The Villain's Face Slapping Counterattack

Chapter 113

Chapter 113

In a certain ward on Noah Star, Song Chenmo woke up again, but this time, there was another person beside him. This person was Zhou Xu’s assistant, named Yang Chaomu.

Song Chenmo didn’t dare to trust him easily, so he just pretended to be very tired, opened his eyes slightly, and then closed them again.

Yang Chaomu said softly: “General, I saw the code you left. It was designed by Lieutenant General Zhou Xu. According to the code, I found other information left by Lieutenant General Zhou Xu.” Song Chenmo didn’t speak, Yang Chaomu continued:

“This string of codes was given to me by the director of the hospital, General, you don’t have to doubt me, I am Lieutenant General Zhou Xu’s assistant, I think this is enough to prove my loyalty.” Opening his eyes, Song Chenmo looked at Yang Chaomu.

Yang Chaomu stood up straight in silence, and gave a military salute to Song Chenmo.

Song Chenmo nodded, yes, he should believe in the people Zhou Xu cultivated.

“What did you find?” Song Chenmo asked in a deep voice.

“According to the code you left, I found what Lieutenant General Zhou Xu left behind. He should have known it before he left, so he left a little clue, and here, you see, are two disjoint parallel line code, and this code is the root of supporting this system.” Yang Chaomu took out a simple handheld computer, opened a program, and showed the source code of the program.

Song Chenmo frowned, the last world had collapsed, but Zhou Xu hadn’t come back yet, and his body seemed to have recovered completely, because he could feel that every time he woke up, it seemed that part of his spirit had returned.

After the last world collapsed, Song Chenmo felt that all his spirit had returned to his body, so at this moment, he was more awake and rational than ever. He needed to save Zhou Xu, because the collapse of that world meant that there must be something wrong with Zhou Xu’s system.

If Zhou Xu could not be rescued in time, then he might really die there.

“Admiral, because you have not woken up, I have changed the code of the parallel line.”

“Huh? How did you change it?”

“Lieutenant General Zhou Xu once taught me before leaving, he said that this is from Cusker, and the thing that Cusker likes to study the most is trickery, which gives people the illusion that their technology is very advanced. In fact, they don’t have any technology at all, and they don’t even have any powerful mechs. Their trickery is just like their name, weird, mysterious, and unexplainable by science.”

“Get to the point!” Song Chenmo is not interested in explanations, he is interested in solutions.

“According to the information left by Lieutenant General Zhou Xu, he knew everything. Because of this, he was sent into such a system by the Cuskians. There are three lines in this system, one is the person who was pulled in, and the other two are parallel lines that support the system. If the other two parallel lines intersect, Lieutenant General Zhou Xu will definitely be able to come back. But General, the system that Lieutenant General Zhou Xu entered, seems to have added a fourth line, which Lieutenant General Zhou Xu didn’t expect, that’s why he couldn’t rescue himself, because his original plan was broken.”

Song Chenmo thought for a while and asked: “Then Zhou Xu is the first line, and whois the other two parallel lines? Was anyone else involved in this system?”

“One is Admiral Zhou Yang, who is Lieutenant General Zhou Xu’s brother, and the other is Admiral Ye Jian,  Admiral Zhou Yang’s lover. The fourth line should be you, General.”

“Then, did Zhou Xu say anything about the solution?”

Yang Chaomu put the computer aside, and said in a deep voice, “General, Lieutenant General Zhou Xu was able to come out on his own, and only Lieutenant General Zhou Xu in the entire empire has understood this trickery, so the only one who can solve this problem is Lieutenant General Zhou Xu, unless you find the person who designed this system.” Zhou Hao’s face flashed in Song Chenmo’s mind, he nodded and said: “You continue to observe this system, and I will find the designer. By the way, how are Zhou Yang and Ye Jian?”

Just like you, they have been in a coma for a year and fifteen days.”

In the pure white ward, the air seemed to be tense, because Song Chenmo knew that the system collapsed, that is to say, the person who designed the system must be able to feel it, then after he felt it, Zhou Xu’s body would probably not be safe. He would be killed directly.

Now it’s a race against time, Song Chenmo only hopes that the designer can feel it later.

At this moment, Zhou Xu actually returned to that vast space again, but this time, he saw two other people at the same time, one was his brother Zhou Yang, and the other was Zhou Yang’s lover Ye Jian.

Similar to the worlds he experienced in the past, Zhou Yang is still warm, and so is Ye Jian, with deep eyes and calm waves. It seems that the two of them originally existed for each other.

Ye Jian and Zhou Yang are also wearing military uniforms, which are quite broad and brand-new, which adds a heroic spirit to their gentle temperament.

Zhou Yang and Ye Jian intertwined their fingers, they stared deeply at each other, and then they both looked at Zhou Xu. Ye Jian said: “Xiao Xu, how many worlds have you experienced?”

One hundred and eleven, but there must be something wrong with my memory, I can’t remember you guys.”

“I’m Zhou Yang, your brother in the real world, his name is Ye Jian, remember?”

Zhou Xu shook his head and said, “Brother, I remember you, but Ye Jian, sorry I don’t remember. My memory was tampered with by others. Now that world collapsed, and I didn’t enter the next world, our current situation is more dangerous. If the designer knows this situation, we might die here ”

Zhou Yang nodded and said: “But we have no choice. Since this is the case, let’s briefly explain our situation. I have traveled through a hundred worlds, and I had no memory of my own, so I just borrowed from the original owner. I just lived through the world.”

“I’m in the same situation as Zhou Yang. In a hundred worlds, I didn’t have my own memory, so I borrowed it from the original owner. My memory has recovered after I saw Zhou Yang in the last world.”

