The Enchanting Empress Dowager Is Really Poisonous

Volume 2 Chapter 6 - The Thousand Shadows Guards!

Volume 2 Chapter 6 - The Thousand Shadows Guards!

Just after returning from Nanshan, Leng Jiu received a message from Leng Yue, asking her to leave the palace. Leng Jiu was unsure of his intentions but had heard from Du Heng that Leng Yue’s time in the capital had come to an end, and he was heading back to the military camp!

Leng Jiu summoned Qing Ling to disguise herself as Leng Jiu, and she, in turn, disguised herself as Qing Ling before leaving the palace.

She knocked on the door of the General’s residence, and it was Chang Qing who opened it, looking astonished upon seeing Leng Jiu: “Qing Ling! Why are you back?”

Leng Jiu walked in and closed the door behind her, giving him a sideways glance: “It’s me!”

After a moment, Chang Qing recognized her voice: “Oh, it’s Miss Leng!”

Leng Jiu ignored him and headed straight for Leng Yue’s study. After some thought, she asked Chang Qing to bring water to wash off the disguise before proceeding to the study.

Leng Yue’s injuries had long since healed, and he was now sitting at his desk reading a book, still dressed in the same dark blue attire, calm and reserved. Every aspect of him exuded a reassuring aura. Every time Leng Jiu saw him, she felt as if she were the younger sister, or perhaps it was because his presence was too reminiscent of someone else. That familiar yet slightly sentimental feeling made her view him a bit differently.

She walked over and snatched the book from his hands: “Calling me here just to put on an act, it’s tiring to watch, let alone do!”

She threw the book onto the desk: “So, what did you want?”

Leng Yue, empty-handed, had to put down his arms and looked up at the woman beside him. His deep, cool eyes took a moment before he spoke, his tone cold and steady: “What is your relationship with Hua Jin Zhi?”

Leng Jiu raised an eyebrow: “What do you think?”

Leng Yue didn’t look at her, his gaze slightly lowered: “That day you drank his hehuan wine, do you know the implications? If someone with ill intentions had seen it, how would the people at Feng Yu react? Even if you don’t care, you should still be cautious. Your current status is the Empress Dowager, and any mistakes will bring severe criticism and disgrace!”

Leng Jiu twirled a lock of hair and responded: “Is this concern from my older brother, or is it advice from General Leng?”

Leng Yue looked at her indifferent expression and frowned slightly: “Whichever it is, it’s for your own good!”

Leng Jiu smiled, leaning in close to Leng Yue, her voice cold: “If it’s concern from my brother, I’ll accept it. If it’s the latter, sorry, I don’t.”

Sensing Leng Yue’s coldness, Leng Jiu straightened up: “The reason you’re so insistent is probably to prevent me from being caught in a scandal and tainting the reputation of the Empress Dowager or the Leng family. But while you care about that, I don’t!”

Leng Yue’s temper flared: “You’re a woman, and you don’t care about your reputation?”

Leng Jiu sneered: “A woman of twenty, destined to live a lonely life in a cold palace with a prestigious title? Would you like to try it, General Leng? Living alone in the palace, maintaining the role of Empress Dowager, unable to do anything—if you were in my place, you’d go mad. Reputation means nothing; others may feel comfortable, but I’m not that foolish!”

Leng Yue’s anger subsided a little: “Even so, you must avoid Hua Jin Zhi. If you don’t want to be Empress Dowager, I can arrange for Qing Ling to take your place. The Empress Dowager will be seriously ill and die in a year or so. You can then take on a new identity, marry someone, and live a peaceful life.”

Leng Yue’s words were sincere, but Leng Jiu was ungrateful: “General’s good intentions are noted, but I don’t need you to plan my life. I’m quite comfortable as the Empress Dowager and have no interest in a peaceful life. Who I interact with is none of your concern. If you want to avoid disgrace to the Leng family, just focus on your cover. Don’t meddle in other matters!”

