The Runesmith

Chapter 388: A Ceremony Sealed In Sunlight.

Chapter 388: A Ceremony Sealed In Sunlight.

Roland and Elodia walked down the aisle together, their steps slow and deliberate, as they absorbed the solemn atmosphere of the church. The hymns reverberated through the grand hall, creating an almost ethereal ambiance. As they reached the altar, they turned to face each other, their eyes locked in a moment of deep connection. Sister Kassia stepped forward, her voice echoing through the hallowed space of the Solarian Church.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of the divine goddess Solaria to witness and celebrate the union of these two souls, Wayland and Elodia."

The assembly watched in anticipation as Roland and Elodia stood before the altar, their hearts filled with a mixture of excitement, joy, and perhaps a touch of nervousness.

"Marriage is a sacred bond, a union of two hearts, two lives, and two destinies. It is a commitment to stand together in love, support, and partnership, no matter what challenges may come your way."

She then turned to Roland and Elodia and asked.

"Wayland, do you take Elodia to be your lawfully wedded wife, to love and cherish her, to honor and protect her, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, for as long as you both shall live under our great sun?"

Roland gazed deeply into Elodia's eyes, his heart pounding with emotion. He had never been one for grand gestures or eloquent speeches, but in this moment, he found the words flowing naturally from his heart.

"I do,"

He spoke with unwavering sincerity, his voice resonating through the church and bringing smiles to the faces of those in attendance. His gaze remained fixed on Elodia's, and even though her face was obscured by a veil, he could partially feel her eyes meeting his. Sister Kassia then turned her attention to Elodia and started posing the same question to her.

"And Elodia, do you take Wayland to be your lawfully wedded husband, to love and cherish him, to honor and protect him, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, for as long as you both shall live under our great sun?"

"I d-do,"

Elodia's voice quivered slightly as she replied to the question. Behind the veil, her eyes glistened with tears of happiness, and Roland spotted one of them running down her cheek. At this point in the ceremony, it was permissible to touch, so he gently placed his hand on her cheek to wipe away the tear with the help of his thumb.

As Roland's thumb brushed away Elodia's tear, a collective sigh of awe and tenderness swept through the congregation. It was a small, intimate moment, but it spoke volumes about the depth of their love and the sincerity of their commitment. Sister Kassia smiled warmly at the couple, her stern demeanor momentarily softened by the touching exchange. With a graceful movement, she continued the ceremony.

"May the goddess Solaria bless this union and shower you both with her divine light. Let your love be a beacon of hope and warmth in this world, just as the sun rises to bring light and life to all. With the power vested in me by the church, I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride!"

As Sister Kassia's final words echoed through the church, a burst of joyous applause erupted from the gathered guests. Roland and Elodia, now officially husband and wife, could finally be allowed to gaze into each other's eyes. The veil that was covering her face was promptly removed and the two shared a tender yet passionate kiss. Some of the guests started whistling, others averted their eyes at the display of affection while some just kept cheering.

The church's bells began to ring, their melodious chimes filling the air, signaling the conclusion of the ceremony. Roland and Elodia turned to face their friends and family, their faces beaming with happiness. They walked back down the aisle together, hand in hand to the tune of church music. The morning light shined through the stained glass from above and it illuminated their path ahead to signify a new dawn.

Outside the church, the sun had fully risen, casting a warm and golden light over the city of Albrook. The streets were lined with well-wishers who had gathered to catch a glimpse of the newlyweds. As Roland and Elodia emerged from the church, they were met with a shower of rose petals and cheers from the crowd.

Lobelia along with Solana were jumping around and cheering. Dyana with her child in hand was smiling with Bernir at the side waving with vigor. Armand along with the Guild master instead of looking in this direction were glaring at each other and trying to remain calm to not ruin the occasion. His old party members from the adventurer guild were also there, nodding with resolve but also looking at the ladies that Elodia invited. Mary on the other hand continued to be vigilant while Arthur was waving his cane around.

The main ceremony had concluded, and as Roland looked at the multitude of people gathered, he couldn't help but feel somewhat surprised. When he first arrived in this city, he had expected his life to resemble that of a recluse. He had planned to spend his days crafting items in his workshop, rarely venturing outside. However, the future he had envisioned as a simpler one had transformed before his eyes. Now, he was the talk of the whole town, surrounded by many people, some of whom he could even call true friends.

