Striving For The Luxury Liner!! ~Get That Rich Isekai Life With A Ship Summoning Skill~ (WN)

Vol 18 Chapter 5

Vol 18 Chapter 5

TN: Please read my translations only on my website since I never give my permission to any site to host my translations. And if you like my translations, please support this site on Ko-fi and Patreon to read several chapters ahead!

Thanks toTbird90677 for the Ko-Fi and this chapter~


Chapter 5 – The Power of Cuteness

We arrived at the island of the ancient earth dragon, and despite a minor mishap where we didn’t know how to get inside the barrier, we managed to successfully enter the island. It’s a warm and friendly island, but Marina-san’s mysterious comment about how cute it is also makes me curious. It looks like this mission won’t be easy either.

“Don’t make any noise over here.”

Marina-san leads the way, warning us to be quiet. I guess she doesn’t want the other party to notice us.

If she is so cautious, it suggests that she is dealing with a dangerous opponent, but then it would be impossible for her to hide information, and the word “cute” is also questionable.

…It’s not dangerous, but something Marina-san is crazy about.

I understand. It’s slime.

Since Marina-san is a fellow slime lover, she must have discovered a paradise where a lot of slime is gathered.

And she was so taken with the sight of all the cute slime that she forgot about her scouting mission.

There’s no doubt about it.

And the kind Marina-san kept it a secret to surprise me and Dorothea-san, who loves slime. It’s such a good deduction that I’d even bet my grandfather’s name on it.

My brilliant mind solved the puzzle before anyone else, but I’ll try my best to act surprised because I’m happy just for the thoughtfulness.

Well, seeing so much slime would probably make me so excited that it wouldn’t be unnatural if I knew the answer first.

“Lower your posture.”

As we walk through the well-kept woods instead of the forest, Marina-san tells us to lower our posture.

It seems that the moment of destiny is finally approaching.

We walk through the forest in a crouched position, and when we look through the bushes to see what’s ahead… it’s cute.

It’s really cute. It’s so cute that I want to ask why it’s so cute. It’s so cute that I can understand why Marina-san forgot the time.

I was transfixed by what I saw in front of me, and it must have been about five minutes later?

I resisted the urge to keep looking and checked both sides of the path… and there were beautiful women with relaxed faces, so relaxed that you’d want to ask them if it was okay to expose their faces to the public.

I imagine they would say things like, “Awawawa, so cute, I love it!”

I think I could probably beat them now.

Still, I’m a little frustrated.

There’s no doubt that Rimu is the cutest, but even so, I can’t help but acknowledge the destructive power on the other side of the bushes.

Yes, the cuteness of the kobold!

It’s a shame they weren’t a group of slime, but if I remember the storybook, Kobold Village is within expectations. I had completely forgotten about it because my expectations for the slimes were too high.

I can’t help but wonder what happened to my grandfather’s name, but aside from that, the village is simple and cute.

The small houses are probably designed to match the size of the kobolds. The buildings are made of clay and have thatched roofs.

It seems to be quite backward in terms of civilization.

The clothes the kobolds wear are also simple, and there seem to be only a few types of dyes, or maybe just cotton itself, with only green and yellow colors. There is even an air of poverty in the place.

But still, they’re cute.

The one doing the farm work must be an adult kobold. Even when they’re dressed, they have fluffy fur and fluffy tails that even Ilma-san and Claretta-san can’t match.

Their faces are more like Shiba Inu dogs, and their cute round eyes are so obvious even from a distance.

But it’s something else that has the ladies’ eyes glued to them.

The grassy area in the village square seems to be the center of the village. It seems to be a playground, and the destructive power of the child kobolds playing tag and rolling around is dangerous.

Most children are cute just for being children, but the sight of the Shiba-inu-like kobold children playing innocently is almost sacred.

Rimu is still the best, but the kobold kids are so cute that I want to invite them on a luxury liner and spoil them rotten.

In short, we’ve all become people fascinated by puppies in pet stores.

The puppies alone in their cages are cute, too, but I could spend hours watching the puppies play in the play area.


“Well, shall we go then?”



I had thoroughly enjoyed the kobold children, and I called out to the group, suggesting that it was time to move, but all I got in return was silence.

“What’s going on?”

“Um, when you say we’re going, you mean to the village, right?”

When I repeated my question because I didn’t get an answer, I got a confused look and a direct question from Alessia-san.

“Where else would we go?”

If you know where the ancient earth dragon is, we can go there, but I still don’t understand why we should just ignore the village in front of us.

“Look, there don’t seem to be any humans on this island, right? It would be a shame if we suddenly showed up and scared them. And besides, if we had to fight them, that would be a problem…”

Alessia-san mumbles something that sounds like an excuse and then stops in the middle of a sentence.

I can somehow understand what she’s trying to say.