Leng Yue’s barely suppressed anger flared up again. He hadn’t been this angry in years, but how many times had this person triggered his rage? “Jing Hua! Must you be this way?”

Leng Jiu raised her hand to stop him, very seriously: “If you don’t believe I’m Leng Jing Hua, I’m your sister, so don’t use Jing Hua to address me. I have a new name: Leng Jiu. From now on, please call me Leng Jiu!”

“And if you still want to lecture me, don’t bother. I won’t listen, and your current attitude doesn’t qualify you to lecture me!”

Leng Jiu turned to leave, regretting coming out in the first place. As she was about to exit, her hand was suddenly grabbed with a force that nearly crushed her bones, showing the owner’s anger. Yet, the voice behind her remained calm: “What if I don’t let you return to the palace?”

Leng Jiu turned around with a mischievous smile: “Are you planning to imprison me?”

Leng Yue gazed at her quietly: “I’ll take you away from here. Whatever you want to do, I’ll agree to it!”

Leng Jiu suddenly laughed, her other hand caressing Leng Yue’s face, with a chilly, flirtatious smile: “Don’t say things like that, or I might think you’re in love with me!”

Leng Yue grabbed her other hand, his eyes deep as the sea, seemingly trying to pull her in. After a while, he said in a deep voice: “What if I said I am?”

Leng Jiu looked at him incredulously: “That’s not funny at all…”

As soon as she finished speaking, Leng Jiu lost her balance and uncontrollably fell into Leng Yue’s embrace. Then, her lips felt a chill—he had kissed her? Staring at his handsome face close up, her eyes widened in shock, her mind momentarily blank. What was happening?

Leng Yue’s kiss was brief, lasting less than two seconds before he pulled away and looked at her: “Is this convincing?”

Leng Jiu blinked, almost laughing: “You kissed me just to prove you love me?”

Leng Yue didn’t nod or speak, but it was implied.

“Ha ha ha!” Leng Jiu laughed and leaned on the desk, moving out of Leng Yue’s embrace. Turning to face him, she wiped her lips: “I heard you’re leaving tomorrow. I wish you a smooth journey. It’s getting late, so I’ll take my leave!”

Leng Yue watched Leng Jiu leave, and only after she had gone for a long while did he touch his own lips, which felt scorchingly hot!

Leng Jiu had not been out of the palace for half a month, so she wasn’t in a hurry to return. With Qing Ling covering for her in the palace, she took her time and went to visit the courtyard instead.

“Miss Jiu!” Kong Xiang Yun greeted her warmly upon arrival. She had recovered well over the past half-month and looked more vibrant, showing a touch of grace.

“Auntie!” Leng Jiu smiled slightly: “How have you been these days?”

Kong Xiang Yun nodded vigorously: “Thanks to Miss Jiu!”

Leng Jiu exchanged a few casual words with Kong Xiang Yun before going to find Zhu Kong Yang, as she needed to discuss some business matters with him.

“Miss Jiu!” Zhu Kong Yang was excited to see her. His legs had healed, though not fully recovered, allowing him to walk with difficulty.

Leng Jiu nodded: “In another half-month, you should be able to walk freely. I’m here to discuss some business matters.”

Zhu Kong Yang said: “I’ve been recovering and took the opportunity to write down some ideas. I wanted to show them to you!”

“Let’s go in and talk.”

Zhu Kong Yang hurried inside and brought over a stack of papers from the desk: “Take a look!”

Leng Jiu sat down and reviewed the papers, which included designs and industry details, as well as location and channels. Zhu Kong Yang explained: “My father’s business mainly involves tea houses and tea estates, which I’m familiar with. I know the supply channels, tea quality, and industry rules quite well. If we focus on this, I’m confident. However, I know you might want more, so I also listed options for restaurants and fabric shops. The restaurant is somewhat similar to a tea house, and my mother’s family used to run a fabric shop. Although it’s fallen on hard times, it still has a foundation, and my mother was skilled in fabric. These two options are more reliable. I haven’t dabbled much in other areas, so I didn’t include them.”

