Striving For The Luxury Liner!! ~Get That Rich Isekai Life With A Ship Summoning Skill~ (WN)

Vol 19 Chapter 3

Vol 19 Chapter 3

TN: Please read my translations only on my website since I never give my permission to any site to host my translations. And if you like my translations, please support this site on Ko-fi and Patreon to read several chapters ahead!

Thanks toAinz for the Ko-Fi and this chapter~


Chapter 3 – Wataru’s Reward

When I asked Creator God-sama about getting my reward, things got a little awkward. I had trouble understanding Creator God-sama’s point of view, but God of Light-sama came to my rescue. There was a little argument between Creator God-sama and the God of Light-sama, but in the end, I got my reward from the other gods instead of Creator God-sama.

Hmm. That’s not bad in itself, but it’s not very enlightening. If I were a god, I’d fail.

We’d also put more effort into our appearance than usual, but the members of Girasole, seen from a distance, were going in the wrong direction.

All in white.

No accessories or other small things, just white that covers all their skin.

They look like priestesses, and they probably chose their clothes following Claretta-san’s advice, but they give off an atmosphere that makes you hesitate to call out to them.

“Hey, Master. What about us? I think we’re dressed properly, but we’re wearing color, right?”

Yes, Ines is right, they are wearing colorful clothes.

I decided to wear something plain, but I didn’t expect the Girasole to be so all-white.

“Well, it’s not a problem. They didn’t say anything about the clothes, and come to think of it, I’ve met the gods many times in my everyday clothes. It’s not like this is the first time.”

I remember meeting Creator God-sama in a carefree T-shirt.

“I think that’s only allowed because you’re in a special position, right?”

Felicia. Even though I am in a special position, I’m just the messenger of Creator God-sama. I won’t say it because it’s pointless.

“Well, as long as you pay your respects properly, I don’t think the gods will mind, as long as you don’t wear anything too weird. The Gods are great and forgiving beings.”

Except for Creator God-sama.

To be honest, I’ve asked the goddesses to clean my ears while I’m on their laps, and I’ve asked the God of Light-sama to wear a micro bikini. If my clothes were a problem when I prayed, I’d probably be dead from divine punishment.

“That is true. The Goddess of the Forest-sama is a benevolent deity who cares about us dark elves and even takes the time to write to us. If we offer our beliefs wholeheartedly, she will surely understand.”

It seems that Felicia is convinced that the gods are great.

Should I go talk to them now?

I look at the white group at the end of my line of sight.

This is bad. Claretta-san’s nervousness is off the charts. She was wandering around in a panic and suddenly started polishing the church.

Alessia-san and the others don’t seem to have any time to spare either, and the only one who seems calm is Carla-san.

Carla-san is relaxed, but she’s actually quite a big deal. She’s very particular about honorifics, though.

“Sorry to keep you waiting. It’s almost time, so shall we go inside?”

It’s still about ten minutes before our appointment, but it can’t hurt to be early.

I lead the rest of the still nervous group into the church. All that’s left to do is pray when the time comes… oh, I forgot.

“Um, we’re going to pray one by one, but how do we decide who goes first?”

Everyone is getting nervous, so it would probably be smoother if we decided on a rule now.

“You should have told us this before. Claretta, is there a rule about who prays first?”

I’m sorry, I forgot. Or rather, I don’t think I had time to tell anyone but Carla-san. Everyone was getting nervous.

“I don’t know. At church, we had a set position for group prayers, but for individual prayers, everyone did their own thing… What about you, Wataru-san?”

Even if you ask me, I only pray at memorial services, so I have no idea.

“I don’t know either, but should I pray first?”

In this case, I’m in charge, so if we think about the order, it would be either first or last.

Everyone is in a panic, and I think they would feel more comfortable if I, who used to pray to God, took the lead.

“Um, can I ask you to do it?”

Alessia-san asks me, looking like she’s been saved. I’m quietly happy to be able to act like a reliable man for a change.

“Okay, then. We’ll pray in the order of Rimu, Pent, Ines and Felicia, so please decide after that, Alessia-san and the others.”

“Oh, that’s right, we have to think about the order of Fuu-chan and Beni-chan as well as ourselves.”

“That’s right. For now, please think about it while you watch us.”

“W-we understand.”

Alessia-san’s face twitches slightly. I thought we’d have plenty of time if we met ten minutes early, but maybe we should have met even earlier.

The time has come, so I kneel down in front of the god statue, ignoring Alessia-san and the others who are making a fuss.

I can tell that even though they can’t see it, their eyes are focused on my back.

I don’t think there’s any need to be so impatient, but I guess there’s no choice since we’re dealing with gods.

If I ever got the chance to meet Japan’s Prime Minister or Emperor, I’m sure I’d be more nervous than these girls, even on the phone.

“Hey, Wataru-kun, how are you? I’m so busy and suffering every day.”

I don’t understand how offering prayers always connects to the Creator God-sama. I thought I wouldn’t get any reward from Creator God-sama, right?

