Striving For The Luxury Liner!! ~Get That Rich Isekai Life With A Ship Summoning Skill~ (WN)

Vol 19 Chapter 5

Vol 19 Chapter 5

TN: Please read my translations only on my website since I never give my permission to any site to host my translations. And if you like my translations, please support this site on Ko-fi and Patreon to read several chapters ahead!

Thanks toAinz for the Ko-Fi and this chapter~


Chapter 5 – Soaring in Popularity in Certain Parts

After completing the mission, we receive a divine oracle and a reward from the gods. I thought it would be easy, but there were more twists and turns than I expected, such as the differences in perception between the gods and humans, Pent’s hidden feelings, and the scene where the Sea God-sama reacts to it. I hope the rest of the rewards end peacefully.

“Now that Rimu and Pent are done, Ines is next, and then Felicia, right?”

“Got it. I’ll go pray then. I wonder if there’s a God of Gambling-sama?”

Ines mumbles something stupid as she walks towards the statue of God.

The God of Gambling-sama? It wouldn’t be strange if there was a God of Gambling-sama because there is a God of Entertainment-sama, but I’ve never met him. But if possible, I’d like the God of Gambling-sama to refrain from giving Ines any blessings.

Because Ines is still spending her pocket money in the casino on luxury liners. If she were to receive a blessing here, she would become even more addicted to gambling.

In the first place, the effect is just a feeling, so even if she receives a blessing from the God of Gambling-sama, she will end up losing and drinking herself into a frenzy.

Wait a minute. If Ines’ service improves when she’s in a good mood, and even if it’s zero in the end, if the number of times she wins occasionally increases, it might be of some use to me as well.

While I was thinking about this nonsense, Ines’ body was enveloped in a soft light. She seemed to have received a blessing.

Ines, who got up and came to me, had a puzzled look on her face. Maybe she didn’t receive a blessing from the God of Gambling-sama?

“Ines, how did it go?”

“Hmm. I received a very small blessing from the God of Fire-sama, but…”

The God of Fire-sama, that reminds me, Ines’ tribe is the Flame Tiger tribe, a tribe with a close connection to fire. Now that you mention it, it makes sense.

Alessia-san and the others thought so, too, and they all congratulated her.

Huh? Then which God will Beni-chan get a blessing from? Beni-chan is also a fire type, so is it the second time for the God of Fire-sama?

But it seems that the gods who want to give blessings are gathered together, so it seems that a second time is difficult. I’m starting to look forward to Beni-chan’s blessing.

“Then why are you making such a strange face?”

Is it because it’s not the God of Gambling-sama?

“I was praised in a really strange way. I was praised for doing well, for making the scum suffer, and for various other things that I don’t understand. I didn’t do any of those things.”

Come to think of it, I remember hearing that the God of Fire-sama was in a serious fight with the Creator God-sama, and that he had stopped interacting with the other gods.

I see, so he must have heard that Creator God-sama was having a bad time, and he came out in a better mood.

And seeing Creator God-sama working hard must have really lifted his spirits.

“Yes, Ines. I don’t think you need to worry too much about the gods. It’s a blessing that suits you, Ines, who uses fire.”

“Well, it doesn’t make sense for me to think too much about the gods. It’s not what I was hoping for, but as a race, I’m grateful for the blessing of the God of Fire-sama, even if it’s a very small one.”

“That’s right. Next is Felicia, so good luck. To be more specific, try to keep your composure as much as possible.”

Next up is Felicia, huh? I suppose I can rest assured that it will be the Goddess of the Forest-sama who will give her blessing, but… this time I’m more worried about Felicia.

The dark elves, including Felicia, are followers of the Goddess of the Forest-sama, and even a letter from her would make them rejoice.

Of all the people at this event, I’m most worried about Claretta-san’s emotions, but Felicia is the second most worried.

“Yes, I will pray with all my heart.”

Felicia has the face of a warrior. Her determined face is beautiful, but I think she could relax her shoulders a little more, you know?

Felicia prays earnestly, kneeling before the statue of God. Maybe it’s the difference in their mental attitude, but compared to Ines, she seems to have much more respect for God.

How did I look? I’m more like Ines, and I don’t think I look so sincere. Next time, I’ll try to pray with more feelings.

Felicia’s body is bathed in light.

As she stood up and came toward us, tears streamed from her eyes like a flood.

I see she’s overcome with emotion.

“Felicia, are you okay?”

“Oh, Master… I’m so happy… The Goddess of the Forest… The Goddess of the Forest-sama…”

“Yes, yes. We can talk about this later. For now, why don’t you sit down and take a break?”

I let her sit down on a chair to rest since she doesn’t seem to be able to listen properly.

Since she said it was the Goddess of the Forest-sama, as I expected, she must have received a divine oracle from the Goddess of the Forest-sama, and since the Goddess of the Forest-sama was also concerned about the dark elves, she must have taken care of Felicia gently.

“Well, we’re done, so please go ahead.”

I changed my attitude and encouraged Alessia-san and the others to pray. From now on, I can only feel like a spectator, which makes me feel much more relaxed.

