Striving For The Luxury Liner!! ~Get That Rich Isekai Life With A Ship Summoning Skill~ (WN)

Vol 18 Chapter 22

Vol 18 Chapter 22

TN: Please read my translations only on my website since I never give my permission to any site to host my translations. And if you like my translations, please support this site on Ko-fi and Patreon to read several chapters ahead!

Thanks toAinz for the Ko-Fi and this chapter~


Chapter 22 – A Small Revenge

The plan to seal Creator God-sama was almost complete. In order to seal him one more step, we called for the help of other gods as well as the battle unit gods, and I summoned the Add to launch a full-scale attack. We managed to seal the Creator God-sama using the Ship Summoning defense cheat.

“Phew. I never thought I’d be backed into a corner like this. Wataru-kun, you’re going to regret turning against me, but is that okay with you?”

After blocking the only entrance and exit to the swan boat and shouting in triumph, Creator God-sama’s threatening face appeared.

It’s so scary, I almost wet myself. Or rather, I wet myself a little.

“No, I never thought for a moment that I would turn against Creator God-sama. I was just obeying the orders of the Creator God-sama to the best of my ability.

I may have turned against Creator God-sama with a grudge in my heart, but at least I’ve got an excuse. I’m important to myself.

“Even if you say that you have no intention of turning against me in this situation, I don’t understand. Whoa.”

While I was talking to Creator God-sama, the God of Magic-sama suddenly cast a spell on Creator God-sama. I thought he was a calm and collected person, or rather a god, but is it just his appearance?

“Hmph. Trying to do little tricks while talking is useless. I have no intention of allowing your futile attempts.”

The God of Magic-sama says with a serious expression. So it seems that Creator God-sama was trying to do something while talking to me.

“As I thought, giving you leeway won’t lead to anything good. Hey, don’t get too excited. We’ll set up a rotation for the attack. Decide on your groups and order. Until then, me and the God of Magic will be in charge.”

As the God of War-sama gave instructions to the excited gods, a tremendous cheer went up, and they began to fight over who would attack first.

From what I could hear, they seemed overjoyed at the prospect of being able to attack Creator God-sama under favorable conditions. I can understand how they feel.

But it’s a problem that we can’t talk about. Because there’s no excuse for it.

“God of War-sama, God of Magic-sama. I want to talk to Creator God-sama, too, if that’s okay?”

Of course, I don’t want Creator God-sama to do anything unnecessary, but it looks like the two gods are attacking with all their might because of personal grudges.

“Hmm, that’s right. God of War, let’s suppress the attacks. Wataru, if the Creator God does something sneaky, we’ll attack with all our might, so be prepared.”


I guess he’s telling me not to be afraid if they suddenly attack. I don’t like discussions where you never know when someone is going to attack, but I guess I have no choice but to accept it because if they don’t attack, I’ll probably be in trouble.

“Um, Creator God-sama. Is it okay to continue our discussion?”

I speak to Creator God-sama as the attacks have calmed down.

“In this situation? Wataru-kun, do you understand the meaning of discussion?”

Why does Creator God-sama always have to provoke me like this?

“All I can say is that you should give up. And to prove that I am not in opposition to Creator God-sama, I am only acting on Creator God-sama’s orders to do something about the ancient earth dragon. I cannot fulfill my mission unless Creator God-sama makes a contract with the world.”

I am making a one-sided excuse to move the story along. It’s about how the Creator God-sama who ran away is to blame.

“Then I’ll cancel that order. Wataru-kun, please let me go so I can fight the gods here.”

This Creator God-sama, just what is he? How can he give such an unreasonable order with a face like that?

It’s the kind of power harassment that would get the president of a major corporation or even the prime minister in trouble.

Well, it’s the Creator God-sama, so I guess he wouldn’t care about getting in trouble, and I know he wouldn’t care even if you complained about the power harassment.

And this kind of unreasonable thing was something that was expected in advance. It was the God of Light-sama who told me.

“I am sorry, Creator God-sama. I understand that I should obey you, but I made a contract with the God of Light-sama regarding the matter of receiving blessings for my companions. Until you make a contract with the world, I cannot receive new orders. I thought it was a contract to fulfill the orders of Creator God-sama, so I thought there would be no problem, but I’m sorry that things turned out this way.”

On the surface, I’m apologizing like I’m sorry. But inside, I’m laughing hysterically. Creator God-sama, you’re so fucked up! Long live the God of Light-sama!

“Go ahead and break your contract with the God of Light.”

“Oh, Wataru-san doesn’t have the authority to break the contract. Only the gods have the authority to break the contract this time.”

The God of Light-sama appeared with a big smile.

And she shone brighter than ever. Physically. This is the same thing that happened before, but this time, she seems to be shining brighter. It’s really dazzling.

I think she’s really enjoying the current situation and is able to release a tremendous amount of stress.

“God of Light, you should break the contract with Wataru-kun.”

“Of course, I won’t, and I don’t feel the need to.”

“Are you trying to turn against me? I am the Creator God, you know?”

“I would never turn against the Creator God-sama. However, as one of the gods who serve Creator God-sama, I’m willing to swallow my tears and give you a warning.”

“Ahahaha, as expected from a god I created. That’s wonderful loyalty. But don’t you think it’s a bit presumptuous?”

“No matter how you look at it, I’m willing to cut myself down if it’s for the sake of Creator God-sama and this world.”

