Striving For The Luxury Liner!! ~Get That Rich Isekai Life With A Ship Summoning Skill~ (WN)

Vol 19 Chapter 1

Vol 19 Chapter 1

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Thanks toAinz for the Ko-Fi and this chapter~


Chapter 1 – Departure from the Ancient Earth Dragon Island

Having triumphed over Creator God-sama, I was able to receive a very wonderful reward from the God of Light-sama, the God of Gastronomy-sama, and the Goddess of the Forest-sama. I feel like I’ve done something heroic as a human being because I was able to receive a lap pillow and ear cleaning from the goddesses in a bath and yukata.

“No way! I don’t want to leave Rose!”

In front of me, the dignified and beautiful Alessia-san, who sometimes loses her cool, is throwing a tantrum like a child.

Hmm. Creator God-sama’s tantrum was unpleasant to watch, but Alessia-san’s tantrum is perfectly fine. I could watch it forever.

“Alessia, if you go on like this, we’ll never be able to leave. You should return her.”

Dorothea-san tries to warn Alessia-san, but she just shakes her head from side to side reluctantly.

She doesn’t want to let go of the kobold child in her arms.

This is like the story of the child who picked up a stray puppy and the mother who told the child to take it back.

In a way, telling someone to take their puppy back is a cruel thing to do, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy for parents to keep a dog.

On Earth, there are facilities that look for owners or take in abandoned animals, but that’s not the case here.

Well, that’s not the problem this time.

“What’s wrong with that? Dorothea is always with Beni-chan. That’s not fair. And it’s not just me!”

Alessia-san complains about the injustice as she looks around.

Well, it’s not just Alessia-san.

I’m also sad to say goodbye to the savior with Rimu, and Carla-san is petting a relatively large kobold.

Marina-san is playing with the child kobold together with Fuu-chan, and Claretta-san is also hugging the child kobold with her abundant motherly love, sadly reluctant to part with the child.

The same goes for Ines and Felicia.

Looking at it this way, it seems that people who have slime like Rimu as their familiar are less affected by the separation.

Of course, I’m sad to be separated from the savior, but I can bear it because Rimu is with me. The other members are also sad, but they’ve come to terms with their feelings.

The one who hasn’t come to terms with it is Alessia-san. For almost a month now, she’s been throwing tantrums because she doesn’t want to be separated from her beloved Rose-chan.

“Everyone is just sad to say goodbye, but it’s different with you. Let go of Rose-chan; you’re making her parents worry.”

That’s right, before we even get to the point of whether we should adopt a stray dog or not, Rose-chan already has both parents and a house. It’s impossible for Alessia-san to be with her all the time.

“Wataru, can’t you do something?”

Wow, the sparks are flying. I would like to grant Alessia-san’s tearful request, but in this case, it’s a little difficult.

“Alessia, we’ve already come to the conclusion that it’s impossible to make the kobolds move, right? Besides, it’s impossible because we can’t use this place as a base.”

I understand the charm of the kobolds, so I asked the ancient earth dragon to move at least a few families.

Since I’m taking the fairies with me, it should be okay to take the kobolds with me as well. Of course, I promised them a good welcome.

But after hearing the story of the ancient earth dragon, I gave up on that idea.

The reason why the kobolds on this island are so pure and cute is because the ancient earth dragon has protected them with a barrier.

If they go outside, there is a possibility that they will be affected by the environment and turn into monsters. After hearing that, there was no way I could take them with me.

I have a feeling that it might work if they stay inside the ship summoning barrier, but because of the summoning limit, I can’t summon ships all the time.

It would also be difficult for us to move around. There’s the Dark Elf Island and the new city we’re building. It would be irresponsible to leave the Castle as it is.

So it’s impossible.

I’m sure Alessia-san understands that, but I think it’s not just a matter of logic that makes it hard for her to part with them.

She was head over heels in love with Rose-chan, so much so that the word ‘doting’ would fit perfectly.

Rose-chan licks Alessia-san’s tears to comfort her. Because she does such sweet things, Alessia-san ends up throwing a tantrum even more.

“Sorry to bother you, ancient earth dragon.”

I firmly refuse Alessia-san’s request and apologize to the ancient earth dragon who is watching over us nearby.

They had come to see us off as we were leaving, but this commotion has kept them waiting.

“No, it’s okay. Wataru and the others have taken care of me, and I don’t mind that they like my cute followers. I just don’t want them to be taken away.”

“Thank you.”

The ancient earth dragon would forgive me, but I think if his expression could be seen, he would smile wryly. I think Creator God-sama took full advantage of this kind side of the ancient earth dragon.

“Besides, even though I say I’m busy, I’m just going around to check the main veins of the world. I’ve been able to control things to a certain extent from this island so far, so a little delay won’t matter. It’s not like the Creator God is unreasonable.”

Oh, I think the ancient earth dragon just smiled at me with an evil look on his face.

Could it be that his confrontation with Creator God-sama made him a little more evil?

