The Exiled First-born of the Noble house. Rising to the top with the Worthless Skill [Null Poison]

Chapter AS2

Chapter AS2

Afterstory 2

After his body had been completely burnt away, I dug up a hole right there in the middle of the arena to bury him and then stabbed the crimson sword into it as a tombstone and hung the pocket watch on it.

It’s far from a decent burial, but it’s better than nothing.

“Sorry for keeping you guys waiting. Can you two walk normally now?”

“Yeah! Me and Esta drank the world tree potions as well after all!”

“Speaking of which, what happened to Elphas and Drake?……….Did you two kill them?”

“Elphas technically killed herself. Her body is still lying there, completely undamaged. Can we carry it back to the capital?”

“A suicide……..? Yeah, I don’t mind.”

I was a bit curious as to her phrasing but, I can ask her in detail about what all happened later.

I was both half excited, and half anxious to ask them about how their battles went.

“Drake should still be alive I think! Can we take him back with us as well? We became good friends after all!”

Friends……? Hmm, yeah sure, I guess.”

Once again, that was an interesting choice of words. Seriously what happened here. I’ll have to ask him in detail later on as well.

I didn’t think it was possible to become friends with a guy you were fighting to the death with but……….it’s kinda amazing that knowing Ralf, it doesn’t even sound that surprising somehow.

Well, there’s a good chance, only Ralf one-sidedly considers him a friend though.

But, I’m glad to hear that Ralf and Drake’s battle wasn’t a horrible one. As the guy that basically forced them into it, I felt a bit relieved.

“Thanks man! First we go help Drake, then we pick up Elphas’ body and then return to the capital!……..we won’t run into any more undeads on the way right? I can walk now, but fighting is completely out of question, okay?”

“With Elphas dead, I think the undeads should be gone as well. Although, there is always a chance that they keep moving even after the caster’s death.”

“Well, we’ll find out when we get there. Worst case, we just need to avoid them all.”

Even if we had been ‘healed’ by the world tree potion, I don’t have the strength to fight again either.

We can use Snow’s detection abilities to avoid the undeads though, so it shouldn’t pose to be too much of an issue.

I’m more afraid of how that Drake guy will react but, surely he won’t try to attack us again right?

I know Ralf said that he’s probably alive but, I doubt he has the strength or energy to fight again either.

I decided to trust Ralf’s words that he was a ‘friend’ now and we began heading towards the place Ralf and Drake fought.


Leaving the arena, we entered a big spacious room close by.

Fierce battle scars were left in this place, so fierce that you wouldn’t believe that two humans had fought here. And among the rubble in the corner of the room, I saw a man lying there.

He didn’t seem to be moving at all, and I could only see his back since he was lying face down but I could still tell that he had been gravely wounded to the point of being on the verge of death.

If anything it’d be a miracle if he was still breathing somehow.

And after such a bloody battle, this guy is supposedly a good friend now…….?

It sounded so ridiculous, I still couldn’t bring myself to believe it.

“Ralf, you sure he isn’t dead? He doesn’t seem to be moving.”

“I think so……..probably! since I fought him, I know just how strong his vitality was after all!”

He said that but he was sweating bullets down his forehead and I could clearly tell he was extremely anxious and worried now.

“Hey Drake, you alive buddy? It’s all over mate! I know we had a literal deathmatch just a while ago but, it’s different now! Let’s go back together, okay!?”

He shouted loudly but the collapsed Drake showed no signs of moving, let alone replying.

Since he had already cried so much I think he had run out of tears, but it was plainly visible to see the lamentation on Ralf’s face.

It’s honestly amazing that Ralf could feel so strongly about someone he had fought to the death with.

I was starting to understand why, unlike myself, he was so deeply loved by everyone he meets.

“Oi, Drake! Answer me man!! You ain’t the type to die from a single hit from someone like me right!?! I’ll end up taking the title of the strongest all to myself you know!?——-are you really okay with that!!?”

His emotions gushing out, he screamed towards Drake’s back.

And as if responding to his feelings——-or maybe he was already awake? Drake’s body twitched, as if coming back to life, and he replied in a small voice.

“………..Ralf, you’re too loud. Let me sleep for a while longer dude.”

“DRAKE!!! You were alive after all! Hold up, I’ll use a potion on you!”

“Don’t bother. I have potions on me already as well.”

“Yeah yeah, just stay still already okay!? If you push yourself too much and end up dying, I really will never forgive you understand!?”

Saying that, Ralf pulled out the world tree potion that he had drank half of, and let Drake drink the remaining portion.

The healing effects of this potion were immense as Drake very quickly recovered from being on death’s door to be being able to move around again.

I imagine I was in a similar condition as him, as seeing him from the side made me better understand just what state my own body must have been in.

………or rather, I really thought that Ralf may have one-sidedly decided to call him friend but, looks like him and Drake really did become friends somehow.

To be able to act like this to each other, after inflicting life threatening wounds on each other. I really don’t understand how that’s even possible.

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