Striving For The Luxury Liner!! ~Get That Rich Isekai Life With A Ship Summoning Skill~ (WN)

Vol 18 Chapter 18

Vol 18 Chapter 18

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Chapter 18 – Could This be Bad?

Creator God-sama ran away from the negotiations with the God of Fields-sama, and it was decided to hold a hunting competition involving the gods. The place is the luxury liner Chateau, and the hunters are various gods who have a grudge against Creator God-sama. I have no objection because I will receive a reward just for inviting them, but when I see the fierce determination of the gods, I start to feel a little uneasy.

Thank goodness.

The second wave of hunters came down after the first. I was nervous as I looked at them, but the God of Gastronomy-sama and the Goddess of the Forest-sama weren’t among them.

The God of Light-sama had said that the second wave was a combat unit, so for now, I don’t have to see the scary side of all my healing goddesses.

Well, there were also goddesses in the combat unit who had great beauty and style, and I had a secret hope that I might be able to meet them someday, but I haven’t made contact with them yet, so it’s safe.

It was a shock, but seeing their murderous expressions before I made contact with them was only a positive thing. I’m grateful to the Creator God-sama.

The madness of beautiful women is really frightening.


I send off the gods full of murderous intent with words of encouragement and a strained smile and take a deep breath. The gods who will enjoy the Chateau will not shy away from murderous intent.

Hmm? I just waved them off normally, but what if the Creator God-sama dies?

No, I know that Creator God-sama is strong.

The male gods who had been drinking complained so much about the irrationality of Creator God-sama that it would not be an exaggeration to say that I, as a human being in this world, know more about the irrationality of Creator God-sama than anyone else.

But even though it’s a big luxury liner, it’s still tiny compared to the divine realm. With all the preparations and so many gods with murderous intentions, isn’t it possible that something unexpected could happen?

To be honest, I can’t help but think that the world would be happier with the God of Light-sama as the main deity rather than the Creator God-sama.

But if Creator God-sama dies, it’s going to have an effect in many places, and most of all, I’m really worried about what’s going to happen to my lifeline, the Ship Summoning skill.

I think Ines, Felicia, and Rimu would not be so heartless as to abandon me just because I lost my Ship Summoning.

Besides, I’m a high-level person myself, so I think I can make it if I just want to survive.

But losing the comfortable, almost too comfortable, life on the luxury liner, and whether I can handle that or not, is another story. It’s no joke.

“Um, God of Light-sama… is Creator God-sama going to be okay? He’s not going to die, is he?”

What I really want to ask is what will happen to Ship Summoning if Creator God-sama dies, but I don’t have the courage to ask.

“Fufu, you’ve been through so much, but you still have the wonderful character to worry about Creator God-sama.”

The God of Light-sama was kind enough to praise me. I know it’s a misunderstanding, but I just accept it in silence. Because it makes me happy to be praised.

“No, what about Creator God-sama?”

“Well, I think you know the power of Creator God-sama to some extent, don’t you, Wataru-san?”

That’s right. I’ve heard it from drunk gods so many times that I’ve got calluses on my ears.

“But this knowledge is also a mistake.”


Where is the mistake?

“The power of Creator God-sama is even stronger than you imagine, Wataru-san. And by a huge margin.”

While I tilted my head in doubt, the God of Light-sama continued. Overwhelmingly stronger than I imagined?

But the Creator God-sama in my mind is the personification of unreason, with cheat upon cheat upon cheat?

“By using this ship as a stage, I have placed restrictions on Creator God-sama.”

Even though it is treated as a sanctuary, it seems that they cannot use their powers as freely as in the divine realm.

“The gods who will be fighting are also aware of these restrictions, and they have prepared weapons and items that can use both divine power and magic power, so they are fully prepared.”

I guess that’s why they use magic to compensate for the limitations of their divine powers in the lower world?

So I could understand why the battle units were so well-equipped.

However, it was only the day before yesterday that they decided to fight against the Creator God-sama. I wonder how they managed to prepare everything in such a short time…

It’s possible that a god could easily prepare for something like this in two days, but I think that’s probably not the case.

It would fit the atmosphere of the battle unit to think that the gods had prepared as much as they could in anticipation of a day like this coming.

It was like, “Finally, the time has come!” Everyone knew how much Creator God-sama was hated.

“In addition, the trap was set, and the analysis of Creator God-sama’s behavior was completed.”

Instead of saying that the gods worked hard, it was the God of Light-sama who analyzed the behavior patterns. I could see flames in her eyes as she analyzed.

“Even with all this preparation, I’m afraid it won’t reach Creator God-sama.”

God of Light-sama’s face changed to a sad expression. How disappointed she must be.

“It won’t reach him?”

The battlefield was chosen by this side, which has the advantage in numbers, the quality of the equipment favors this side, the traps have been prepared, and the enemy’s behavior has been analyzed. It’s a battle that is too favorable. Moreover, the Creator God-sama will be trapped. And still?

“Yes. Everyone understands this somewhere in their hearts. They will all seriously confront Creator God-sama, but the ultimate goal will be to inflict as much damage on Creator God-sama as possible, to relieve stress, and to force Creator God-sama to sign a contract with the world by setting a trap for him.”

