Striving For The Luxury Liner!! ~Get That Rich Isekai Life With A Ship Summoning Skill~ (WN)

Vol 19 Chapter 2

Vol 19 Chapter 2

TN: Please read my translations only on my website since I never give my permission to any site to host my translations. And if you like my translations, please support this site on Ko-fi and Patreon to read several chapters ahead!

Thanks toAinz for the Ko-Fi and this chapter~


Chapter 2 – Hmm, When You Put It That Way…

The reluctant Alessia-san was knocked out, and we set sail from the island, watched over by the ancient earth dragons. After transferring to the Chateau, I went to Creator God-sama to talk about the reward and to cheer up the depressed Alessia-san and the others, but Creator God-sama, who was in a very bad mood, refused. To be honest, I don’t understand.

“Um, Creator God-sama. Even if you refuse, I have done my work properly, so I can’t accept not receiving my reward.”

Work requires compensation. If there is no compensation, it’s not work; it’s volunteering.

“First of all, you’re fundamentally wrong, Wataru-kun.”

“Um… what am I wrong about?”

I have no idea. I worked hard.

“Phew. Listen, Wataru-kun. For example, if you were asked to go to the store to do some shopping and then came back without paying and stole the items you wanted, would that count as a successful shopping trip?”

“Of course not.”

If things go badly, the person who asked you to do the errand could be suspected of suggesting a robbery. Apart from that, I’m a little annoyed at Creator God-sama for trying to create the atmosphere of explaining things to a stupid child in a kind and patient way.

“This is what I mean.”

“What do you mean? I didn’t do anything wrong, did I?”

What does it have to do with me?

“You did. You destroyed my happy everyday life as a Creator God. How dare you say that you achieved results by causing your employer to suffer a loss?”

Ah… when you put it like that…

Or rather, before I knew it, Creator God-sama had shifted to the enemy position, but when I think about it, my client is Creator God-sama, isn’t he?

I think I felt sorry for the ancient earth dragon, so I think I was a little confused.

“But if Creator God-sama hadn’t run away in the first place, wouldn’t this have been avoided?

If he had just given up there, the damage would have been minimal. Or rather, there would have been almost no damage at all.

“Listen, my request was to manage the earth’s veins and restore the convenient tools that can be used! The original plan was only to manage the earth’s veins. The ancient earth dragon can’t be used conveniently, and on top of that, the nagging God of Fields is following me around. Fifty points, or rather, minus five points because of the God of Fields. How can you say you got such a result?”

Well, leaving aside the fact that the negative points of the God of Fields-sama are unbelievably large and that Creator God-sama is kind of a jerk… even though there are various negative points, is it really acceptable from Creator God-sama’s point of view that managing the earth veins is only worth minus 5 points in the end?

Well, from Creator God-sama’s point of view, I can’t help but feel that there is a certain logic to the fact that I’m not producing results and that if you exclude things like human kindness, sympathy, and a proper sense of sensitivity, then it’s not so unreasonable.

Yes, I’m a traitor in the eyes of Creator God-sama.

If I ordered the convenient errand boy to be brought back, and then the errand boy became free, and I ended up doing forced labor, I’d be furious if I were in Creator God-sama’s position.

…Is this a situation that’s quietly unpleasant?

“If that’s the case, we’ll pay you, Wataru-san.”

As I was about to break out in a cold sweat, the God of Light-sama interrupted us with a smile.

“What, God of Light, are you trying to interfere?”

Interfere? Was Creator God-sama trying to be sarcastic with me?

“No, it was us who originally wanted to give him a reward, and it was us who benefited from it. And most importantly, you wanted to corner Wataru-san and break the current situation, but that won’t work.”

Huh? Aside from the question of rewards, was Creator God-sama up to some kind of trick?

Apparently, he was.

As I looked at Creator God-sama’s surprised face, I could see the frustration of being caught in the act.

Creator God-sama is frightening.

“The request for Wataru-kun has failed! I, the Creator God, will not allow you to interfere in the affairs of the lower world in such a selfish way!”

The personification of selfishness is talking about selfishness.

“No, Wataru-san’s actions have brought great benefits to the divine world. As a god, I must reward him for the benefits he has brought to the divine realm. This is not selfishness, but a fair price.”

Oh, God of Light-sama is so cool. If she became a lawyer or something, they’d call her the undefeated goddess.

“I’m suffering a loss, you know.”

“That’s a loss for Creator God-sama personally, right? It’s beneficial to the divine realm, so there’s no problem.”

“Mukiiii. I’m the one who created the divine realm, so it’s not okay for me to suffer a loss!”

It’s like a stupid son being scolded by his mother.

…Even in my heart, I feel bad calling God of Light-sama the mother of Creator God-sama. Let’s just say that she is the older sister who scolds her stupid younger brother.

Still, I’ve really upset Creator God-sama.

The right thing to do with a god like Creator God-sama is to keep my distance and not get involved if possible, but if I have to get involved, the right thing to do is not to upset him unless I have the power to do so.

But right now, no matter what I do, it’s going to have the opposite effect. Even if I ask Creator God-sama for more time off, I can already see that he’ll naturally ask for more time off.

I’ll just have to wait for a while, and when Creator God-sama’s stress reaches its limit, I’ll negotiate with the God of Light-sama and sell a favor to Creator God-sama.

It seems like the timing will be difficult because I can’t do it too soon, or else he’ll explode from the stress.