After reading through, Leng Jiu set the papers down and smiled slightly: “Your ideas are good and practical, but with these, you can only be a steady businessman, not a major player!”

Zhu Kong Yang lowered his head in embarrassment: “My father used to say the same thing—he had plenty of experience but lacked the courage. He could maintain the business but wasn’t able to start anew!”

Leng Jiu raised her gaze: “Even the dullest sword, if sharpened, will eventually find its edge. You’ve been following in your father’s footsteps, and your business path has been too smooth, leaving you no opportunity to hone your skills. But now it’s different. I will provide you with money and advice, but how to open and run the business will be entirely up to you. In other words, aside from the funds, I won’t offer any further assistance. This will test your abilities!”

Zhu Kong Yang nodded earnestly: “I understand!”

“Since you’re familiar with tea houses, start with that. Don’t think that because it’s your area of expertise, there’s no pressure. On the contrary, because it’s your field and considering your previous status, this path will be harder than any other. You’ll face not only pressure from established shops but also from the Zhu family’s madam and eldest son, who will never allow you to rise again. So you must be prepared to confront them, or even be ready for another severe setback!”

Zhu Kong Yang clearly understood this and wasn’t surprised: “I will be cautious.”

“Cautious?” Leng Jiu sneered, “Do you think being cautious will prevent others from undermining you? Can you rise under such pressure just by being cautious? Zhu Kong Yang, I need a business that can rise quickly, not one that survives in the cracks. If you can’t muster the determination to fight the Zhu family and establish yourself in the capital, then I advise you to give up now. Even if my money were picked up off the street, I won’t give it to someone with no ambition to waste!”

Zhu Kong Yang was deeply embarrassed and, after a moment of silence, he gritted his teeth and looked at Leng Jiu with determination: “Miss Jiu, don’t worry. I will succeed. I swear on my life. If I fail, I am willing to commit suicide in front of you!”

Leng Jiu’s expression softened slightly: “That’s what you said.”

Zhu Kong Yang raised three fingers to the sky: “I swear on my life!”

Leng Jiu was finally somewhat satisfied: “For now, focus on getting things ready. Once the shop is set, tell Mo Di, and he will assist you in finalizing it.”


Leaving Zhu Kong Yang’s courtyard, Leng Jiu couldn’t help but shake her head and chuckle. She hadn’t done this for years, and now everything had to start from scratch.

She walked to Mo Yina’s room, where Mo Yina was practicing seductive glances in front of a mirror. Surprisingly, after these days, her gaze did have a somewhat enchanting quality.

“Jiu jie, you’re here!” Seeing Leng Jiu, Mo Yina immediately dropped the flirtatious look and ran over to cling to her.

Leng Jiu went to her vanity and picked up an eyeliner brush: “Sit down!”

Mo Yina obediently sat down, and Leng Jiu bent over to apply eyeliner for her. Her hand was precise, effortlessly drawing the lines. After a few strokes, Mo Yina’s eye shape changed, giving her a naturally alluring look. Mo Yina’s eyes widened as she saw the result: “So amazing!”

Leng Jiu clapped her hands: “Makeup is a woman’s greatest weapon. Even the most beautiful woman will appear plain without makeup. A well-done makeup determines the quality of a woman’s appearance. Therefore, learning how to apply makeup is essential!”

Mo Yina nodded vigorously, admiring Leng Jiu deeply and eager to learn everything from her. “Jiu jie, since you’ve said so, please teach me quickly. I will study seriously!”

Seeing her eagerness, Leng Jiu smiled helplessly and picked up the brush again to teach her step by step. Many people advocate natural beauty, but Leng Jiu didn’t believe it. Most of those beautiful women had makeup, just in varying degrees of intensity!

