The Runesmith

Chapter 387: Time For A Wedding.

Chapter 387: Time For A Wedding.

“Hey boss, how about we install one of those runic flame things, what did you call it?”

“The runic flamethrower?”

“Aye, that was it?”

“I guess a worker could use that as an impromptu welding tool… but you just want to have something to shoot the targets with, don’t you?”

“Haha, you got me boss.”

Roland and his assistant, Bernir, were hard at work in the workshop, tirelessly refining the exoskeleton prototype. Bernir had grown quite fond of this invention, as it enabled him to accomplish feats he had only dreamed of. From his perspective, this tool granted him the strength of a golden adventurer and the ability to employ spells and carry powerful magical weaponry. Although Roland's initial intention wasn't military in nature, he was fully aware of the potential for it to be used as a weapon.

This type of technology remained highly experimental, as Roland grappled with how it would fit into this game-like world. He questioned whether people would find a reason to choose an exosuit like this over acquiring a traditional golem. It might be a tough sell if the prices were comparable, but Roland saw several advantages to his creation. One of them was that it offered a more universal solution, requiring only some training for the user.

He viewed this new technology as akin to a car that only needed a driver. Training an operator for an exoskeleton was far simpler than developing an entirely new operating system for a golem. Some of the dwarven craftsmen had to toil for months alongside Runic Mages when commissioned by high-ranking nobles for golemic creations. Additionally, the exoskeletons were cost-effective in terms of materials, requiring far less metal as they lacked thick layers of armor plating.

In contrast, golemic creations were expensive and demanded substantial resources, including mana fluids. They were primarily accessible to wealthy nobles, merchants, and craftsmen. These creations were also restricted by their operating systems and couldn't handle intricate situations. Most of the time, they served as transport or served as metallic bodyguards with relatively limited functionality.

With the advent of runic batteries, Roland could envision these frames being utilized in the future, but they weren't the sole invention on his mind. Numerous modern-day appliances still lingered in his thoughts, all of which had the potential to become profitable ventures. Even items like vehicles that didn't rely on horses or golems for propulsion could likely generate substantial income.

However, Roland's primary life goal didn't involve building a massive corporation to rival the Dwarven Union. Instead, he aimed to continually produce small innovations to remain relevant. He had no aspiration to become the world's foremost runic inventor or anything of the sort. There were more important things in life than money and fame, this he had already come to recognize as he was making one big step in furthering his life.“Hey Boss, I think we should turn in for the night.”

“Ah, true. It’s already this late and tomorrow is…”

“Hehe, well good luck, you’re going to need it!”

After receiving a friendly smack on his back from Bernir, the two decided to call it a day. Roland made his way up to his own bedroom, preparing to spend perhaps his final night alone. Tomorrow was the big day, as his marriage was fast approaching. When he first arrived in this world, his main concern was survival, but now that it was time to settle down, the pressure was even greater. The weight of having many people depend on him was no easy burden, but he was determined to ensure everyone's safety and well-being.

‘The traditions in this world are similar to my old world, the groom is supposed to meet the bride before the church at dawn, the rising sun is supposed to signify the beginning of a marriage…’

Roland lay in his bed, staring at the ceiling and contemplating the events that had led him to this moment. He began his journey as a young five-year-old boy within a noble estate, destined to become a mage. However, fate had other plans for him as he was quickly ordered to become a knight. To avoid having his life dictated by others, he made the bold decision to escape. His travels eventually led him to Albrook, where he had settled and where his story might ultimately find its conclusion.

It had been a remarkable journey from a stranger in a new world to a respected runic inventor and soon-to-be husband. He thought about how he had met his bride-to-be, Elodia in the adventurers guild and how he avoided her at first. The woman seemed like someone he couldn’t bargain with but soon the two grew fond of each other.

As Roland drifted off to sleep, he couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and nervousness about the upcoming day. He was eager to start this new chapter of his life with Elodia, but he also knew that their union would bring new responsibilities and challenges. Roland had always been a solitary person, and now he was stepping into a role where he would need to consider the well-being of his family, his employees, and the future of his business. All of his choices would impact the people that were dear to him and he wasn’t sure if he would be able to make the correct choice each time.