In short, she probably doesn’t want to scare the kids, and the idea of fighting them is out of the question.

It’s reasonable to assume that there are no humans on the island of the ancient dragon that lost his temper with humans, and considering the content of the picture book, it’s undeniable that they would be scared.

But still, they’re completely taken in.

What’s more, it’s not just Alessia-san; the other ladies also nod in agreement with her, which is even worse.

Just a short time ago, we were being chased through the desert by a horde of monsters, swallowed by a giant worm, and fighting a dangerous magical water creature that seemed to have destroyed the royal capital, but now we’re afraid of cute kobolds?

Hmm, well, is it really that surprising?

In my case, there were a lot of people around me who had pets, and I’ve seen a lot of cute animals in zoos and on videos.

So even though I think that the kobolds are very cute, in the end I’m just satisfied with thinking that they’re cute. In a way, I guess I have a tolerance for cuteness.

Even on a luxury liner like this, there were no animal shows, and people like Alessia-san, Ines, and Felicia have almost no tolerance for such things.

Perhaps the Kobold Village was strong medicine for these innocent women. If you think about it in the same way that I was shocked when I met the slime, you can’t really make fun of it, can you?

Even I would be scared to death if I thought I might be attacked by a slime.

“I understand. Then I’ll go talk to them alone.”

From the way Kobold Village looks, it seems quite peaceful, and if Felicia puts up some kind of barrier, it seems unlikely that anything bad will happen.

Even if the worst happens, I can always get into the rubber boat and deal with it somehow, and it wouldn’t be a bad idea for me to do my best for everyone once in a while.

“N-no, you can’t. We can’t risk putting Wataru in danger, and you’re not that good at fighting without hurting people, are you?”

I’m glad that you’re worried about me, but it makes me feel a little complicated that you’re also worried about the kobolds on the same level.

“So what should we do?”

If I do what Alessia-san says, it’ll be dark before I know it.

“Leaving Wataru alone is out of the question. First, I’ll go outside the bushes and make sure they understand there’s no danger.”

If you think of them as animals, that’s not wrong, but I wonder if it applies to kobolds as well.

First of all, I wonder if kobolds are humans, animals, or monsters. In games, I feel like they’re often treated as monsters, but I don’t think that’s the reaction Alessia-san and the others would have to a monster.

“Well then, please.”

I thought it would be better to ask Claretta-san, a canine beastkin with a gentle demeanor if we wanted to make sure they understood that they were in no danger, but since Alessia-san had a mission-driven look in her eyes, I decided to just ask her as is.

“Leave it to me.”

In complete contrast to her fearful attitude earlier, Alessia-san slowly and proudly emerges from the bushes.

We can’t see her, but she probably has a wonderful smile on her face so as not to frighten the kobolds.

“They didn’t even notice. Hmm, come to think of it, kobolds don’t have a sense of smell, do they?”

Several minutes have passed since Alessia-san appeared, but the Kobold Village is still unresponsive.

“We’re downwind, so the smell won’t reach the village. Also, there are no fences or guards in the village. It’s very likely that this island is very safe.”

Marina-san answers my question. I see, so Marina-san was guiding us while also paying attention to the direction of the wind.

But is this island really safe? Has the ancient earth dragon destroyed the monsters for the kobolds?

The ancient dragon is tearing the continent apart, so it’s not impossible.

“The kobold working in the fields noticed Alessia.”

As Dorothea-san said, the kobold who was working in the fields was looking in this direction.

The other kobolds have also gathered around, probably because of the attention she’s attracting.

“They’re talking about Alessia, though their words are a little different. They seem to be wondering about Alessia’s appearance, so it seems certain that these kobolds have never seen a human before.”

Ilma-san is providing live commentary, her fox ears twitching. How can she understand what they’re saying when she doesn’t even understand the language?

“Oh, they’re still skeptical, but they’re starting to wonder if Alessia might be human.”

Even though they’ve never seen a human before, the story seems to be getting through to them.

“I-it’s a human!”

“Run away!”

“We’re going to be killed!”

“…Wow, I’ve seen this situation in a panic movie.”

The kobolds who had been watching suddenly started screaming and running, grabbing the children in the square and urging them to evacuate, and the village was in a state of panic.

After the commotion, the Kobold Village fell silent.

The kobolds evacuated the village with such speed that they would have won a championship if there had been an evacuation drill contest.

It seems that the kobolds have heard not only about humans but also about the terrible things humans can do.

No, if it’s just hearsay, there’s a possibility that humans are being portrayed as more terrifying than they actually are.

It would be easier if we could just ignore the kobolds, but if we have to convince the ancient earth dragon and clear up the kobolds’ misunderstanding at the same time, it’s going to be quite a challenge.

…But before that, the problem is how to cheer up Alessia-san, who is showing us her trembling back.

Ugh, my head hurts.

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