Striving For The Luxury Liner!! ~Get That Rich Isekai Life With A Ship Summoning Skill~ (WN)

Vol 19 Chapter 6

Vol 19 Chapter 6

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Thanks toAinz for the Ko-Fi and this chapter~


Chapter 6 – God of Light-sama, Nice!

The oracle and the blessings of the gods are passed on. The remaining three members are Ilma-san, Carla-san, and Claretta-san. There were some problems with the rewards for the previous members, but everyone was satisfied. I hope the remaining three will finish safely as well.

“Well, it’s my turn next.”

Ilma-san heads towards the statue of God.

I wonder which God will bless Ilma-san?

I’d be happy if it was a god with an enchanting charm or maybe a lecherous type of God.

But even though I’ve talked about beauty-related gods and goddesses in connection with beauty treatments, I’ve never met a god with a bewitching charm that would suit Ilma-san.

Lust… It’s a word that seems to be classified as evil rather than good, so perhaps there are no gods like that.

Ilma-san was enveloped in a light of blessing. Ilma-san stood up and walked toward us.

I wondered what it was, but she was smiling with an innocent smile, different from her usual enchanting smile.

I like the glamorous Ilma-san, but the innocence that peeks out from her overflowing charm is also good.

“How was it?”

“Ufufu. I received a blessing from the God of Magic-sama. He also praised my approach to research.”

Is that it? I didn’t expect the God of Magic-sama to appear here. It’s a blessing related to research, not beauty.

That’s not good. Ilma-san is more of a mad scientist than a researcher. What’s the point of a god encouraging that?

Even now, I have to work hard. She mumbles about how effective the blessing is. She’ll use God’s blessing as research material.

If Ilma-san starts experimenting on people, I’ll ban her.

I’ll ask Alessia-san and the others to keep an eye on Ilma-san to make sure she doesn’t go too far.

“Next is Carla. Good luck.”


Alessia-san encouraged Carla-san, and Carla-san approached the statue of God and bowed her knees.

There had been unexpected things so far, but in Carla-san’s case, there shouldn’t be a problem.

“I received the blessing of the God of Gastronomy-sama. She also said that she had left some delicious food with Wataru, and that I should eat it.”

As I expected, it was a blessing from the God of Gastronomy-sama, but in the end, some dangerous information was dropped.

It’s true that I have a lot of food that the God of Gastronomy-sama made for me. Sometimes, I secretly give some of it to the women.

The reason I didn’t tell anyone was not because I wanted to keep it a secret, but because I was afraid that if I told them that it was God’s home cooking, after all the fuss that had been made over the letter from God, it might cause a commotion that would make the world scream in agony.

Oh no, now they’ve found out that I’m not only receiving divine messages but also exchanging things with the gods.

I don’t think the God of Gastronomy-sama would leak information carelessly, so maybe this is a sign that I can reveal a little more information about the gods, using this time of blessing and divine message as an opportunity?

The only information I can reveal is the complaints I have about Creator God-sama, but that’s too much to reveal.

Well, let’s just agree that it’s okay to be a little more relaxed about it.

“Carla, what’s wrong?”

I say to Carla-san, who is tugging at my sleeve.

“I want to eat the food of the God of Gastronomy-sama.”

The other members are stunned to learn that I’m receiving food from the God of Gastronomy-sama, but Carla-san is acting as usual.

“Well, when the last Claretta has received the blessing, shall we all celebrate together? At that time, I will serve the food I received from the God of Gastronomy-sama.”

Well, we have all eaten it a few times, but it will be the first time we will enjoy the God of Gastronomy-sama’s cuisine openly, which she also studied at the Chateau Restaurant, so I think they will enjoy it.

“Yes, I’m looking forward to it!”

Carla-san is beautiful, but she’s also sweet. I want to feed her more. Well, it’s impossible because she eats everything I give her.

If she could at least refrain from snacking between meals, I could feed her with peace of mind.

“Next is me, right?”

While I was talking to Carla-san, Claretta-san started walking with a stiff expression and a lot of energy. It seems like her nervousness is at its maximum as her hands and feet are sticking out from the same side at the same time.

Unlike me, who has little faith, and the other women, who have faith but it’s not their main job, Claretta-san, who is a priestess and serves God, must not be able to remain calm as she is about to receive a divine oracle.

She began to pray on her knees with a clumsy movement, but as she is used to praying, her appearance is very good.

Hmm, she’s taking a longer time to pray than the other members.

I guess the God of Light-sama will give her blessing to Claretta-san, but did something happen?

Oh, Claretta-san is now surrounded by the light of the blessing.

Claretta-san gets up and walks towards us, and then… she’s running? Is she running right at me?

“Wataru, thank you!”

Before I knew what was happening, Claretta-san came running over and hugged me and thanked me.

