Striving For The Luxury Liner!! ~Get That Rich Isekai Life With A Ship Summoning Skill~ (WN)

Vol 19 Chapter 11

Vol 19 Chapter 11

TN: Please read my translations only on my website since I never give my permission to any site to host my translations. And if you like my translations, please support this site on Ko-fi and Patreon to read several chapters ahead!

Thanks toAinz for the Ko-Fi and this chapter~


Chapter 11 – The Enthusiasm of the Dark Elves

After visiting the Castle, we arrived at the island of the Dark Elves after a long journey. We were greeted by the village chief, Felicia’s father, but then we were surrounded by a group of the island’s little gangsters and had to give in to their demands. A group of children can be more troublesome than monsters if you’re not careful.

“First, I’ll deliver some sweets and groceries. Ship Summoning.”

As promised to the children, I summoned a rubber boat filled with sweets and groceries.

For a moment, I wondered what would happen if I prioritized stocking up on other products at this time, but I decided not to do so because I felt that the rage of the angry children and the resentment they would carry for the rest of their lives would be too much.

“Ines, Felicia, please help restock the products according to Anita-san and Berta-san’s instructions.”


“I understand.”

“Wataru, we’ll help too.”

When I gave instructions to Ines and Felicia, Alessia-san and the others also offered to help. They are supposed to be my bodyguards, but… the only ones who would attack me here are the little kids.

If we go back a bit, there was a man named Romano who was in love with Felicia and was hostile to me, but now he’s reformed and is probably hard at work making a map of the Dark Elf Island, so it’s safe.

“Well then, I’m counting on you.”

Following the instructions of Anita-san and Berta-san, I quickly display the products. It seems that they had already made the shelves to match the products, so they didn’t hesitate with their instructions.

Well, I’ll help without being observed. Oh, this is ice cream. There was a child who shouted “ice cream” among the children, so I put it on the shelf early to reassure the child.

“Anita-san, should I put the ice cream in the ice-cold refrigerator over there?”

“Ah, please put the ice cream in the big refrigerator on the far right.”

“Got it.”

I took the ice cream out of the rubber boat and carried it to the designated refrigerator. This refrigerator is really big.

Why do they need such a big refrigerator? When I opened the door, I found that the door and the inner walls were thicker than I had imagined, and the storage space was smaller than I had expected.

In addition, there are copper boxes all over the place. I see, so they’ve improved it, especially for ice, by freezing it and keeping it cold.

There are more boxes that can make ice than when I tried the freezer, and the thickened refrigerator further blocks out the outside air.

It’s undeniable that it’s forced to maintain a low temperature, but if it’s actually usable, then even if it’s a little inefficient, you’d use it, right?

“Huh? What’s this?”

While I’m arranging the ice in the improved refrigerator, I feel a copper box with several compartments against my hand.

I wonder what it is. Even if you make ice, there’s no need to divide it like this, is there?

“Fufu? That’s the box we use to make ice cream from the fruit juice we freeze.”

I was turning my head when Anita-san came to see what was going on and gave me the answer.

“Wow, so Anita-san and the others are making ice cream now too?”

“Yes, the flavor is weaker and the sweetness is milder than Wataru-san’s ice cream, but it’s still popular with the kids. Still, I don’t think it will sell well if Wataru-san’s ice cream is on display.”

It would be hard to compete with the taste of ice cream made after a lot of research just by freezing fruit juice.

Still, it’s a hot island, so the kids will be happy.

“I can’t always sell my products wholesale, so it’s good that you make your own.”

“I agree. This ice cream was also born out of the desperation of the other children who had run out of Wataru-san’s ice cream. It was really hard to meet their demands.”

Anita-san looks far away.

Perhaps she has had many experiences like mine, surrounded by children.

Adults can resist, but logic doesn’t really work when it comes to children’s wishes.

“But the children must have been happy, right?”

“Yes, they were very happy. Then we decided to make the things we could make ourselves. Ice cream disappeared first, and then we started making sweets, food, alcohol, cosmetics, and so on, whenever we ran out of them.”

Even though I left with a large amount of supplies, when I’m gone for more than half a year, they run out of supplies.

“Do you make all this yourself?”

“No, as you can see, most of it is still unfinished. We’ve been able to make better food than before, using Wataru-san’s ship recipes as a reference, but sweets, alcohol, and cosmetics are proving to be quite difficult, and everyone is struggling.”

Ah, as I thought, it’s not as simple as freezing fruit juice.

With sweets, it’s important to have the recipe and the meticulousness to reproduce it accurately, and there are many things you can’t imagine how to make just by looking at them.