Mo Yina was diligent and didn’t tire of learning. Although she was a good student, it was quite taxing for the teacher. Leng Jiu ended up teaching her until dark, her hand aching from applying makeup!

“Jiu jie!” Mo Yina eagerly rubbed Leng Jiu’s shoulders and arms: “Aunt Kong is cooking dinner tonight. You don’t know how delicious her food is. Please stay for the meal!”

Leng Jiu waved her off: “Enough! I’m not angry. Why are you so nervous?”

Mo Yina immediately laughed but remained flattering: “Jiu jie, you’re the best!”

Leng Jiu gave her a disapproving glance and ignored her!

Dinner was personally served by Kong Xiangyun. With five dishes and a soup, the room was filled with delicious aromas. Even without tasting it, one could tell it was exquisite. Kong Xiangyun set the table and said, “Miss Jiu, you haven’t had my cooking before, so I made this especially for you. Don’t find it lacking!”

Leng Jiu looked at the dishes and smiled: “I’m afraid that if I taste Aunt Kong’s cooking, I might not enjoy food from other cooks in the future. That would be a problem!”

“That’s right! Once you’ve had Aunt Kong’s cooking, you won’t want anything else!” Mo Yina flattered.

Kong Xiangyun smiled and said nothing!

As dinner was being served, Mo Di entered, his face slightly damp, obviously having washed up before coming. When he saw Leng Jiu, he paused briefly, nodded to her, and then sat down in his place, remaining silent!

Mo Yina, irritated, nudged Mo Di: “Brother! How come you’re so wooden? Didn’t you use to be cold but not like a block of wood? Even if you’ve been hit hard, you shouldn’t be so expressionless in front of Jiu jie. How will you ever win her over like this?”

Leng Jiu had gotten used to Mo Di’s expressionless silence, so she didn’t mind. She ate quietly, occasionally responding to Mo Yina’s remarks, and the dinner passed this way.

“Jiu jie! Stay with me tonight, please?” Mo Yina started to act cute.

Leng Jiu grabbed her hand: “Don’t try that. It won’t work!”

Mo Yina watched as Leng Jiu walked away, then turned and kicked Mo Di: “Aren’t you going to see Jiu jie off? Are you really going to let her go back alone at night?”

Mo Di initially wanted to say she didn’t need him to accompany her but was kicked twice by Mo Yina. He finally followed her, wondering if Leng Jiu would be upset if she knew he was following her. However, he soon realized his worry was unnecessary, as Leng Jiu stopped at the Prime Minister’s residence!

Leng Jiu looked at the gate and sighed deeply. When did she come to the point of needing to coax a man? She took out the jade gourd: “Well, I’m here now!”

“Knock knock!”

“Who’s there?” The gatekeeper Xiao Qian’s voice came, followed by the gate opening slightly. When he saw Leng Jiu, he widened his eyes: “Miss Jiu, why are you here so late?”

Leng Jiu shrugged helplessly: “Your master is in a bad mood today, so I’m here to cheer him up!”

Xiao Qian thought about how the master had returned at noon and didn’t doubt Leng Jiu’s words. He quickly opened the gate for her: “Indeed, the master was fine when he left in the morning, but when he returned at noon, he was as if he had fallen into an ice pit, freezing to the bone!”

“I know the way. I can go by myself!” Leng Jiu stopped him from escorting her.

Xiao Qian handed her a lantern and reminded her to be careful. After she walked away, he suddenly felt something was odd: “Why did Miss Jiu mention the master instead of Young Master Yuwei? Did the master tell her his identity?”

When Leng Jiu arrived at Gong Yuwei’s room, she found Uncle Xiang there. A servant came out with food and spoke to Uncle Xiang, who sighed helplessly and waved him away!

