The Villain's Face Slapping Counterattack

Chapter 114

Chapter 114

Zhou Yang leaned back and rested on Ye Jian.

“Calling you sister-in-law, it seems that he really remembered it.”

Ye Jian nodded and stared at Zhou Yang. He was not annoyed at Zhou Xu calling him sister-in-law. Instead, he lowered his head affectionately and pecked Zhou Yang’s forehead and said, “Hmm.”

After remembering, Zhou Xu felt even more sad, because it meant that Song Chenmo was also in this system in the previous hundred worlds. So, what kind of life did Song Chenmo lead?

Zhou Xu didn’t dare to think about it, no matter what it was, he wouldn’t be happy when he found out.

In front, Zhou Yang and Ye Jian hugged each other tightly. Zhou Xu, who remembered everything, silently turned his head and looked elsewhere. The two had not seen each other for a hundred worlds, so let them be intimate.

Turning to the other side, Zhou Xu opened the system on his little finger and silently looked at the current program. He found that, as he guessed, the program was modified, and the modifying method was the one he invented.

Well, in that case, it means that his people modified the system, which is easy to handle.

Zhou Xu did understand the system before crossing. There is a huge flaw in the system, that is, it needs two parallel lines. The setting of the parallel lines is equivalent to the main bearings of the whole system.

At that time, when Zhou Xu discovered Zhou Hao’s plot, he had already found a solution, and with Zhou Hao’s intelligence, he should also be able to guess that his system was penetrated by Zhou Xu, so why did he have to let Zhou Xu enter the system?

In addition, Zhou Hao’s original name should not be Zhou Hao, and his original name should be Yun Hao, because all people on the Cusk planet are surnamed Yun.

If Yun Hao is not the enemy, Zhou Xu actually appreciates him very much. He is smart, capable, down-to-earth, and can accomplish great things without fear.

Speaking of it, he has actually become a big deal, because the entire Noah Star should be in his hands now.

It’s a pity, Zhou Xu smiled slightly, and modified the code of the system again. This modification allowed him, Zhou Yang and Ye Jian to escape from the system and return to their bodies mentally.

But before that, Zhou Xu should leave a message to his partners, that is, he must find a way to let everyone recover their memory first.

The memories of all the people who have seen Yunhao have been changed. This is the most worrying thing, because if Yunhao can change their memories again, then Noah Star is still in danger .

Before Zhou Xu left, he was the only one who modified his memory back. That is why Yunhao had to destroy Zhou Xu.

He entered the last string of code in the way he invented it. If it is his own loyal people, they can understand it. If it is not, Zhou Xu concluded that no one can recognize it.

Clicking to confirm and running it, Zhou Xu smiled at Zhou Yang and Ye Jian and said, “Brother, sister-in-law, Zhou Hao is not from our planet. You must remember this point. Don’t trust him! Never!”

“Xiao Xu? Why do you……”

Before Zhou Yang finished speaking, the vast space began to shake. A huge crack appeared in the middle of the sky, and their bodies began to become transparent, and then gradually drifted into a starry sky.

In a ward of Noah Star, Zhou Yang’s long eyelashes stirred slightly. A few seconds later, he opened his eyes.

After a moment of confusion, he quickly sat up and opened the door. He was stopped by a medical staff: ” Admiral? Are you awake?”

“Where is Ye Jian? Where is Zhou Xu?”

“Admiral Ye is still in a coma. We don’t know about Lieutenant General Zhao. Admiral, do you want to have another examination, you have been in a coma for more than a year, and…”

“No,” said Zhou Yang. There was another person in front of him. Although the person was dressed in a patient’s clothes, he still could not hide his demeanor. This person was in a hurry, just like himself, because the separation and loneliness of the past 100 worlds were so unforgettable that when he woke up, he ignored everything and went to find the other person first.

Seeing each other and smiling, Zhou Yang slowly stepped forward and hugged Ye Jian tightly.

Finally, I came back, and finally I can hug again. All the loneliness in the past seems to have been forgotten, only the beauty of embracing at the moment remains.

The medical staff once again went to persuade the two people to go for another examination, but they shook their heads together, because they knew what had happened, so at the moment, they also need to buy some time for Zhou Xu.

Just as they were leaving, they met Song Chenmo who came out of the ward.

The three were stunned. Song Chenmo asked, “Are you back? Where is Xiaoxu?”

Yejian replied, “Xiao Xu’s body was gone at that time, so he should be in the hands of Zhou Hao.”

“You also know? Has your memory completely recovered?”

“No, it was Zhou Xu who told us. And you made me meet Zhou Yang, right?”