I don’t know why, but I feel like I should be the one to thank her. She’s so soft.

I concentrate all my senses on her chest and enjoy the rich, motherly feeling of Claretta-san’s touch to the fullest.

I won’t waste this happiness.

“Claretta, what’s wrong all of a sudden? Claretta? …Calm down for now.”

Ah, Alessia-san pulled Claretta-san away.

If I could see some jealousy in Alessia-san’s expression, it would lift my spirits, but all I can see on Alessia-san’s face is concern for Claretta-san. Sniff.

“So, Claretta, what happened?”

“Will you listen to me, Alessia! You see, I received a divine oracle from the God of Light-sama, and she praised my attitude towards my faith. That alone made me feel like I was going to float up to the heavens, but it wasn’t just that―cooperating with Wataru is no different than having faith in God――”

“Claretta, calm down. Let’s stop for a moment.”

Alessia-san stops Claretta-san, who is talking at a furious pace.

Wow, Claretta-san. I didn’t know you could talk so fast. Even the announcer would be in a state of shock at this speed.

When we listened to Claretta-san after she calmed down, it turned out that she was talking about her passionate belief in the God of Light-sama.

At first, she seemed to be praised for her faith in a normal way.

And the development that followed was very gratifying to me.

She said that the God of Light-sama was very grateful to me for the important role I had played for both the divine realm and the human world. She also thanked Girasole for helping me to fulfill this role.

She said that she wanted them to continue to lend me their strength in the future.

While Claretta-san was talking, she got excited again and started talking all over the place, so it’s not certain, but it was something like that, and she was so moved by the fact that she was able to help the divine realm and the world that she ended up hugging me and thanking me.

I only helped the divine realm and the world by catching Creator God-sama and forcing him to make a contract with the world, but since the other party was Creator God-sama, it wasn’t necessarily a mistake.

And Claretta-san, who has realized that helping me will indirectly help the gods, is looking at me with sparkling eyes.

I’m happy that my popularity has suddenly increased, but it’s painful to be looked at as if I were a saint serving the gods.

I’m basically a worldly person, and I’m more the type of person who deserves to be looked at with contempt.

“Well, um, shall we celebrate the blessing?”

The sparkling eyes are painful, so I change the subject. If we drink some alcohol and have a good party, Claretta-san will calm down.

“That’s right, we’ve all been blessed. It’s not every day that something so auspicious happens. Let’s have fun and be merry while thanking the gods.”


Everyone cheered at Alessia-san’s summary, but one point of concern came to mind.

Blessings for everyone?

I didn’t get a blessing, did I?

What I got was a ticket to take a bath with the goddess. Huh?

Of course, I’m happy about the ticket. I’m happy, but if the women and even the familiars receive blessings, but I’m the only one without a blessing, won’t there be some kind of problem before I’m left out and lonely?

“Wataru, what’s wrong with your glum face? It’s a celebration!”

“Wataru, the feast with God of Gastronomy-sama’s food. Let’s go quickly!”

“Oh, yes. I understand. Let’s go.”

Leaving aside the problem for now, I’m sure they’ll ask me what kind of blessing I received at the celebration.

What should I do?



The sound of toasts echoes around the main restaurant at the Chateau.

The large table is set with the gourmet dishes requested by Carla-san.

They are made with ingredients from Earth but also include ingredients from other worlds, such as those of monsters.

“Puhah~. I was happy when I was promoted to A rank, but I’m especially happy about this. Thank you, Wataru. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have had this opportunity.”

“That’s right. It’s thanks to Wataru. Thank you, Wataru.”

“”””Thank you, Wataru.””””

After swallowing the ale, Alessia-san and the others thanked me with smiles.

I decided on the reward in the hope of increasing my popularity with Girasole, and it seems that my choice was not wrong.

But I can’t be arrogant here.

It seems that the virtue of modesty doesn’t work outside of Japan, but that doesn’t mean that I should become arrogant. I’ll try to increase my popularity while being humble.

“No, as always, it was only because of the cooperation of Alessia-san and the others, Ines, Felicia, and Rimu and the others that we were recognized by the gods. Thank you for your help. I look forward to working with you in the future.”

How’s that for a mature response?

“Fufu, that’s just like you, Wataru. You’re a rare existence recognized by the gods. No one would complain if you were even more arrogant, you know?”

Alessia-san called me a rare existence. Well, if you don’t know the inside story, it’s not hard to see from the outside. In a way, it seems like I’m very close to the gods.

“Haha, thank you.”

“By the way, what kind of blessing did you receive, Wataru?”

Stop it; don’t drop a bomb on this good feeling of being praised.

“Oops, the drinks for the toast are all gone. Let’s order some more. Is beer okay?”

I’ve got to distract them somehow and get through this. Can I use the blessing of the bath to get out of this?

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