Leng Jiu approached and gently patted Uncle Xiang’s back. He turned around abruptly, surprised: “Miss…”

“Shh!” Leng Jiu placed her finger on her lips, signaling him to be quiet.

Uncle Xiang understood and lowered his voice but was still a bit excited: “Why is Miss Jiu here?”

Leng Jiu shook the jade gourd in her hand: “Your master has been upset today, so I’m here to cheer him up!”

Uncle Xiang smiled when he heard this. Perhaps this was the silver lining after enduring the storm? “The master has been angry all afternoon and is now lying in bed. Miss Jiu should make sure to cheer him up. He hasn’t eaten all afternoon and will be starving!”

“Understood!” Leng Jiu signaled to Uncle Xiang and went through the door.

Uncle Xiang finally let out a sigh of relief, dismissing the other servants and closing the door, staying there personally!

This was Leng Jiu’s first time entering Gong Yuwei’s room. The entire room was as orderly as its occupant, with no extravagance at all—simple to the extreme! At the far end was a screen, behind which was his bed. Leng Jiu peered around the screen and saw him lying on the bed, radiating coldness!

Sensing someone approaching, Gong Yuwei coldly said, “Get out!”

Leng Jiu walked over and sat by his bedside.

“Who allowed you to come in?” Gong Yuwei turned angrily but froze when he saw Leng Jiu, then abruptly turned away, his demeanor growing colder: “Get out!”

Leng Jiu sighed and held out the jade gourd in front of him, shaking it: “Don’t you really want this?”

Seeing him unresponsive, Leng Jiu pretended to retract her hand: “If you don’t want it, I’ll take it back!”

Gong Yuwei suddenly reached out and snatched the jade gourd away, his voice still cold: “You can leave now!”

Leng Jiu feigned patting her sleeves and stood up: “I was planning to keep you company, but since you don’t like it, I’ll go. I won’t come back in the future!”

After taking a few steps, she felt two piercing gazes on her back, as if they would shoot her if she took another step!

Leng Jiu turned to look at him: “I really am leaving now!”

Gong Yuwei remained silent. Leng Jiu took a few more steps, and as she was about to exit the screen, Gong Yuwei finally spoke: “If you leave again, don’t come back!”

Leng Jiu smiled, placing her foot down and slowly returned to his bedside. Ignoring Gong Yuwei’s cold stare, she sat down and used her usual tone: “That’s not acceptable. I still want to see my big brother!”

Gong Yuwei turned his cold face away, unmoved!

Recognizing his stubbornness, Leng Jiu decided not to coax him further. She removed her shoes and climbed onto the bed directly!

Gong Yuwei’s body tensed up immediately, his face showing nervousness: “What are you doing?”

Leng Jiu lifted the blanket and lay down: “Chatting under the blanket!”

Gong Yuwei’s face reddened slightly, but he was not as easily embarrassed as usual. The events of the day had clearly shaken him. He sat up abruptly and said angrily: “Get out! I don’t want to talk to you!”

Leng Jiu grabbed him, not waiting for resistance, and rolled over to pin him beneath her. Seeing him about to shout in anger, she leaned down and kissed him. His body stiffened, and then everything went silent!

His lips were unexpectedly warm and soft, unlike his icy demeanor, making Leng Jiu reluctant to let go. Seeing his surprised expression, she bit his lip without mercy, making Gong Yuwei wince in pain and glare at her, but he remained silent!

Leng Jiu released his lips and looked at the red mark, smiling: “This mark will probably take several days to fade. It looks like you won’t be able to attend court for a while!”

Gong Yuwei glared at her fiercely, this time with a mix of shyness and anger!

Ignoring his expression, Leng Jiu covered him with the blanket and embraced him tightly, sighing contentedly: “So this is how it feels to hug someone you like. It’s truly comforting!”

Gong Yuwei’s body shook at her words, his eyes filled with disbelief!

Leng Jiu nuzzled his face and, with a sigh, asked: “So, did you see today?”

