Striving For The Luxury Liner!! ~Get That Rich Isekai Life With A Ship Summoning Skill~ (WN)

Vol 18 Chapter 13

Vol 18 Chapter 13

TN: Please read my translations only on my website since I never give my permission to any site to host my translations. And if you like my translations, please support this site on Ko-fi and Patreon to read several chapters ahead!

Thanks toTbird90677 for the Ko-Fi and this chapter~


Chapter 13 – That’s All I Can Say

After discussing the matter with the ancient earth dragon, it was decided that a superior was needed who could act as a buffer between Creator God-sama and the ancient earth dragon. This would be a difficult role, protecting the ancient earth dragon from Creator God-sama, but fortunately, there was a god who seemed to be the right person for the job. All that remained was to convince this god and Creator God-sama… I feel that there will be many more difficulties in the future.

“In that case, I should probably ask the God of Fields-sama first, but how do I go about meeting him?”

There are two patterns for meeting the gods: one is when I pray, and Creator God-sama takes me to the divine realm, and the other is when the gods come to visit me on the luxury liner.

I think I can probably get him to call me when I pray in the church, but in that case, Creator God-sama will definitely be there. I don’t think that Creator God-sama would allow any personnel decisions to be made that would be inconvenient to him.

There is also the possibility of waiting to meet him on the luxury liner, but I don’t remember ever greeting the God of Fields-sama.

It’s possible that I just don’t remember him, but I was surprised when I heard that he was a god of a narrow genre, so it’s very likely that I haven’t met him.

It’s just an image, but I don’t think he came to visit the luxury liner because he’s worried about the fields.

If I asked another god to deliver a message, he might come to the luxury liner, but it would probably take a while.

“I can go directly to the divine realm. I’ll go and ask.

Well, I suppose he can go to the divine realm because he can meet Creator God-sama directly, but I can’t help but feel that it’s a bit of a stretch.

“Can you safely meet the God of Fields-sama by entering the territory of Creator God-sama? Won’t you be caught by Creator God-sama first?”

I have a feeling that Creator God-sama would be overjoyed to see a mouse come out of its nest and go hunting.

“Don’t worry. The place where the God of Fields-sama resides is where the gods who oversee the crops of the divine realm gather. A long time ago, Creator God-sama did something stupid and was forbidden to enter. I can go there directly so I won’t get caught before I meet the God of Fields-sama.”

…Creator God-sama. When Sea God-sama was banned, you laughed and made a fuss, but you were banned too, weren’t you?

“Is it possible that the ban has been lifted?”

That was a long time ago, right?

“No way. The Creator God will be banned from entering until this planet perishes and the divine realm disappears.”

…What did Creator God-sama do? I want to ask, but I’m a little afraid to ask.

I have a feeling that Creator God-sama got a lecture from the God of Fields-sama when he was banned, but as they say, “Let sleeping dogs lie,” so I will pretend that I didn’t hear about it.

Dealing with Creator God-sama is quite hard work, as the number of times you have to ignore him increases.

“I understand. Shall I go with you?”

I don’t think I can do anything by going with him, but I feel a sense of empathy for the ancient earth dragon, and I’m worried about letting him go alone.

“It would be reassuring if you could come with me, but I think it would be best to stop. There are rules for inviting people into the divine realm.”

Hmm. I hadn’t really thought about it before, but it’s only natural that there are rules.

Otherwise, the other members who are helping me would also be invited by the God of Light-sama.

“It’s not a good idea to create a weakness before negotiations.”

Creator God-sama would never miss an opportunity to gain an advantage.

“Yes, you’re right. But it would be reassuring if you could come with me when I meet with the Creator God.”

“I have to report to the Creator God-sama as well, so of course I’ll go with you.”

Even I should be able to be of some use in the negotiations with Creator God-sama. At the very worst, I feel enough compassion for the ancient earth dragon to offer to entertain him.

Now, it’s just a matter of whether or not the God of Fields-sama will accept our proposal. I’m very worried about whether or not he will accept it since it will mean a direct confrontation with Creator God-sama.

“Well then… yes, is it possible to meet with the Creator God at his place at noon in three days?”

“I can’t promise anything because I don’t know if Creator God-sama will call me to the divine realm. Wouldn’t it be better if we met and went there together?”

With Creator God-sama’s personality, it seems like he would accept the challenge and welcome us, but I have a sneaking suspicion that depending on his mood, he might not call me and say it’s too much trouble.

Then, I think it would be more reliable if I prayed and was summoned, and then we would meet in the divine realm. Well, that depends on how long it takes for the ancient earth dragon to go to the divine realm.

“I have the right to go in and out of the divine realm, but it’s not a place I can just casually enter. If I increase the number of times I enter and leave, the chance of meeting someone I don’t want to see will also increase. If I succeed in convincing the God of Fields-sama, I will go directly to the Creator God. If I fail to persuade the God of Fields-sama, I will return, so please give me your advice again. I will definitely ask the Creator God to call you, Wataru-dono.”

I can understand it somehow. Maybe it’s the embarrassment of going in and out of the country’s core because it’s a parent company related to work, or maybe it’s because it’s the divine realm.

If he has ambitions, that’s one thing, but if he wants peace, he’d probably want to keep his visits to a minimum. Besides, the people he doesn’t want to see are probably the gods and dragons who forced the ancient earth dragon to do all the work.

“I understand. Then I will offer a prayer at noon in three days.”

“I look forward to working with you.”

I hope we can meet again safely in the divine realm. If not, I don’t know what to do.