Song Chenmo shook his head and replied, “No, it’s Zhou Xu. He knew everything before entering the system, but I don’t know why he didn’t destroy the system directly. Anyway, there are still many questions. However, we must find Zhou Hao first.”

“His name is Yun Hao, not Zhou Hao, he is not from our Zhou family.” Zhou Yang said.

Although the memory is restored, the restored memory is still the one before entering the system, that is, the memory modified by Yun Hao. However, no matter how the memory is modified, Zhou Yang knows that he believes in Zhou Xu without any conditions.

As for the memory telling him that Zhou Hao is also his younger brother, Zhou Yang puts this part of the memory behind him, because he watched Zhou Xu grow up, but Zhou Hao, apart from knowing that he is his younger brother, he didn’t know anything about him.

All systems have loopholes, there is nothing perfect in the world, just like this system made by Yun Hao, and just like Zhou Yang’s memory he modified.

Many of Yun Hao’s popular tricks cannot be explained by science, but Zhou Xu can use his own understanding to break their plans.

“General, General, wait a moment.” Yang Chaomu also came out from the ward.

After coming out, he was also surprised, “General Zhou, General Ye, are you back? What about Lieutenant General Zhou Xu?”

“He should have returned to his body,” Ye Jian replied.

“Oh, I received the message from Lieutenant General Zhou Xu. He asked us to go to an altar. There is a figure there. He asked us to add a few strokes.”


“Yes, Lieutenant General Zhou Xu just modified the system from the inside, it’s like he tore a crack in the system, and you came back from that crack. I don’t know how to describe it, anyway, I don’t understand it, but that’s what Lieutenant General Zhou Xu’s code said.”

The other three no longer listened to his explanation because they all believed in Zhou Xu.

“I’m going to find Yun Hao. Can you follow Yang Chaomu to the altar? We should try to hurry up. I’m afraid Zhou Xu will have an accident.”


At this time, the sun was shining. In an office, the ring at Yun Hao’s finger snapped.

The corners of his lips are slightly hooked, and Yun Hao knew that Zhou Xu is back, but so what, even if he comes back, he still can’t escape from his palm.

In the whole Noah Star, only Zhou Xu noticed that his memory had been changed, and others could not even notice it. Unfortunately, Yun Hao whispered, “Alas, Zhou Xu, Zhou Xu, you are so clever that you were mistaken by your cleverness.”

As he spoke, he pressed a very hidden button beside his desk.

The wall on the left of the office was divided into two parts, and a room behind the wall was exposed.

The room was very tidy and it could be seen that someone should be cleaning it all the time.

There was a bed in the room, on which Zhou Xu was lying quietly, his eyebrows were long and narrow, Yun Hao remembered that if he smiled, he had a unique charm, but unfortunately, this charm did not attract Yun Hao.

Reaching out his hand, he gently stroked Zhou Xu’s cheek. Yun Hao smiled slightly and said, “Are you awake?”

With his eyes closed, Zhou Xu hooked his lips, opened his eyes and said with a smile, “Sure enough, Yun Hao, I can’t cheat you.”

Yun Hao smiled and sat down beside the bed, “Yes, you can’t fool me. If you admitted it at the beginning, how could I put you into that system? How can I control everything now?”

Zhou Xu’s hands and feet were tied, and he could not move, but he was in good spirits. He looked at Yun Hao with a pity-like emotion.

“Unfortunately, Yun Hao, I admit you’re smart, but I don’t admit that I lost.”


“Yunhao, do you know how I unlocked your memory?”

“You fell into my trap, didn’t you?”

“No, it was not a mistake, it was intentional. In fact, my memory has been restored before entering the Trick Star Array.”

“Ha ha, that’s interesting. I didn’t know that there were other ways to unlock the lock of memory besides the Trick Star Array.”

“Yes, that is emotion.”

Zhou Xu lay down and secretly tried the iron chain at his wrist and ankle. He knew that he had no way to release it for the time being, but if he stimulated Yun Hao, he might have a chance.

“The memory you set up is from childhood, but how is my relationship with you? Have you ever thought about it?”

“There are not a few brothers who have general feelings.”

“Yes, there are a lot of people who have common feelings with their brothers. But I am not the same as Zhou Yang. I am cold, but for Zhou Yang, I can go through fire and water. Zhou Yang is the same to me, but we are different to you, because our feelings can not be replaced by manufactured memories.”

Yun Hao still smiled, but the curvature of the corners of his mouth had obviously dropped a lot.

“And you like my brother, right?”

Yun Hao’s smile disappeared completely, and Zhou Xu smiled: “But you can’t get into my brother’s eyes, whether as a brother or as a man.”

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