Gong Yuwei’s shyness and agitation were immediately frozen by her words, and his aura turned cold again!

Leng Jiu sighed and raised her head to meet his gaze: “I can’t lie to you and say it was forced, nor will I deny what you might think. This is just who I am. To me, men are just men. I can have many men, kiss and embrace them, and even engage in the most intimate activities. Even if you didn’t see it today, you will know in the future!”

Gong Yuwei’s eyes widened in disbelief, as if her words had completely overturned his understanding and beliefs!

Leng Jiu sighed and sat up: “I admit that I like you, and you are the first man I’ve liked. That’s why I came to comfort you. I won’t force you to accept me, nor will I insist on anything. I just want you to know who I am. If you’re willing, I can be your lover, like I mentioned before about being a girlfriend. If you can’t accept that, we can return to our original roles. You continue as the prime minister, and I as the empress dowager. Don’t make promises of lifelong fidelity for my sake; such a commitment is too heavy for you to give, and I can’t bear it!”

Seeing Gong Yuwei’s still expressionless face, Leng Jiu smiled: “I came today just to tell you these things. Now that I’ve said them, think it over. Remember to eat. If you’re not well, you won’t have the energy to think!”

She lifted the blanket, put on her shoes, and paused before leaving without looking back.

After closing the door, she smiled at Uncle Xiang: “Please send something in for him. It’s not good for him to go hungry!”

Uncle Xiang nodded quickly: “I’ll prepare it right away!”

Seeing Leng Jiu about to leave, Uncle Xiang said: “The night road is unsafe. Why not stay here tonight? The guest rooms are all empty!”

Leng Jiu shook her head: “No need! I’m used to traveling at night and I’m not afraid! Just take good care of him!”

With that, she left, walking through several corridors and flower halls to the main gate. Seeing Little Qian asleep on the side, she didn’t disturb him and opened the heavy door herself. As she was about to step out, she suddenly felt her clothes being pulled. Surprised, she turned to see Gong Yuwei standing quietly behind her, his eyes filled with a complex and struggling expression. After a long moment, he murmured: “You said you like me!”

Uncle Xiang, who had followed, heard this and was surprised. Observing the atmosphere between Gong Yuwei and Leng Jiu, he wisely retreated to the distance and became an invisible observer!

Leng Jiu closed the door, staring at him: “Yes! I like you! Yesterday, I was troubled all afternoon by your words. I drank Bamboo Leaf Green and was drunk all night. It was only this morning that I realized I’ve fallen for you. I originally intended to tell you when the opportunity arose, but since you saw that scene on Feng Mountain, I came to clarify things!”

Gong Yuwei’s lips pressed together, staring at her: “Did you think I would reject this and then distance myself from you?”

Leng Jiu paused, then nodded: “Yes, that’s one possibility. It would be better for both of us!”

“Do you know that’s very selfish?” Gong Yuwei’s voice suddenly rose, clearly angry, his eyes filled with hurt as he looked at Leng Jiu. He took deep breaths to calm himself but tightened his grip on her clothes. In a tone of near desperation, he said: “I won’t allow it! I can accept you as the empress dowager, and I can remain unmarried for you. I won’t put pressure on you or ask you to be with me. But I won’t let you distance yourself from me. I—will—not—allow it!”

Leng Jiu looked at Gong Yuwei’s stubborn and resolute expression, opening her mouth but unable to say a word. Her heart, however, was stirred by his words, the feeling lingering!

The two stared at each other, clearly seeing every emotion in each other’s eyes without any chance to evade. After a long while, Leng Jiu turned to Uncle Xiang, who was nearby: “Uncle Xiang! Is the food ready? Your master needs to eat!”

Gong Yuwei, upon hearing this, was immediately furious: “You…”

Leng Jiu held his hand and gently patted it, standing on her toes to quickly kiss the corner of his mouth with a look of indulgence and affection: “Got it! You just want to cling to me, right? I’ll let you cling as long as you want. When you don’t want to anymore, just let me go, okay?”

