The Exiled First-born of the Noble house. Rising to the top with the Worthless Skill [Null Poison]



Demon Lord Subjugation

Since that fateful battle that had occurred in secrecy away from the public eye——two years had passed.

Us “three” and snow were currently heading through the territory of the Demon Lord to go and subjugate him.

“Is that the Demon Lord’s castle? Doesn’t seem that impressive!”

“Surely you’re joking? I can vaguely sense a horrible malice seeping out of it even from here.”

“Only ‘vaguely’ —-right? Hey, go on and scout out ahead! If their security is lacking, we’ll just burst in from the front door!”

“Like I said, I can’t do something like scouting out ahead. Also, no bursting in through the front door either. That’s way too dangerous.”

Seemingly fed up with it, Drake muttered so.

However Snow, who could indeed scout and sense ahead as required, barked as if to say that it was totally doable.

“Snow’s saying that they are lacking in numbers in there……….I guess we are bursting in through the front door after all.”

“oi oi, are you two for real? Our opponent is the damn Demon Lord himself you know. It won’t hurt to do a little more recon and make sure that it’s truly safe.”

“But, neither the demon army nor the four heavenly kings were much of a match for us, right? Drake, be sure to support as always okay!”

“Even if you say that…… two’s definition of support is way too wide. From ranged attacks, to playing the tank, while also healing and even becoming the main attacker during pinch situations—–how the hell am I supposed to do all of that huh!?”

“Chris could do it all pretty easily though?”

“Don’t even bother comparing me with that abnormal superman. Or else, I’ll turn around and go back right now.”

Saying that, Drake drooped his shoulders looking a bit dispirited.

It was true that asking anyone to even remotely imitate Chris’ workrate was a futile ask.

They both understood that as well but……..after seeing him do it all so naturally and as a matter of course, they couldn’t help but get used to it feeling normal.

When they brought in Drake into the party to replace Chris, it really shocked them both and Drake exploded like this during battles a couple times too.

They say you only understand the worth of something when you lose it, and it would seem to be true indeed as they felt it the most when Chris was not with them anymore.

Not just the battles, he was also an elite scout that would perfectly locate enemies way in advance.

“Drake, my bad! We’ll split the roles more equally from now okay!?”

“So anyway, what the hell is Chris doing right now anyway? I didn’t ask much and joined you guys but, why didn’t you guys just call him back from the beginning?”

“Well, we can’t do that unfortunately. Chris-san has things only he can do so it couldn’t be helped.”

“Yeah, yeah! Chris has other more important things to deal with!………But, once we have subjugated the Demon Lord, he did promise to start adventuring with us again though! So let’s go and beat up this Demon Lord and get back already!”

That’s right. Chris had remained in the capital by himself, and was currently fighting to release the slaves from their captors in the black market.

To be honest, I would have liked to have Chris with us here to subjugate the Demon Lord as well but, those slaves’ lives are not so different from how us two lived before we met Chris by chance.

Just like how he saved us, and changed our lives for the better, there are large amount of people waiting for Chris to come save them as well.

Something like subjugating the Demon Lord, is something anyone with strength could handle.

And besides, I also want to show that we can achieve big things even without Chris holding our hand now. So we decided to face the Demon Lord by ourselves.

“You guys really do adore Chris a lot huh. Since I was in Klaus’ party, honestly, I can’t even imagine ever feeling that way towards our party leader.”

“Once you start spending time with Chris, I’m sure you’d come to understand as well Drake! Once we’ve beaten the Demon Lord, we’re planning to go diving into the dungeon so why not come with us as there as well?”

“I feel like I’d feel out of place among you guys so I’ll pass. Also, I already cleared the dungeon with my last party anyway.”

“You say that, but that was only till the 50th floor right? Edestor’s dungeon goes even deeper than that you know!?”

“……..anyway, now’s not the time to be thinking about dungeon diving, is it?”

If Drake also joined us, and with Chris returning, the party would be incredibly stable after all.

