Second World

Chapter 882. Anticipation For a Battle

Chapter 882. Anticipation For a Battle

"I guess that's my cue," Duchess Isabelle said. "I will leave this place to you, people." With those words, she turned into a flash of light and disappeared. Jack knew she had teleported herself into the keep and would use the portal inside to teleport to Fort Themisphylae.

"Will Fort Themisphylae be all right? Ahab's troops should still be a few hours away," Jack asked.

"Fort Themisphylae was even better fortified than here," Armstrong replied. "With Isabelle dealing with the war chief, there should be no problem. The ones that were attacking there should also be the shock troops, not the main army."

With that assurance, Jack returned his attention to the orc army standing at the edge of the Slaughterer Plains. The two armies just stared at one another.

After some time, Jack said, "Let's go and meet them."

"Huh? Why? If we stay here, we can easily beat them when they attack, right?" Paytowin asked.

"But they won't be attacking anymore. Not until the rest of their army arrive," Jack said. "Our current troops might be equal in number, but from the look of it, almost half their troops were composed of outworlders. Under normal circumstances, we are at an advantage. This might be a chance for us to reduce their number before the rest of their army arrives."

"You are just itching for a fight, aren't you? Aren't you tired after all that march?"

"They should also be marching non-stop to get here. They should be as tired as us. We are still at an advantage here." Jack then looked at Armstrong. "What do you say?"

"You are the general. We will follow your decision," Armstrong replied.

"All right. Prepare the troops then, we will head out and give them a welcome," Jack said. He then turned to Guss. "Guss, I have a different command for you."

"Oh? What do you need, general?" Guss asked.

Jack gave his order, to which Guss remarked, "General, is this not your trick to keep me out of harm's way? Do you owe my brother something? Because I tell you that I don't want to be treated special. My job is to fight when the enemies come and I find dying for my kingdom an honorable thing. That rowdy brother of mine should know this as well."

"Please don't talk about dying so casually," Jack said. "Anyway, this is an important matter, truly. You can join the fight after you carry out this command. Take a squad and make sure to lay them out evenly in a wide area. Cover them with sand to mask them."

"All right. Consider it done, general!" Guss uttered.

After leaving his command, Jack went and met the army that had now gathered outside the fort. Armstrong had organized them and briefed them on the coming confrontation. Jack went to the front of the army. Along the way, he didn't see any tired or complaining expressions on the soldiers' faces despite them being denied their rest. The troops here were indeed very disciplined.

"My brothers and sisters!" Jack shouted. "Allow me to call you that because that is what we are in this moment. We are in this struggle together. We are here to drive away the invaders that have so audaciously violated our territory with impunity! I know you are tired. So am I, but so do our enemies! This is the moment that we show them that there will be consequences to their action. We will show them that their invasion is one big mistake, that they have invited malediction upon themselves for violating the territory of this great kingdom. And we will show them now! Everyone... To battle!!!"

Loud battle cries rose amongst the soldiers.

The Verremor army that was preparing to set up their camps was startled by the cries. The fort's gate was facing the Western's side, away from them. So, they didn't see the army that had gathered outside the gate. When they heard the battle cry, they were preparing to send scouts to go check on things. But before they do, they saw a large number of soldiers came marching from behind the fort towards them.

"Do they want to fight?" Hubesi Loudroar asked the warlord, Abasi Raretooth. Abasi had been tasked by his father to lead these shock troops in an attempt to take down this pass before the Themisphere army arrived.

They had known about the existence of the two passes near Thesewal. Their expeditionary forces had been successful in taking down Thesewal in a surprise attack, but they weren't without casualties. They also had to defend the town and prepared it to become the base for their main army. Hence, they hadn't made any move on these passes before the main army arrived.

Once the main army arrived, they took a portion from the main army with fast movement speed and rushed over here with haste. If they could take over these passes, it would further solidify their positions to invade deeper into Themisphere's territory.

