Shinwa Densetsu no Eiyuu no Isekaitan (LN)

Vol 13 Chapter 5 Part 7

Vol 13 Chapter 5 Part 7

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ED: LonelyMatter

Part 7

It was quiet.

The monster’s main camp was filled with silence, even though the enemy was approaching.

Looking at the size of the dust cloud, anyone would have realized that they would reach the main camp quickly if they kept the pace up.

Those who could feel the sparks of fire scattering across the sky in front of them and the heat waves that were constantly sent their way should be able to understand that someone was approaching.

However, the monster’s main camp was quiet.

There are several reasons for this.

One is that the monsters did not speak any language, and they did not know how to prepare for an attack like humans did. They did not move and just stared at the front line curiously until they were ordered to do something.

The second was the existence of the Marked Tribe. They did not doubt their own power―the abilities they have been given. They were confident that they could destroy any enemy that came their way.

It could be called overconfidence, but it was no wonder that the Marked Tribe was so proud.

They were born and raised in a harsh world called the “Uncharted Territory,” where there were no natural enemies.

Living in such a small world, they did not have many opportunities to fight against strong opponents even after they entered the outside world. Because of these various factors, their ability to deal with crises was on the lower side.

“Father. Null’s presence is gone.”

One of the Marked Tribe spoke to the boy.

“I see.”

The boy looked disinterested, looking straight ahead at the front line in the center.

The boy’s response was weak, but the Marked Tribe member did not seem to mind.

This was not the first time the boy has acted this way.

It had been going on for a long time.

So the Marked Tribe member said nothing, bowed his head, and walked over to where his friends were gathered.

“Everyone rejoice. Null is dead. The next chief will be decided after this battle.”

“He was all strength and no brains. I knew he would die soon.”

They were not saddened by the death of their compatriot.

In addition to Null, many of the other members of the Marked Tribe who were sent to the front were dead.

Still, they were not pessimistic. Rather, they were happy that the number of their rivals on the path to chieftaincy had decreased.

The Marked Tribe still retained some aspects of their original race, but they may have been raised in a special environment, transformed by their demonization, and developed a strange sense of values.

They were fellow tribesmen, but they were also enemies. Therefore, they did not mind killing their own people.

In order to obtain food and satisfy their desires, emotions took precedence over reason.

They took whatever they wanted by force.

The gentle ones could not survive in this “Uncharted Territory,” where they could only be trampled upon if they had no strength.

But if left unchecked, they would kill each other to the last man.

The Faceless King, fearing this, established a system of chiefs.

The most powerful person led the Marked Tribe and decided how they should live.

This system was typical of the Uncharted Territories, where power was justice.

Therefore, they wanted the strongest to die, and they could not tolerate the existence of a being stronger than themselves. If their interests did not coincide, they would not help each other on the battlefield. They could easily abandon their comrades.


The boy muttered, looking away from the crowd of Marked Tribe members to the flames burning wildly in front of him.

If he touched them, he would probably end up with more than a burn.

But the bright crimson was so beautiful that he couldn’t help but reach out to touch it.

The sound of the end of the world was approaching.

“More, more. Let me hear this beautiful sound.

Once upon a time, there was a girl who had great ambitions.

Her dreams were so big that those around her laughed at her and ridiculed her for dreaming dreams that would never come true.

Nevertheless, she did not back down.

Even though many hardships hindered her, they could not break her heart completely; but rather, her well-trained heart became as strong as iron.

Even though she stumbled, fell, and collapsed, she never gave up, got up, and continued to move forward, even though she was cursed, hated, and despised.

No one laughed at her anymore.

Because they realized that she was serious―that it was no longer a dream.

Still, she did not stop. As if that weren’t enough, she began to run.

Who could curse her for bringing happiness to the people, vitality to the soldiers, and leadership to the nation?

No one doubted her anymore.

Even the gods could not resist.

“Come, let me hear the sound of the end.”

With a strong will, she came like a champion, more arrogant than the gods.

Those who stood in her way were mercilessly burned.

Those who blocked her were turned into cinders.

No one could hinder her steps.