“Well then, I’ll go to the God of Fields-sama.”

“Right now?”

I was thinking of treating him to some of the Earth’s finest food and drink tonight since he seems to be under a lot of stress.

“Yes, I’ll go right away. I can’t just sit around and do nothing, even though my connection to the Creator God is about to fade.”

He’s really excited.

It seems that the connection with the Creator God would weaken if he stayed cooped up at home, but maybe he’d be happier if the connection weakened in a public way.

“Then, in three days.”


Just as the ancient earth dragon was about to take flight, he was stopped. It was Alessia-san who had been lost in thought until a moment ago.

“What is it, little girl?”

The ancient earth dragon looks a little sad that his plans have been thwarted, but he answers normally when Alessia-san calls him.

This is probably why he keeps getting more and more work. Personally, I like his personality, but he is an ancient dragon, so I can’t help but think that he should be a little more arrogant.

“It’s about the kobolds! Please clear up the misunderstanding that we are dangerous.”

…Alessia-san, your obsession with the kobolds must have brought you to your senses at the last minute.

“Hmm. Oh, I’m sorry about that. I’ll clear up the misunderstanding right away.”

“Please be thorough. In the first place, if it could be settled by discussion, why did you bring up the kobolds? It hurt my feelings!”

By thorough, I think she means that she wants to get in touch with the kobolds right away.

She also complains about the fact that the ancient earth dragon was protected by the kobolds, but I have to agree with her. Dealing with the kobolds was quite painful.

“I’m sorry. The kobolds are worried about me, and they try to protect me because I get violent whenever the Creator God’s messenger comes.”

I see. So, the kobolds must have remembered the bad things he said about Creator God-sama when he was in a bad mood.

“…But isn’t it dangerous? What if they get hurt?”

It seems that Alessia-san decided not to ask about the part about Creator God-sama. She’s smart.

“If they’re in danger, I’ll save them right away, and the Creator God’s messengers know that kobolds are my precious followers, so they won’t do anything reckless. Well, it’s harassment of the Creator God’s messengers and a kobold evacuation drill.”

The gentle ancient earth dragon categorically stated that it was harassment. Just because they are messengers of the Creator God, they are basically enemies.

Well, we didn’t know that the kobolds were enemies. Creator God-sama, you don’t have enough information.

“Emergency drills are important, so if that’s the case, I guess it can’t be helped.”

“Yes. I apologize for the trouble, little girl.”

“My name is Alessia… Oh, I didn’t mean to be rude to a great dragon. I’m truly sorry.”

Suddenly, Alessia-san changed her attitude and apologized. It seems that she finally realized that she was dealing with an ancient dragon.

She had brilliantly ignored talking about the Creator God-sama, but maybe her common sense wasn’t working properly because her brain had been burned by the kobolds when she was dealing with the ancient earth dragon.

“It was me who caused you trouble, so don’t worry about it. I’m going to the divine realm now. I’ll explain everything to the kobold, so please come back later. Wataru-dono, in three days.”

The ancient earth dragon flew away, having forgiven Alessia-san so easily.

He landed in front of the fort, and the kobolds seemed to be making a fuss about something, so I guess he’s explaining things properly.

When things have calmed down at the fort, I’ll go over with a gift.

“Phew. Wataru, I’m sorry. I didn’t think things through.”

Even she apologized to me.

Well, it was a calm, ancient earth dragon, so nothing happened, but if it had been a more temperamental type, there was a chance that it could have turned into a fight. It doesn’t hurt to reflect on it.

“Alessia-san realized it herself. There’s nothing for me to say. Besides, the ancient earth dragon will clear up the misunderstanding. Let’s wake everyone up and visit the fort.”

Alessia-san looks around in a daze. It seems that she has finally noticed her friends, who are still in a daze.

As Alessia-san began to move, I also brought Ines and Felicia back to reality.

“Oh, Rimu, what’s wrong?”

Rimu jumped onto Ines’ shoulder and gave her a direct attack on the cheek. Ines woke up with a start. That’s an enviable way to be woken up.

Next time, I’ll let Rimu wake me up like that. Waking up with Rimu’s bounce is a surefire way to happiness.


I shook Felicia’s shoulder as I thought of silly things, and Felicia regained consciousness.

Neither of them mentioned the Creator God-sama. I wonder if they are deliberately avoiding the subject or if their brains have refused to understand it and erased it from their memories?

Well, if we don’t talk about it, it’s the same either way.

“Wa-Wataru-san, so… the Creator God-sama…”

While everyone else is pretending it never happened, Claretta-san is talking to me with a pale face.

The fact that she didn’t finish what she was saying and the honorifics she used allow me to guess Claretta-san’s mental state to some extent.

Looking at the way the other members, even Carla-san, who is strict about honorifics, avert their eyes, you can tell that the other members have chosen not to mention it because they remember it. It’s a wise choice.

However, since Claretta-san is a priest and a devout believer in God, she probably can’t help but mention it.



“The God of Light-sama, the Goddess of the Forest-sama, the God of Gastronomy-sama, the God of Commerce-sama, the Sea God-sama, the God of War-sama, the God of Magic-sama──they are all wonderful gods. That is all I can say. Please understand.”

To be honest, I only know a little about the God of Light-sama, the Goddess of the Forest-sama, and the God of Gastronomy-sama, but I felt it would be dangerous to mention only the goddesses, so I added the other male gods as well.

They are probably all wonderful gods.

So please don’t ask any more questions.

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