The Bloodline System

Chapter 1229 Its A Panic Attack

Chapter 1229 Its A Panic Attack

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter



A jet of yellow flames bursted forth with intensity, slamming into the creature ahead and sending it flying.

"Tiiiaaaahhh!" The skeletal creature made loud noises as its wings and skull caught fire whjle it flapped away rapidly, trying to put it out.

"We have to go now!" E.E yelled.

"But Gustav..." Angy was nearly in tears.

"He would have wanted us to continue, let's go!" E.E yelled once more causing Angy to snap out of her reverie.

She didn't want to disappoint Gustav and quickly straightened up. They both dashed forward together in the next instant before leaping toward the last golden board.


They managed to make the jump and both, moved towards the golden platform up ahead. The area Gustav had picked out for them to hide was only a few feet away at this point, so they hurried forward as quickly as they could.


A sudden loud screehed announced the approach of another of these skeletal flying beasts.

Angy and E.E were speeding forward as quickly as they could towards what looked like a gate made of golden rods up ahead.

These golden rods were lined up in such a way that they had formed something like a gate before the entry point to a small space with a dead end. It was like a fairly spacious room.

The spaces in between the rods were large enough for them to slither in but with the beast chasing from behind, they might not get to it.

"Go, go, go Angy," E.E said while pushing her forward as one of the sketal creatures landed right behind them.

It grabbed hold of E.E before he could tap on his Iov bracelet, lifting him into the air as Angy fell forward, arriving before the gate like area.

"E.E!" She yelled with indignation while holding onto one of the golden bars for support.

At this same moment, a blast of green energy shot forth from behind, ramming strongly into the creature in mid air.

"Siiiiihhhhhh!" The skeletal beast cried in pain as it slammed into multiple golden poles ahead.

It subconsciously let go of E.E before tumbling towards the ground below.


E.E landed back on the golden platform before the gate of rods up ahead with a look of relief.

"We thought you were toast," E.E voiced out at the incoming figure up behind.

"I guess not," Gustav replied as he ran forward.

"We need to go now!" He said with a tone of urgency while helping E.E up.

Behind them was a flurry of the same type of creatures approaching while ahead of them was a small space with golden like gates which was currently detaching from the platform they were standing on.

The Golden Entrapment was always in a constant state of change so their current position within it was not excluded from the change.

Golden rods began to shoot upwards, while some curved, forming a different look. The platform they stood on began spreading in length while Angy's position began shifting as the golden gate began moving anticlockwise along with the space they were supposed to hide in.

"Get in now!" Gustav yelled to Angy who quickly reacted by slithering in through the spaces in the golden rods.

Just as she did the, platform before the space got separated, giving Gustav and E.E more distance to cover.

Pa! Pa! Pa!

As their feet drummed heavily on the platform, the creatures behind also sent out attacks, causing the path behind them to begin crumbling.

"Jump!" Gustav yelled as they arrived at the ledge.

Thuumm! Thuumm!

They both leapt forward as the platform completely crumbled behind them due to the attacks.

Gustav and E.E managed to grab hold of the golden pole like gate as it moved across the air while the structure was undergoing change.

Their legs hung far above the ground as they kicked in mid air repeatedly, trying to pull themselves up and slither through any of the spaces in between the golden poles.

Angy helped them both by pulling upwards as much as she could since she was already inside the small space.

"Phew! That was close," E.E breathed in and out profusely as he laid on the floor of this moving space.

Underneath his helm, sweat could be spotted on Gustav's face as he placed his back against the golden wall by the side and slumped down in tiredness.

"How did you manage to survive that?" Angy voiced with a look of astonishment as she sat beside him.

"I didn't... fall off," Gustav replied with hurried breathing pattern. He was just as exhausted as E.E.

It had been so long since he felt exhausion of this level, he had nearly forgotten the feeling of powerlessness.

When he got hit by the attack of the skeletal beast earlier, it looked like he fell off the platform but he had managed to hold onto the ledge.

it took all of his strength to pull himself back up after taking that sort of attack. Of course it would have been way worse if they didn't have ths protective cover of the Iov bracelet, but it still felt extremely painful regardless.

Fortunately, he managed to get back the time he did or E.E would have been a goner. Now Gustav and Angy had made use of one of their attacks each so they were down to two each.

Gustav could feel his sight blurring as he kept breathing in and out profusely.

'What's... wrong...?" He wondered as the environment suddenly began to give off a sense of vagueness.

~"Gustav... are you okay...?"~

Sound had turned fleeting as his senses dulled ans an impending feeling of doom assaulted his mind.

"Huff! Huff! Huff!"

Angy could see that from the irregular movement of his body as he sat in a voluntary state, something was wrong.

"E.E!" Angy quickly called out to E.E with a worried sxpression.

E.E skittled over and shook Gustav a couple of times while uttering words that Gustav was currently unable to pay attention to. Everything was fleeting at this moment except for the impending sense of doom.

'I'm... I'm... Afraid....?' Gustav's vision turned red for a bit before flashbacks played out in his mind.

"It's a panic attack, he's having a panic attack," E.E voiced with a tone of realisation to Angy.

"What do we do?" Angy expression turned from troubled to immensely disturbed as she held onto Gustav's head and kept yelling words that Gustav couldn't hear.

"We can only try comforting him with words but I'm not sure he can hear us," E.E stated.

"Gustav! Listen to me, everything is gonna be fine okay? I'm here, I'm here," Angy voiced out loudly while holding his head.

She proceeded to hug him to her body, placing his head right on her chest while patting his back softly and rhythmically.

Gustav's body was still jerking back and forth due to his erratic breathing pattern but soon he began to feel the sense of doom rescind.

Pat! Pat! Pat!



Upon releasing a loud screeh, it began attacking the golden colored gate like poles repeatedly.

The gentle pats on his back, slowly caused him to regain a bit of clarity as his mind which was initially running with a lot of thoughts began to calm.

Like a baby who had relaxed in the arms of its mother, Gustav remained in place, laying on Angy as minutes went by.

"Phew," E.E relaxed as he noticed that Gustav had calmed and stood up to stare at the gate like entry point of the small space.


The instant he was one feet away, the massive skeletal face of a beast appeared. Its dark wings flapped repeatedly as its body floated before the structure.


Upon releasing a loud screeh, it began attacking the golden colored gate like poles repeatedly.

Clang! Clang!

E.E quickly swerved out of the way as purplish arcs slammed against the poles and some busted into the small space.

Its claws repeatedly slashed against the gate like poles but there was no damage. However, E.E didn't want the noise to attract the others or have one of the residue energy from its attacks hit Gustav and Angy. He quickly stepped forward after moving out of the way initially.

"Ssiiihhhhhh!" The skeletal beast screehed loudly again causing its mouth to open wide as purplish light gathered within it.

"Ugly, your breath stinks, do you use that to talk to your mother?" E.E voiced as he tapped on his Iov bracelet.

[Black Bolt Transporter]

The name of the attack appeared on E.E's bracelet as he stretched forth his left arm.


A black circulear beam shot forward, encapsulating the entire of the creature ahead.

The creature was startled and began attacking the circular black barrier surrounding it, frantically.

However, this was to no avail as the space within the black beam shrinked and it ascended further into the air.


The circular beam flew off into the distance with the beast within, returning a bit of tranquility to the environment.

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