The Exiled First-born of the Noble house. Rising to the top with the Worthless Skill [Null Poison]

Chapter AS3

Chapter AS3

Afterstory 3

“Damn, this potion’s amazing. Due to the backlash of overusing my skills, I was sure I’d be unable to move for like a couple of days at least but………I can already move again.”

“I told you didn’t I!? Just leave it all to me! But still, Drake, I’m glad you’re still alive man! I honestly don’t know what I’d have done if you had died!”

“I mean, you’re the one who beat me to the verge of death though? That aside, if that guy’s here then that means……”

“Yeah, Klaus is dead by my hands. Don’t expect an apology.”

“Why would I? I’m the one that’s the most relieved from the fact that he’s finally dead.”

Drake said that but, I could faintly tell that he still felt a little sad about it.

I’m sure he did indeed hate Klaus but, I guess he wasn’t able to bring himself to completely despise him either——or something like that, at least.

“What about Elphas?………is she also dead?”

“………..yes. She stabbed her own chest with a dagger, and activated a spell that manipulated her own body to attack.”

“I had a feeling she might resort to that. As for Elphas I——-nah, forget about it. Did you at least bury her?”

“Not yet. Her body was still perfectly intact and undamaged so, we were thinking of heading there and picking it up.”

“If you don’t mind, mind taking me with you guys? I want to give her a proper burial at least. I know it’s selfish of me to ask after we all tried to kill you guys but……..please, I humbly request.”

Drake bent his giant body and bowed towards us.

Personally, I’d prefer to refuse but, I’m sure Ralf would readily agree to it without hesitation.

“Of course you can! Drake, you should return back alongside us!”

“Oi, don’t decide that on your own Ralf. I know you said that he’s your friend now but, that doesn’t mean I’ll suddenly start trusting him as well without hearing the full story.”

“It’s fine Chris! Drake’s a nice dude!”

Saying that, Ralf smiled towards me and gave a thumbs up.

That was hardly a satisfactory explanation but, if Ralf really trusts him that much then it probably is alright.

It’s hard for someone like me to suddenly accept a guy, that was our enemy until just a couple hours go, as a comrade but…………if Ralf is speaking this highly of him, I can’t really refuse him either.

I gave a big sigh and then walked right in front of Drake to talk to him directly.

“If you try anything even remotely weird, I will kill you on the spot. Ralf’s a kind guy but, I’m not the type to trust people that easily. I don’t think I need to say this at this point but, I am that Klaus’ older brother after all, understand?”

“………I know. I have well and truly accepted my defeat so don’t worry, I won’t try anything strange.”

“Then that’s that. There’s a lot we’ll have to explain to you too so, you can come with us on the way back to the capital.”

“I knew you’d be willing to listen Chris! Drake, that’s a relief right?”

“Ralf, thank you for even going out of your way to save my life. I owe you one.”

“Don’t mention it man! You and me are friends now after all, right?”

Faced with Ralf’s pure smile and gentle words, Drake almost became a bit teary eyed for a moment there.

Sometimes I wonder if this is what a natural born con artist looks like.

I miss those old days back when his leg was still injured and he was like a wild animal that would attack anything that came near him.

“Looks like the matter’s settled then. So allow me to lead you all to the place where I fought Elphas.”

“Please do.—–and thank you.”

With Drake in tow now, we headed towards the place where Esta and Elphas had their battle.

It was a wide open training area, and seeing the scars of destruction all over the place thanks to both of their magic spells I presume, anyone could tell just what an intense battle it must have been without even having to hear about it.

“Man, me and Drake went pretty crazy as well but, Esta and Elphas, you two really went to town on this place huh! I never seen such a large area so utterly destroyed from a battle between just two people!”

“It’s all because of the taboo magic Elphas used at the cost of her life. Also, Snow fought here as well so the damage was spread wider than you’d assume.”

“I see! Snow fought here as well eh! Damn, to have been able to take on both Esta and Snow by herself, this Elphas must have been one hell of a monster herself……….”

“Elphas, was almost as talented as Klaus to be honest. She was always the quiet type and not fit to be a leader and so the party became how it was but, if Elphas had been our party leader then……….no, I shouldn’t bother with what ifs this late in time.”

I noticed it before as well but, his expression seemed a lot more sadder when talking about Elphas.

Judging by their personalities, I don’t imagine they were that close but, unlike Klaus, it seems he didn’t hate her the same way.

“I think so too. Just from the colour of her hair as well as her expression, It was painfully obvious that she was simply cornered in life too. If the circumstances had been different, or if we had met her a bit earlier………perhaps me and her could have been like Ralf and Drake as well.”

“Is that so…….! I mean, yeah she was pretty close to your age as well right Esta? I guess it really does make you wonder.”

All three of them looked sad and dejected.

As the person who had dragged them all into this mess, I couldn’t help but feel guilty.

“Forgive me. Because of me and Klaus, I ended up dragging you two in fights you didn’t ask for as well.”

“Oh believe me, I don’t regret fighting her at all Chris-san. So please, don’t apologize.”

“I know it’s not all Klaus’ fault either but, most of it was indeed his damn fault so it’s fine! Since both me and Esta have been with you all this time we can tell. Chris, you didn’t do anything wrong!”

“You two really are too considerate of me.”

“It ain’t that complicated man! Damn, this talk’s starting to get all depressing now. Hey Drake! C’mon, let’s hurry up and pick up Elphas’ body!”

“……..yeah, got it.”

Drake picked up Elphas body on to his shoulder, and with that, we were ready to finally leave [Foro Neem].

I’m a bit disappointed that I didn’t get the chance to destroy the magic circle seal on the main arena gate but, at this point, I don’t have the leeway to attempt something like that so we decided to head back the way we came.

And most likely, with Elphas’ death, the undeads on the way back should also have disappeared too.

Other than Snow, the rest of us were barely in any condition to move but since there weren’t any enemies to be worried of on the way back either, I think we should be able to return safely to the capital without any issues.

“There’s nothing else left to do here. Let us depart for the capital. Ralf, Esta, Snow. Just bear with it for a little while longer, alright?”

“Yeah! I’m fit enough to walk all the back at least!”

“Same here. While every joint in my body does feel annoyingly heavy, I know there’s not much left  so I can bear with it.”


Snow gave an energetic howl as well so, I think we should all be fine.

I do intend to remain wary of Drake still but other than that, we can start making our way back to the capital at our own pace now.

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