Second World

Chapter 1646 Eurdrasill’s Loots

Chapter 1646 Chapter 1646. Eurdrasill’s Loots

Jack remembered then that Grace's equipment was sealed equipment. Now that she was level 80, the seal was released. Her armor featured more details and the glow that Jack saw came from her armor. Her legendary-grade set armor was constantly shining.

John was there with them. He remarked that the glow was not good in a battle. That was the same as asking everyone to target her. Jack told Grace that John was just jealous. Jack said such radiance during a battle would sure give allies a high spirit.

Jack praised Grace by declaring that she must be the first player to wear a full set of legendary-grade equipment. Grace reminded Jack there was another one who was the same as her wearing a sealed set equipment. The one she was referring to was Red Death.

Grace said if Red Death was not captured, she might have also reached the level where her equipment was unsealed. Considering her equipment was bestowed by the Goddess of Wrath, they should not be any weaker than the ones Grace was wearing.

The True Death Associates had their guild headquarters in Hydrurond. They were one of the guilds who fought with Aldryth's army against Liguritudum when she was on her way to Messephyria. They also fought during the defense of the capital. So, if Red Death was not captured, she should have fought in these battles as well.

Touching the subject of Red Death, Grace asked, "Has she apologized to you for trying to kill you the last time?"

"She successfully killed him," Peniel reminded Grace.

"How many times do you want to remind people of that?" Jack complained to Peniel.

Peniel simply giggled for a response.

"She failed, so I don't consider it a big deal," Jack answered Grace's question.

"She should still apologize," Grace uttered.

"She didn't fail. You survived because of me," Peniel said to Jack.

Jack's hands went and tried to catch Peniel. She flew away while giggling. Jack chased after her.

"Hey! If you two kids are done playing, follow me to the mobile fortress!" John called Jack and Peniel.

"Woo-hoo! The mobile fortress. That's right! I haven't seen its interior. I have to go take a look!" Jack exclaimed. He had forgotten about chasing after Peniel after hearing about the mobile fortress.

"I'm not calling you there to give you a tour," John said.

"Then why do you want me there?" Jack asked.

"You will see. Let's go," John said.

Jack and Grace followed John. On the way, Jack checked the loots dropped by Eurdrasill. After the battle, many loots were spread out all over the battlefield. These loots were collected and distributed to the players. The number of those loots was astronomical, but of course, none of them could be compared to the loots dropped by Eurdrasill. Not to mention, Jack also used his legendary-grade Runestone of Luck to boost the quality of the dropped loots.

As a level 90 eternal grade, Eurdrasill dropped many loots. From the mana core alone, Eurdrasill dropped 10,000 mana cores. Jack almost ran out of mana cores after summoning the archdemon lord during the battle. It would be some time before he could do another summon. But considering he had Arlcard to call, he didn't need to rely on the archdemon lord too much now.

Most of the loot dropped from Eurdrasill were materials, ingredients, and equipment. Unfortunately, there was no legendary-grade equipment, but some of the materials and ingredients were legendary grades. These would all be given to the guild. Among the loots, four items drew Jack's attention. An armor orb, a technique book, an evolve seed, and another seed-like item yet not an evolve seed.

Jack first took a look at the armor orb.


Orb of Amun (Legendary-grade Armor orb)

Increase armor's base defense by 20%.

Wind resistance +100.

+50% movement speed and attacking speed.

5% chance to nullify wind damage.

Shroud the bearer in wind armor. 10% chance to redirect ranged single-target attack. Any ranged single-target attack that fails to get redirected has its damage reduced by 30%.


Luckily, Jack had etched all his royal outfits beforehand, so he didn't need to go to a forge to create the etching. Without delay, he installed this armor orb into his Themisphere King's Plated Long Boots.


Themisphere King's Plated Long Boots, level: 83 (unique set medium armor: Themisphere Royal Battle Armor), embedded: Orb of Amun (Legendary-grade Armor Orb).

Physical Defense: 621

Magical Defense: 543


Reflex +23

Dexterity +25

Wind Resistance +30

Automatically increase movement speed by 100% for 5 seconds if receive damage. Cooldown: 5 minutes.

Wind resistance +100

+50% movement speed and attacking speed

5% chance to nullify wind damage

Shroud the bearer in wind armor. 10% chance to redirect ranged single-target attack. Any ranged single-target attack that fails to get redirected has its damage reduced by 30%.


Jack started running around to test the boost. The surrounding soldiers were confused. Why did the king suddenly run around the place for no reason? Was the battle just not enough for his energy outlet?

Since Orb of Amun's 50% speed boost was a passive effect, Jack's base movement was now one and a half times from before. He was already very fast to begin with. Wearing these boots was like giving him wings… even when he already had that too.

After installing the armor orb, there was also a constant wind veil swirling around his body.

"John, try shooting me with your Repeating Mana Bullet," Jack asked.

John had used a Multi Seed on his mana bullet. The resulting spell was Repeating Mana Bullet, which coughed out six rapid energy balls with one shot. He had been annoyed because Jack was running around erratically. He was happy to comply.

Jack took off his cloak when John aimed at him. This was to remove the cloak's auto-defense feature. When John's mana bullet arrived, two out of the six energy balls flew off in different directions, avoiding Jack. The remaining four hit.

"Sweet! Now it would be even harder for someone to hit me with ranged attacks unless they used AOE skills," Jack uttered and reequipped his cloak.

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