Second World

Chapter 823. Come Looking for Trouble

Chapter 823. Come Looking for Trouble

"Here, my signature," Jack signed the papers and handed them back to Sonny. "Tell me the way to exit this valley, please."

"Sure, follow me. We have a couple of hours before those shadow monsters are back," Sonny said and gestured for Jack to follow.

On the way, Jack asked, "How long has your service been going on exactly?"

"We started around one month ago, but only during these last two weeks that our business picks up. We have other members go around the cities to offer our services to those who had died and fallen to level 1."

"Hm… In that case, you should be ready," Jack said.

"Ready for what?" Sonny asked.

"For competition. I doubt that NDA does any shit. Someone will learn about what you are doing sooner or later. If powerful guilds learn of what your guild is doing, they will come and try to take a piece of the pie as well, or maybe even the whole pie."

"How can you say that? We come from a law-abiding civilization. Contracts and signatures mean something."

"Whatever strikes your fancy, man," Jack said, not interested to argue.

After walking for a while, they came to an opening on the cliff wall. It was more like a door. The opening was a rectangular shape with a size that allowed two people to pass through at the same time. When Jack went through the door, he came to a rather huge hall. The inside was rather lively.

"We separate the people who want to level up into two batches. While one batch is outside fighting, the other batch is resting inside the hub here," Sonny informed.

"Good system. Hey, is that…" Jack looked at one side of the hall. There were six giant panels with similar symbols on them. Under them was a door.

"Those are the symbols of advanced class academies," Peniel said.

"Hey, your familiar can talk," Sonny remarked. "Yes, people who had reached level 15 can just take their advanced class trials here. There is no need to go back up there."

"I see. This place is designed to keep throwing shadows for players to grind until level 30. It will be frustrating if they have to keep on leveling up without being able to change to an advanced class."

"Yeah, our leader was very happy after finding this hub. He had died and revert to level 1 multiple times. Only after entering this hub that the shadows stopped chasing him. He used this place to rest and worked his level back up then. Still, he only found it after one year of wandering. He said the further away we are from this hub, the more distorted the space. That's why he had marked this hub's location with the plateau up there. We always dropped down close to this place. We don't dare to wander too far away. Afraid of getting lost."

Jack remembered the time he spent wandering around this valley for the first time. He only spent one week before encountering the place that housed Pandora. He could consider himself very lucky if compared to this guy's leader.

Sonny took him to a stall that showcased various types of armor and weapons. "We also open a shop to sell level 15 and level 30 uncommon equipment there, to help them increase their odds of succeeding in the trials. The shadows here drop no loots, after all."

"Damn, man. Your guild truly turns everything into a business. You people must be real businessmen in our past world. I have a friend named Dylan who is sure to be eager to make acquaintance with you lot. By the way, what is the level 30 equipment for? Don't tell me you can do elite trials in here as well?"

"No, you have to go back to the cities for elite trials," Sonny chuckled. "The level 30 equipment is to help for exiting this valley. See those red and blue doors?"

They had been crossing over the hall from where they entered. At the further wall from the entrance were the two doors Sonny indicated. The two doors were very large, one was red, the other was blue.

"These two doors provided different tests. If you passed the test, you will find yourself back up there in the Busculla Plateau."

"What's the tests?" Jack asked.

"The red door has you solo a level 30 special elite boss," Sonny answered. "The blue door has a series of puzzles. Both are harmless regardless of the result. If you die fighting the special elite or fail to solve the puzzle within the time limit, you will just be sent back here without losing a level, but you will have to wait another day before you can try again."

"How do you help them pass these tests?"

"We let them know about the special elite's fighting pattern. For those who prefer puzzles, we give them pointers before they enter. Most are able to pass after that. Now, these are the summary of how to fight the boss or the puzzle, which one do you want to choose?"

Sonny had two thick books in his hands.

"Uh… As I said, I'm just curious. I have no intention of leaving this valley. I come here for another reason."

"Haha, you say it as if you come here intentionally," Sonny again slapped Jack's shoulder.

