Striving For The Luxury Liner!! ~Get That Rich Isekai Life With A Ship Summoning Skill~ (WN)

Vol 19 Chapter 12

Vol 19 Chapter 12

TN: Please read my translations only on my website since I never give my permission to any site to host my translations. And if you like my translations, please support this site on Ko-fi and Patreon to read several chapters ahead!

Thanks toAinz for the Ko-Fi and this chapter~


Chapter 12 – You’ve Become Friends, Haven’t You…

The wholesale operation of the general store on the island of the dark elves was something beyond the enthusiasm of the dark elves that terrified me, but I managed to finish it safely… I think. When I think of the chaos in the general store, I almost don’t know what the word “safe” means, but I think it was safe anyway. I think it was all over anyway.

“So, Wataru-dono, I hate to ask this after all your work, but could you also take care of the goods at the general store in the hot spring village? Of course, we will handle the transport.”

We went to the village chief’s house, got the payment in gold and silver, and thought we were done, but it was not over. That’s right, they’re not the only ones here waiting for the goods.

Hmm, it’s easy to hand over the goods here, but even if they improved the ice-cold refrigerator, ice can’t really be transported to the hot spring village.

Beer, milk, coffee milk, fruit milk, and carbonated drinks are wonderful after a hot spring bath. But I think ice cream is also a wonderful cultural experience after a hot spring bath.

Since we are in a hot spring resort, ice cream is a must.

“Village Chief-san. Does the hot spring village have an improved refrigerator for ice cream? And also personnel who can use ice magic.”

“? Yes, they do. Cold drinks are also very popular there, so they have both refrigerators and personnel.”

“Then we will go there tomorrow.”

I still have some spare hot spring water, but I used more than half of it on a recent voyage, and it wouldn’t be a bad idea to replenish it while I’m at it. In that case, I should probably go myself.

“No, there is no need to bother Wataru-dono that much.”

“It’s okay, I thought I’d just stop by and replenish my supply of hot spring water while I’m at it.”

Alessia-san and the others love hot springs, so they would never complain. In fact, they might complain if we missed the chance to replenish our supply of hot spring water.

“So, Village Chief-san. I heard that everyone on the island is working together to research a product.”

The village chief looks a little apologetic, so I change the subject.

“Yes. I am ashamed to say this, but everyone was fascinated by the products that Wataru-dono was wholesaling. I apologize for that.”

“No need to apologize. I can’t wholesale products on a regular basis either, so I welcome everyone’s research on the island.”

I really welcome it. I would rather see such a fuss every time they run out of a product than see the value of the ship’s products go down, but I would ask them to develop their products well.

Otherwise, I won’t be able to leave the island without a fall.

“That would be very helpful.”

“Well, this may be none of my business, but I’m thinking of providing you with some knowledge to research that might be useful in creating recipes for cooking, alcohol, sweets, and cosmetics.”

I haven’t looked into it yet, but it won’t take too long if I can get Alessia-san and the others to help me. And I’ll start with the knowledge that seems difficult and release it later, starting with the ones that seem easy.

“That’s… very kind of you, but as you can imagine, I cannot accept your offer. Even a countryman who has lived in hiding in the forest can at least understand the value of Wataru-dono’s knowledge.”

Value of knowledge? Hmm, well, Camille-san was surprised even with an ice-cold refrigerator, and the knowledge of a library on a luxury liner would be of unfashionable value.

Probably, just by selling the knowledge of the library, I can make enough money to have the luxury of repeating my life hundreds or even thousands of times.

But since I’ve already made enough money to repeat my life dozens of times, I don’t have to be greedy about making money.

The only use for the money I earn is to buy a ship, and when I buy a ship, the more I buy, the more money I have to give to charity…

If this were Earth, I’d like to build a mansion, buy a villa, go shopping for designer goods in Ginza, go on a cruise, drive a luxury car, and travel around the world.

In this world over here… it’s hard to take a big trip from my ship, and in many ways, it’s dangerous to my life.

Oops, this is no time to get lost in fantasy. I must convince the village chief to accept my knowledge.

What’s important now is not money but mental security. I’m serious.

“Village Chief-san. Spreading knowledge on this island is something that benefits me as well.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, it’s an experiment or something.”

“An experiment?”

I guess the word “experiment” made a bad impression and made the village chief a little suspicious of me.

“Please don’t worry, I have no intention of spreading dangerous knowledge. This island has very few connections to the outside world, so it’s a great place to safely spread knowledge and keep it from leaking out. If the knowledge is suitable for business, I’d like to try it out with the dark elves and then spread it outside.”

I don’t mean outside, just to Camille-san.

There is no need to force the knowledge outside, but the God of Gastronomy-sama will be happy to spread the recipe for cooking, and the Creator God-sama will be happy to be stimulated by other knowledge as long as it is not dangerous.

