Striving For The Luxury Liner!! ~Get That Rich Isekai Life With A Ship Summoning Skill~ (WN)

Vol 18 Chapter 6

Vol 18 Chapter 6

TN: Please read my translations only on my website since I never give my permission to any site to host my translations. And if you like my translations, please support this site on Ko-fi and Patreon to read several chapters ahead!

Thanks toTbird90677 for the Ko-Fi and this chapter~


Chapter 6 – Kobold Village

When we arrived on the island of the ancient earth dragon, the first creature we discovered was a very cute kobold. We watched them carefully and tried to make peaceful contact, but as soon as they saw that Alessia-san was taking the initiative, they ran away like scared rabbits, leaving the Kobold Village empty.

“A-Alessia? Well, I don’t think the kobolds meant any harm. It’s not that they were afraid of Alessia, but rather, I think they were afraid of the very existence of humans…”

This is awkward.

What am I going to do?

It’s a difficult task, even for a seasoned womanizer, to pursue a woman who has been charmed by the cute kobolds but has received a resounding “no” when she has tried to make friends with them.

I’m just an ordinary person.

“That’s right, Alessia. It’s not your fault. This is the result of humanity’s past evil deeds. That’s why we must deal with the kobolds sincerely. You mustn’t be depressed.”

Claretta-san continued, sensing my limit.

I feel like she’s saying some pretty amazing things about humanity’s evil deeds, but she really sounds like a priestess.

Oh, Alessia-san took out a handkerchief. She’s still stubbornly refusing to look this way, but is she really crying?

But the fact that she’s making some kind of movement other than trembling means that she’s at least trying to pull herself together a little, right? Right, it’s not Alessia-san’s fault. It’s humanity’s fault.

…..Oh, it doesn’t seem to be working yet.

She must have been really shocked. I can understand how she feels. I’m sure I’d be bedridden for years if Rimu rejected me.

But there’s no point in just sitting here.


While I was wondering what to do, Dorothea-san started to move. As expected from the deputy leader, she’s reliable. Well, there’s still no response from Alessia-san.

“Alessia, I understand how you feel, but now is not the time to be idle.”

I was expecting some kind of consolation, but surprisingly, harsh words came out of Dorothea-san’s mouth.

What? Do you want to make things worse in this situation? If Alessia-san is a weak-hearted person, she won’t be able to recover.

“The kobolds ran away with such speed. Assuming they used fire, did they put it out properly?”

Alessia-san’s shoulders twitched, and she quickly began to move her handkerchief.

That’s amazing, Dorothea-san. I never would have thought of that. Do you really want the kobolds to lose their home? I could even hear the sound of the secondary voice.

“Everyone, we’re going to the village. Remember, be careful not to break anything.”

Finally, Alessia-san turned around and gave her instructions with a stern expression, but her eyes were bloodshot, and her nose was red. I think she was crying really hard.


Everyone accepts her instructions without question. It’s a kind of world, isn’t it?

“This is unexpectedly amazing, or rather, it’s really amazing.”

Ilma-san began to get excited as we approached the village.

To me, it looks a bit shabby and doesn’t seem to have anything that would touch Ilma-san’s heartstrings. What is she so excited about? She’s kind of sexy, though.

Ilma-san approached a kobold house at a fast pace and began to study the walls intently.

Why the house walls? They just look like ordinary mud walls, but when you look at them up close, they’re surprisingly clean and smooth, even though they’re mud walls.

Does this mean that the kobolds have the same skills as Japanese plasterers?

“This building is clearly not the work of ordinary creatures. You could even say it’s the product of magic.”

It seems that my guess and Ilma-san’s thoughts are quite different.

“Does this mean that the technology of the kobolds is overwhelmingly better than that of humans?”

It didn’t seem like the kobolds had that kind of amazing technology.

“No, that’s not possible, considering the tools lying around. Perhaps the walls of this house were built by the ancient earth dragon?”

Huh? The ancient dragon? Well, considering the contents of the picture book, it’s not impossible. He was so fond of them that it wouldn’t be strange if he had prepared a house for them if they didn’t have one.

Or rather, I think it’s the only correct answer because if the kobolds were in trouble, we would definitely spoil them.

The ancient earth dragon must have built the house for the kobolds who had lost their home, just the way they liked it.

“Ilma, I understand that you’re curious, but you can’t touch it. It would be a shame if you frightened the little ones with unnecessary smells. Keep your inspection of the interior to a minimum, okay?”

It seems to me that Alessia-san has forgotten that she is an adventurer.

I’m not saying that we should search the house like the main character in a video game, but I think we should also take some action to gather a little more information. But I won’t say it.

Following Alessia-san’s instructions, we finished checking the fire sources in the kobold houses.

It seems that the kobolds did their housework together, and there were no facilities that used fire except for one large building.

And what’s surprising is the water supply.

We couldn’t see it from where we were observing, but there was a spring at the back of the village, and a solid waterway was laid from there, connecting to the village’s communal facilities and fields.

