the capital through the gap in the wall. The defenders were unable to hold the tide. Sangrod's army doubled their effort in hitting the Liguritudum army from the back but Linda commanded the army to ignore the Sangrod soldiers.

Linda sent messages to the guild members on the field to command the zombie soldiers nearby. This zombie army went and engaged the Sangrod army, giving the Liguritudum army more leeway to enter the capital.

"Bloody heck!" Jack cursed. He disengaged from the battle and flew into the capital.

As he had guessed, the enemy army who had entered the capital was making their way to the palace. The defenders continued to try to block their way, but it was impossible to block everyone since there were too many paths. Additionally, the enemy's number entering the capital continued to grow.

Previously, Linda was unable to showcase her maneuvering because there was not enough space to maneuver. There were simply too many units on the battlefield. Now that they entered the capital, she had more room to maneuver.

She sent several decoy squads to draw the defenders' attention while sending her real force through other paths. The defenders thought that they had stopped the enemy's advance, when there were other enemies already behind them, heading to the palace.

The ones from the defender side who could see the whole situation were Aldryth and the players in the throne room. They tried sending messages to coordinate with the army, but the responses were late. Aldryth didn't have command over the Themisphere army, while the Hydrurond army was only a small part of the defenders. As for the guild forces, they lost a large portion of their guild armies in the battle till now. They only had a few guild units left.

Jack did his best. His gold dragon wings allowed him to see the situation from the sky. He located the enemies who made the furthest progress and then headed over to engage them. Even so, he was just one person. Linda didn't concentrate all the soldiers into one force. Jack might stop one, but he couldn't stop the others. His Double Clone spell was also still on cooldown.

Jack couldn't think of a better solution. He continued to fight one force until reinforcements arrived. He then left this force to that reinforcement and flew up to locate another force.

As the situation seemed dire, Jack saw a change in the movement of his army. His army now moved in and actively searched for the enemy forces. This left the wall's defense weakened and allowed more zombie soldiers to climb in, but at the moment, protecting the palace was more important.

He agreed with this maneuver even if it wasn't him who gave the order. What interested him more was the way his army moved. They moved as if one. They spread out and covered all paths to look for enemies while moving toward the palace. Such coordination shouldn't be possible without a war table, and he didn't bring one with him.

"Yo, expert. That is one big mess you have made," Jack received a message from John.

"Hey! Are you nearby?" Jack asked with a hopeful feeling.

"That is a rhetorical question, is it? Otherwise, how do you suppose I take control of the army there?"


Outside the capital, Linda continued using the war table to give commands to the forces inside the capital. The enemies seemed to suddenly become active in hunting her forces inside the capital. It didn't matter. More and more were entering. The defenders would soon find it overwhelming, especially when the entire capital was overrun by the zombie army.

"Madam!" One of the officers protecting her called.

"Do the death dealers come again?" She asked. The death dealers continued to hunt for her. She had moved position four times using the Field Teleportation rune diagrams. She didn't worry. She could still teleport six more times if needed. By then, she believed they should have won the war, or the death dealers were ground down to a manageable number.

"No, ma'am. There are things in the distance moving here," the officer said.

Linda looked in the direction the officer indicated. The sun was about to set, but there was still enough light to see the horizon. She saw a carpet of moving figures in the distance with the backdrop of a small hill.

Whatever those were, they soon registered in the projection above her war table. They were marked with red triangles, which indicated they were enemies. From this projection, she estimated this new force numbered around one million.

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