A lion and a serpent, both created from the flaming vortex of the Abyss, colored blue and red, followed the red-haired woman. The monsters refused to fight, their instincts overwhelmed. But the Marked Tribe that challenged the reckless fight were mercilessly consumed by the raging fire.

Screams split the air, shouts shook the room, and roars painted the ground.

The stage was set for a fitting climax.

The sky was scorched, the ground was burned, and all living things disappeared into the phosphorous fire.

A red-haired woman stood in the center of the stage, clad in blue flames that enveloped her like a fighting spirit.

Guided by the Black Dragon King, the Flame Emperor’s fire had come to destroy the world of the gods.

“I have longed for this day…”

The twin-black boy stood up quietly, muttering.

“Welcome to the distant heights… where the gods dwell, Red-Haired Princess.”

The emotionless boy’s expression showed a satisfied smile.

“――No, Empress Redflame.”

The twin black boy said, his arms outstretched,

“Let the final war begin.”

He swore an oath with a fierce smile on his face.


Without a hint of hesitation, the twin-black boy pulled the Dark Emperor from his waist and lifted it with ease.

Liz knew him well. In fact, she had never forgotten his appearance.

His silky hair, obsidian eyes, and gentle face were all so endearing. There was no way Liz could have mistaken him for Hiro.

So Liz used her “clairvoyance” to make sure.

She watched his every move, probed the color of his soul, and tried to discover his true identity.

The result was unknown. The different colors were mixed together, and it was impossible to identify him.

But her heart told her that he was Hiro. At the same time, her body recognized him as an enemy and warned her. The flame that protected Liz shook like a wave. It was only because she had identified the boy in front of her as an enemy.

“Are you… Hiro?”

There was no other way to ask. Liz felt a wave of self-mockery as she begged him to tell her, even though she knew there was no way he would answer honestly.

“I am the Black Dragon King, the Spirit King, and the Faceless King.”

The boy’s words flew out of his mouth with a provocative air of impatience.

“The Five Great Heavenly Kings… you can call me that.”

“So… you are the Five Great Heavenly Kings, huh?”

Liz clenched her fists tightly―her fingernails piercing through her skin, blood falling to the ground through the gaps between her fingers. Her face was downcast, and her shoulders trembled as if she were crying.

But her heart was not broken.

The flames around her raged as if to express her feelings.

Her emotions, the feelings that were being conveyed, were of a terrible fury.

“Then I will tear you apart, rip you open, and… pull Hiro out of you.”

Liz kicked up the ground with great force, closing the distance between her and the Five Great Heavenly Kings in an instant.

A slight look of surprise passed over the Five Great Heavenly Kings’ faces, and his black eyes reflected the sight of his arm flying off.

However, the arm immediately regenerated, and the Five Great Heavenly Kings also began to fight back.

There was no room for others. Numerous sword traces were created in space, and each time they intersected, sparks scattered and disappeared. Each time the swords intersected, the air shook, and a deafening sound like a scream pierced the air.

A storm of swordplay raged. The clash of power and strength, never giving an inch to each other, split the space.

Manipulating the flames and stoking the fire, Liz performed a sword dance that was both fierce and elegant.

In contrast, the Five Great Heavenly Kings did not move a single step, and with his right leg as his axis, he turned his back and avoided blows, stepping forward and leaning forward to deliver a thrust. Even if the attack came from a blind spot, he deflected it with a single stroke and brought down his black sword with a furious blow.

A tremendous exchange―fire and darkness intertwine, feeding each other and then disappearing, and each time the two collided, heat was born, and darkness cooled it, bringing silence to the world.

But the silence was also broken by the battle between Liz and the Five Great Heavenly Kings.

Although countless wounds were inflicted on both sides, they were healed by the Five Great Heavenly Kings’ precious swords.

It could be called a stalemate. Both sides lacked a decisive strike.

But they would not stop. Without trying to use any powerful techniques, the two were engaged in a frontal battle of strength against strength.

They knew that the moment one of them stopped would be the decisive moment.

It was Liz who made the first move.