Hmm, I need something that can communicate with the God of Light-sama without going through Creator God-sama.

“Wataru-san. Wataru-san!”

“Huh? Oh, what can I do for you, God of Light-sama?”

“Oh, not God of Light-sama. You weren’t listening to me.”

“I’m sorry.”

I was too busy saving myself.

“Oh, so you’ve made a decision?”

Before I knew it, Creator God-sama was sitting at his desk with tears in his eyes.

Until now, Creator God-sama would just complain, and God of Light-sama would have to do all the work, but this is a huge improvement. It seems that the contract with the world has a lot of power.

“Yes. Please rest assured, we have agreed that we will pay the reward.”

It’s a great relief that Creator God-sama is not involved.

“Thank you.”

“The sooner you receive your reward, the better. Yes, please pray at the church tonight around 8:00 p.m. using the Chateau’s clock. We will deal with you individually, so please come one by one.”

This is because if we don’t hurry, there is a possibility that Creator God-sama will start complaining again.

“Okay. Is there anything I need to prepare beforehand?”

“Well, you don’t need to overdo it, but please cleanse yourself and refrain from drinking alcohol.”


I don’t think anyone would drink alcohol to receive a divine oracle from God, but I will be careful just in case.

It seems likely that they might accidentally drink alcohol out of habit.


“So, tonight at 8 p.m. at the Chateau, you will receive a divine oracle and a small blessing from the gods as your reward. Please abstain from drinking alcohol and cleanse your bodies.”

After the discussion with Creator God-sama was over, I returned to where Alessia-san and the others were, but they were all still in a state of depression, just as they had been when we left.

I thought that shock therapy would be effective in such a case, so I clapped my hands to get their attention and then threw in a bomb.

Silence fell around us.

Huh? I thought I’d thrown in a big bomb, but they ignored it?

It’s a divine oracle, right? It also has a blessing attached to it, doesn’t it?

“I can’t stay like this! I have to cleanse myself, oh, first I have to cleanse the church, no, drink alcohol? No, let’s see, let’s see…”

Claretta-san suddenly stood up and started making a big fuss. Thank goodness, it seems the bomb wasn’t a dud but a time bomb.

Claretta-san’s panic is also cute, but her abundant motherhood is also in a state of great panic, and it’s a great sight to see.

Alessia-san and the others are also panicking, having been caught up in Claretta-san’s commotion. It’s a huge mess, but it’s still a lot better than being depressed.

“Hey, Master, can we have some too?”

“Hmm? Oh yes, you can.”

“Um, we’re slaves, but is it okay for us to get blessings from the gods?”

When Ines asks her question, Felicia asks her own, looking worried.

“To be honest, I don’t think the gods care about things like slaves. Besides, it seems that not only us but also Rimu, Pent, Fuu-chan, and Beni-chan will receive blessings, so there’s no need to worry.”

“What? Even though they’re monster familiars, do gods really give blessings to monsters? Or rather, is it really that important?”

No wonder Ines is surprised.

“Well, it’s not that important, but it seems to have a considerable effect.”

From the outside, it’s just the re-entry of a reclusive ancient earth dragon into society. But in the divine realm, it’s not that simple.

So, after setting a time to pray with the God of Light-sama, a commotion broke out.

The gods gathered to decide who would give the blessing, and since it was the first time in a long time that they had a chance to interfere with the lower world, and also because it offered the greatest pleasure to tease Creator God-sama and make his life difficult, almost all of the gods involved wanted to give the blessing.

However, according to the rules of the gods, they cannot interfere too much with the lower world, even if it is a reward.

Since they couldn’t give a blessing, they would give something like a blessing, and the gods said that was too little of a reward, so in the middle of all this, the God of Entertainment-sama suggested that they give something like a blessing to the followers of me and the others, and it was passed.

However, this was only an increase of four blessing slots, and it was a drop in the bucket compared to the number of gods who were involved in the plan to make life difficult for Creator God-sama.

In the end, while I was in the divine realm, it was not decided who would give the blessing, and I returned to the Chateau as time was running out.

In other words, I don’t know which gods will bless who.

It’s easy for Felicia, Claretta-san, and Carla-san to understand because they have gods related to them, but I can’t even imagine a god who would give blessings to Rimu.

Oh, I’m starting to feel uncomfortable as well.

“Wataru, what should I wear to pray?”

“Huh? No, I didn’t ask that, so I don’t know. But I think as long as you’re decent enough, it’s okay.”

It would be a little weird if you wore a t-shirt and shorts, but as long as you wore something you could go to a slightly fancy restaurant in, I don’t think the gods would complain.

“That’s not going to work, Claretta!”

Apparently, it’s not going to work.

“Claretta’s gone to clean the church. Let’s go after her.”

Alessia-san and Dorothea-san go after her, and Marina-san and Ilma-san go after them too.

I can’t help but think they’re being a bit hasty, but I’m glad they’re feeling better.

“Hmm? Carla-san, is something wrong?”

I turned around when I felt someone tugging on my sleeve, and it was Carla-san. It seems that she didn’t follow the other members.

Also, for some reason, she had Rimu on her head and Fuu-chan and Beni-chan on her shoulders.

“Can I eat now?”

Oh, so you want to eat now. I’m a little hungry myself, so I’ll have some tea with you.

I wonder if it’s some kind of blessing from God, but I wonder what will happen?

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