Second World

Chapter 830. Acceleration

Chapter 830. Acceleration

Jack then checked the new spell he had gained when he was informed about his class change. He only got one new spell. Peniel informed him that for special classes, one would get a new skill or spell every ten levels, as opposed to previous classes which granted standard skills every five levels.

Peniel also informed Jack that not every special class was equal. For example, his Time Sage was the best special class there was. He would be getting new spells all the way until level 90, and then another one at level 99. Which meant that this class would provide him with a total of six spells when he reached the level cap.

Other special classes, on the other hand, didn't give that many new skills or spells. Peniel told Jack there were four classifications of the special class. Normal special class, second-class, first-class, and pinnacle.

Normal special class only provided new skills up until level 70, totaling only three new skills. The second-class special class gave a total of four new skills up until level 80. While first-class special class gave a total of five skills until level 90. The attributes increase provided during level up also differed, with the normal special class provided the least. But even so, the normal special class still granted larger attributes increase compared to the elite classes.

The pinnacle special class was what Peniel thought a myth until now when Jack became a Time Sage. There were only twenty-four such classes, all part of the council of twenty-four.

"About this Council of Twenty-four, you said it is a league faction, right?" Jack asked.

"That's correct," Peniel replied.

"Then it should have a base somewhere, shouldn't it?" Jack said. "If I'm a member of this council after becoming a Time Sage, what benefit do I get for being a member? Where should I go to get this benefit?"

"Uh, um…. I have no idea," Peniel said.

"Do you truly know about this Council of Twenty-four?" Jack asked with a skeptical look.

"Hey! Although this council is inside my knowledge, I thought it is just a myth until now. Not much is known about this council. It is said that only when all twenty-four of its members are gathered, then will this council show itself."

"What a cryptic faction," Jack commented. He didn't bother about it too much. He took a look at his new spell.

Acceleration, level 1/20 (Active spell, range, requires magic weapons)

Increase the overall speed of 1 target by 500%.

Range: 50 meters

Duration: 10 seconds

Cooldown: 1 hour

Mana: 200

Jack decided to try it out. He cast the spell, which used a five-runes spell formation. He used multi-rune casting, but since he was still not familiar with these new runes, it took him more than two seconds to cast. He chose himself as the target.

When the spell took effect, Jack found it to be similar to when he used Dragon Eye's active skill, but with one distinct difference. When he used Dragon Eye, the things around him appeared to slow down. However, it was only his perception that had increased in speed. The rest of his body still moved at a normal speed. Thus, although he could see an attack coming at a slow pace, it didn't guarantee that he could dodge. Because his body also moved at the same slow pace, as if he was moving through thick mud.

At this moment after casting the Acceleration spell, he didn't feel that heaviness that he usually felt when using Dragon Eye. He looked at Peniel whose wings were clapping slowly. He then turned in another direction and cast Energy Bolts.

Since there were no hostiles, the eight bolts just flew forward in a straight line. The bolts had increased in speed due to his passive ability's buff, but it still appeared slightly slow in his perception.

Jack ran forward. Under the effect of Accelerate Target spell, Jack's running brought him past the eight bolts before they hit the opposite wall. He then used his sword to cut at all eight bolts with ease.

Moving at five times the normal speed, no one would be able to cope with his speed. Not even his grandfather who had an inhuman reaction and response.

The only drawback compared to Dragon Eye was that this Acceleration spell required casting time, but Jack thought it was worth it. Although the duration was only ten seconds, in his five times acceleration, it would be fifty seconds for him. He could do a lot of things in those fifty seconds. All he needed to do was practice forming the spell formation to reduce his casting time.

"I guess we are done here," Jack said. "Let's head back down."

Jack went to the hole in the wall. When Peniel thought Jack would summon Pandora to take them back up, Jack jumped through the window.

"Hey!" Peniel chased after him.

Jack let himself fall all the way down. When he almost hit the ground, he cast Float and landed safely.

He looked around. Peniel flew down to his side.

"Why come down here again?" She asked.

"As I thought, the Therras Beast is gone," Jack said.

Peniel looked around as well, the beast that used to guard the cave entrance was nowhere to be seen.

"The trial is no more, so there is no need for it to guard this place anymore," Jack said. "I wonder if he just vanished or it becomes a free monster that roams around this valley?"

Peniel shrugged. "Both are possible."

"Hopefully the former. If it becomes a roaming beast and encounters Sonny's group, it would be bad for business. Let's check on them," Jack said and summoned Pandora.

Jack asked Pandora to take him to the hub where they met Sonny. After a short run, the three arrived in its vicinity. Jack saw a group of rookies with a couple of trainers tackling a wave of shadow monsters. He heaved a sigh of relief.

"What's the matter?" Peniel asked.

"I'm worried since the trial is no more, the special feature in this valley will be gone as well," Jack said. "If it does, then our arrangement with Sonny's guild will become a waste. I'm glad it is not so. The trial and this valley are two separate systems, they didn't influence one another."

"So, what's the next plan?" Peniel asked.

"I want to go check out the quest Janus gave us, that one about Eye of Illios," Jack answered.

"Okay, so we are going to Palgrost now?"

"No, we will return to Thereath first."

Pandora took them up to the Buscula Plateau. Arriving up there, Jack used his Town Return Scroll.

It was almost evening then. Jack also felt tired. The residue of his mind going through the decades of the journey inside the time realm still haunt him. He decided to just go to Amy's Bakery and rest for the day.

Before that, he took his share of the profits from both the restaurant and bakery. It had piled up since he departed with the reinforcement army to save Prince Alonzo, almost a month ago. The earnings netted him 239 gold coins.

He was served a satisfying dinner by Samantha and had a long chat with her and Amy before retiring to his quarter.

The next morning, Jack went around the capital to resupply. He spent around 100 gold coins to buy all the available ores and common-grade equipment from various shops.

After finishing his shopping spree, he decided to deal with the one remaining item that he had gotten from slaying Garland. This last valuable item was a unique grade orb that emitted intense lightning energy. Peniel was rather excited when she first saw the orb.

Orb of Raijin (Unique-grade Weapon orb)

Increase weapon's base damage by 15%.

Convert weapon damage into the lightning element.

All skills or spells that deal lightning damage +20% to damage.

Each standard attack has a 5% chance to produce chain lightning that strikes up to 7 hostiles, dealing 50% lightning damage.

Peniel explained to Jack that this weapon orb was something that could be etched into a weapon. Any weapon. The etched weapon would receive the buffs described in the orb.

Jack had been thinking about which weapon to etch this weapon orb into. He dealt more attacks using his sword, but currently, his magic staff had higher damage points, so the orb will give more damage increase if it was used on his staff. Yet, his Storm Breaker could be said his permanent weapon, while his magic staff was not. The staff would be replaced if he got a better one.

Peniel informed Jack that he didn't need to worry about making the wrong choice. The weapon orb could be taken out from the etched weapon and applied later to another weapon, all he needed was just pay the cost.

Jack went to the blacksmith workshop where he used to rent its room for blacksmith works in the past. The shopkeeper still remembered him and greeted him cordially.

Jack informed the shopkeeper of his purpose. The etching process required a special forge so Jack couldn't do it by himself. Aside from the blacksmith workshops in the city, the other place that Peniel knew of that might provide the service was the facility at Blacksmith Circle. The guild's blacksmith workshop similarly didn't have the facility. Peniel informed that only after upgrading the guild's blacksmith workshop to level 5 then it could provide the service to etch weapon orb.


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