Striving For The Luxury Liner!! ~Get That Rich Isekai Life With A Ship Summoning Skill~ (WN)

Vol 18 Chapter 10

Vol 18 Chapter 10

TN: Please read my translations only on my website since I never give my permission to any site to host my translations. And if you like my translations, please support this site on Ko-fi and Patreon to read several chapters ahead!

Thanks toTbird90677 for the Ko-Fi and this chapter~


Chapter 10 – I Forgot

I decided to stage a food terrorism attack on the kobolds… it was not only effective against the kobolds, but it also triggered a counter-terrorism attack in the form of kobolds writhing in agony. It also dealt a heavy blow to our members. It was a war of attrition, with both sides fighting to the bitter end, and when I realized that we were at a disadvantage, I decided to take a chance.

“The Creator God is so cruel. “

“It smells delicious.”


“It’s a trap. Run away!”

“Hold on. Let’s fight back.”

“Now is the time to show your bravery.”

As I expected, there was an uproar inside the fort.

There’s a huge commotion, but it’s actually just food being thrown in.

“Oh, no, no, no. It’s not a trap. It’s delicious food!”

“…That scream is really getting to me. Oh, Beni-chan, are you trying to comfort me?”


“I suggested this plan, but I’m starting to regret it.”

“I want you to eat it because it’s delicious…”

“Oh, God…”

And Girasole also cries out in agony.

The cries of the kobolds, such as kun-kun and kyain-kyain, are comparable to sonic weapons.

Everyone is distraught by the tragedy they have caused, and they either shout heartbreaking cries at the kobolds, seek healing from the slime, or fall into self-loathing and pray to the gods.

“Master, I don’t think I can do this anymore.”


And Ines and Felicia are also heartbroken.

Phew. Girasole is a party of A-rank adventurers. Ines is B-rank. Felicia is the daughter of the dark elf village chief and an expert in the forest.

In addition, she has raised her level by living at sea, and if she is really active, it would not be surprising if she is recognized as an S-rank adventurer.

However, it seems that her heart is still immature.

It must be hard to torment the kobolds, who are incredibly cute and seem so innocent even from a distance.

I can’t help but think, “Pull yourself together, adventurer!” But I can’t say that too emphatically because I might have broken my knees if I hadn’t been able to hold Rimu in my hands.

The words ‘retreat’ flash through my mind.

“It smells good!”

“Hey, don’t come any closer!”


“Stop, stop!”

What? Has the nature of the commotion inside the fort changed?

“It’s delicious!”

“Hey, stop eating that! Make him throw it up!”



“Crying won’t do. Just smack him!”

“Oh, hey, don’t huddle. Spread out!”

While I was wondering what to do, the situation in the fort changed significantly.

“Does anyone know what’s going on inside the fortress?”

“Master, it seems the kobold children ate your gift.”

Felicia tells me with a smile, her long ears twitching.

So the kobold children were lured by the smell and rushed to the gift, huh?

I can’t help but think that this wouldn’t have happened if they had taken proper precautions, but the adult kobolds don’t seem to be fit for battle either, so I guess there was a lapse in their preparations.

But if what Felicia says is true, it’s good for us.

We didn’t poison them, and we avoided anything that might be dangerous if the dogs ate it, so there’s no doubt that the child kobolds are safe.

It’s impossible to say for sure that they’re completely safe, but this will definitely lower the kobolds’ guard.

The kobolds have been struggling to resist our temptation, but now it should become increasingly difficult for them to resist.

After all, the reality is that the children are safe right in front of them.

“Understood. Thank you, Felicia. I’m sorry, but please keep checking on the status of the fort. I’ll talk to Alessia-san.”

I asked Felicia and went to see Alessia-san with Ines.

“Oh, Wataru! The kids ate it. They’re so happy, they say it’s delicious!”

…Although she was depressed to the point of wanting to kill herself a moment ago, now she talks to me with a smile that makes it seem as if she has become several years younger.

Even though we haven’t had any real contact with them yet, it seems that their hearts have already been stolen by the kobolds. I’m terribly worried about whether they will sail with me when I leave this island.

“Yes, I have also heard from Felicia. So let’s leave this place first.”

“Eh? Why?”

Alessia-san looks genuinely confused. She’s probably so happy that she can’t think straight.

“As long as we’re here, they won’t let their guard down. If we leave, they’ll be able to eat the gift more easily.”

“Oh, so you want to distract them so they’ll focus on the gift.”

Dorothea-san understands and follows my suggestion. Maybe it’s because she’s more tolerant due to the cuteness of the slime, but she’s more calm than the other members.


The food and sweets on the luxury liner are delicious. There are differences in taste, but once you’ve tried them, you’ll definitely want to eat them again.

And it would not be an exaggeration to say that it has a dramatic effect, especially on kobolds who have lived a simple life on a remote island.

I hate to boast, but it’s the kind of temptation the devil offers that you can resist if you don’t know about it, but it’s hard to resist once you do.