Gong Yuwei wanted to say something but was at a loss for words. Watching Leng Jiu’s playful and affectionate demeanor, his anger gradually disappeared.

“Let’s go! Time for dinner!” Leng Jiu pulled Gong Yuwei’s hand, as if leading a child, back into the room.

Uncle Xiang had already set up the meal, and then everyone else left, leaving the space to the two of them!

Leng Jiu sat Gong Yuwei down, picked up the chopsticks, and served him some meat: “Eat up! You haven’t eaten all afternoon, so you must be hungry!”

Gong Yuwei looked at her, moved his lips a few times, and then began eating slowly. Even though he was still sulking, his actions were proper; he didn’t serve himself but ate the food Leng Jiu served him. Leng Jiu had to keep serving him until he finished a bowl of rice!

Leng Jiu had never served someone like this before, but for Gong Yuwei, she managed to endure it. After all, serving him wasn’t too tiring, and seeing him eat only the food she served gave her a small sense of satisfaction!

After dinner, Leng Jiu had to leave. As she turned to go, Gong Yuwei, now somewhat anxious, grabbed her hand. He wanted to pull away but restrained himself, holding her hand tightly: “It’s so late. It’s unsafe for you to return alone. I’ll have a room prepared for you!”

Leng Jiu considered it, and since she wasn’t in a hurry, she agreed. Gong Yuwei’s usually cold demeanor showed a slight sign of warmth.

He ordered Uncle Xiang to prepare a room and then returned to sit across from Leng Jiu, watching her silently.

A moment! Two moments! Three moments! Finally, Gong Yuwei couldn’t stay silent anymore and asked Leng Jiu: “Why aren’t you saying anything?”

Leng Jiu tilted her head and smiled: “I thought you were competing with me to see who could keep silent longer?”

Gong Yuwei turned his face away, clearly annoyed. Leng Jiu was speechless. Although Gong Yuwei had always been cold, he hadn’t been this petty before. What’s with all this sulking? Still, Leng Jiu actually liked this side of him; it made the process of soothing him more enjoyable!

She moved her chair closer and rested her chin on his shoulder: “You’re not talking to me, so I thought you were still angry. I’ve already said everything, and if you ignore me, what more can I say? I’m afraid of annoying you!”

Gong Yuwei moved his lips and spoke quietly: “You used to pester me for a long time even when I didn’t speak to you.”

Leng Jiu replied: “That was in the past. Back then, you wouldn’t get so angry with me.”

Gong Yuwei turned his face to look at her, finally mustering the courage to take her hand and wrap it in his palm, carefully, as if it were a dream. After a long while, he called out: “Xiao Jiu.”

Leng Jiu extended her other hand to hold his, resting her head on his shoulder. His scent was clean, like snow, devoid of any strong fragrance—slightly cool but soothing: “Big Brother! From now on, just treat me as Xiao Jiu. Is that alright?”

Gong Yuwei’s expression was somewhat subdued, but he didn’t know what to do, and he nodded: “Mm.”

Leng Jiu smiled slightly, snuggling closer to Gong Yuwei, feeling very happy to have finally soothed this stubborn man!

When Xiang Shu had prepared the room, Leng Jiu got up to leave. Although Gong Yuwei wanted her to stay, his sense of propriety prevented him from speaking up. He watched Leng Jiu leave with a look of melancholy.

Xiang Shu saw Gong Yuwei’s expression and sighed inwardly, thinking that the path of love for the young master is still long.

Leng Jiu, content with wherever she was, slept soundly through the night. By morning, she dressed and went to Gong Yuwei’s room only to find he wasn’t there. She wondered aloud: “Xiang Shu! Did he go to the morning court?”