I think the ancient earth dragon probably took care of the water supply as well.

Inside the building that we thought was a communal facility, there was a bath, which explained why the kobolds had fluffy fur.

The village itself is simple, but it is a village built in a simple and convenient way.

“So, what should we do now? Should we go after the kobolds that ran away?”

Now that the village is safe, we need to think about what to do next.

“No. First, we’ll look for the ancient earth dragon.”

My suggestion was immediately rejected by Alessia-san.

“But don’t you think it would be better to clear up the misunderstanding?”

I think it would be possible to find the ancient earth dragon on our own, but I also think it would be faster to ask the kobolds who know about it.

“We will definitely clear up any misunderstandings. But first, we have to find the ancient earth dragon. And then we’ll get the ancient earth dragon’s assurance that we’re safe.”

This is the kind of thing where the means and the end are reversed.

I’m thinking of asking the kobolds for help in finding and convincing the ancient earth dragon, but I’m sure Alessia-san is thinking of using the ancient earth dragon to get along with the kobolds without scaring them.

“Well, you’re right. It might be better to find the ancient earth dragon first.”

“I agree.”


Usually, Claretta-san and Carla-san are the kind of people who are reserved and prioritize everyone else’s opinion, but they agreed with Alessia-san?

I looked at them in surprise, and they said that it would be a shame to scare the kobolds, looking a little embarrassed.

I think their shy kindness is precious.

Hmm, it seems that Alessia-san, Claretta-san, and Carla-san have completely fallen for the kobolds.

Ilma-san is more interested in research, but she is also fond of the kobolds.

Dorothea-san, Marina-san, and I have a tolerance for kobolds, but we like them because they’re cute.

Without a doubt, the only ones with flat feelings toward the kobolds are Rimu, Fuu-chan, and Beni-chan?

Pent is staying behind because we’re going on land, but I wonder what Pent would have thought of the kobolds if he had been with us? I’m a little curious.

Well, if I can get along with the kobolds, I can introduce Pent to them. I’ll wait and see how Pent reacts.

“Master, I think we should look for the ancient earth dragon first.”

Felicia, you too?

Ines doesn’t seem to be against the idea either, and everyone, including me, has been captured by the kobolds. Oh, while I’m at it, I’ll ask the question I was wondering about earlier.

“Um, what exactly are kobolds? Are they people, animals, or monsters?”

“Kobolds are defined as magical creatures similar to fairies. They sometimes attack humans, and we’ve even fought them before…”

Fairies? …Are kobolds similar to those noisy little creatures that like to play pranks?

Well, fairies look cute, too, but… isn’t that strange?

“You fought them? I mean, how could you fight those cute little things?”

If you’ve fought a kobold before, then it’s strange that you’re so fascinated by them now. Could it be that you’ve been deceived by the kobolds?

“The kobolds we fought and the kobolds on this island are completely different. I guess you could say that we were fighting kobolds under the spell of the devil? They were intelligent, violent, and troublesome opponents. But the kobolds on this island have lived a long, peaceful life and are almost like pure fairies.”

Ilma-san answered my question in a way that was easy to understand.

I think it’s a bit of a misnomer, but it’s probably like the difference between a pet dog and a stray dog.

The fairies on the Dark Elf Island also work hard to earn money to buy sweets in the shop, so it would be wrong to judge them as troublesome based on first impressions.

The kobolds in this village are fairies. Let’s just accept that they are good fairies who have grown up properly.

“I understand. Then shall we go and look for the ancient earth dragon directly?”

It’s what all the female members want, and I don’t want the kobolds to be afraid of us, so I agree with Alessia-san’s plan.

“But how do we find the ancient earth dragon?”

That’s the problem. This island is pretty big, and I can’t decide if it would be okay to drive around in the Ranger or something. It would be hard to find the dragon on foot without any clues.

“Ancient dragons, well, dragons in general, prefer places where they can feel their own element is strong. Since we’re looking for an ancient earth dragon, the first place to look on this island would be that mountain.”

Ilma pointed to a solitary mountain that seemed to be in the center of the island. Hmm, even from a distance, it feels somewhat sacred, and if Ilma-san has made her judgment, it seems unlikely to be wrong.

“Well, shall we go?”

For a moment, I thought about leaving some food or sweets that the kobolds might like as an apology, but when I thought about how scared those kobolds were, I could only see a future where they would be afraid of dangerous objects.

Besides, it would be a problem if we carelessly gave them food that they couldn’t eat without us.

“Wataru, if we go straight to the mountain from here, it’ll be like chasing the kobolds. It’ll be a long way, but let’s go in another direction.”

As I was about to start walking again, Alessia-san stopped me. Come to think of it, the direction the kobolds ran off in was the direction of the mountain we were heading for.

It seems that Alessia-san is currently trying her best to avoid contact with the kobolds, as it is difficult to clear up misunderstandings. The task of convincing the ancient earth dragon is treated as an afterthought. After all, it is a task given to us by the Creator God-sama.

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