Striving For The Luxury Liner!! ~Get That Rich Isekai Life With A Ship Summoning Skill~ (WN)

Vol 18 Chapter 14

Vol 18 Chapter 14

TN: Please read my translations only on my website since I never give my permission to any site to host my translations. And if you like my translations, please support this site on Ko-fi and Patreon to read several chapters ahead!

Thanks toTbird90677 for the Ko-Fi and this chapter~


Chapter 14 – Draw

After discussing things with the ancient earth dragon, I have a good idea of how to fulfill the request, which is also an order from the Creator God-sama. I can’t help but feel that Creator God-sama’s dignity has been slightly hurt, but I believe that the great Creator God-sama will forgive me. Now, it’s a matter of how the discussion with Creator God-sama will go in three days, but in order to do my best there, I want to get along with the kobold who has cleared up their misunderstanding.

“Okay, let’s go! …Wataru, everything’s okay, right?”

After Alessia-san gave the order in a dignified manner, she suddenly became weak.

She was full of spirit when she went to meet the kobolds, but then she got worried about what would happen if they refused her. It’s easy to understand.

“The ancient earth dragon cleared up the misunderstanding, so it’s okay.”

If it hadn’t worked, he would have at least called out to me, and he flew away without a word, so I’m sure the misunderstanding has been cleared up.

“Yes… that’s right.”

“Yes, indeed. We’ve chosen the gifts we’re taking to the kobolds very carefully, and I’m sure they’ll be happy with them.”

We really did choose very carefully. Except for me, Dorothea-san, Marina-san, and Claretta-san.

The slime-loving group admits that the kobolds are cute, but they still think their own slimes are the best, so they chose them without getting as excited as the other members.

And as for Claretta-san, well, she was in shock… right?

“My choice of roast beef is the best.”

…Carla-san, why did you insist on being the best at that moment?

“Fufu. It’s possible that kobolds like meat, but the donuts I chose are the best. Kids like sweet things.”

And look, Alessia-san started competing right away. In fact, she confessed that she had her sights set on the child kobold.

“I think the jelly will be the most popular. It’s beautiful and rare.”

Even Felicia…

“There’s no point in talking about it here. The kobolds will decide!”

After much discussion, Alessia-san finally came to a conclusion. It was a very reasonable opinion, but it was the kind of conclusion you should have realized before arguing.

Well, everyone seemed to be having fun competing with each other, so I think they were deliberately making a fuss to relieve the tension.

“…Well, anyway, let’s go now.”

Let’s go while the tension is still relaxed.

“””Roger that.”””

We left the Hideaway and headed for the fort on foot. We considered using the Ranger but decided against it, as it seemed likely to revive the misunderstanding that had been cleared up.

We arrived at the fort. For some reason, I was in the lead.

Apparently, it’s my job to talk to them.

They’re reliable companions when it comes to fighting powerful enemies, but there are many times when they’re pathetic when it comes to dealing with kobolds.

Well, I’ve come to accept that this is the time for me to do my best.

The problem is that the kobolds are watching us from the top of the fort. They’re not quite as wary as they were last time, but they’re still clearly on guard.

I wonder if they are still skeptical after hearing about the ancient earth dragon?

They seem shy by nature, so it’s probably impossible for them to suddenly become friendly. It seems safer to approach them and deepen our relationship slowly.

“Um, my name is Wataru. I think you heard it from the ancient earth dragon, but we’re not your enemy.”

I can hear them discussing something at the fort. Ouch, hey, Alessia-san, it’s okay to grab my shoulder, but you’re using too much force.

You’re a high-level person, so it hurts a lot. I think it’s going to crush an apple or something.

“Woof. We heard the story from the master.”

A kobold wearing armor and carrying a spear replied from the top of the fort. He’s cute, even though he’s wearing battle gear.

But he won’t tell me his name. For now, we’ll just call him the warrior kobold.

“I see. So the misunderstanding has been cleared up, right?”

“Yes. We’re going to be friends. I’m sorry we scared you.”

I’m glad. It looks like we’re going to be friends. …Huh? What does that mean?

“Well, Alessia, what can I say?”

Did they think they scared us? It’s true that Alessia-san and the others were afraid of being hated by the kobolds, but is that what they meant?

“I don’t know what to say… but thank you for apologizing?”

Huh? You’re grateful for an apology? Are you confused as well, Alessia-san?

“Why don’t we apologize for the misunderstanding that led to the fight?”

Hmm, I think Dorothea-san’s opinion is more reasonable than Alessia-san’s.

“Well, we’re sorry for carelessly approaching you and causing a fight.”

“Woof. Don’t worry about it. You were pretty brave yourself.”

I think I understand.

I think the kobolds probably think that we and the kobolds fought bravely and that the kobolds were the superior side.

I can’t help but think that’s a bit far-fetched, but the majority of the women have been won over by the charm of the kobolds, so I can’t deny it.

Well, let’s call it a draw.

