Second World

Chapter 1655 Quetzalcoatl

Chapter 1655 1655. Quetzalcoatl

"Blizzard, your six!!" Four Winds yelled.

Violent Blizzard spun at Four Winds' warning. Her greatsword swung back with expert handling. It struck a Jungle Spectre and sent him flying.

The strike was done using Holy Avenger's level 70 skill, Punishing Smite. This skill required at least one avenging orb to execute. Upon execution, all avenging orbs were consumed. Each avenging orb dealt 200% physical damage. The skill also stunned the opponent for 2 seconds. Each avenging orb had a 10% chance of causing a random status ailment on the struck target.

"I sensed him," Violent Blizzard said to Four Winds.

"Heh," Four Winds chuckled. He then sensed something invisible moved past him and headed to Kima who was behind the war table. "Look out!" He yelled.

Someone came before Kima. With one punch, he forced a jungle specter to appear. It was followed by a series of punches that sent the jungle specter tumbling back.

"Thank you," Kima said to Umeza.

"Focus on controlling our army. I will protect you," Umeza said. His giant three-headed wolf stood guard behind Kima while he took position at the front.

"Our members reported that the enemies have called their guild armies. We should do the same!" Purple Mist said to Four Winds.

"The enemy has us at a surprise, we are in a bad position. We have to secure a solid defensive perimeter around us first. Otherwise, if the controllers of the platforms get killed, all those guild armies will be unsummoned."

"I will take their attention. You, people, secure our position!" One of the war chiefs, Makubwa Mountking, exclaimed.

He used his wings tool and flew ahead of everyone. His two-handed club grew to a gigantic proportion as he advanced. He smashed his enlarged weapon upon the ground far ahead. The ground caved in and several trees were uprooted. A clearing was created. The wood hunters and jungle specters hiding in those trees were exposed. The frontline orc soldiers immediately rushed over. They had been fed up with these hidden enemies.

A large arrow the size of a spear whizzed through the air in Makubwa's direction. The giant orc saw the incoming attack and had his oversized club block the arrow.

"You filthy orcs will pay for damaging our forest," An elven woman stood atop the branch of a tree a distance away. She was holding a giant golden bow.

This elven woman was Ashira Sharpsight. She was the only one out of the three Lord Protectors who stayed after Mistress took over the throne.

"Then come and get me!" Makubwa exclaimed.

He flew forward, but Ashira jumped away before he arrived. She nimbly moved from one tree to another. If Makubwa got close, she used Air Skate. Her body zoomed abruptly at high speed, increasing the distance between them again.

She didn't just dodge. All the time she was moving away from Makubwa, she never stopped firing her arrows. Additionally, she was using a skill, Wind Destroying Arrows. The skill was similar to Howard's Lightning Destroying Arrows except hers dealt wind damage. With this skill, her firing rate increased. She kited Makubwa while dealing unceasing damage to him without the war chief even catching her shadow. She also lured her to where a large portion of her soldiers were located.

This pissed the war chief a great deal. He roared in frustration and unleashed his AOE attacks. He used Hurricane Calamity, causing violent winds all around him. He also used Earthquake Slam, creating a small earthquake that unbalanced and damaged everyone nearby. If he couldn't get to Ashira, then these elven soldiers were the ones to bear his wrath.

Ashira wasn't concerned about those soldiers. They served as another obstacle to hold the war chief down. She continued shooting her arrows, chipping Makubwa's HP bit by bit.

While she was gleefully firing her wind arrows, she sensed an attack from underneath her. She jumped away just in time when a large creeping plant crept up the tree and was about to catch her.

As she did, several shadowy animals came at her from multiple sides. She spun at high speed and multiple arrows came out of her rapidly. The arrows struck the animals and forced them back. What she used was Frenzy Arrows. This skill was similar to the Gunner's Bulletstorm but was executed using a bow or crossbow instead of a gun.

Her sharp eyes quickly located the one who had sent these shadow animals at her. The one responsible was Samuhn Spiritcrier, Verremor's Shaman King.

"Don't let her play you, war chief. Cool your head. I will assist you," Samuhn said to Makubwa.

"Heh. Two against one is dishonorable, but I guess there is no need to be honorable with these elves," Makubwa said.

The Aurebor's army might held a better advantage compared to Verremor's army, but Verremor's army had more high-level mythical officers. Verremor brought all their three war chiefs. With the shaman king, Verremor had four powerful combatants, while Aurebor only had one Lord Protector.

Mistress had recently changed her companion because she found one that was better. Without any sentiment, she chased her old companion away. Her new companion was a level 80 mythical-grade spear-wielding elven warrior, Lancel Sunpiercer.

She sent her companion to fight against the second Verremor's war chief. For the third one, she had several high-level rare elites ganged up on the war chief. In this way, she kept her army's disadvantage in terms of high-level combatant to a minimum while exploiting their advantages in army number, terrains, and positioning.

Kabaka saw that the battle was not in their favor. He took out his Grand Chief Badge. "We need your help, our protector," he said and activated his badge.

The clouds suddenly became dark. Thunders were heard as lightning started coursing through the dark sky. The lightning became more frequent as a humongous figure descended. It was a long serpent with only two hind legs and a pair of feathery wings. It had the head of a dragon.

This dragon was Quetzalcoatl, Verremor's country guardian.

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