Striving For The Luxury Liner!! ~Get That Rich Isekai Life With A Ship Summoning Skill~ (WN)

Vol 18 Chapter 23

Vol 18 Chapter 23

TN: Please read my translations only on my website since I never give my permission to any site to host my translations. And if you like my translations, please support this site on Ko-fi and Patreon to read several chapters ahead!

Thanks toAinz for the Ko-Fi and this chapter~


Chapter 23 – Congratulations On Your New Job!

We managed to seal the Creator God-sama and presented him with contract terms that were favorable to me and the gods. All that remained was for Creator God-sama to accept the terms, but he would not accept anything that would be favorable to the gods or me, and eighteen days passed.

“Hey, Wataru. Are you going to harass the Creator God today as well? Good luck!”

As I board the Chateau, the gods call out to me with big smiles on their faces. I wave to them and continue.

But why? Even though it’s the same kind of greeting as always, I feel like I can sense the gods’ concern in their words.

I have a bad feeling.

During these eighteen days, the gods also take turns going back and forth between the divine realm and the Chateau.

The gods who are currently in the Chateau, enjoying the facilities at their leisure, are gods who are taking a break before returning to the divine realm after completing their duties.

I thought they would feel refreshed after harassing Creator God-sama to their heart’s content, but the atmosphere is still a little different from before. Well, they look good, like gods. Damn.

According to the God of Light-sama, the job of keeping an eye on Creator God-sama at the Chateau is apparently very popular, and they’re having trouble keeping up with the flood of requests.

Watching Creator God-sama has become a popular amusement… or so it seems, but the slightly different atmosphere is a little worrying.

Well, I guess I’ll find out when I get there.

Arriving at the place where the popular Creator God-sama is sealed… I see, so this is it.

My bad feeling came true.

The gods who usually stare at each other in anticipation of their turn, the God of Fields-sama, who was called to give a lecture to Creator God-sama, and the God of Light-sama, who is in charge of watching over Creator God-sama, all look stunned. And beyond their looks

“I can’t take it anymore! Let me out of here! I’m the Creator God!”

I can see Creator God-sama rolling around on the floor, throwing a tantrum like a child.

Normally, you would think that our strategy would have the desired effect, but in fact, it doesn’t.

First, by rolling around and throwing an unsightly tantrum, he avoids the sermon of the God of the Fields-sama. Then, by rolling around on the floor and neatly dodging and deflecting the attacks of the other gods, he avoids boredom and turns it into a provocation against the gods.

Whether this can be called killing two birds with one stone is doubtful, but from the Creator God-sama’s point of view, it’s definitely a delicious double whammy.

The only thing he loses is his dignity as a Creator God, but well, you can’t lose something that doesn’t exist.

Judging by the way God of Light-sama’s radiance is fading, it looks like he’s been throwing a tantrum for quite some time.

“Um… God of Light-sama…”

This is a problem. I have no idea what to say to her in this situation.

“Ah, Wataru-san, thank you for coming.”

God of Light-sama’s welcoming smile is so nice! …But I feel like I’ve come at a time when I definitely can’t be happy about it.

“Ahaha, well, thank you for your hard work.”

“Yes, I’ve been very tired for the last two days.”

The God of Light-sama, with her troubled expression, is also beautiful, but after all, it seems that Creator God-sama started throwing a tantrum about two days ago.

“So, about that, Wataru-san, is there anything you can do about it? I know it’s out of line to ask you for help, but Creator God-sama is very difficult for us to control.”

So, the ball has come to me after all.

I don’t think there’s anything I can do about it, but I want to live up to the expectations of the God of Light-sama. Because there’s a reward waiting for me.

Besides, the women’s love for the kobold is unstoppable, so it would be bad if I didn’t solve everything and leave the island of the ancient earth dragon.

“I don’t know if I can, but I’ll think about it.”

“Thank you for your help.”

What should I do now? The most effective thing would be to stop the attacks and the preaching and just leave him alone, but that’s impossible because Creator God-sama will definitely do something if we leave him alone.

We have to somehow limit the actions of Creator God-sama… Huh? Isn’t that easy?

“God of Light-sama, if I leave Creator God-sama, please give the order for an all-out attack.”

“Huh? Oh, yes, I understand.”

I make a request to God of Light-sama and enter the swan boat with Creator God-sama in it.

Okay, I can do this.

“Huh? It’s you, Wataru-kun. Have you finally decided to lift the seal? I can’t help but praise your determination, but you will still have to pay the penalty for defying me.”

After confirming my appearance, Creator God-sama says something terrible as he turns around. I don’t expect to get away with this, so I will definitely make Creator God-sama accept the contract.

Ignoring him, I check the rolling speed of Creator God-sama.

When I think he’s approaching, he rolls back, and when I think he’s approaching, he rolls to the left or right, and his trajectory is unstable as if to show his twisted personality.

However, I have my sights set on one point, the moment when Creator God-sama rolls toward me.

“Ship Summoning!”

I summon a rubber boat behind Creator God-sama.


A magic circle appears, and Creator God-sama, who has not been given permission to board, is naturally repelled.

Yes, although there was nothing there before, the passage was quite wide. By rolling around freely in it, Creator God-sama irritated the gods, but if that was the case, why not just cut that space down?

It’s a very simple problem.

The space in which Creator God-sama can move freely is reduced by half, or even less than a third, and after confirming this, I quickly escape from the swan boat.

“Now is the time. Attack with all your power!”

At the command of the God of Light-sama, the gods begin to attack with all their might.

Even though they are being mocked by Creator God-sama, the gods are still gods, and they attack Creator God-sama without even bothering to get past the obstacle that is the swan boat.