Xiang Shu, recalling the mark on Gong Yuwei’s lips from this morning, couldn’t help but smile. Last night, the light had been too dim to see clearly, but this morning, he understood why Gong Yuwei had sent someone to request leave early: “No! The master is in the study reading. Miss, you should go find him. I’ll have breakfast sent in shortly.”


Leng Jiu went to the study as directed by Xiang Shu. From a distance, she saw Gong Yuwei sitting there reading, deeply focused.

She approached and called from the window: “Good morning!”

Gong Yuwei’s book shook slightly, his expression became a bit awkward, and he looked at Leng Jiu, his icy demeanor seeming to thaw a bit: “Morning.”

Leng Jiu always found interacting with Gong Yuwei pleasant, but conversing with him was tiring due to his few words. At this moment, she had to come up with a topic herself: “What book are you reading?”

Gong Yuwei turned the book around to show her: “Records of the Four Continents.”

Leng Jiu recognized it as a scholarly book and wasn’t particularly interested. Fortunately, Xiang Shu arrived with the meal, so she didn’t need to find a topic anymore.

During breakfast with Gong Yuwei, she didn’t need to serve him food today. Last night’s awkwardness was gone, and now he ate neatly by himself, showing a natural discomfort.

After dinner, Leng Jiu said goodbye to Gong Yuwei, as she had many other tasks to attend to.

Once Leng Jiu left, Gong Yuwei couldn’t focus on his book, sitting by the window lost in thought for half an hour. Xiang Shu was worried, thinking that if Gong Yuwei wanted to keep Leng Jiu around, he should just say so instead of sitting there in a daze. Young people’s ways are beyond their understanding!

Leng Jiu initially planned to visit Mo Di but remembered that Leng Yue was leaving today. Although she wasn’t particularly fond of him, she headed to the General’s residence. However, when she arrived, she was informed that Leng Yue had already left early in the morning, leaving only a letter for her!

Leng Jiu took the letter and went to Leng Yue’s room, finding it empty. She opened the envelope, which didn’t have a name on it, and a thick stack of paper fell out. The writing matched the characters she had found in the palace—neat and precise, like the person himself.

The contents of the letter surprised Leng Jiu. She had expected Leng Yue to be angry with her after yesterday, especially since he now believed she wasn’t his sister and had discovered her affair with Hua Jin Zhi. She thought he would be furious and wouldn’t show her a good face, but instead, he revealed these secrets to her!

The people who had been following her out of the palace included someone from Long Yi’s faction and someone from the late emperor’s faction. She could understand Long Yi’s interest, but why was the old emperor’s faction involved? Now she understood.

The late emperor once had a mysterious force called the ‘Thousand Shadows Guard,’ which was like a hidden guard but even more formidable. They were skilled not only in combat but also in gathering intelligence. No one knew their whereabouts, but almost no information was unknown to them. The late emperor used this force to monitor everyone, including his own son and consorts. If they detected any rebellious intentions, their other duty was to pass judgment—essentially, to kill without leaving a trace. Officials feared this force, and it kept them in check. However, the force disappeared without a trace after the old emperor’s death.

No one knew where they went except the old emperor. Given that Leng Jinghua was the only one by his side in his final months, she was most likely to know their whereabouts, or perhaps they were under her control…

“No wonder!” Leng Jiu folded the letter, burned it with a candle, and thought to herself. She wasn’t the real Leng Jinghua, and although she was in her body, she didn’t have her memories. She couldn’t be sure if the force was truly in her hands, but whether it was or not, it was worth investigating. If it was in her hands, she certainly wouldn’t let it go.


AN = The update vote was not very effective, but I still posted a second update. This is a reward for my supporters! Don’t forget to leave a comment after reading!

Thanks to xxsy1214 and Hua Rong Yi for their votes. xxsy1214, don’t worry about getting ten votes; I know your intentions, and I appreciate it. The update prompt is effective from tomorrow, so rest assured, there will be updates tomorrow as well!

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