“Yes. The kobolds were also very brave.”


“Awww, so cute!”

When I praised him for being brave, the warrior kobold puffed out his chest with a smug look on his face, his ears twitching.

He’s cute, but Alessia-san’s high school-girl-like reaction took it all away.

“Well, we brought you some food as a sign of our reconciliation. Why don’t you eat it with us?”

“Do you have anything sweet?”

The warrior kobold asked with a hungry look on his face. Even though he was dressed like a warrior, he still liked sweets. Carla-san, who was a strong advocate of roast beef, looked a little down.

Or rather, it seems that the food we threw away was eaten by everyone except the child kobold.

“Yes, we have sweets, meat, and lots of alcohol.”

“Woof. Master told us to get along well. We’ll eat together.”

When the warrior kobold said this, the door to the fort began to open.

The kobolds who opened the door were fascinated by the packages we had brought. I don’t want to deceive them, but I’m a little worried about the kobolds, who seem so gullible.

Could it end like the picture book, with them being so easily fooled?

“Woof. Come this way.”

We enter the fort at the invitation of the warrior kobold, who has come down from the top of the fort.

My first impression of the fort was… overprotective.

It’s clear that the ancient earth dragon has gone to great lengths to build it. Everywhere is thick and sturdy, and it’s easy to see that he paid attention to even the smallest details to make it easy for the kobolds to use.

I thought it was a staircase to get to the top of the fort, but it’s a ramp. It’s easy to climb up and down, whether you’re on two legs or four.

“Kyaaff! It smells good.”

“Is it sweet?”

“Give me, give me.”

While I was distracted by the inside of the fort, I heard a cute voice coming from our feet. I looked down to see a group of child kobolds sniffing our luggage with great interest.

This is dangerous.

When I turned around, the women had already been turned into boneless, melting, love-struck faces by the child kobolds. It was, well, erotic.

“Alessia-san, we’ll unpack later. Please be patient for now.”

I stop Alessia-san as she tries to unpack her bags and feed the child kobolds.

“Everyone, if you don’t hurry, you’ll be left behind.”

I tell them that the warrior kobold has already left and urge them to hurry. Oh, Rimu, don’t get off from my head now. No matter how you look at it, it’s just going to cause a commotion. In a ball-like sense…


Yes, I can understand how you feel, but later.

“Here. Come in.”

I avoided the child kobolds playing at my feet, and while I persuaded Rimu to come with me, we were led to the entrance of a building.

“Well, do you think we can get in?”

The door is open, but no matter how you look at it, it’s too small. Even the adult kobolds would probably have to crawl on all fours to get in.

“…You guys are so big.”

Yes, we’re probably the size of giants compared to the kobolds.

Is this also the result of the overprotection of the ancient earth dragon? Even the houses in the Kobold Village could be entered if we stooped down.

Still, the size of this place is just right, so I guess they’ve decided that the entrance and exit should be the last line of defense, and if they can’t fight their way out of the fortress, they can run away.

“That’s right, it’s too big to get in, so let’s eat in the fort square.”

Fortunately, the square is grassy, and we’ve brought our own plates and cutlery. If we spread out the cloths and bags we’ve wrapped our food in, we should be fine.

I could summon the Hideaway and invite the kobolds, but they would probably panic and run to the fort.

Let’s take our time and get to know each other.

“Woof. That’s good.”

“Then I’ll start preparing.”

“Okay, I’ll call everyone. Wafu~n.”

Is “Wafu~n” the signal for them to gather? Kobolds began to gather from all over the fort.


“What is it?”

“It smells good.”



“Is it dangerous?”

“It’s safe.”

They make a lot of noise, but when you see all the different sizes and colors of the kobolds gathered together, they’re really quite cute.

“We’re going to eat outside with the humans. Everyone, get ready!”

When the warrior kobold gives the order, the kobolds all start moving at once. It seems that the warrior kobold is definitely the leader of the kobolds.

That’s fine, but he definitely doesn’t remember my name. I’ll introduce myself later.

“Let’s get ready as well.”

I give instructions to the women, who are engrossed in watching the moving kobolds, and we get ready to eat as well.

“Ufufu. Not yet, just a little longer.”

“You’re so cute. There’s lots of delicious food here.”

“Roast beef. It’s delicious.”

“You can have the sweets after you eat. Fufu, you’re right, I can’t wait to eat them, too.”

As we spread the food on the grass, the kobolds gather around, attracted by the smell.

Of course, the women who are crazy about the kobolds melt away, but they also quickly prepare to eat together.

One of them is using baby talk to the max, but that’s also attractive in its own way, so I’m okay with it.

Wagging tails, innocent eyes filled with tears and cries that touch the heart with their cuteness… I wanted to prepare more carefully, but it looks like the kobolds have already reached their limit.

Alessia-san and the others are fidgeting, and Felicia is busy twitching her ears. I think they’re at their limit as well. Shall we start the dinner party?

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