The couple made their way to a beautifully decorated carriage that awaited them, ready to transport them to the grand celebration that Roland had planned. The carriage was adorned with white and gold ribbons, matching the colors of their wedding attire. As they climbed inside, Roland couldn't help but steal another look at his bride who was clinging to his arm and not even looking back.

As the door closed behind them, Roland and Elodia finally found themselves in a private setting. The plan was to get things done in the church quickly before the citizens in the city realized. Some had already gathered outside, but Arthur had provided soldiers to keep them at bay for the occasion. The entire process unfolded smoothly, avoiding the creation of a significant scene. Only rumors about the wedding would circulate, while both he and his wife would be far away from the prying eyes of the city residents.


“You really don’t like places with many people, … my husband.”

Elodia chuckled a bit at the way Roland was behaving. Hesmiled back at Elodia, feeling a sense of relief now that they were away from the bustling crowd. Without his armor on he felt somewhat naked but luckily it was now all over and he could go back to his place.

"You know me too well Elo… no I guess now you are, my dear wife … “

The realization that he was now a married man finally sank in, and Roland didn't dislike the feeling at all. Although not much would change in his daily life, an unbreakable promise had been forged between the two of them. In this world, divorces weren't particularly common. When someone underwent the marriage ceremony, it was typically understood to be a commitment until death parted them. Even among nobles, this principle held true, although they often circumvented it by taking multiple brides while their previous ones remained in their estates.

The practice of having multiple wives often led to disgruntled spouses and feuds between the heirs, as he had seen in the Arden house he came from. Roland had no intention of following in the footsteps of his estranged father. To him, the idea of having more than one wife seemed rather absurd. He couldn't quite comprehend why some people chose to pursue a harem route, as it felt excessively hedonistic and fraught with conflicts, which didn't align with his personal values. Usually, the children were the ones that suffered the most and the original owner of the body he had occupied was the best example.

‘It would have been good if I could have invited Robert to the wedding, he seemed to have developed into a good kid at least…’

His name was still hidden and Elodia would not take in the Arden last name. It was better if his father never found out that one of his sons had married a commoner. However, more than ten years had passed since he had seen that old man. His place at the Arden estate was already gone, so probably none of the people there would care about this even.

Nonetheless, some nobles were fiercely proud of their status, and Roland wasn't willing to jeopardize his wife's safety. He knew he wasn't the first noble son to marry a common woman, and such situations could become dangerously tense. Sometimes, they turned violent, and the woman often ended up on the losing side. It wasn't uncommon for the noble son to be forced into reeducation, with his spouse either driven away or, in the worst cases, executed. Roland had no intention of allowing such a fate to befall Elodia. Before these gloomy thoughts clouded his mind, Elodia leaned in and kissed him gently on the lips.

"Well, we don't have to worry about that anymore. It's just you and me now, away from the chaos."

Roland smiled warmly at Elodia, savoring the sweet moment of intimacy. He knew that the road ahead wouldn't always be smooth, but he was determined to face any challenges together with his beloved wife. As the carriage continued on its way to the grand celebration, Roland couldn't help but reflect on the journey that had led him to this point. At least he tried but with such a lovely creature right next to him, it was hard to keep his hands to himself.

“H-hey, we can’t, at least not yet … and certainly not in the carriage! ”

Before he could continue, his hand was pinched. He moved it back, giving his wife a pleading look, but he received a stern scolding in response. While wedding nights were indeed a tradition, they needed to first get through hosting the party. They wouldn't be allowed to retreat for the night until after the sun had set.

"I know..."

He replied, realizing that they would have to be patient a little while longer. As they rode through the city, they drew in the eyes of the citizens that were waking up. The carriage was decorated and clearly belonged to the Valerian household from which it was lent out. The original master on the other hand was just using one meant for merchants and was right behind them.

As per tradition, the newlyweds led the group of guests to the area where the wedding party would take place. Their conspicuous presence drew the attention of almost everyone, and rumors would undoubtedly begin to circulate throughout the city. After a leisurely journey, they finally arrived at their destination, where they were greeted by the resounding howl of a particularly bored ruby wolf.

"Ah, Agni…"

Roland said with a fond smile as he disembarked from the carriage with his wife nestled against his shoulder.

