Striving For The Luxury Liner!! ~Get That Rich Isekai Life With A Ship Summoning Skill~ (WN)

Vol 18 Chapter 19

Vol 18 Chapter 19

TN: Please read my translations only on my website since I never give my permission to any site to host my translations. And if you like my translations, please support this site on Ko-fi and Patreon to read several chapters ahead!


Chapter 19 – That’s Strange

The gods gather at the Chateau to lure and capture Creator God-sama. The gods, having gained the opportunity for revenge, are bristling with murderous intent, and they are preparing their equipment and laying traps, waiting for Creator God-sama. I, who do not want to be involved in the conflict between the gods, plan to stay on the sidelines with the God of Gastronomy-sama and the Goddess of the Forest-sama, who will not participate in the conflict.

“Well, let’s evacuate to one room for now.”

When I heard the sounds of fighting coming from the church, I gave up my date with the God of Gastronomy-sama and the Goddess of the Forest-sama and decided to evacuate.

Even if Creator God-sama is coming, I wish he would come a little slower.

“Yeah, it looks like we’re going to get caught if we stay here, so let’s go.”

“Ah, Wataru-kun, this is just perfect.”

…Perhaps the words of the God of Gastronomy-sama were the flag, but when I realized it, the Creator God-sama was right in front of me.

“Wataru-kun, do that thing for me too, the staff appointment thing, and make me a security guard. Those guys are terrible; they know I can’t touch them, but they surround me and attack me. Seriously, I want them to see the face of their father.”

I see, so Creator God-sama doesn’t have permission to attack at this time.

Since the combat forces are appointed as staff when they arrive, it seems that the gods are currently in a much more advantageous situation.

Also, I don’t understand how gods are born, but I think that Creator God-sama is the father or grandfather? I think I heard him say something like, “I am the one who created everything before!”

“Well, I want Creator God-sama to sign the contract honestly…”

I want him to give up willingly because the situation is not in his favor.

“Hmm, I knew you were on their side, Wataru-kun. You can’t do that; you have to choose who you rely on, or you’ll end up in a bad situation yourself, you know?”

No, you don’t understand. Or rather, have I offended the Creator God-sama?

“No, I’m not on anyone’s side. I’m neutral.”

Please don’t misunderstand. I’m on the side of the gods, emotionally speaking, though.

“No, that’s not what I meant. Hurry up. Are you sure? If I leave the ship, this world will be in serious trouble, you know?”

Indeed, if Creator God-sama were to appear in the lower world, which is not a sanctuary, it would be a big deal in many ways.

Hmm? If it’s going to be a big deal, Creator God-sama should be considerate… No, thinking about Creator God-sama’s personality, he’ll probably go his own way even if the world is in trouble.

While trying to put the blame on us for attacking him…

“I understand. I’ll appoint you as a guard immediately. Yes, I’ve appointed you to the staff.”

“Yes, that’s fine. I’ll go easy on you for your punishment.”

Huh? Punishment? Am I going to be punished?

Creator God-sama gave me a problem, and when I try to solve it, the one who gave it to me runs away, and I’m the one stuck with the problem?

Is that what you call the arrogance of a god? No, I think it’s more like the selfishness of a spoiled brat. This world is hopeless. I really want the God of Light-sama to become the main god.

“No way! This way, kill him!”

Oh, the gods have noticed Creator God-sama.

If you kill him, there will be a big problem, so please just hurt him until he’s on the verge of death.

“Well, see you later, Wataru-kun.”

Creator God-sama waves and starts to run, and the other gods chase after him, attacking him in a flashy manner.

If it comes to that, I’ll hide like the ancient earth dragon.

“Speaking of which, I don’t see the ancient earth dragon or the God of Fields-sama. Have they not come?”

They are the focus of this problem…

“They haven’t come. The God of Fields has no interest in fighting or entertainment, and the ancient earth dragon is dangerous.”

The God of Gastronomy-sama answered my question, but there was one part I didn’t quite understand.

“The ancient earth dragon is dangerous? From the way he talked, he seemed like a very gentle person, didn’t he?”

I guess he’s scary when he’s angry? If that’s the case, I really want him to give Creator God-sama a good beating.

“I mean, the ancient earth dragon will be in danger. The gods will be careful around you, the owner of this ship, but if it’s an ancient dragon, they won’t hesitate to drag him into it. After all, he’s an ancient dragon, so he’s pretty strong.”

Oh, so that’s the danger. I feel compassion and empathy for the ancient earth dragon’s weak position.

“I know you’re worried, but let’s go to a safe place first. Even if the gods are careful around you, there’s still a chance that you’ll get involved.”

As I look into the distance and think about my weak position and the ancient earth dragon, the Goddess of the Forest-sama urges me to move.

Yes, thinking about the ferocity of the gods, I feel like there’s a fifty-fifty chance of getting involved rather than zero. Let’s move quickly.


“Then please start cleaning my ears.”

I took the God of Gastronomy-sama and the Goddess of the Forest-sama to a royal suite, and while watching a nature DVD that the Goddess of the Forest-sama had requested, we ordered room service.

Eating while chatting with the two beautiful goddesses was a wonderful experience, but nothing beats having my ears cleaned while I’m cuddled in their laps.

Because their thighs are the best, and they gently clean my ears, and sometimes they blow on me, it’s heaven.