And on top of that, he’s sarcastic from the beginning.

“There he is! Hey, God of Light, I’m busy right now. Oh, it’s already night. Oh, this…”

I can hear what sounds like a family argument breaking out at a friend’s house over the phone, but it’s coming through the oracle. It seems that the other gods are trying to punish Creator God-sama for interrupting the oracle.

What is an oracle?

“Excuse me. Now I will give you your reward.”

I hear the voice of God of Light-sama. She is trying to restore her dignity somehow, and it is touching.

“Thank you. Oh, it may be rude of me to ask this, but is it possible to receive the power to contact the God of Light-sama without going through the Creator God-sama?”

“I’m sorry, it would be nice if I could do that too, but if it’s the power to contact the gods, that would be going beyond the limits.”

Not good, huh. But when I think about it, it’s only natural. If I could contact the gods directly, it would be a power on a level that could seek supremacy in the world of religion.

When I think about it like that, my position of being called to the divine realm is also extraordinary. Even though I’m just a messenger.

If I could contact them through the oracle, that would be good, but considering the interruption from Creator God-sama earlier, I don’t think it’s possible.

“No, I’m sorry for asking so much.”

If that’s the case, I’ll have to shorten the intervals between my prayers and check on Creator God-sama’s mood.

I’m sure he’ll complain, but I’ll use the content of his complaints as a guide to time my attempts to curry favor with Creator God-sama.

“It is we who should apologize. The benefits you have bestowed upon the gods are limitless. If it weren’t for the restrictions on our interference with the lower world, you would have been praised by many gods and received various blessings.”

That sounds a little frightening.

“No, it’s enough to be praised by the God of Light-sama.”

It would be great if the God of Gastronomy-sama and the Goddess of the Forest-sama could join in, but I was spoiled so much last time, and it seems that excessive greed ruins one’s body, so I’ll keep quiet about it.

“Fufu. I appreciate your feelings, Wataru-san. Then I will give you your reward.”

So, the reward is finally here. I can’t have too high expectations based on the words and actions of the God of Light-sama, but I’m glad that it’s a power that will be useful.

“It is finished.”

? It seems to be finished. I can’t feel anything else, but what kind of reward did I get?

“The reward for you, Wataru-san, has been decided by the God of Gastronomy. Please check your status later. I was wondering if this was okay, but since you seemed happy, I think you will be satisfied. Now, I will close the oracle.”

“T-Thank you very much.”

Phew. I stand up after thanking her. What kind of reward did I get? “Wataru, how was it?” Alessia-san and the others ask me with serious expressions.

I want to check the reward, but I’d better explain first.

“I heard the voice of God and had a little chat. There’s nothing difficult about it, so as long as you pay your respects to God and are polite, you’ll be fine.”

Well, in my case, it started with Creator God-sama complaining, but I’m sure Creator God-sama won’t bother the other members.

Perhaps reassured by my words, the expressions of Alessia-san and the others relax a bit.

I will take the opportunity to open my status and check my rewards… What?

God of Light-sama said it was the idea of God of Gastronomy-sama. I can’t help but feel like I got off easy… But to be honest, it’s perfect.

Tickets to take a bath with the God of Light (wearing a micro bikini) x 5

Tickets to take a bath with the God of Gastronomy (wearing a micro bikini) x 5

Tickets to take a bath with the Goddess of the Forest (wearing a micro bikini) x 5

The rewards are a bit like the shoulder massage tickets, but taking a bath with those three goddesses is just too good to be true. And it’s 15 times in total.

This is bad. This is bad. What am I going to do? It’s a shame, but could I take a bath with all three goddesses and wash each other? My dreams are expanding.

“Wataru. Wataru!”

“Huh? Oh, Alessia, is something wrong?”

“You have a terrible face. Is something wrong? Did you get such a big reward?”

Oh no, it seems my delusions were showing on my face.

“No, as I said before, it’s not possible to receive such a great reward according to God’s rules. However, God’s voice was kind and beautiful, so I was reminded of it a little.”

I can’t tell the truth, so I make up a story. Well, it’s not a lie because there’s no doubt that the voice of God of Light-sama is kind and beautiful.

“What kind of words have you received!”

Oops, I thought I’d covered it up, but Claretta-san took a bite out of it. Her eyes sparkled too much, and it was a little scary. Please don’t become a fanatic.

“This is a secret. Since you’re receiving a word from God, it’s better not to have any unnecessary preconceptions.”

First of all, I don’t think I can explain the voice well. In Japan, it might be compared to the voices of celebrities or something, but in this world, it’s impossible.

“I see, Wataru is right. The words of God…”

Claretta-san has begun to become ecstatic. I really hope she doesn’t become a fanatic. The only thing her rich motherhood has packed is her faith in God, and that’s a loss for the world.

“Now it’s Rimu’s turn. We can’t keep God waiting, so let’s hurry.”

I feel like this is going to be bad, so I’m going to change the subject. What kind of God will provide the oracle for Rimu?

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