A shameless conversation unfolds between Creator God-sama and God of Light-sama. It’s all a farce, but it’s great that Creator God-sama seems happy.

If he wasn’t trapped in the corridor of a luxury liner and exposed to the attacks of the God of War-sama and the God of Magic-sama, he would be a little more presentable.

“Creator God-sama, this is a summary of the warnings of the gods. Please review it.”

The God of Light-sama floats several documents in the air and brings them to the Creator God-sama. The reason she didn’t hand them over was probably because she was afraid that Creator God-sama would grab her hand. What a wonderful relationship of trust.

“What is this ridiculous content? There’s no way I can accept this. It has nothing to do with the ancient earth dragon!”

Creator God-sama, who had read the contents, was outraged.

Yes, that’s right. Of course, he’d be angry.

I looked at the document because God of Light-sama asked me to do so when I had a strategy meeting with the gods, but it was a document that could be called a project to make Creator God-sama a real human being or, to put it another way, a project to make Creator God a real god.

Simply put, it was a pie chart of life during the summer vacation.

The time he woke up and went to work, what was forbidden and the punishments were determined in detail.

Apparently, this was one of the ways that God of Light-sama relieved her stress, but she wanted to use this opportunity to make a contract with the world.

I was also in favor of Creator God-sama becoming a true God, so I accepted the offer in exchange for a reward.

The reward was to take a bath together and wash each other’s bodies.

Although I had to promise that we would wear swimsuits and not touch each other’s sensitive parts, I was also able to successfully decide on a micro bikini, so I think we were able to make a mutually beneficial deal.

There are also other important contracts, such as the contract with the ancient earth dragon, the contract not to take away my Ship Summoning skill, and the contract to lift the curse and give a blessing instead, but I think they’ll be treated as an afterthought.

Well, I’m not going to get anywhere by getting involved in the debate, so I’ll just do what I can.

First of all, I should show my gratitude to the gods who have taken care of me.

“Thank you for all your help, Gods. I will distribute the food, alcohol, and desserts from the other ships to the main restaurant, so please enjoy them to your heart’s contents!”

I said loudly, and the gods cheered in approval.

I’m glad they’re happy, and I want them to enjoy themselves, but if I’m not careful, this could be the Creator God-sama’s chance to run away. I’ll have to be careful.

“Ah, God of Gastronomy-sama and Goddess of the Forest-sama!”

While I was arranging the food from the other ships in the main restaurant, the God of Gastronomy-sama and Goddess of the Forest-sama came over.

“Wataru, thank you for your hard work.”

“Wataru-san, thank you for your hard work.”

The Goddess’ kind words touched my heart.

“When the curse is lifted, don’t forget to give me an ear cleaning!”

Huh? I wanted to thank them for their kind words, but my desire slipped out.

“Of course, I’ll keep my promise.”

“Yes, we’ll take turns cleaning your ears with a lap pillow.”

I was a little embarrassed, but those words saved me. I’m also looking forward to a mixed bath with the God of Light-sama, so I’m busy with happiness.

“But are you sure that the curse will be lifted? Creator God-sama can be very stubborn, you know?”

God of Gastronomy-sama looks worried.

“Don’t worry, God of Light-sama also invited God of Fields-sama, and they’ll drive him into a corner with endless nagging and boredom.”

A combination of boredom, which is what Creator God-sama hates the most, and the nagging of the God of Fields-sama, which Creator God-sama is very bad at dealing with.

If this goes on forever and they have a merry banquet in a place where he can see it, they are confident that Creator God-sama will eventually sign whatever kind of contract they present to him, no matter what it is.

Since the God of Light-sama is so confident, it will almost certainly come true. The God of Gastronomy-sama and the Goddess of the Forest-sama also agreed that it would be reassuring, so it’s even more reassuring.

It has a bit of a police interrogation feel to it, but I’ll ignore that.

After a short conversation, I see off the God of Gastronomy-sama, who is very interested in the food on the ferry, and the Goddess of the Forest-sama, who is accompanying her, and return to serving the food.


Eighteen days have passed since we successfully sealed Creator God-sama.

Since then, I have returned to the ancient earth dragon island and have been visiting Chateau every three days while playing with the women and the kobold.

The reason for this is that Creator God-sama has not yet signed the contract.

He keeps complaining that he’s bored and that he’s tired of all the nagging, but he keeps refusing to sign the contract because he doesn’t like the content.

On the other hand, the other gods are working in shifts to keep an eye on Creator God-sama and keep him busy. They’re really lively.

Some of the gods even thanked me and said that this was the happiest time of their lives.

Well, it’s nice to be appreciated. But it’s really painful that two of my summoning slots are being used, and I can’t touch women.

If it weren’t for me, I could bear it, but when there’s a beautiful woman right in front of me that I could normally touch, my suffering increases.

What made me most murderous was the fact that the curse of not being able to touch women, a blessing in name, had been extended to kobolds.

After I returned to the island of the ancient earth dragon and completed a certain amount of reporting with Alessia-san and the others, I reached out to the savior while caressing Rimu and was repelled.

I was surprised to find out that the savior was a female, but I felt hatred for the malicious intent that even took away the fluffy fur.

That’s why every time I go to the Chateau, I try to eat the sweets in the corner of Creator God-sama’s field of vision.

It’s a small revenge, but it’s surprisingly effective, and even though Creator God-sama asks me to offer them to him, I pretend not to hear.

This is fun in its own way, but I’d like it to end soon. I hope this visit will be enough.

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