If Creator God-sama is pleased, his mood will improve a little, and the possibility that I will be forced to be unreasonable with him will also decrease.

This is what I call a three-way win-win situation. Hmm? I, the gods, the Dark Elf Island, and the world will all benefit, so maybe it’s a four-way win-win situation. That’s even better.

“If that’s the case, I’ll gladly accept.”

I guess he was happy to hear that it would benefit me because he nodded his head willingly, unlike before when he was so adamant.

Now that everything is settled with the village chief, the next thing to do is to greet Princess Annemarie… I want to greet her and tell her of her return to her hometown.

Felicia is reunited with her parents after a long time, so I’ll ask her to stay here and we’ll go greet Princess Annemarie on our own.


I use the sacred treasure that turns me into a mermaid and dive into the sea again after a long time.

Swimming in the clean sea, made safe to some extent by the Sea God’s sacred treasure and the mermaids, is a pleasant experience even for someone like me who doesn’t like to exercise much.

Rimu with his fish tail is very cute, and Pent swimming in the sea, his natural home, is also cool.

I feel like I’ve been cleansed of the sadness of leaving the village chief’s house and being completely overlooked by the little kids who were so annoyingly tangled up with me.

As we swam smoothly, the mermaids who had noticed us gathered around us and led us to the mermaid village.

I have had many fantastic experiences since falling into another world, but transforming into a mermaid and going to the mermaid village is more like a fairy tale than a fantasy and quite enjoyable.

As we make our way through the sea, the mermaid village comes into view.

It seems that they are still collecting colorful corals, and the whole village is more colorful than when I visited before.

I had heard that they decorate their houses while growing corals, but perhaps the village is being completed faster than I expected.

We were shown around, not to Princess Annemarie’s favorite little house, but to a large building that serves as the town hall.

I told her I would greet her later, so she might have waited for me at the town hall, which was easy for all of us to enter.

“We’ve been waiting for you.”

“Ah, Lea-san. It’s been a long time.”

“Fufu. It’s been a while.”

When I arrived in front of the town hall, Lea-san came out to meet me and showed me around.

She showed me around the town hall.

“Princess Annemarie, I apologize for not being able to greet you earlier.”

“Haha, that can’t be helped.”

Princess Annemarie laughs loudly and happily… Huh? I don’t remember Princess Annemarie being like this.

She used to be healthier and more hardworking… No, she still has a healthy and hardworking disposition, but she is also energetic and full of energy. Huh?

“…Wataru-sama, what’s wrong?”

Princess Annemarie tilted her head curiously.

“No, how should I put it, Princess Annemarie, has your mood changed?”

“Really? I don’t think I’ve changed at all.”

Princess Annemarie tilts her head again at my words. Was I wrong?

“Fufu. The princess has changed.”

While Princess Annemarie and I were tilting our heads, Lea-san came in and told us with a smile. She seems to have brought us some tea.

She has changed, hasn’t she? Kids grow up so fast, huh? I take a sip of the tea Lea-san has brought for me.

It’s solid, but when I put it in my mouth, it melts and becomes liquid. It feels strange as tea, but I like it because it’s fun.

“Lea. Have I changed?”

“Yes. You have changed. You have made friends with Almiro and the others, and the princess has become very healthy.”


Huh? What does that mean? Princess Annemarie became friends with those little kids?

No, no, no. That’s not good.

I wouldn’t call those kids bad, but I can definitely say that they’re not the kind of kids who are good.

“I like playing with Almiro and the others, but I didn’t realize that I had changed. But it’s good to know that things are going well, isn’t it?”

“Yes. It’s very good.”

The scene of Princess Annemarie and Lea-san smiling and talking is pleasant, but I don’t think it’s such a good thing.

No, they seem like naughty children, and I know that they are not really bad children. Although I was ignored a while back.

If I had a child and he or she was playing with Almiro and the others, I would want to be the kind of dad who would smile and watch over them and warn them that they need to study hard.

But if it is right for a classmate of the princess, it would be… wrong.

As the person entrusted by Queen Adelheid to take care of Princess Annemarie, I want to eliminate the influence of the little children on Dark Elf Island.

What should I do? Should I warn her that it’s not a good idea to be friends with those children?

Heh. To Princess Annemarie, who is happy and asks if she’s feeling better?

That’s impossible.

I don’t think it’s right for a princess, but it’s not wrong for a child. It’s good to be happy.

Should I take Princess Annemarie, who may have been influenced by… or rather the little ones on the island, back to the Mermaid Kingdom?

Won’t Queen Adelheid be angry with me?

Hmm. I wanted to accompany her on her carefree homecoming and help out in the Mermaid Kingdom, but I’m starting to feel a little uneasy.

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