Striving For The Luxury Liner!! ~Get That Rich Isekai Life With A Ship Summoning Skill~ (WN)

Vol 18 Chapter 11

Vol 18 Chapter 11

TN: Please read my translations only on my website since I never give my permission to any site to host my translations. And if you like my translations, please support this site on Ko-fi and Patreon to read several chapters ahead!

Thanks toTbird90677 for the Ko-Fi and this chapter~


Chapter 11 – The Sorrows of Middle Managers

By throwing food into the fort where the kobolds were holed up and using direct food terrorism, we successfully lured the child kobolds into a trap. Using these children as a starting point, we planned to trap the adult kobolds in a similar manner, but the ancient earth dragon finally appeared, perhaps having anticipated our plan.

So… what do we do now?

A huge dragon is flying towards us. That’s okay. Our original goal was to convince the ancient earth dragon that was flying toward us. We can’t talk about it if we don’t meet.

Well, I didn’t think I’d have to go through so much trouble to meet the ancient earth dragon…

So, I’m finally going to meet the ancient earth dragon, but the advance information I received from Creator God-sama was that he had a gentle and kind personality, but was scary when he got angry and was embarrassed by his rampages, so he secluded himself on an island.

That’s all I know.

In retrospect, I should have gathered more information beforehand.

It was a mistake to give up and focus all my energy on negotiating a reward, thinking that I couldn’t escape the Creator God-sama.

I should have realized this on the way to the island, but I was so preoccupied with the beautiful women in their dancer’s costumes that I didn’t have time to think about it, and when I arrived on the island, my attention was taken by the kobolds, so I didn’t have time to think about the ancient earth dragon.

I was obviously not prepared enough.

I guess I’ll have to take Creator God-sama’s word for it that he has a gentle and kind personality… but the kobolds’ cursing of Creator God-sama is probably the ancient earth dragon’s true feelings, right?

I feel that there is a discrepancy with the information I already received from Creator God-sama. Oh no, he’s almost here…

Before I could finish preparing myself, the ancient earth dragon arrived with a rumble.

I understand that the summoning circle is powerful, but when I see the ancient earth dragon, which is bigger than the Hideaway, just by looking at his face, I start to feel uneasy.

I don’t want to be swallowed whole like the one with the Great Worm.

“Wataru, aren’t you going to say anything? Shall I speak for you?”

While I was distracted a bit, trying to escape reality, Alessia-san spoke to me.

She seems a little nervous, but there’s hardly any difference from her usual self. The other members are the same.

She was a mess in front of the kobolds, but she was completely calm in front of the gigantic ancient earth dragon.

“No, I’ll do the talking.”

For a moment, I thought about leaving everything to Alessia-san and the others, but this is a mission I received from Creator God-sama, so I have to do my best.

No, this is a joint mission where there will be a reward for Alessia-san and the others as well, so if we all work hard… but for now, I’ll do my best. I want to show them what a good man I am.

“Really? Good luck.”


With Alessia-san’s support, my spirits are a hundred times better!

“You are the messengers of the Creator God, aren’t you?”

I wanted to speak to him with a lot of spirit, but the ancient earth dragon spoke to us first.

Even from the deck of the Hideaway, he is so huge that you have to look up at him, but his voice is soft and even seems friendly.

It doesn’t look like we’ll be fighting anytime soon.

“Yes, my name is Wataru. I have come to deliver a message from the Creator God-sama.”

“…I see.”

Even though I only told him that I had come to deliver a message, the ancient earth dragon’s tension dropped significantly. I can understand his feelings, but as the messenger, I felt very embarrassed.

“Um, well…”

“Excuse me, but am I correct in assuming that you have come to deliver an order for me to leave this island and take control of the land?”

“Y-yes. That is correct.”

I was about to speak when my words were cut off, and he even explained the content of the message to me directly. What was the purpose of my coming to this island?

“I thought so. Your name is Wataru, isn’t it? I have asked the Creator God to let me retire from managing the land. Have you heard anything about that?”

I’ve never heard that before. You mean you’re not a recluse, but you’re retiring? That would change the whole story, wouldn’t it?

Creator God-sama was hiding the fact that he was retiring?

No, that’s not it. Creator God-sama is an annoying authority figure with absolute confidence in himself.

He’s the type who doesn’t bother to hide things that are inconvenient to him but just shamelessly pushes unreasonable demands on you. He’s terrible.

And since God of Light-sama was with him, even if Creator God-sama was hiding something, she would have been able to help him out. Then…

“Well, I haven’t heard anything about your retirement. I wonder if your request hasn’t even reached Creator God-sama?”

In business manga, it’s common for documents to get lost on their way up the chain of command.

“No, I applied directly, so that’s not the case. And yet the messenger of the Creator God keeps telling me to work, work, work… and never listens to what I have to say.”

Oh, the ancient earth dragon has begun to vent his frustrations. He seems to be quite stressed.

But still, the messenger? Creator God-sama said he sent someone to convince the ancient earth dragon several times, so it must be them?

In that case, it’s hard to believe that the ancient earth dragon’s request to retire hasn’t been received.

Could it be that he doesn’t even care about the request for retirement, or is it a case where retirement itself is impossible, so he doesn’t even consider it?