Making alcohol takes time, and it’s also a specialized field. As for cosmetics… I have no idea how to make them. Even if they wanted to make them themselves, I don’t think they could.

“Are there many people who try to make it?”

“It’s no exaggeration to say that the whole island is trying. Apart from the children, we’re also working on research in cooperation with the hot spring village.”

“Is that so?”

The whole island? You’re exaggerating, aren’t you?

“Yes. After the adults finish their own work, almost all of them put their efforts into research.”


“Wataru-san, we can no longer live without your products. We are desperate to escape the despair of your products gradually disappearing.”

I think I heard a very erotic line from a married dark elf. If it weren’t for the part about the products, I would want to record it and listen to it over and over again.

Still, no longer live, huh?

I also fell into this world and often felt dissatisfied with the living environment. Even though I understood that there was nothing I could do about it, I tried to improve the environment as much as I could.

I think the dark elves felt the same way and started trying to improve the environment.

Then maybe I’ll help a little.

In the library of a luxury liner… no, I was told by the gods not to spread knowledge indiscriminately. That’s why the facilities on the Castle that aren’t allowed are sealed off.

“If that’s the case, I’ll talk to the village chief and help you.”

The recipes for the food and sweets are not dangerous, so there should be no problem showing them directly. I can also appoint one of them to be the cook and follow up on the matter. That should work.

The problem is with the alcohol and the beauty products.

As for the beauty products, if I appoint staff to the beauty salon and the cosmetics store, they should be able to get some knowledge.

Even if they become employees, they probably won’t understand how to make beauty products other than the basic ones.

As for alcohol, I can’t handle it by appointing staff. Let’s look for books on these two subjects and see if I can find something that will help.


“Yes. I think my cooperation will be in the area of knowledge, so I’ll have to talk to the village chief first.”

“Knowledge is the most important thing!”

Anita-san is very excited.

“Even if it’s not a possibility, are you also doing research, Anita-san?”

“Of course. I’m the deputy head of the cosmetics research group.”

…There are a lot of things I want to say, like whether the general store is okay, whether they’re taking care of the aluminum foil properly, what a research group is, and whether she’s the deputy leader, but I’ll just ignore them.

“Wataru! We’re out of rubber boats!”

“Oops, time passed while we were talking. Let’s put the products on the shelf for now.”

I had decided not to comment, but then Alessia-san interjected. First, I have to finish the job at hand.

“Rimu, where are you?”

I look around, but I can’t see Rimu. It’s convenient to be able to hear voices in my mind, but in situations like this, it’s inconvenient because I can’t tell the direction from the sound.

“It’s cold. It’s dark…”

Cold and dark… No way!

When I opened the refrigerator, Rimu was jumping around inside. When did he get in there? I quickly picked him up and put him on my head.

I’ll have to warn him not to get in the refrigerator later. It would be easy for Rimu to escape, but it’s still bad for my heart.

But… Rimu, cooled in the refrigerator, feels kind of nice. What is this cool, squishy feeling? It’s the perfect companion for hot weather.

“Wataru, are you finished?”

Oh no, I’ve been called by Alessia-san again. I’d better hurry.

“Felicia, what’s wrong?”

As I was arranging the liquor bottles next to the sweets and groceries, I noticed Felicia standing there with a calm expression on her face.

“Oh, I’m sorry, Master.”

Felicia was surprised when I called her and apologized.

“You don’t have to apologize. But it’s rare to see Felicia spaced out like that. What’s wrong?”

Unlike Ines, Felicia doesn’t cut corners when it comes to her work, so I’m worried about her.

“No, I just thought it was a happy sight, and then I found myself staring.”

The sweet and groceries section is where Felicia’s gaze is focused.

“A happy sight?”

The scene before her eyes of the dark elf children and fairies dancing wildly, screaming that their allowance wasn’t enough, as they sorted through the sweets with the energy of a bargain sale?

“Yes, it’s noisy, but to the dark elves, the fact that children can spend money on sweets is a big deal.”

Well, if you lived hidden away in a dangerous forest, you wouldn’t be able to go shopping and make a racket like that, would you?

I get that this is a happy sight for Felicia. To me, it just looks like a bunch of kids fighting.

Anyway, let’s get the alcohol quickly and head to the last beauty products corner.

The men waiting for the alcohol aren’t scary, but the women waiting in front of the beauty aisle are scary in their own way.

I would have liked to line up the alcohol first, but the village chief told me that if I didn’t do it last, I might not be able to line up the alcohol, so there was nothing I could do.

Well, the alcohol is easy to line up, and it’s quick, right?

…..I finally understood what the village chief meant. I described the rough behavior of the children as a form of bargaining, but the fight between the adult women…..

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