Jack didn't try to convince the guy, he continued, "It's impressive what you people do here. One more thing. You said something about helping these people come down here safely. How do you do that?"

We have magic class players for that. They have the Float spell. They cast it before they hit the ground. One person can carry two people with that method. But this method is only good for coming down. There is a magical layer that prevented us from floating back up or even climbing.

"As I said, you people are very creative. You have my admiration. All right, I wish you luck. I will go do my own things now," Jack said.

"Your own things…? Wait, you are not joking about coming to this valley intentionally?" Sonny asked.

Jack gave him an exasperated expression. 'Didn't I say that a few times already?'

Suddenly they heard a commotion from outside. Someone came running to them and asked, "Sonny! Where is leader Tim?"

"He is not here," Sonny answered. "He went back to the city for some matters."

"Shit! Then you have to come with me. You are the second in command."

"What's wrong?"

"There are a group of people suddenly appearing outside. They said they are from Corporate United. They demand that we hand over the operation in this valley to them."

"What?! How did they find out about our operation?"

'Duh, dude,' Jack uttered in his mind. But he was also grinning inside despite showing a flat expression outside.

Peniel sensed his excitement and asked, "Why are you so happy?"

"Because this happens earlier than I expected. Must be my luck stat at work to have them come when I'm here. I thought I still need to wait some while before this happens."

"What happens? You expected the Corporate United members to come looking for trouble?"

"I expect someone to come, sooner or later. Now that they come, these people who have developed the business here will see how vulnerable they are. I can then start negotiating with them."

"Negotiate about what?" Peniel asked.

"You'll see. Let's follow them first," Jack said. Sonny had gone with his friend outside. Jack followed after them.

Outside, the group of low-level players who had been relaxing while waiting for the next wave of shadow monsters, now stood on alert as they watched another group of well-armored players.

"Who is the person in charge here?!" The leader of these well-armored players bellowed. Jack actually knew the person. He was Manager Straightpole, the expert that Jack had killed when Jack invaded Corporate United's headquarters.

Jack stood behind the low-level players so the Corporate United members didn't see him. Jack used his Inspect on the Corporate United group. There were thirty of them. Most of them were level 48. Manager Straightpole was level 43. He was probably still trying to catch up on his level after getting killed by Jack.

On the ground before Manager Straightpole, was the other level 47 who was Sonny's partner when he power-leveled the low-level players. He was lying on the ground in pain, his HP was critical.

"Ben, are you okay!" Sonny hurriedly came and helped his friend up.

"Are you the person in charge?" Straightpole asked.

"What do you want?" Sonny asked back.

"You can have your people pack and leave. From now on, this place is under the management of Corporate United," Straightpole said.

"But… We are here first!" Sonny demanded.

"And we are here second. So what? Do you want to leave or do you want to die? I think that will be a good idea. You people can be our first customers once you die. We will help you level up back to level 30 in no time, you just need to pay 10 gold coins."

"Ten? But it was five gold coins before. What about us that have paid?" One of the low-level players there asked.

"That's your problem with the old management. Ask for a refund if you like. But if you want to continue the service, pay us ten gold coins. Otherwise, go fight the shadows by yourself. And look for the exit elsewhere, because you still have to pay if you want to use the exit here."

"This is harassment, I will report you!" Sonny yelled.

"Hehe, you are funny," Straightpole laughed mockingly. "Who are you going to report to? The kingdom? Like they give a shit about what happens in the wilderness. I can kill you now and there won't be any consequence."

Straighpole thrust his trident forward. Sonny was caught unaware by this sudden attack. The trident stabbed into Sonny's stomach. Straightpole then performed a roundhouse kick. Sonny and his friend were struck by the kick and fell to the ground.

'Aren't you going to help?' Peniel sent her thoughts to Jack who was still hiding behind the crowds.

'Wait. It will be more dramatic if we let these villains rough them up a bit longer. This way, I will have better leverage when negotiating later,' Jack replied.

'You are the villain here,' Peniel remarked.


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