Unlike ordinary dragons, there is only one ancient dragon of each element, which makes them a special kind of being. Don’t make me laugh with your talk of retirement. Work without question or argument, I’m beginning to think that’s what he meant.

If no alternative could be prepared, even the God of Light-sama would have to keep her mouth shut.

No, even if it was the God of Light-sama, she would have told me more about the ancient earth dragon… Ah, I suddenly started to negotiate for my reward, and when the negotiations were over, I was immediately sent back without any time to spare, so I didn’t have the time to do that.

I feel that if I had gone to the church to pray later, I would have received a detailed explanation at that time.

Damn it, I should have listened more carefully when I went to ask how to get through the barrier.

I also argued about whether or not to pray at that time.

There’s nothing I can do about it. I’m sure that retirement has definitely been rejected, so I’ll just have to do my best to get the ancient earth dragon to work somehow.

“Well, I was told you were hiding on an island, ashamed of the mess you made, but is that why you want to retire?”

First, let’s investigate the cause of his desire to retire.

“No, I have indeed locked myself away in shame, but that was a long time ago, and I’ve already come to terms with it.”

It seems that he had gotten over his embarrassment. If that was the reason, it seemed like he could be persuaded to change his mind.

“Then why do you want to retire?”

“Why, you ask? It’s obvious. I’m tired of dealing with the Creator God. There are other ancient dragons out there, but he keeps dumping all those annoying things on me and with all those stupid orders――”

Oh, no.

I think I pushed some kind of button I shouldn’t have.

It was terrible. And it was very long.

The ancient earth dragon spewed out a torrent of outrageous complaints.

I thought I could sympathize with the fact that I was also being forced to do things by the Creator God-sama, but compared to the ancient earth dragon, I was like a drop in the ocean.

The ancient earth dragon, who had spent countless years as Creator God-sama’s subordinate, had endured countless unreasonable and mischievous acts by Creator God-sama.

The ancient earth dragon must have been as gentle and calm as Creator God-sama said. That’s why Creator God-sama found the ancient earth dragon easy to use.

His complaints included other ancient dragons, and it seemed that the other ancient dragons also successfully avoided Creator God-sama’s unreasonable demands and passed their work on to the ancient earth dragon.

This tragedy happened because the ancient earth dragon was such an industrious being. It is a classic example of the unreasonable way in which honest people are made to look foolish.

Just listening to it made me want to cry.

And the astonishment of the members of Girasole, Ines, and Felicia.

Well, it’s no wonder that they were shocked to hear about the wickedness of the most powerful god of all, the Creator God-sama.

Even I, who know a little about the unreasonable ways of Creator God-sama, was shocked.

What’s more, it seems that Creator God-sama used to be a naughty, mischievous god.

So, the Creator God-sama of today has become so mild-mannered. Haha, that’s not funny.

Claretta-san fainted from shock, but it would be better to let her sleep now.

Carla-san put her on the sofa, and I hope she has a good dream.

But I’m still at a loss.

I wanted to persuade him to work hard and put up with a little irrationality, even if I had to force him, but in the case of the ancient earth dragon, it’s just too pathetic.

If this were a Japanese company, it would be a social problem that would develop into something that would get the attention of the government, and the company would be ruined by the public bashing.

But the other party is the Creator God-sama.

It’s not just a company; it’s a whole country and even the whole world. The ancient earth dragon can’t be saved by fair means.

Wait, I came here to convince the ancient earth dragon, but isn’t the final boss the Creator God-sama?

No way. I’m the kind of person who will go along with the long-established ways. I won’t make the Creator God-sama my enemy.

But I don’t want to abandon the ancient earth dragon, either.

The ancient earth dragon is the embodiment of my future self, albeit in a different degree of difficulty. If I let him go, it’s like letting myself go.

I want to help the ancient earth dragon somehow.

But the fact that it’s an ancient dragon is a problem.

As mentioned in the complaint, ancient dragons play a role similar to that of angels.

From the perspective of humans, they are worthy of belief because they possess great power, but from the perspective of the gods, they are, to put it bluntly, mere errand boys.

However, this errand boy is now becoming important. This is because the gods have limited their involvement in the lower world.

In such a situation, the existence of ancient dragons who can move freely in the lower world to a certain extent and who can contact Creator God-sama and the other gods is valuable, and among them, the hardworking and kind ancient earth dragon is the best person for the job.

Of course, Creator God-sama wouldn’t let him go.

It even feels like everything in the world is going badly for the ancient earth dragon.

It’s impossible to be hostile to Creator God-sama. It’s also impossible to emotionally abandon the ancient earth dragon. So what should I do?

I want to talk to people like Alessia-san, Ines, and Felicia, but it seems like they’re all spiritually far away, so it doesn’t look like I can talk to them.

Rimu seems fine, but I don’t think it’s right to discuss the affairs of the gods with him. He has a great healing effect, but he’s still small.

Normally, this would be grounds for a complaint of power harassment, but that’s impossible. The ancient earth dragon’s strike seems to have had some effect, but it didn’t lead to the salvation of Creator God-sama.

If it’s impossible to escape Creator God-sama, can you at least change your boss?

Because he is directly connected to the Creator God-sama, he can be asked to do impossible things. If that’s the case, can I put a buffer between them? Maybe… it will work?

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