Zhou Xu thought for a while and asked, “You have never met each other in a hundred worlds?”

“No. But now that I think about it, I’ve seen your back, Zhou Yang, several times, but never in front.” “You have seen me?” Zhou Yang asked softly.

“Yes, but I couldn’t recognize you at that time. For example, in an ancient world, my name was Ye Qi, and I was a secret guard, and I saw your back. At that time, you had already become a monk. In another world, my name was Han Wen, I saw your back from a distance, I just felt familiar, but I couldn’t remember it. Another world, I was Shilian Xingjun.”

Zhou Yang was suddenly stunned, he remembered. At that time, he only saw a phantom, and rushed over, because the phantom was so familiar he flew in without thinking about anything. Others thought that he was going to offer sacrifices in place of Zhou Xu, but he was not. He just really wanted to see what that phantom looked like.

Ye Jian looked at Zhou Yang and said: “At that time, I could have kept my fairy spirit, but you went in. I didn’t know who you were, but deep down in my heart I was unwilling to let you die, so I used my own fairy spirit for sacrifice, now that I think about it, it is you.”

For a moment, the three of them were silent.

Love each other but can’t meet each other, for a hundred lives, even if we meet each other, it’s just a back view, neither of us can recognize each other.

In a hundred lifetimes, Zhou Yang has never married a wife, never had a lover, he couldn’t remember Ye Jian, but he remembered that he is waiting for someone.

The same is true for Ye Jian, the loneliness of a hundred lives is so painful.

After all, the two would rather be alone than to forget the feeling of being in love, and they would never just find someone to end their lives just for the sake of company.

The word love is deeply rooted in the two of them, so the so-called “unswerving” is like this.

The designer didn’t expect this, Ye Jian and Zhou Yang just clasped their hands, no matter what, they didn’t let go.

Zhou Xu was silent for a while and said, “If I’m not wrong, the two of you should be the cornerstone of all the worlds, or the reason why this system can exist. And the meeting of the two of you destroyed the balance of these worlds, so the last world collapsed.”

Both Zhou Yang and Ye Jian looked at Zhou Xu, and Zhou Xu continued, “Ye Jian, why did you go through that fountain in the last world? A normal person wouldn’t have walked through the middle of the fountain.”

Ye Jian  replied after a moment of silence: “Yes, in the last world, I would not have walked through the fountain, but suddenly my body seemed to be out of control. I wanted to turn around and leave, but I couldn’t turn around. My body seemed to be dragged by someone, walked to the middle of the fountain, and then I met Zhou Yang.”

“…Then, it may be that in reality, someone activated this system and changed the life trajectory of you and Zhou Yang, which led to the collapse of that world, or the paralysis of the entire system.”

The three of them looked at each other, Zhou Yang and Ye Jian couldn’t quite understand it, but Zhou Xu thought more and more. It seemed that he had encountered this problem before and studied it, but he forgot it.

Zhou Yang wanted to speak, but Zhou Xu raised his hand and said, “Brother, wait a minute.” Zhou Xu’s seriousness silenced both Zhou Yang and Ye Jian. Although Zhou Xu had forgotten them, they would never forget Zhou Xu , this clever younger brother. If he was serious, it would mean he was looking for a solution.

Zhou Xu always felt that his memory seemed to be on the verge of recovery but could not be recovered. He closed his eyes in silence, because some pictures seemed to be flowing, but he could not catch the key point.

A few minutes later, Zhou Xu had a splitting headache and could only give up temporarily.

Zhou Yang went to help Zhou Xu and asked, “Xiao Xu, are you all right?”

Zhou Xu leaned on his brother’s shoulder and said, “Brother, please tell me something about our past. I can’t remember.”

Gently supporting Zhou Xu’s head to make him more comfortable, Zhou Yang said: “Xiao Xu, you have been smart since childhood. We seldom worried about you. And you have been studying in military academy since childhood. Song Chenmo took care of you. In fact, we have not paid much attention to you.”

“I remember when you were not at school, we took you to the amusement park. At that time, when you saw Song Chenmo’s shadow, you had to look for him. We didn’t notice, and we couldn’t find you. And you also searched for him for a long time, so you were alone. Later, Song Chenmo found you, and you won’t stick to our family any more, since then you stick to Song Chenmo.”

“Xiaoxu, you and Song Chenmo also love each other, but you don’t seem to have said that. I remember Song Chenmo saying that he wanted to wait for you to grow up. By the way, Song Chenmo always liked to take candy with him when he was a child. He gave you all the candy when you were a child. He would come to our door to pick you up and take your hand to study in the military school. After class, he would not play with us, but would go to your classroom to look for you, and he would look after you at lunch for fear that you were hungry, because the afternoon course was longer, and you often got  hungry before the end.”

“One spring, you two went to fly a kite together. At that time, you were eighteen years old. He kissed you on the grass and was seen by my parents and I. Both of you thought you would be scolded by us, so my parents invited him to have a big meal at home, because we all knew he really liked you…”

Zhou Yang’s voice is warm and his tone is light, which can make people calm down with his words, and Zhou Xu also listened quietly.


The past scenes connected little by little and became a film, and the film’s owner is Zhou Xu.

The black and white memory picture slowly expanded, and the original little color gradually faded with Zhou Yang’s narration.

Fragments of memory seem to be colored ink, seeping into the clear water.

Slowly, the ink melts in the water, the water becomes colored, and then changes into various landscapes. The landscapes are connected to each other, becoming a string, a bunch, and a complete memory!

Standing up straight, Zhou Xu smiled slightly. He said to Zhou Yang and Ye Jian in front of him, “Brother, sister-in-law1, I remembered!”


(嫂子 [sǎo zi] – he really calls him sister-in-law)

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