“Oh, wait a minute, whoa, hey, this…”

Even within the restricted area, it seems that Creator God-sama is somehow managing to fend off the attacks. Well, it’s not unexpected because even before the seal was placed, he was able to withstand the gods’ all-out attack without moving an inch.

However, Creator God-sama’s room for maneuver has definitely been reduced. It’s okay to say that I did a good job.

“God of Light-sama, is this okay?”

“Yes. It’s a wonderful result.”

God of Light-sama is overjoyed. Normally, I would ask for some kind of reward here, but I feel like it would be too greedy to ask for something extra when we’ve already promised to go swimming together in micro-bikinis.

Let’s just say that I have earned the favor of the God of Light-sama.

“So, how much longer do you think Creator God-sama will be able to hold out?”


The God of Light-sama thinks about my question. I just admired her profile for a while.

“I don’t think it will take much longer.”

The God of Light-sama comes to a conclusion surprisingly quickly.

“Is that so?”

“Yes. Creator God-sama was already pretty much cornered, and he’s also been deprived of his last means of stress relief. Creator God-sama understands that all he has to do now is continue to avoid the attacks of the gods. If there is progress, he can endure it, but if there’s no future, he has the wisdom to give up.”

Wisdom… the God of Light-sama is so harsh.

“I-I understand. I’ll sign the contract!”

Just as God of Light-sama said, after a few minutes, Creator God-sama gave up.

Should I have limited Creator God-sama’s scope by using a rubber boat from the beginning? Well, it’s too late now.

We were able to convince Creator God-sama, who is at the top of this world, in just 18 days, so that’s good enough.

The attacks of the gods stopped, and the God of Light-sama and the others quickly got to work.

“Now, we’re going to start the contract. We’ll prepare everything here, so please concentrate on your divine power, Creator God-sama. If you make any strange movements, we’ll ask Wataru-san to continue this situation for as long as possible.”

The God of Light-sama, while setting up some kind of divine-looking tool, gives Creator God-sama an order without giving him a chance to say anything.

“Hey, I’m sure I have the right to check the contents of the contract as well!”

“There’s no need, because it’s exactly the same as what I showed you last time. I swear on everything I have as the God of Light.”

Normally, it would be a serious offense for someone to sign a contract without reading it first, but Creator God-sama just sat there in silence.

Maybe the oath of the God of Light-sama is that serious.

I’m afraid of how little trust there is for Creator God-sama to not even let him touch the contract.


Huh? What? Another room? I let out a strange voice.

A mysterious space spread out from the altar set up by the God of Light-sama and enveloped us. As I stood there dazed, I saw a shining star in the distance. What is it? Are we in outer space?

“Fufu. Please calm down, Wataru-san. This is a contract with the world, or in other words, with the stars. It may sound a bit grandiose, but the place hasn’t changed. You can see that we’re still firmly planted on the ground, right?”

God of Light-sama kindly explains to me, who is confused. I see; we are firmly planted on the ground.

When I calm down a little, I am overwhelmed by the scale of the place. In other words, the planet floating in front of us is the world we live in now.

The gods are incredible.

“Well then, Creator God-sama, please.”


“Creator God-sama?”

When the God of Light-sama pressed the Creator God-sama, who was sulking in silence, the Creator God-sama reluctantly raised his hand to the contract.

The contract was enveloped in a glow, and a series of shining letters appeared and were absorbed into the star floating in front of us as if they were engraved into it.

I see, so this is the contract with the world. What a fantastic sight.

My body trembled with emotion, but then I remembered that the content of the contract was on the level of a child’s summer homework, and I felt a little cold.

As I watched with a slightly disappointed feeling, all the letters were absorbed into the star. The space that had gradually expanded during the making of the contract shrank and returned to its original state.

It ended before I knew what was happening, but as long as my safety was guaranteed, I didn’t really care.

“Hah, this is the worst. Wataru-kun, get rid of this stuff quickly, it’s in the way.”

Creator God-sama complained and looked grumpy. He showed no signs of remorse, but well, he was forced to make the contract, so there was nothing I could do about it.

“Before that, Creator God-sama, did you lift my curse properly?”

That is the most important thing.

“Huh. It’s not a curse; it’s a blessing. Anyway, yes, it’s been lifted.

It seems to have been lifted. I want to touch the woman’s body right away to check, but there’s no one to touch casually, so I have to hold back.

“Thank you.”

“Hmm, well, I can’t help it. I was bored anyway, so I’ll just enjoy it. Ugh.”

When Creator God-sama let out a sigh and tried to move, the God of Light-sama, who was supposed to be clearing the altar, stopped him.

“Creator God-sama, you’re about to start work, so where do you think you’re going?”

“What? I’ve just been freed. Of course I’m taking a day off today.”

“Creator God-sama only takes a day off every ten days, and today is not a day off.”

God of Light-sama, with her wonderful smile, firmly asserts her point and puts Creator God-sama in his place. Creator God-sama is speechless.

“Wataru-san, we will deal with both the gratitude and the reward on the day of Creator God-sama’s holiday. That’s in two days. I’m sorry for the rush, but I’ll take my leave this time.”

“Ah, yes, I understand. In two days then.”

After hearing my answer, the God of Light-sama pulls the Creator God-sama toward the church. The other gods follow and cheer.

They probably enjoy egging on Creator God-sama, who probably has to work. They egg him on while saying all kinds of vulgar things.

…Anyway, as long as I get my reward, I don’t have a problem. I’m going to take a short rest and return to the ancient earth dragon island.

Congratulations on getting a job in a ‘black’ company, Creator God-sama.

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