"You couldn't wait anymore, could you? But next time, please refrain from jumping over the walls…"

The enormous ruby wolf jumped over the fence the moment he realized that they were near, his tail wagging furiously. It seemed that Agni had sensed the joyous atmosphere and couldn't resist being a part of it. Elodia giggled at Agni's exuberance and petted his head.

"I think he's excited to celebrate with us, should I think there should be some meat in the…”

“He’ll be fine and you are forbidden to lift a finger, today is all about you, Agni will have to learn to restrain himself.”

“Woof!”With a happy woof, Agni seemed to understand that today was a special day for his master and mistress. He obediently settled down, his large frame taking up a significant portion of the entrance. Roland couldn't help but smile at his loyal companion, grateful for the support Agni had provided him throughout his journey in this world.

His home had been constructed with a fortress-like design in mind, featuring steep walls and an interior layout that wasn't ideally suited for hosting a grand party. However, for this special occasion, he had the workers who were assembling the new dormitory prepare a dedicated space outside where they could entertain the guests. It still had a connection to his home to which he would later retreat along with his wife after the sun had gone down.

The celebration area was splendidly decorated with vibrant banners, fragrant flowers, and a variety of tables laden with delectable food and drinks. The person responsible for this meticulous planning wasn't Roland, but rather Elodia. He had entrusted her with the task of hiring the right people and ensuring everything was in order, as he had no sense for such things at all. It took some convincing to get her to spend the money to make it a truly grand occasion, and in the end, it was fit for even a noble's celebration.

Guests began to arrive, and the atmosphere quickly shifted from one of anticipation to one of jubilation. Laughter, music, and chatter filled the air as friends, family, and acquaintances gathered to celebrate the newlyweds. Roland and Elodia, both dressed in more comfortable attire, mingled with their guests, accepting congratulations and well-wishes from all sides.

The food was exquisite, with a wide variety of dishes to please every palate. Roast meats, fresh vegetables, and a selection of desserts made it a feast to remember. The drinks flowed freely, with goblets of fine wine and mugs of ale readily available for the guests. Agni, too, was not forgotten, and he had a hearty meal specially prepared for him.

As the day wore on, the celebration continued, with music and dancing taking center stage. A lively band played traditional tunes, and guests took turns on the dance floor, spinning and twirling to the melodies. Even Roland, who was not known for his dancing skills, found himself pulled onto the floor by Elodia and joined in the festivities.

With the assistance of the finest alcohol available in the city, some of the guests began to get rowdy. Armand found himself in a drinking contest against the Guild Master, with Bernir enthusiastically cheering on both of them. On the opposite side, the women were engaged in lively conversations while observing the antics of the men. Even some new relationships were being formed all while the sun radiated over this beautiful day.

As evening approached, Roland and Elodia stole a moment away from the crowd, finding a quiet spot where they could catch their breath and reflect on the day. They had managed to remain mostly sober as none of them liked to partake in the sweet wines.

"This has been an amazing day."

Elodia said, her eyes sparkling with happiness.

"I couldn't have asked for a better wedding."Roland nodded in agreement, his heart full.

"I'm glad if you are glad, to be honest, I wasn’t sure about it… but it hasn’t been bad to have more people around…”

They shared a tender moment, leaning in to share a loving kiss. As they pulled away, Roland couldn't help but think about the future that lay ahead of them. He had found his place in this world, alongside a woman he loved deeply. There would undoubtedly be challenges and adventures in the days to come, but he was ready to face them with Elodia by his side.

The night grew closer, and the sky began to darken. The celebration continued, but Roland and Elodia knew that it was time to retire for the culmination of the wedding. They bid their guests farewell and retreated to their private chambers, where they could finally be alone together as husband and wife. Their guests were mostly incapacitated by alcohol or too tired to move. Some of them were passed out on some chairs or even sleeping on the grass-covered ground.

As they lay together in the quiet darkness, Roland couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over him. He had come a long way from the lonely, uncertain days when he first arrived in this world. Now, he had a loving wife, loyal friends, and a future filled with possibilities.

"I love you, my dear wife."

He whispered softly to Elodia who was in his arms and she replied with her voice filled with warmth and affection.

"I love you too, my dear husband."

As they gazed at each other with nothing but love in their eyes, Roland reached out to caress Elodia's cheek. However, in the midst of this heartwarming moment, something peculiar occurred. His hand slowly slid down from her cheek to her neck, his fingers tightening into a firm grip, something wasn’t right here, something had gone wrong…

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