She swung a hard blow, but the sheer force of the attack was easily blocked. However, Liz put her weight forward and lifted her body into the air, passing over the head of the Five Great Heavenly Kings and landing behind him―sliding her right foot forward and thrusting her sword blade horizontally at the same time as she stepped forward.

However, the attack did not hit the Five Great Heavenly Kings. Without looking back, he turned the blade to his back and blocked Liz’s thrust. Unable to cut through the flesh, the red blade spat out flames as if to vent its anger, and in an instant, the Five Great Heavenly Kings were engulfed in a vortex of flames.

Liz was not going to stand by and watch. She didn’t think he was going to die from this.

Her foot dug into the ground as she stepped into the fire, and her fist, twisted at the waist, slammed into the flames with an eerie sound like the breaking of a bone. Forced out of his will, he was thrown back to the ground.

The Five Great Heavenly Kings tried to get up, but a shadow fell over his head, causing him to look up.

That was the moment when the majestic, brave, fanged lioness unleashed a ferocious kick.

The Five Great Heavenly Kings immediately crossed their arms to catch her foot, but he was thrown into the air with a bone-crunching sound.

“It’s not over yet.”

Liz muttered softly and swung her fist down, creating countless cracks through the ground. A red flame erupted from the cracks, and a roaring column of fire shot into the sky.

The Five Great Heavenly Kings floating in the air could not avoid it and were instantly engulfed.

Liz watched as the sky was scorched, but then her eyes turned downward.

Before her eyes, the ground exploded, and a cloud of dust erupted.

The Five Great Heavenly Kings have fallen.

Liz begins to walk slowly.

Her red eyes shining like a lioness stalking her prey, she stopped mid-stride. A bloody Five Great Heavenly Kings emerged from the dust and sand.

Wounded to the bone, he turned his hand toward Liz.

The air rumbled with the sound of popping and thunder centered on him. Liz pulled the Flame Emperor to her chest and took a defensive stance.

But no matter how long it took, the Thunder Emperor’s Strike was never released.


Sensing a disturbance, she looked up to the sky and saw the Thunder Emperor floating in the air, generating thunder that seemed to threaten the surrounding area. The Thunder Emperor slowly descended and stopped right in front of Liz’s eyes.

Liz grabbed the handle and held it without hesitation. The Five Great Heavenly Kings, watching the scene, showed no sign of change.

“He seems to want me to use him instead of you.”

The Thunder Emperor had been able to display the power she wanted.

So she drew a happy curve with her lips――,

“Come on, let’s go.”

With her arms stretched horizontally, she aimed at the Five Great Heavenly Kings and unleashed the Thunder Emperor’s Strike.

Bouncing off the air and slicing through space, the thunderbolt flew in a straight line toward the Five Great Heavenly Kings.

However, it shattered just before impact.

This was because an ice wall created by the Ice Emperor stood in front of the Five Great Heavenly Kings.

Liz saw this scene and immediately rushed out.

“Show me your determination!”

The night she ran into Aura’s room, she had heard about it from Skaaha.

What did the Five Emperors of the Spirit Sword want, and for what would they be willing to sign a contract with them?

The Flame Emperor would give his feelings, the Thunder Emperor would give his power, the Wind Emperor would give his heart, the Ice Emperor would give his determination, and the Heaven Emperor would desire the future.

If this is true, then the Five Heavenly Kings of today do not deserve the Five Emperors of the Spirit Sword.

“He is a dear friend of Skaaha, and I will ask you to return him to her.”

Liz shattered the ice wall with a kick, grabbed the Five Great Heavenly Kings by the chest, pulled him close, and punched him in the cheek. As the Five Great Heavenly Kings was about to be blown away by the recoil, Liz pulled him in again and punched him in the cheek.

After repeating this over and over again, she knocked him to the ground.

“I’m going to hit you again and again until you become Hiro again.”

No matter what it takes, she will get Hiro back, and she will make sure that she gets him back.

No matter how many years it takes for her to find a way.

She would definitely bring Hiro back from the depths of darkness.

“I think I gave you too much freedom. I won’t hold back anymore.”

“That’s scary.”

The Five Great Heavenly Kings laughed as he stood and brushed the dust from his black robe.

“Then I will get serious.”

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