Unfortunately, though, the Themisphere army also moved fast.

"Hmph! I never expect them to mobilize their army this fast," Abasi harrumphed. "I thought they are still in confusion after their civil war. For the most inexperienced prince, that third prince reacted rather fast to this invasion."

"Perhaps they have a heads-up," a voice joined their conversation. They turned and saw it to be the outworlder leader in their army. It was Four Winds. Water Lily was next to him.

Abasi gave Four Winds a slight glance before saying curtly, "It was the Grand Chief's order to have you joined us, but don't think you are a part of commanding officers. Just stay at the side and do what you are told!"

Abasi still held a grudge because Four Winds' team didn't follow his instructions during the world tournament.

"That's okay. We are just here for the contribution rewards anyway," Four Winds replied, to which he earned Abasi's glare.

"Everyone, go back to your posts! Battle formation! If they want a fight, then a fight they will get!" Abasi bellowed. He then turned to Four Winds, "That includes you! Fight for your rewards if you desire them!"

Four Winds turned and walked away without a word.

Another player was there. He only spoke after Four Winds left, "That person has always been cocky. He thinks himself to be the greatest in the world. Warlord Abasi, you shouldn't let him disrespect you so."

"Hmph! Shut your mouth, you opportunistic outworlder. I have been assisting you all this time but why is your guild still not yet dethrone the Cipher Flight as the number one guild in Verremor?"

"I... I need more time, my warlord. They are not that easy to be beaten." This player was named Phithion. He was the leader of a guild in Verremor called Warsong Rising. His guild had always butted head with Four Wind's Cipher Flight because of the ranking list. His guild was currently the second rank in Verremor's guild chart list. But no matter what he did, his guild wasn't able to overtake Cipher Flight's position as number one.

After the world tournament event, Abasi approached Warsong Rising. He wanted to aid the guild to replace Cipher Flight as the number one guild in the nation, as a punishment for Four Wind's defiance during the tournament. However, the investment had not shown any result.

"Hmph! You are a disappointment. Go back to your post and prepare to fight!" Abasi roared.

"Ye–Yes, my warlord...!" Phithion said and hurriedly scurried away.

Four Winds wasn't aware of the two's dealings. No matter what tricks the opponents use, he would deal with them with his strength and the support from his friends. That's how he had grown Cipher Flight to its current height.

"Isn't it you who have given that Storm Wind the heads-up?" Water Lily said to Four winds as they walked back to where their guildmates were gathering.

"I just told him about the orc army's activity on the border. I honestly didn't expect the Verremor nation to go through with this radical act of invading another country. But I think this is a good experience. The contribution rewards will surely be more than normal."

"If we win."

"That's where you are wrong. I have checked. For a war between countries, even if we lose, we will still get contribution points. Well, not that I am intending to lose."

"Do you think he will be here?"

"Who?" Four Winds asked.

"Don't be coy. You know whom I meant," Water Lily replied.

Four Winds chuckled. "If he is here. It will be more interesting, won't it?"

They came to where a large group of players had been waiting. All the ones here were members of Cipher Flight. They immediately got into ready positions when Four Winds showed up.

"Be ready! Prepare for battle! The Themisphere army is coming," Four Winds ordered.

"They are? Won't they be more at an advantage if they just wait for us to attack the fort?" Disco Rain asked. The four women who came with Four Winds to the world tournament were all here.

"We won't be attacking. After seeing the Themisphere army had arrived first at the fort, warlord Abasi had ordered us to set up camp here and wait for the main army," Water Lily informed.

"And the Themisphere army comes out of the fort because of that?" Purple Mist asked. "Do they think they can take us on before our main army arrives?"

"Hah! We will show them what happens if they underestimate us!" Violent Blizzard uttered. "I prefer this, it has been nothing but boredom with all the march. I need action!"

Four Winds grinned. "You will have your action soon enough. Now, look alive! We will give them one hell of a fight!"


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