‘... I couldn’t sleep at all…’

The night passed slowly for Roland, his mind racing with thoughts of the future. He realized that sleep had eluded him entirely and that the sun had not yet risen. Luckily, with the help of his sleep resistance passive, this didn’t really bode a problem. It was time to prepare for the momentous occasion ahead and he was not someone who would ever be late.

With a sigh, Roland got out of bed and began his morning routine. He bathed, dressed in his finest attire, and meticulously groomed himself. Today was not only his wedding day but also a day of celebration for everyone that he knew and invited. While he didn’t want to make a big fuss over it, he was someone who knew that fostering relationships with others was important.


“Sorry Agni, but you’ll have to wait this one out, I can’t really have you parading around the city or the Solarian Church.”

Agni whimpered slightly as he couldn’t join in on the festivities. His inability to join in wasn't due to his large size, but rather his transformation into a peculiar creature. Roland had concerns about how the church might react if they discovered that Agni was a Sunlight Wolf. While such beasts were supposedly cherished by the church, this revelation could bring about a host of complications.

There was a possibility that they would request Roland to relinquish his canine companion, as Agni was a secret creature to them. His magical abilities, capable of producing divine energies that only faithful priests could wield, were a rare and unique trait in this world. Then there were evil cults and necromancers that liked using such monsters for various occult rituals. Corrupting the divine brought them a lot of power so it was better to wait with this revelation until Agni was stronger.

“Don’t worry, we will all be back here in a few hours, I still have to go through that annoying celebration…”

In this world, there were various approaches to weddings. For Bernir, it was a more formal bonding between two individuals, without much fanfare or festivities. It resembled a regular wedding for commoners. However, this didn't mean that others didn't go all out for their weddings. Nobles and wealthy merchants, for instance, often flaunted their wealth and invited hundreds of guests to elaborate celebrations.

Arthur had wanted to host such an extravagant gathering, but Roland had opted to decline. Instead, he decided to strike a balance, as his new title somewhat obliged him to do so. As a Knight Commander, he would be seen as less if he didn’t at least host a gathering at his home. Thus, some people that he knew closer would be arriving later after they were finished with the initial ceremony at the Church.

“I guess this is it… I never liked wearing suits…”

Roland murmured to himself as he was forced to adorn this noble getup. The suit felt stifling in comparison to the practical clothing he was accustomed to wearing. It comprised a long tunic crafted from opulent fabrics, featuring a mix of velvet and satin. Embroidered onto it were the symbols representing the Valerian household, of which he was soon to become a part. He took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves. Today was a day of celebration, and he didn't want to be overwhelmed by his discomfort.

“Sir Wayland, we have been waiting for you.”

“Let’s go then…”A carriage waited at the entrance of his home, which he would use to make his way to the city. Parading through the streets in an extravagant suit was out of the question, as it would attract more attention than he desired. With a mixture of anticipation and nervousness, Roland entered the carriage, and the journey to the church began, his heart pounding in his chest.

Roland's carriage made its way slowly through the cobbled streets of Albrook. The first light of day had not yet broken, and instead, the streets were illuminated by the runic lamps he had helped to create. As per tradition, he had to reach the Solarian Church to meet the bride before dawn arrived. Luckily not many people were awake at the moment so the road was quite free.

‘Quite the annoying traditions they had thought out…’

As the carriage approached the Solarian Church, Roland's heart raced even faster. He knew that the next few moments would change his life forever. The church, a magnificent structure made of white stone and adorned with intricate sun symbols, stood as a symbol of the divine goddess Solaria. It was a place of reverence and solemnity, and it was where he and Elodia would make their vows.

The sun was beginning to cast its first rays over the horizon as the carriage pulled up to the church's entrance. Roland stepped out, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of his future wife. He was met with a breathtaking sight. Elodia, radiant in her wedding gown, stood at the church's entrance, bathed in the soft morning light She wore a white veil with golden sun-like patterns that partially obscured her face.

She was not alone as to her left he spotted a familiar-looking half-elven lady. Then to the right was another elf with a more robust-looking chest. The three were being chatty with each other while he was taking in the sight before his tired eyes. Even though an elven beauty was right there, his gaze could not be peeled off the woman dressed in white and gold.

“Wayland, you are here…”

Before Roland could make a comment, a sleepy voice called out to him from the side. He turned to see his brother-in-law, who was struggling to stifle a yawn. Behind him was Bernir, wearing his customary big smile. They weren't the only ones Roland had invited; nearly everyone he somewhat knew had received an invitation to the festivities.