“Haha… well, things are going well so far, right?”

“Of course. Thanks to Wataru and the God of Fields-sama, I don’t have to do anything other than my original job, even when I go outside. What’s more, the God of Light-sama also gave a warning to the other elemental dragons, so I don’t have to clean up after them anymore. I think this is the first time in my life that I’ve felt so full of hope for the future.”

“Well then… congratulations.”

The ancient earth dragon’s eyes sparkled intensely.

If a black company received thorough guidance from the government and the workplace improved dramatically, would their eyes look like this?

I don’t know how old the ancient earth dragon is, so I don’t know how many painful years he has spent, but I really hope he becomes happy.

“Hey, Master. You look good, but are you sure you can leave that alone?”

While I cheered the ancient earth dragon in my heart, Ines spoke to me with a worried look on her face. I was trying to escape reality for a while, so I wanted her to leave me alone.

“Well, it’s not good, but I can’t do anything about it, you know?”

I’ve tried my best to convince Alessia-san so far. I can’t do any more than that. I don’t want to be hated.

Besides, even if you say that, you’re still holding the kobold child in your arms, aren’t you?

“Oh, for goodness sake! Stop being so selfish and give up. Marina, Carla, lend a hand.”

Dorothea-san lost her temper.

“Eh, wait, stop, guh…”

Oh, she’s merciless. Carla-san held Alessia-san’s body, Marina-san quickly took Rose-chan, and Dorothea-san knocked Alessia-san out with a fist to the solar plexus.

I shouldn’t say this, but it’s easy when your opponents are evenly matched. It’s especially easy when you can settle things quickly by attacking in groups.

“Well then, everyone. Thank you for your help for such a long time. Wataru, please prepare to leave.”

“Understood. Ship Summoning!”

I couldn’t help but use polite language when talking to Dorothea-san. Dorothea-san is the type who shows no mercy when she gets angry.

I said goodbye to the savior and the kobolds, who had all become friends with Rimu and the others, and then bowed to the ancient earth dragon before boarding the Lutto I had summoned.

“Then we set sail!”

I declared with much enthusiasm for our new journey and solemnly started the Lutto, but… Alessia-san was unconscious, and the other members’ enthusiasm for saying goodbye to the kobolds had waned, so the departure was a bit lackluster.

Aside from the ancient earth dragon, I think we caused the kobolds a lot of trouble and left a big mess behind, but I left them with enough food, candy, and alcohol to last them a while, so I’m hoping they’ll be okay.


We set sail on the Chateau, but the ladies’ spirits still haven’t recovered.

I’m also feeling a little down, and I can’t stop petting Rimu, so I want to do something to change my mood.

Something fun… Oh, that reminds me, I haven’t received my reward from the Creator God-sama yet for helping the ancient earth dragon get back into society.

I take a quick look at the ladies, but it looks like they won’t be recovering anytime soon. I might as well check on them now.

I hurry to the church and pray earnestly in front of the statue of Creator God-sama.

“Hmm. Wataru-kun really has thick skin, huh? I don’t understand how you can pray normally after doing all those things to me.”

When I was invited to the divine realm, Creator God-sama was in a very bad mood.

Come to think of it, not long ago, I had an argument with Creator God-sama.

I’d completely forgotten about it after I said goodbye to the kobolds.

“Well… it’s an honor to meet you, Creator God-sama.”

Asking him how he is would be a suicide mission.

“That’s right. It’s rare to have the good fortune to meet the Creator God. What do you want, Wataru-kun, who betrayed the Creator God who was so kind to you? I’m very, very busy right now. This is because of someone else!”

Oh, no. The sarcasm doesn’t stop.

If the contract with the world didn’t have a clause that said he couldn’t do anything about it, I think there’s a good chance I would have been hit by divine punishment.

What? Do I have to ask this grumpy Creator God-sama for a reward?

When I looked at Creator God-sama, he was still mumbling to himself.

He was saying things like, “How could they just go off and have fun on a vacation and leave me behind? That’s not normal, is it?” He also didn’t seem to like the fact that the God of Light-sama had gone to the Chateau by herself the other day.

That was just to come and pay me my reward… but I guess there’s no point in telling him that.

“Creator God-sama, your hands have stopped. Oh, Wataru-san, you’re here.”

The God of Light-sama, who was sparkling and shining, appeared.

Yes. When you compare Creator God-sama, who is in a very bad mood, with God of Light, who is in a very good mood, you can’t help but believe the rumor that God of Light is somehow sucking something out of Creator God-sama.

But, God of Light-sama, you’ve come at a good time.

Since God of Light-sama was there when I negotiated the reward, my legitimacy is guaranteed.

No matter how grumpy he is, it’s not like I won’t get my reward. I can ask him with peace of mind.

“Well, Creator God-sama, I’d like to ask you for the reward for my work regarding the ancient earth dragon.”

“No way.

…I can ask with peace of mind, but it seems I have to convince him. That’s the way Creator God-sama is, and it’s very annoying.

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