All that’s left is to regularly throw in treats to get the kobolds hooked on alcohol, fine food, and sweets, and then we can do whatever we want with their fluffy fur and cuddly bodies.

“I see; you want them to take their time eating delicious food. I understand. Let’s go for now.”

Alessia-san starts walking with a spring in her step.

I’m glad she understands, but I’m worried that Alessia-san’s brain has been invaded by the kobolds to a considerable extent.

But it doesn’t matter. I have a lead. Now, all I have to do is slowly reel in the kobolds.

Oh, just to be sure, I think it would be better if Marina-san stayed behind to do some scouting. I want to know what the kobolds are doing and what they are so happy about.

Well, Alessia-san is having a great time in front of the group, so I guess I’ll just ask Marina-san directly.


Suddenly, the ground began to tremble. An earthquake? I’ll summon the Hideaway for now.

“Everyone, please gather around the magic circle.”

I summon the Hideaway and call everyone to gather in the magic circle that appears. I’m afraid of earthquakes, but I think we’ll be fine if we evacuate to the Hideaway for now.

“Is the fort okay?”

I thought we were safe in the Hideaway, but the women were looking worriedly at the fort. Am I the only one who thinks something is wrong?

“Oh, Master, look!”

Ines points in the direction of the mountain. What is it?

It was a solitary peak with a beautiful shape, like Mount Fuji, but now there’s something like a rope wrapped around it?

I don’t understand. A huge rope wrapped around the mountain, even from a distance?

The mountainside was covered with forest, so where did it come from?

“Oh, is that the ancient earth dragon?”

As I continued to watch, the rope broke off around the peak, and I could see what looked like the head of a giant dragon. Come to think of it, the dragon was an Eastern-style snake-like dragon.

That would make sense if it was wrapped around the mountain. But it’s still huge. As expected from an ancient dragon.

The effect of shaking the ground so much that it’s mistaken for an earthquake just by its appearance is outstanding.

“Oh, that’s right, we came to meet the ancient earth dragon.”

“You forgot.”

While I was admiring the sheer size of the ancient earth dragon, I overheard a rather frank conversation between Alessia-san and Dorothea-san.

That’s right. I’d forgotten that, too. Basically, everyone was crazy about those kobolds.

“Why did he come out now?”

Alessia-san asks the question, her head tilted to the side. Maybe she wants to say that if he is going to show up, he should just show up.

I can’t say that I don’t understand her feelings because that’s what made her cry at the end.

“Maybe it’s because the kobolds got to the food first?”

I agree with Dorothea-san’s answer. He probably judged that the kobolds’ downfall was imminent.

“Could it be that the kobolds are being scolded by the ancient earth dragon?”

“No, that’s not good.”

“We must protect them.”

“Do you think the fire would be effective against ancient dragons?”

Alessia-san’s question is answered by Carla-san. Claretta-san grabs her staff and explains, and Ines begins to think about whether the fire would be effective against the ancient dragon.

I really wonder why they’re so determined to fight the ancient earth dragon when the whole point of our visit was to try to convince him.

“Even in picture books, the ancient earth dragon helps the kobolds, so I think it will probably be okay. Even if he gets angry, I think it will just be a little scolding.”

…It’s a little embarrassing to try to convince them with a picture book, but since the kobolds are so spoiled, I can expect the ancient dragon’s lecture to be mild.

“That’s true. Just as Alessia and the others are soft on the kobolds, so is the ancient earth dragon.”

Ilma-san reinforces my words. I’m grateful for that, but it’s impossible for me to give the impression that I’m not soft on the kobolds. From the outside, Ilma-san is soft enough on the kobolds. She’s very sweet.

“Oh, Master, the ancient earth dragon has flown.”

When I look at the mountain at Felicia’s words, I can see the ancient earth dragon flying into the sky.

It’s really a fantastic sight, but even if I didn’t have to ask, I’m wondering, did it have to fly into the air to move because it was coiled up on the mountain? Is that too much of a stretch?

While I was thinking of something unromantic, the ancient earth dragon turned toward us when his body had completely left the mountain.

It seems that my guess wasn’t completely wrong.

“Is he coming towards us or towards the kobold’s fortress?”

“Either way, the ancient earth dragon has shown himself. Now, we just have to find a way to make him listen to us and clear up the kobolds’ misunderstanding. Wataru, this ship’s barrier will work against the ancient earth dragon, right?”

Alessia-san gives a counterintuitive answer to Dorothea-san’s question. I want her to come to her senses.

“I think it will probably be able to withstand it.”

Creator God-sama said it could withstand the dragon’s breath, and it even repelled the attacks of the gods.

And if the barrier can’t stop it, I think the God of Light-sama will at least warn me beforehand, so I think it will be safe.

Oh, the ancient earth dragon has passed through the fortress.

The kobolds waving their hands in joy are cute, but it seems that the ancient earth dragon’s target is us.

Well, it looks like we’re finally going to reach our original goal. I’d be happy if we could convince him without a fight.

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