Arthur Valerian had managed to blend in with the crowd, while Mary observed from the shadows. As per tradition, men and women were segregated at the beginning of the wedding ceremony, standing or sitting on opposite sides of the church. Arthur had to remain on his side until the vows were exchanged.

Both the city lord and Mary had altered their appearances for the occasion, using a costly item in the form of a face mask to conceal their true identities. As long as they refrained from speaking or sweating too much, they were likely to go unnoticed by others. To anyone else, they appeared as a wealthy merchant and his wife.

"Good to see you, Sir Wayland. I'm really looking forward to the celebration later!"

Arthur said while spinning his cane around. His face adorned a large handlebar mustache and he now looked like a man in his late forties. The voice he was using was something he was able to do himself without any magical tools and it seemed that the noble was quite fond of this merchant roleplay.

"Ah, I'm sure you are. I hope you’ll enjoy your stay along with your lovely wife, Mr. Jonathan."

“I already am!”

Neither Roland nor Mary thought this disguise was the best idea, but given the presence of multiple tier 3 class holders, there was no harm in having the noble attend the event. Then behind Arthur were Orson and Dalrak, with whom he had completed his gold rank change quest. On the other side, Senna and Grisalde stood, mainly attending for the free alcohol and snacks.

Among the guests from Elodia's side, there were some unfamiliar faces that Roland didn't recognize or know well. Many of them were members of the adventurer guild, while others were former orphans who had now grown old enough to participate in such events. To Roland's surprise, the Guild Master had accepted the invitation as a mark of respect. He couldn't help but notice the man's imposing stature and gleaming bald head. He could only hope that Armand wouldn't provoke any conflict with his former boss once the drinking began.

Finally, the wedding could begin and Roland approached Elodia. Even though he couldn’t see most of her face, he knew the beauty that was behind that veil. Her wedding gown, a masterpiece of craftsmanship that cost a hefty penny, seemed to shimmer in the early morning light. It was adorned with delicate lace and embroidered with golden sun motifs, matching her veil perfectly. The dress accentuated her figure, and she looked like the radiant goddess herself.



His true name remained hidden, but in a way, he wondered if he had truly become Wayland. The name Roland had lost much of its sentimental value, as it now only tied him to a place he had no desire to return to. Roland, the Baron's son, had been supplanted by Wayland, the Runesmith, who would now take center stage in his life.

“Nooo, it is forbidden for the groom to touch the bride before the holy ceremony is complete!”

Before the two could even start to exchange some words, a person shoved herself between them. She was wearing a white priest robe which was adorned in sun symbols to indicate to which religion she belonged.

“Ah Sister Kassia … Good morning…”

Sister Kassia, a devout priestess of Solaria, was known for her strict adherence to tradition and her somewhat overbearing nature. She took her role in the wedding ceremony very seriously and was determined to ensure that everything went according to the church's customs.

"Good morning, indeed. But remember, we are in the presence of the divine goddess today, and we must show the utmost respect and reverence."

Roland and Elodia exchanged a glance, both amused and slightly exasperated by Sister Kassia's zeal. They had expected her to be officiating the ceremony, but her presence here seemed to be more about enforcing the rules.

The church itself was adorned with golden tapestries and intricate stained glass windows that depicted the story of Solaria. As Roland and Elodia stood at the entrance, they could feel the weight of the church's history and significance. It was a place where countless couples had come before them to pledge their love and devotion.

As the first rays of the sun began to shine through the windows, casting a warm and golden hue over the interior of the church, Sister Kassia signaled that it was time to begin. The guests took their seats on either side of the aisle, and the ceremony commenced with the melodious sound of a choir singing hymns in praise of Solaria. However, while this joyous moment was underway a shadowy presence in the distance approached the unsuspecting couple…

A caravan came into view on the horizon, just a few hours away from the city of Albrook. From the exterior, it appeared to be an ordinary group of travelers, but upon closer inspection inside one of the carriages, the presence of sinister and occult energies could not be concealed.

The beings on the inside peeked out through one of the covered windows. One of the beings from inside a carriage observed the rising sun, their dark intentions for now shrouded in mystery. The shadowy presence loomed on the outskirts of the city, casting a foreboding cascade of shadows over what was supposed to be a joyous occasion…

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