I had already forgotten about the Demon Lord, and was already daydreaming about the dungeon instead——–when Esta’s words splashed a bucket of water on me and brought me back to reality.

“Looks like you two are done talking right? Then, let us proceed. We’ll blast through the front door as planned. And will go all the way without stopping.”

“In the end, we are really going to stick with this reckless plan eh? Well, don’t come crying if things go to shit later okay?”

“You sure love to complain a lot especially considering we’re doing this entire subjugation only as a substitute for your former party you know? So enough chitchat and just follow what I say okay?”

“But, you guys are the ones that attacked us and destroyed that party though…….”

Drake tried to give an excuse only to get another glare back from Esta, making him finally give in to the pressure and shut his mouth.

I’m super excited to reunite with Chris again but, I’m sure Esta is looking forward to it even more so than me.

After all, she never even wanted to go on this demon lord subjugation expedition in the first place, and even though it’s normally her job is to stop me from rushing things, this time she was the one who was trying to quickly wrap this all up as quickly as possible.

She was always the taciturn type but right now her silence was putting even more pressure to defeat the Demon Lord as quickly as we could. Seeing her like this, I doubt even the Demon Lord would stand much of chance against her.

“Alright! Then, let’s go an quickly take care of this demon lord problem shall we! First of all Snow, I’ll leave the vanguard duties to you!”


“Esta, you’re supporting Snow!”

“I know. I’ll erase anything that tries to harm Snow with my magic.”

“Me and Drake will focus on gathering all the demon forces together! Well then——CHARGE!!”

“oi oi, are we seriously rushing it like this?”

With my command, Snow dashed forward and ran towards the Demon Lord’s castle.

We want to meet up with Chris again so we’ll quickly defeat the Demon Lord.

That was really all we had as motivation. I felt pity for the Demon Lord who was about to be annihilated for such a petty reason but, he wasn’t exactly a good guy so the Demon Lord’s just getting what he deserves.

And thus——-the fully awakened me and Esta were basically unstoppable, and we accomplished the Demon Lord’s subjugation fairly easily, and without even bothering to relish in our victory, we quickly departed on our way back to the capital.

On our return, on one hand while we would be hailed as “heroes” for subjugating the Demon Lord, Chris who had gone around crushing every single influential  and powerful politicians in the country, would become infamous as a “villain”, and would come to be treated as one of the biggest criminals in the entire country. A fact that would bring major shock to us and the truth of the matter would come to us much later but………..

That was a story for another day, another time.


Author’s Note

And with this epilogue, the main story has finally come to an end.

Thank you to all my readers for supporting and cheering me till the very end, I could not have done it without you all.

And thank you, for reading it till the very end!

The first volume of the Light Novel version is also out so please support that as well!

There is also a manga version planned, and is currently scheduled to start from the end of July.

The mangaka illustrating the manga version is Niito-sensei and I think it has really turned out as something amazing!

I do have plans to write side stories that show what happened to the world and the characters after the battle with Klaus sometime in the future so please forward to that as well.

Thank you once again for reading – The Exiled First-born of the Noble House. Rising to the Top With the Worthless Skill [Null Poison] Web Novel edition!

Translator’s Note

It’s done! Thank you to everyone who read the novel and supported my translation work. I really enjoyed both reading and TLing through and I couldn’t have done it without your support. Overall, I’d say it was quite a fun, if simple read. The ending felt a little quick but I guess the author already said that he’ll come back to this world to write side stories that flesh out the loose ends of the story. In the end WNs tend to be rough in some ways but overall, I really enjoyed it and I’m glad I picked this novel up. And I hope you guys enjoyed reading it as well.

If you liked my work, go drop some support on my Ko-Fi and help the site!

Thank you once again, and see you in whatever novel I decide to pick up next!

(P.S. The Afterstories are already coming out, so I’ll be TLing them next! You’ll get a bit more of these characters and world still!!)

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