The Exiled First-born of the Noble house. Rising to the top with the Worthless Skill [Null Poison]

Chapter AS1

Chapter AS1

Afterstory 1

It was as if I had lost my ability to breathe, as when I woke up, I breathed in deeply while suffering from immense pain and strain.

Slowly and steadily, my breathing finally normalized and I finally opened my eyes again………only to see two very familiar faces.

Tears and snot were gushing down their faces.

Their faces were drenches in all sorts of bodily liquids, making it really the worst image to wake up to so I couldn’t help but burst out laughing.

“I’m sho glaaaaddddd!! Your heart wasn’t beating, so I really thought you had died……..I was sherioushly shoo worried you know!!!?”

“Why are you laughing from sheeing us gry like dish!?! Hey Gris! You really did die you know!!?”

(T/N: again, the ‘typos’ are because they are crying and can’t pronounce words properly)

“………my bad, my bad. But your faces just looked so silly and funny, I couldn’t help it. To be honest, I too thought that I had died so I’m frankly a bit shocked that I am suddenly awake again.”

“Really?—–You shure don’d look like you’re shurprised!!………but thank god you woke up agaaaainnn!”

The two jumped on to me to embrace while I still lay on the ground, making my already aching body hurt even more but………..I too was very happy that I got to see these two again, so I hugged both of them back tightly as well.

For a while afterwards, those two continued to cry while hugging me, and meanwhile Snow continued to lick me near my head until my hair was all wet.

“Have you guys calmed down now?”

“Not really but, my tears are dried out so nothings coming out anymore!”

“Same, I want to cry more but my eyes can’t seem to create anymore tears it seems!”

“Well, I’m glad that at least you two can finally speak calmly again somewhat. First of all, tell me the details, what all happened while I was asleep?”

Honestly, my memories feel so vague, I can barely remember everything that happened before I lost consciousness.

After finishing off Klaus, and seeing him finally die——-as far as my memories go, I definitely did die soon after.

So much had happened and I was really worried about these two as well, but I also was well aware that my body was beyond saving at that point.

And in truth, I’m sure the wounds that I had should have been impossible to come back from and I definitely died for a while at least, so what happened?

“All three of us got saved by Snow. After my battle with Elphas, I had used up all of my energy and was about to fall unconscious when Snow came and saved me.”

“After that, while Snow was carrying Esta back to the arena, he found me also completely depleted and exhausted on the way and picked me up as well! I was still conscious though, and so I got on Snow’s back alongside Esta after which we were carried all the way to arena!”

“So that means, both of you won against Elphas and Drake?”

“Damn right we did! I’m the man that’ll one day surpass even you Chris——but who cares about all that right now!? We were hurriedly brought to the arena but, the battle between you and Klaus was already over, and alongside the already dead Klaus……..we saw you also at the verge of death!”

I see, so they arrived only after my battle with Klaus was over.

No wonder I only remember really dying, and evidently I was only saved thanks to Snow rushing alongside these two back to the arena.

“So? Did you save my life Ralf?”

“Yeah! I rummaged through your item holder hoping to find something that could help when I found those world tree potions we got from the princess and then I forcibly poured it down your mouth!……..but you didn’t seem to be breathing at all even then so I really thought you had died but——suddenly Snow began to rampage and lo and behold, you woke back up Chris!!”

I see.

I do faintly remember hearing Ralf and Esta calling my name.

And then it was followed by a  really loud explosion, which finally woke me up.

That explosion……..was Snow’s voice I guess.

Snow was also the one who brought these two here, and also the one to resuscitate me back to life.

Looks like we all owe a debt of an entire lifetime to our friend here.

“I think it all makes sense now. Ralf, Esta, once again, thank you. And Snow, thank you for bringing me back to life.”

The moment I said that, Snow leaped at me and began to lick my face all over. If I didn’t know better I’d think he was thinking of eating me.

Seriously Snow was liking my face so much it was starting to get into my nose……..

But all this felt trivial in the grand scheme of things. Because I was simply happy that I was able to just play around with these three all over again.

“You don’t need to thank us man! You’re the one who saved both me and Esta first, Chris! I’m just glad I was finally able to return that favour!”

“Likewise. I don’t know if I truly was able to become your strength but, I gave it my all and did everything within my power to help you.”

The day I was given the job [Farmer], I thought I had lost everything in life but, thanks to that——today I was such wondnerful, irreplaceable friends.

I don’t plan on thanking god for this but, to think a day would come that I would genuinely feel gratitude towards being given [Farmer] on that day. Life works in mysterious ways.

“Alright then, let’s head back to the capital, shall we? I want to leave this place as soon as possible.”

“……….Hey Chris. What do we do with Klaus’ body?”

“I’ll burn it right here.”

“I see………..Got it.”

I somehow moved and lifted my body up, and slowly walked towards the dead Klaus.

He lay still on the ground just as I remembered from before I lost consciousness. Crying while tightly griping on to father’s pocket watch.

I picked up the pocket watch and his crimson sword from his hands, and made a prayer in hopes that perhaps in a different world were we to be reborn, we would not have such a twisted relationship and would instead meet in different circumstances——-and then I used [Fireball] and silently watched as his body turned to ash

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