“Thank you. Then I’ll start praying.”

Alessia-san looks a little nervous as she walks toward the statue of God.

Alessia-san, surrounded by the light of the blessing, stands up and comes toward us.

“I received a blessing from the God of War-sama. I don’t know if it’s okay to say this, but the voice of the God is full of dignity and wonderful”.

With a somewhat excited expression, Alessia-san tells me about the oracle and the blessing.

The God of War-sama? That doesn’t seem like the image of Alessia-san. Ah, but she is the leader of an A-rank adventurer party, right?

She’s also a high-level adventurer who fights sea monsters non-stop, so it’s not surprising that she’s blessed by the God of War-sama.

But I’ve only ever heard the God of War-sama shouting at the Creator God-sama or making a big fuss because he’s drunk, so I can’t really relate to the idea that he’s full of dignity.

“Fufu, I was so nervous, I felt a little relieved. But it was a very moving experience. Dorothea, it’s your turn next.”

Dorothea-san steps forward at Alessia-san’s words. Since she’s bringing Beni-chan with her, I guess Beni-chan will pray after Dorothea-san.

As I expected, after Dorothea-san finished praying, Beni-chan prayed.

It’s a heartwarming sight, but Dorothea-san’s smile seems especially bright. Was she really so happy about the blessing she received?

Dorothea-san and Beni-chan finish praying and return.

“Dorothea, how was it?”

“Fufufu. I got the best blessing. And God was very pleased with me, too.”

Dorothea-san was smiling like a young girl, and she looked incredibly cute. What, did she receive a blessing that increased her cuteness? But that wouldn’t be enough to fit into the very small category.

Did she receive a blessing that was extremely large? That’s against the rules.

“What kind of blessing did you receive?”

“Ufufu. You see, the God who gave me his blessing was the God of Monster Familiar-sama. He praised me for being very close to Beni-chan, and so I received a blessing that makes it a little easier for me to communicate with Beni-chan.”


Huh? In a normal situation, I would be jealous. It’s true that Dorothea-san is very close to Beni-chan and dotes on her, but I’m sure Rimu and I can’t be beaten either.

Ah, but I hadn’t noticed Pent’s feelings. Is that why I lost?

Marina-san seems to be shocked as well as if she feels the same way I do. There is a possibility that it is the second time for the God of Monster Familiar-sama, but Marina-san also knows that this possibility is small.

“So what Beni-chan received was the blessing of the God of Travel-sama.”

Hmm? I thought it was a blessing related to fire, but why is it the God of Travel-sama? I’ve never met the God of Travel-sama before. What kind of God is he?

“Why is it the God of Travel-sama for Beni-chan? It has nothing to do with him, right?”

“That’s right. The blessings so far have been things that seem to be related to the person. I wonder why?”

“Ara, Wataru. Have you forgotten why Beni-chan made a contract with me?”

Dorothea-san asks me.

Why? Well, we met Beni-chan at a volcano. I remember being surprised that he was a volcanic slime. And…

“Ah, Beni-chan wanted to see the outside world. I see, that’s why it’s the God of Travel-sama.”

I thought it was definitely related to fire, but it seems that blessings can also be given in other ways.

If it’s about understanding Beni-chan’s feelings, then I guess Beni-chan still wants to see many different places.

“That’s right. Beni-chan is very happy.”

Even after traveling by ship to another continent and adventuring through deserts and islands where dragons live, it seems that Beni-chan’s love of traveling is something special.

“Next is me!”

Marina-san goes with Fuu-chan to the statue of God. What will happen here?

If the God of Monster Familiar-sama reappears here, it’ll be a bit like the bond between me, Rimu, and Pent being defeated by the bath ticket.

Well, the bath ticket is the best thing ever, but if you think about it in terms of public opinion…

While I was writhing in despair, Marina-san and Fuu-chan returned.

“I received a blessing from the God of the Bow-sama. Fuu-chan is a blessing from the God of Wind-sama. He apologized to me, saying that I have talent with the bow and that I should continue to do my best, and that he was sorry that it wasn’t the God of Monster Familiar-sama. I am sorry for what I did. I am able to receive a blessing, but I foolishly made the God of Bow-sama apologize to me. From now on, I swear to do my best to please the God of the Bow-sama.”

Marina-san suddenly spoke a long sentence. That alone was a bit surprising.

But as a blessing, it’s perfect. Marina-san is a scout and uses a bow. Fuu-chan also has a blessing from a god that matches her attributes.

…But she made the God of Bow-sama apologize?

I’ve already met the God of the Bow-sama. He’s a quiet type of God, and he seems to get along well with God of War-sama and the others, but I think he was a god who liked to relax and drink in a somewhat distant place.

Maybe it got a little awkward because of the sudden rise in popularity of the God of Monster Familiar-sama among the slime group.

However, it seems that Marina-san was impressed by God of the Bow-sama’s generous heart, so let’s just call it a result that turned out okay.

Next time I invite the gods to the luxury liner, I’ll make sure to treat God of the Bow-sama as well as I can. I feel kind of bad about that.

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