As the God of Light-sama says, it seems that there is a greater difference in power between Creator God-sama and the other gods than I had imagined.

“Well, but you will be able to make a contract with the world, right?”

“I have made preparations for that to happen.”

Oh, so you don’t have any guarantees. I want the gods to win this time because if Creator God-sama wins, it’ll be even more difficult. I don’t want to go through the whole process of convincing the ancient earth dragon again.

“Good luck. Oh, is there any chance that Creator God-sama will lose and be so angry that he will take away the Ship Summoning skill as a result of my cooperation?”

The thought just occurred to me, and I felt my blood run cold. Isn’t that bad?

I sympathized with the ancient earth dragon and joined the gods, but I’m basically the kind of person who doesn’t go against the long-established order and just goes along with it, so I went against that policy.

“Don’t worry. Creator God-sama likes luxury liners. There’s no way he would destroy his own fun.”

“But it’s possible to take it away, right? Then why not just give the Ship Summoning to someone else?”

I can’t just accept that.

“It’s not impossible to take it away, but since Wataru-san is already under the protection of this world, it would take a lot of effort to interfere.”

The fact that it’s not impossible is what’s frightening. Creator God-sama is the type who doesn’t mind going to the trouble if it’s for his own pleasure.

“And the reason you were given the powerful skill of Ship Summoning was because you had fallen from another world and were in a state of uncertainty about your affiliation. It is not possible to just give powerful skills to the inhabitants of this world.”

In other words, it would take a lot of effort to take away my skills. Moreover, if he wanted to give them to someone else, he would have to wait for another person from another world to fall.

So it seems that unless Creator God-sama loses his temper, there is no way he can take away the Ship Summoning skill.

I only helped the gods a little this time, so I don’t think I offended him enough to make him desperate.

I understand. I’ll just watch from afar.

Oh, the third wave has arrived just in time. If that’s the case, I’ll join the God of Gastronomy-sama and the Goddess of the Forest-sama and have some fun.

If I could be selfish, I’d also like to play with the God of Light-sama, but I guess that’s impossible under the current circumstances.


“God of Gastronomy-sama, Goddess of the Forest-sama, thank you for waiting. I look forward to working with you today!”

After seeing all the gods descend, I joined the God of Gastronomy-sama and the Goddess of the Forest-sama, who had been waiting for me.

“Yes, I look forward to working with you, Wataru-san.”

“I’m looking forward to working with you, Wataru-san.”

Even though we just exchanged greetings, I feel happy just from that. As always, the sensuality of the God of Gastronomy-sama and the motherly nature of the Goddess of the Forest-sama are wonderful.

The thought of these two people giving me a lap pillow and cleaning my ears is so blissful that it’s almost frightening.

“Is there anything you would like to request regarding the ship?”

“Well, I was watching from the divine realm, and I was wondering if you had a Mediterranean restaurant. Of course, I’m interested in the other restaurants as well, but I think I’ll start with that one.”

She’s a food goddess with an over-the-top sex appeal, but at the end of the day, it’s all about the food. I have no complaints about being able to eat the food cooked by the God of Gastronomy-sama, but it would be nice to cuddle by the pool together.

“I wanted to check out the houseplants on this ship, and oh, by the way, I wanted to see the TV that Felicia was watching. I think it was something about nature or something.”

It feels a little strange that the Goddess of the Forest-sama would ask for a TV. Well, something about nature… I think Felicia liked to watch nature documentaries, so I think it’s probably a DVD of those.

“So, shall we have dinner at a Mediterranean restaurant and watch TV in the room? There’s a good chance of a commotion today, so there won’t be any staff appointments, right?”

“Yes. Creator God-sama will definitely come and cause trouble if I cook, so I will cancel the staff appointments until things calm down.”

The worried look on the God of Gastronomy-sama’s face is also wonderful.

For a moment, I wondered if Creator God-sama would come to interfere, but he would definitely come.

The God of Gastronomy-sama, who has trained and absorbed knowledge in various restaurants from other worlds, has become even more skilled in cooking, and she can also arrange dishes to suit the tastes of the gods who live in this world, so the restaurants where the God of Gastronomy-sama is employed are very popular with the gods.

In other words, when the gods are happy, it’s a formula that Creator God-sama will come to disturb them.

“That’s right. Shall we go then?”

Let’s go to the Mediterranean restaurant first. I’ll recommend a light drink here. Then, after we enter the room, we can order more drinks from room service. Oh, but I’m a little worried about ear cleaning after drinking alcohol.


“W-what’s going on?”

As I walk to the restaurant, thinking of a devious plan, I suddenly hear an explosion behind me.

From the church, I heard things like, “Damn, that bastard Creator God came in from the front. Take him out!” and “Gather the scattered. We’ll settle this here!” and “Kill him!”

I see… God of Light-sama predicted that he would sneak in, but it seems that the Creator God-sama has outwitted them and is charging straight in.

…I want to believe that he didn’t sneak in because he didn’t want to give the gods even a little bit of fun.

Looks like we’re going to have to postpone the restaurant. Let’s evacuate to the room first.

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