It doesn’t matter if I hear explosions outside my room, or curses full of murderous intent, or screams like death cries. I will have my ears cleaned.

With that, I bow deeply.

“I don’t mind cleaning your ears, but there are two of us here today. Which one of us should clean your ears?”

God of Gastronomy-sama’s question leaves me speechless.

Come to think of it, this is the first time I’ve had two people together to clean my ears.

As usual, it would be possible to choose one of them to clean my ears, but it would be a waste to do the same thing as usual when I’ve got this great situation.

“Well, I know it might be presumptuous, but is it possible to have the Goddess of Gastronomy-sama clean my right ear and the Goddess of the Forest-sama clean my left ear?

An audacious suggestion to enjoy the thighs of two goddesses in one day. I could be reprimanded for getting carried away.

But when paradise is right in front of you, not stepping into it is tantamount to defeat for a man.

Then let’s go. With courage!

“It doesn’t matter to me.”

“I see. Which one do you want to do first?”

I mustered up all my courage, but it was accepted so easily that I was a little disappointed.

But if it’s okay, then there’s no problem. I’ll enjoy it as much as I can.

“Thank you. Please start with my right ear.”

“Okay. Then come here.”

The God of Gastronomy-sama taps her thigh lightly with her fingers, and with a mysterious and beautiful expression, she beckons me.

Thank you. I go to the sofa where the God of Gastronomy-sama is sitting, feeling happy just from her expression.

In my hand is the best ear pick I could find. If the God of Gastronomy-sama or the Goddess of the Forest-sama were to hold it, it would not be an exaggeration to call it a sacred treasure. I hand it to the God of Gastronomy-sama and gently lie down on the sofa.

“…Hmm? Um, am I touching the God of Gastronomy-sama’s thigh right now?”

Normally, the soft fabric that the God of Gastronomy-sama wears, the wonderful feeling of her thighs hidden beneath it, and the attractive scent of the God of Gastronomy-sama would greet me, but all I feel on my cheek is an inorganic sensation.

“Excuse me, Wataru-san, your face doesn’t reach the thighs of the God of Gastronomy. It’s floating in the air.”

The Goddess of the Forest-sama sitting across from me tells me the situation. I knew it would be like this. Of course, I can’t feel it if I can’t reach it.

The problem is that even though I’m trying my best to enjoy the sensation of the God of Gastronomy-sama’s thighs, I can’t lower my head because I feel like I’m being pushed away.

“Can you touch Wataru-san, God of Gastronomy?”

At the direction of the Goddess of the Forest-sama, God of Gastronomy-sama’s hand reaches out to my cheek, but it stops halfway as if it is blocked by something.

“This is impossible. I feel something blocking me.”

What does that mean?

“Wataru-san, please stand up.”

With a heavy heart, I move away from the thighs of the God of Gastronomy-sama, but I can’t just sit there and do nothing, so I obediently follow her instructions.

The Goddess of the Forest-sama stares at me intently, her eyes narrowed.

“It’s been hidden, but it’s the work of Creator God-sama, isn’t it?”


Is this situation the work of Creator God-sama?

“Ah, it says something written with divine power. It says that if you want this to be removed, you have to pray to me once a day for 1,000 days, praising my greatness. Otherwise, you will never be able to touch a woman again.”

A thousand days? What is a thousand days?

Wait, a thousand days? Does that mean I won’t be able to touch a woman for almost three years?

“W-w-w-w-what does that mean? No, even if he was appointed as a security staff member, or maybe because he was a security staff member, he wouldn’t be able to harm me, would he?”

Because he’s a security staff member.

“Wataru-san, that’s a barrier to protect you from women, so it doesn’t seem to count as harm.”

No, but I’m actually being harmed all the time, right? So that means I wouldn’t be able to touch Ines or Felicia for almost three years, right? I’m dying mentally, you know?

“Phew. It’s the harassment of Creator God-sama. But just because it’s harassment, it’s hard to break. Since it is Creator God-sama, even if I wanted to, I couldn’t break it.”

The words of the God of Gastronomy-sama plunge me into despair.

Huh? I don’t understand.

Huh? But I worked really hard, didn’t I?

Huh? I have obediently followed the orders of Creator God-sama, haven’t I?

Huh? Is this how he treats me?

“…..Hit him, but that’s not enough. Torture him. That’s not enough. Killing him is impossible. I want to kill him, but wishing for the impossible doesn’t accomplish anything. What should I do then? …That’s it, I’ll do it.”

“Hey, Wataru-san? You look scary. Calm down.”

“Wataru-san, please calm down. We’ll take care of your punishment, so please calm down for now.”

I think I can hear the God of Gastronomy-sama and the Goddess of the Forest-sama saying something in the distance.

But that’s not important right now.

A surprisingly strong emotion is raging inside me. So this is real anger.

I’ve been angry many times before. I’ve even cried out of frustration.

But this is different from all of them.

Anger at the irrational. Anger at having something precious taken away from me. Anger at being trampled on.

I can feel all of these emotions mixing and joining together to form a powerful anger.

I wonder why, but the anger that was raging inside me, making me want to scream uncontrollably, has calmed down like the surface of a still lake.

“It’s okay. I’ve calmed down. Just watch me; I’m definitely going to beat Creator God-sama.”

“You’re not calm at all!”

“Wataru-san, please come to your senses!”

Why are they both panicking?

It’s strange, I feel so calm, you know…

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